A Mermaid Christmas


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She'd lost count but anytime one frat boy delivered his cum another one immediately replaced him in whichever opening had just been freed. Her original lover was long gone but she was pretty sure he'd made at least one return to add her ass to his list of conquests.

She'd just had one of the brothers deliver not more than a trickle of cum into her mouth when she'd looked up and seen a beautiful boy, probably the youngest one here, one she'd not seen before. From his expression this was his first time, possibly his first time with ANY woman, as hard as that had been for her to believe. She'd smiled up at him as one cock, decently-sized, filled her ass and another, too small and barely felt at this point, imagined it filled her cunt. Her cum, the cum of untold frat brothers and lube ran all over hers and her lovers thighs and the bed. Somebody was not going to be happy.

"Please," she'd said, "can you get me a glass of water?"

He'd nodded and dashed out of the room. She'd been happy no one pushed into his slot. He'd returned with a tall glass of water and she'd aahhed as he'd held it carefully to her lips and allowed her to drink.

"Thanks, that's so nice," it wasn't simply from the nearest bathroom, it was cold and clear, he'd obviously gone to the kitchen. Just then the owner of the decently sized cock let loose up her colon and withdrew.

"Take my ass," she'd given the beautiful boy her best seduction eyes, he put the glass onto a side table as his impressive cock had jumped but he'd stood there for a moment, soft and distant sniggers made clear his brothers enjoyed his hesitation, but he suddenly moved behind her. She glanced as he lubed his shaft and without as much clumsiness as she'd expected pushed himself into her.

"Now," she'd stared at a couple of naked frat boys in the doorway, their cocks soft and shriveled, "THAT'S a cock. C'mon there boy, fuck my ass. HARD."

That had apparently scared the lame-o up her cunt, he'd gone immediately soft, or not, she hadn't been able to tell and was happy that he slid out from under her.

No one replaced him.

The beautiful boy had grabbed her thin but firm hips and slammed his entire length into her bowels. She'd arched her back and moaned, he'd pulled his prick almost out of her and she'd shoved back to engulf him anew. It took them a few tries before they'd worked the rhythm to move jointly. Both their moans and the slaps of flesh had attracted a crowd and the room filled with naked and partially-dressed frat brothers and a couple of her fellow pledges, one topless and the other's clothes badly askew. She'd reached under to finger her clit and screamed when he'd slammed home and she'd surprised herself by dragging yet one more climax from her tortured body.

"Oh, god, fuck, I'm...," she'd heard the boy shout, she'd jumped forward and he'd yelped a bit as his cock flew free and lube flew wildly, she'd flipped onto her back and rotated her body so his cock was just above her face.

"Give it to me," she'd said firmly as she'd grabbed that lovely cock, the two of them pumped it and a broad stream of hot cum had blown over her face. Before the next one she'd pulled two-thirds of his length into her mouth and to the gathered gasps had stroked and sucked him dry as he'd panted and moaned. At the end she'd pushed the cock out of her mouth, kissed the head and sat up. She'd pulled him down and kissed him, to his credit he'd opened his mouth and kissed her back. It started hard but went slow and soft. Finally, she'd nudged him away.

"Why'd you needle dicks make me go to all that work to get to this beautiful boy and his wonderful cock," she'd said to the shocked faces of his gathered brothers.

Then she'd looked at her sour-faced fellow pledges. "I think it's time for us to head home, ladies."

It wasn't that she hadn't enjoyed that evening. The problem had been she'd enjoyed it enormously. The sorority leaders offered clear hints her glowing review guaranteed she'd be admitted but hinted the performance would be expected to be repeated. But she'd been, and was, ferociously ambitious and she hadn't seen they would help that part of her life. So she'd walked away. It didn't mean she'd not had a steady stream of lovers and as much sex as she'd desired, but it was always on her terms and at her times.

Her favorite memory around that evening had come just a few months ago, the first Saturday of September. She and Sarah had worn hip hugging denim skirts that offered only enough coverage to avoid arrest, her blonde roomie had insisted on a red g-string no matter Rachel's begging or insistence to not wear one. They'd worn tight, almost transparent crop tops that left the bottommost swell of their firm if tiny breasts as well as their toned abs exposed. Sneakers, Sarah's red and Rachel's blue, both over white ankle socks, had completed what there was of their outfits.

They'd attended the opening weekend of the latest 3D augmented reality superhero movie at the new Augmentaplex in the entertainment complex that had grown like a tumor north and east of the Staples Center basketball arena in a nearby section of downtown LA. Another of Bezerg's inventions, unlike the old flat screen or even 3D projection, the audience sat in a large oval. The holographic display was centered in the 'hole' so every attendee had a slightly different angle of view. Each had 3D/AR glasses that were tuned to their location and view. For an extra ticket fee, a viewer could have their image inserted into the action and as a cameo.

For some reason the most popular insertion was for you and your friends to cheer as you died a gruesome death at the hands of a serial killer or psychopathic intergalactic squid-god.

