A Loving Couple's Remedy Ch. 03

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Jack and Carla practice and enhance their scenes.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/27/2013
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Author's Note: Please read Parts 1 & 2 before reading this final part to the story about Jack and Carla. I invite comments and ratings for my stories; please feel welcome to do both. Thanks for reading this story! mntnman64


Two days after their last scene in the "dungeon" , Jack was at work trying to fine- tune some schematic problems on the new RC-9388 micro-processor that his firm was developing. His phone rang at his company work station. It was someone at the receiving dock; letting him know that a crate had arrived for him to pick up. Jack told the caller that he would be leaving work early today around 3 in the afternoon. Jack assured the man that he would collect the bulky crate at that time.

Jack had ordered the heavy duty "fuck-machine" from an online website. The company he bought it from, specialized in making high quality sex devices of various kinds. He didn't want it shipped to his residence because he wanted to surprise his wife. If it had been delivered to his home, Carla might have found it there first, and the surprise would then be spoiled.

By 4 o'clock, Jack had lugged the heavy piece of equipment downstairs, and was almost finished with the final assembly of the metallic machine. The four foot long arm needed to be attached to the electrically driven wheel with several connecting rods. The machine could be adjusted for length of stroke. A hand-held remote control would regulate the speed of the arm. He tested it out for a few minutes, to get the settings he wanted to start with. He held off opening the box that came with the machine; it contained 3 dildos that could be attached to the end of the machine's arm. He got his task completed a few minutes before Carla got home from her job; and draped a light blue blanket over the now operable machine, so it would be concealed, when she entered the room.

Carla's cheery mood brightened even more, when Jack finished eating and winked at his wife, "Be kneeling in your garment before my throne at 7:48. I have a special surprise for you tonight." He leered at her with an evil grin for a few seconds, before he left the room to go check his office computer for any e-mails that might have come in that day. She was smiling also; she had hoped that there would be a scene tonight; and her hopes were fulfilled. She wondered what kind of surprise her Master had in store for her; as she began to put the dishes into the automatic dishwasher.

When Carla entered the dungeon at exactly 7:48, and kneeled down before her Master's throne; taking the well-learned position of submission; she was not surprised to see that he was not in the room yet. A few times in the past, Jack liked for her to have a couple of minutes of silent kneeling, before he would come into the room. He wanted, during this brief time alone, as she knelt on the padded red cloth, which surrounded his throne chair. She was also wondering what her surprise might be.

When Jack finally entered the dungeon 5 minutes later, he looked down at his slave; who hadn't moved an inch since she had taken her position, in front of the high-backed chair. He had taught her the submissive position, and she had learned the lesson well. Sternly he asked her, "What would you prefer to start with tonight, my adorable slut? - - Perhaps a good flogging at the bar is what you desire; or maybe a good paddling on the cross, is what you crave?" Carla replied to her Master that she was there to please him; and whatever he chose would be what she preferred. He liked that answer from his sub, and snarled, "To the cross with you; tits against the wood!" As she walked by him, he pulled the strings on her garment, so that it gently floated from her body. He then proceeded to administer alternating short bursts of fairly light paddling of her naked ass, with light use of the "Orgasmatron." She had noticed that the last couple of times she had been flogged or paddled, that Master had not been as intense. The pain wasn't as much as it had been a month ago. She found herself wondering if the change was for real; or just her imagination. She also considered the possibility that her body was just more used to the pain now, after several weeks. As for the short moments with the; "Orgasmatron"..... she loved it. The hardest part for her, when he applied its vibrating ball to her pussy, was trying not to cum.

When Jack was done with her on the St. Andrew's Cross, he turned her around and said, "Take a moment slave, look around. Do you notice anything different here tonight?" Carla looked around quickly and then said, "No Sir! I don't see anything different." "Look AGAIN!!" he prodded. Finally, her eyes fell on the blue blanket over by the fuck-table, 'what is THAT?' she wondered.

Master led her over to kneel next to the mysterious object under the blanket. He grasped a corner of the concealing cloth and said, "Behold ......your surprise. It is for you, my pet." Then he pulled the blanket away so that the new fuck-machine could be seen by his startled sub. Her eyes widened in wonder. "Oh Master!" she gushed; but he could tell that she didn't know what exactly she was seeing. "Oh Master. ..... it's for me??" Then there was a long pause; "What is it .......Sir???"