As with every previous cinematic advance the technology had been around a few years before directors and cinematographers came to grips with the idea of 360 degree viewership and even more the ability to figuratively suck in audience members. Rachel and Sarah had picked this movie because the reviews had claimed this one had 'finally gotten it all right.'

The reviews were right. The technical aspects were incredible and the filmmakers had clearly shot their wads on getting those right. At a guess they'd gotten their script from one of the less-literate but free AIs around the internet, the 462nd reimagining of the origin story of some conflicted muscle-bound superhero. A couple thousand for 'actors' had saved their millions for sets and effects.

But the movie and the technology were minor draws. They'd driven the hordes of teenage boys with raging hormones they knew would be at the movie and around the entire complex to drooling distraction. Teenage girls in groups had been in awe at the lesson in 'how teasing should be done' but those with their boyfriends had glared daggers.

They'd finished the evening with two bottles of wine on the roof of their apartment building.

Tenants had delivered excess or unwanted furniture to the roof, LA's mild climate meant that plenty of tenants took advantage to enjoy the views from mountains to beaches, so improved since the passing of internal combustion engines. But that evening it had been only the two of them. They'd sat side by side, but faced in opposite directions in the nicely padded 'courting chair'. Their heads and shoulders were above the back and a panel separated them as they laughed as they reviewed the evening and told stories.

Well into the second bottle Rachel had related the story of her fraternity gang bang. It had taken her a while to realise that Sarah had gone silent before she turned to look. Sarah's mouth was open, her eyes were closed. One hand had lifted her crop top to completely expose her breasts and fingers worked the nipples. Her skirt was bunched around her waist with her legs spread almost ninety-degrees and her other hand was busy inside her g-string. Her side of the chair directly faced the door onto the roof so had anyone else decided to check the evening's view she'd have offered a memorable one.

Sarah moaned. Rachel smiled and continued the story, she and Sarah had both climaxed at the point where she described how the beautiful boy's stream of hot cream had covered her face. Her blonde friend had managed an aftershock of an orgasm as Rachel had described how the boy had kissed her.

"Bezerg," Rachel's fogged mind returned to the present as she heard Margaret's voice, firm but not loud, "your guests are here."

"Pardon, moi," Bezerg said to the French PM, who nodded, as Bezerg turned. He kissed Margaret chastely on the cheek before the older woman stepped back. Bezerg turned a bit more to face the young women. He offered one of his hands to each.

"Ah, now the evening can begin," his voice wasn't loud but the sudden silence that worked its way outward meant it carried, "these are the two ladies who are going to help me change the world!"

Rachel fought to maintain her composure, even if she didn't rip his pants off and rape him right here, what did THAT mean? Their close connection meant she and Sarah each glanced for a split-second at the other, mutual confusion clear. Then Bezerg released Sarah's hand before he took both of Rachel's and kissed first her left cheek then her right, then he released her and repeated the kisses.

Rachel caught Margaret's eye as the older woman sidled away, she gave Rachel a quick smile and nod, her job done. She met the chocolate-haired Anastasia and glanced at the tablet the woman with the huge tits held and they strode off to her next task.

Bezerg rotated them around to face where the French PM as attendees shuffled to try and understand what was going on before Bezerg spoke.

"These are two of my brightest and most diligent young employees," Bezerg said, "they're part of the team that will make sure that our laws are fit for the bright new world that will bring great benefits to us all."

The eyes of the crowd swiveled amongst Bezerg and the two young women on each side of him, wondering what this meant.

"Now, I'm going to disappoint all of you by not telling you exactly what we'll be doing. You'll have to wait until Christmas Eve for that!"

Another clone of Anastasia, this one a redhead, appeared at the head of a phalanx of servers, she was dressed like her twins, well, barely-dressed was more accurate. She and the butler clones all had silver trays with champagne flutes. Anastasia brought her tray and Bezerg took a flute and handed it to Rachel, then one to Sarah and kept the last one. He waited in calm silence as the servers distributed champagne, blonde Anastasia stood near them.

He raised his glass for his toast.

"Today's the first day of winter here in the northern hemisphere. And the first day of a new age. To the future!"

"The future," the mass response before everyone took a sip.

Bezerg rotated along with the two young women and repeated the toast.

"Now, it's dinner time," Bezerg, Sarah and Rachel put their empty flutes on Anastasia's tray and he offered his arms to them, they each took one, "this way."

Two butlers pulled the high doors on the wall opposite from their entrance and Bezerg, Sarah and Rachel in tow, led his guests into a second large room. With soft voices the butlers directed attendees as they passed to a specific numbered circular table, each of which had place settings and a centerpiece of a poinsettia, both solid and variegated varieties in colors well more exotic than just the usual red and white.

Bezerg led the young women to a long table below the high windows. Rachel wasn't surprised to see Margaret approach, along with a number of people. A couple of them she recognised as people she'd seen in passing at various offices so she assumed they were other employees honoured with the head table, if not quite so centrally as she and Sarah.

The Hot Tub

Sarah's eyes were still closed as her brain registered a series of stimuli. An overall feeling of warmth. A warmth of, water, of being immersed. A sound of gurgling and a soft whirring. Pressure along her torso and her legs. A tingle around her chest, no, pleasure, as if her nipples were being stimulated. Armrests supported her forearms and hands and her arms seemed heavy and resistant to motion.