Jack almost busted out laughing; but managed to maintain his stern, Masterly, demeanor, "You ignorant slut! Haven't you ever seen one of these machines, during your video research on D/s??" She slowly shook her head from side to side, "No, Master; what is it?"

"It's a fucking-machine, slave. It's a mechanical fuck- machine!" Her eyes widened in wonder. Then it registered in her brain. "Ohhhhh" she finally sighed.

For the next few minutes, Jack demonstrated the machine, as he turned it on, and ran it at a very slow speed. The arm moved back and forth slowly. There was a noticeable, but not loud, "klickety-klack, klickety-klack sound, which emanated from the machine when it was moving. After all, it WAS a mechanical piece of equipment.

For a terrifying second, Carla thought the metal end of the arm would be pumping into her pussy and blanched, noticeably. Jack read her thoughts, and explained to her that she hadn't yet seen the most important part of the machine. He then handed her the box which came with the machine. "Here, slut; read the descriptions on the box cover. I special ordered this set just for you. These are the attachments which go on the end or the machine's arm.

Carla began to read the words printed on the box-cover: "Our first life-like penis is called YOSHI. It is a replica penis of a successful Tokyo stock-broker named Yoshi; and is a penis that keeps the exclusive Geisha Girls in Japan giggling with happiness. What his prick may lack in size, Yoshi makes up for with his superior endurance. (His member is well suited for anal sex! (A specialty in Japan.)" Carla didn't like the last part about anal sex. That was one of her rules or boundaries, so she wasn't interested in Yoshi very much. She noticed that this rubbery dildo was brown with tinges of yellow hues, and was small; only 5 inches long and a bit more than an inch in diameter. It was also very smooth; and certainly much smaller that Jack's penis.

She read further: "Next, we have the replica penis of a "University Fraternity Stud", named JASON. Jason's well hung prick has been a legend among the Sorority Girls on campus. Even at a very large university, Jason's feats of sexual prowess are truly legendary. His exploits with this hard cock are well known among many women in town, also. It is rumored that he has "banged" several of his professor's wives. This penis is truly in demand!" Carla stared at a pinkish/flesh tone colored cock that was slightly larger than Jack's. It looked to her to be, 7 inches long, and a good two and a half inches in diameter. It also had a slight curvature to it, and it was veined. She smiled up at her Master, "Oh Sir ......I like Jason!" Jack grinned back at her.

"Finally, our last and largest member, (pardon the pun) of this trio .... This super large phallus belongs to an All-Pro NFL defensive back named REGGIE. As you can see, the gigantic size of his penis, makes him as big a hit with the ladies off the grid-iron, as his football skills make him famous on the field. This man is truly "gifted"!!! He has often heard a woman exclaim, "That is the BIGGEST COCK I HAVE EVER SEEN!" Carla looked at the Reggie cock in amazement. It was a bit darker than a milk chocolate bar, a good 9 or 10 inches long; and was about the same girth as a soda pop can. Large thick veins ran along its' outer skin. Reggie was a giant, compared to Jack!

Jack took all 3 dildos out of their clear wrappers and proceeded to clean each one off with a copious amount of hand-sanitizer. "Well, slave, which one would you like to try first?"

Carla looked at Jack and uttered in a somewhat dreamy tone, "Oh Master. I don't want Yoshi, because of what he is apparently designed for...that being, anal sex! And I couldn't possibly take that Reggie cock.it would put me in the hospital. Look at the size of that thing!! So, I guess I would like to try Jason. He looks like he could be fun," she grinned.

It took Jack a few minutes to tie Carla down on the fuck-table; with her arms stretched above her head to the back end of the table; and her knees tied to the end of the table so that she was splayed open; she was ready for a good fucking. Then he screwed the Jason dildo onto the end of the machine's arm. He then moved the machine close enough so that the rubbery stiff cock penetrated Carla's pussy to almost its' full length. Carla sighed with pleasure as the rigid dick sunk deeply into her wet pussy.

Jack poured a good amount of lube onto the prick and the upper part of her open twat, and then set the speed for very low. When he was satisfied that everything was lined up properly, he walked over to his throne. From there he would watch his submissive slave be fucked by the new machine and, in this case, Jason. He turned the power on, and watched in rapt fascination, as he increased the speed of the arm to "medium". Carla lewdly moaned out her lustful delight. She was accepting the mechanical tempo very nicely; as its rhythm never wavered.

It only took a couple of minutes for her to wail out in ecstasy, her first hard orgasm. Apparently, she liked the carnal sensations that Jason evoked from her sopping cunt. As Jack idly stroked his cock, he wondered if he should give the credit for her lustful pleasure to Jason; or the fuck-machine; or himself, since he controlled its' tempo and pace. He was well pleased at the lewd scene Carla was experiencing. He used his remote controller to move the speed of the fucking up to 2 strokes every 3 seconds. He began to reminisce about the past few months, and how his life, and hers had changed. (*This is the point at which our story began, back in Part 1.)

As she writhed through her fourth quaking orgasm, Jack decided that it was time for him to go over to his slave and receive some direct attention. He stood up next to the table and gently pulled her head to the side, over by his pulsing hard cock. He turned her face and gently instructed her to open her mouth so that he could sink his turgid prick into her oral orifice. Carla began to suck her Master's hard missile, like a hungry calf would suckle her mother's teats.

Jack began to rock his hips, slowly inching his flesh-pole deeper into her wet, slobbering mouth. Carla groaned in blissful lust. He wondered to himself, if that meant yet another orgasm for her. Just as he began to shoot his load deep down her throat, he leaned his head back; and as he peered at the wall in front of him with wild eyes; he spotted a slight movement at the window, which was high on the concrete wall. He had paid little heed to the window up until this moment.

A face stared back at him, for a split second! Jack was totally shocked and surprised. Even though it had only lasted a fraction of a second, Jack recognized the face that had been peeking in through the window. It belonged to old man Hutton, his next door neighbor. Naturally, Jack became instantly angry! That dirty old man had invaded their privacy; he told himself. He was glad to notice that his erotic slave had not noticed the intrusion; but the mood, and their scene had been ruined by the old man from next door.

Jack withdrew his semen dripping prick from Carla's mouth, and turned the fuck-machine off. Carla moaned her disappointment; she wanted more from Jason; but, the lewd scene was over for the evening. Jack untied her from the table and told her to go upstairs and shower. She reluctantly scampered off of the moist table and disappeared up the stairs. Jack then tidied up the room, and joined her in the shower a few minutes later. He chose not to tell her about the invasion of their privacy; at least, not yet.

After a light breakfast, he told Carla the next morning, that he was going for a run at the park. Since today was a holiday, and he didn't have to go to work; so he thought he would get in a 4 mile run; he told her. She kissed him as he started out the door, and beamed brightly at him, "Thank You for my surprise last night, downstairs. It was wonderful!"

Jack cut his 4 mile walk down to only one mile. He had business to attend to at the house next door; Wendell Hutton's house. As he rang the old geezer's doorbell, he was trying to calm his rising anger. Jack had worked up a moderate sweat, but was not out of breath, as he considered his strategy in this awkward situation. He would give the old bastard a good scolding; and make clear that the peeping-tom was never to try looking into their window ever again.

It took a couple of rings before Hutton opened his front door to Jack. He told Jack that he had been expecting a visit from his much younger neighbor, and to come in the house. Wendell's home was relatively small, and his dining room table was only ten feet from the front door. This is where he led Jack to come in and sit. Wendell Hutton had been a widower for 3 years. His late wife and he had moved into the home about 20 years ago. The old guy lived a rather reclusive life; and had seldom spoken to Jack or Carla since his wife had died.

Jack began to angrily tell Wendell that he had seen him peering into his basement window the previous night. Then Jack threatened to call the police and report the 70 year old man as a "peeping-tom"; if he didn't promise to never do that again. Jack slowly noticed that as his verbal harangue continued, Hutton seemed detached and very calm; almost as if he didn't care what Jack might threaten to do to him.

"What have you got to say for yourself, Hutton!!?" Jack demanded.

"It's true, I was looking into your basement last night; and I know that I shouldn't have done it. I have actually been peeking in for several weeks now, whenever I see the light on down there at night. And, Jack, I have to tell you that I think it is horrible what you are doing to your wife down there. I know it is none of my business ..... well ..... I thought that way, up until I heard her shrieking and moaning those piteous wails from your basement. Those loud cries made it my business, as a concerned citizen."

"Screw you, Hutton! What goes on in my basement is OUR business....not yours; and besides, Carla agrees to everything that happens down there. It is totally consensual. So butt out!!" Jack stormed at the old guy.

"Ya know, young fella, since you are raising your voice to me in MY house, and since you don't seem to really understand what I am telling you; I will tell you what I am going to do. My nephew works in the local District Attorney's Office; I don't think he would like hearing about what goes on in your basement. So, I think I just might go ahead and call him and report YOU for spousal abuse or maybe domestic violence. I think the police and my Nephew's office would be more concerned about what YOU have been doing; than they would be about me looking into your window to investigate criminal conduct."

Jack was totally shocked! Suddenly, from out of left-field, now HE was the one on the defensive. He certainly had NOT expected this turn of events. "You Bastard! You wouldn't dare report me and my wife," Jack thundered. Wendell calmly countered, "No. I wouldn't report her; after all, she is the VICTIM here. I said I might report YOU. And I will, if you call me one more foul name while you are here in MY HOME. You are a rude little prick, aren't you??"

Both men stared at each other defiantly. Who would back down first? Finally after several seconds, Jack declared, "Maybe we will both report each other's behavior and let a judge or jury decide just who is out of line here."

Hutton replied that he liked his chances in court a lot better than Jack should. Then Wendell Hutton stared Jack straight in the eye and said, "Okay neighbor, I think I will call my nephew and we will see where the chips fall."

Jack actually cringed at his threat; he knew that he was in a very precarious legal position. A judge or jury would likely not take kindly to the D/s activity that He and Carla had been engaging in, over the past few weeks. He also shivered at the thought of what the media would do to him; and the reputation he would carry with him at work. He also thought of what this would do to Carla, if word got around town. Her brother would go nuts.

Now Jack decided to go totally on the defensive, this old bastard had him over the proverbial barrel; Right where Wendell had planned, all along, to take him. Wendell was a crafty old codger, and he had come up with a plan, last night, after he had gotten back inside his house, after Jack had seen him.

"Tell you what, Jack; I MIGHT consider not calling my nephew ..... I might under one condition. After all, I would really hate to see your young missus have to go through all the public embarrassment that this would cause." Jack saw a ray of hope for his predicament, and meekly asked the old guy, "Condition?? ........... What condition??"

"It is very simple," Hutton quietly responded, "I will forget the whole thing; and I will promise not to look in your window ever again, and I won't report your private activities to the police, or anyone.......IF .................I get a blow-job from your wife tonight, in that dungeon of yours. And it has to be a FULL quality blow-job; meaning ....... she swallows my cum, just like she does for you nowadays."

Jack was mortified; and was suddenly angry again! "You fucking bastard!!" he roared. "Uh...uh" Hutton waggled his finger in admonishment, "Watch your filthy mouth, or the deal is off. You better start showing me some respect!" Wendell then handed Jack a slip of paper with his home phone number on it. The sly old geezer had outfoxed his next door neighbor. "Call me and let me know what time to come over tonight," he intoned to his emotionally beaten young neighbor. "If I don't hear from you by 8 o'clock, I will call the police."

He didn't envy Jack. How would he get his wife to agree? Then he figured, 'Hey ......she is a submissive, she will do whatever Jack orders.' Hutton obviously didn't understand how their D/s situation worked.

When Jack entered his house a couple of minutes later, he was an upset, broken man emotionally. Carla instantly could tell that something was terribly wrong. Jack went ahead and told his lovely wife EVERYTHING; what had happened last night; what Jack had said to Hutton; what Hutton had said to Jack.....Everything! Of course, when she had heard his long tale of what was going on, she became irate. Jack had never seen her so pissed off. She even threatened to go over to Hutton's house next door and "kick his perverted ass!!" Jack, of course dissuaded her from doing that, by explaining that if she assaulted the old guy, he would most likely call his nephew, or the police.