As her brain pushed to a higher level of consciousness the pleasure was certain.

But so was pain. Not localised, not specific. From her waist down she had that ache of overexertion that she'd known from her past. A too fast 10K. Too many sprints. The Pikes Peak Marathon her sophomore and junior years as an undergrad. It wasn't severe but it was uncomfortable.

It fought the pleasure. But that she could adjust, subtle shifts in her posture meant it lessened or grew. She found the peak, tried to keep it there. She took in a deep breath and held it. She had exquisite control of her breathing and something felt... wrong. Had she injured ribs too? Had she and Rachel gone running on one of the many trails around Bezerg's property and fallen?

She pushed her eyes open, blinked, squinted. She was outside. It was a brilliantly clear day, the sun high, late morning if not noon! She blinked a few more times as eyes that expected a dim room accepted reality.

She was in water. A hot tub or whirlpool bath. A large one, perfectly heated. The bubbling water hit her mid-chest, clearly the source of pleasure but she'd never before had such a reaction in a hot tub even when she'd been naked. She blinked again and finally opened her eyes fully. The sky was blue and clear. She lowered her chin and looked across the water.

The woman was beautiful. Her eyes were closed, apparently asleep as she'd been. Her dark, almost black, hair was lustrous and long. It fell in sinuous waves along both sides of her face and was long enough to rest in the bubbling water as it flowed around her breasts.

Her enormous breasts. Like the Anastasias but maybe even the next notch larger, if that was possible, but apparently just as round. The breasts rested so that the round and perfectly proportioned areolas and nipples were at the waterline. The churn of the water obscured the view below the waterline but Sarah had a sense of a blue that wasn't quite the blue of the water and the hot tub.

Then she looked at the woman's face.

"What the...," she said in a very soft voice.

It was Rachel. Her nicely round face was still round, but the hair wasn't her hair. It was, had been, simply their usual just-past shoulder length, if styled a bit more diligently than usual for the Solstice party. Not these long, wavy tresses.


Those... breasts. How?

Her arms weighed tons. But they moved, seemed to lose weight as she finally lifted them off of their resting places. Her eyes were locked on the massive swells of flesh above the waterline on Rachel's chest. She bent her elbows in and her hands found roundness. She followed the curve as her brain tried to process what had happened, what was happening. Her own breasts were huge, she refused to look down but she had no doubt they were as large as Rachel's.

She found her nipples and jumped. The water had been nice, fingers... so much more sensitive than they'd ever been. She touched them again before her mind rebelled and she lowered her hands to cup them below the waterline. The flesh was firm but seemed natural, not semi-solid like the implants she'd handled in mock trials. She considered screaming. This was Bezerg's mountaintop complex, she was sure, the vista checked out. That meant unless someone was here, on the deck, they were likely far, far away.

"Ah, you're awake, Sarah, I'll be right there," it was a voice she knew, behind, to her left.

She turned her head as Melon Bezerg approached, his bare feet made soft sounds on the surface. It wasn't tile or concrete but like a firm gymnastics mat. He was in casual jean shorts and a loose but not baggy yellow t-shirt. His face had stubble and his hair was combed simply. He held two tall glasses that looked like pink smoothies. He smoothly lowered himself cross-legged to the deck alongside Sarah.

The series of escalating mysteries culminated with Bezerg's head. It was topped by a peaked red cap that had a ring of white faux-fur that fell around the top of his forehead. A white ball bounced at the end of the cap as it fell just behind one ear. This man. Definitely the richest and likely the most powerful man in the world suddenly reminded her of her dad when she was twelve and they'd spent Christmas in Phoenix to visit her grandmother's luxury retirement condo complex.

"I'll explain everything in a few minutes," he said softly, "as soon as Rachel wakes up. Now, drink this, it has electrolytes, carbs, proteins, that you need. I hope you're not in too much pain. The water should help."

He offered her one of the glasses. She hesitated but realized she was thirsty, hungry. Her arms had regained most of their freedom and she reached for it, it was cool, not quite fridge temperature but close. He kept a hand on the glass until he was sure she had a grip.

It was delicious. More, her body demanded it, deserved it. Musk smiled at her.

"Flavor derived from strawberries, but plenty others as well. Sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. You're ahead of schedule. Careful, don't chug it all at once."

She coughed lightly, nodded, held the glass away from her lips.

"Excuse me," Bezerg said, "Rachel's waking up."

He rose and sat down next to the dark haired woman.

Sarah watched Rachel's eyes flutter and her head turned from side to side. She put the pink smoothie to her lips but kept her eyes on her friend. Rachel's eyelids parted as slits then she blinked, as Sarah knew she would, in the daylight.

"Rachel," Bezerg's voice was smooth, soft, she turned toward the voice and looked up, "now you're both awake."

Bezerg turned his head slightly and Rachel turned, blinked a few times before her face settled into a confused expression. Sarah recognised it and held up her half-emptied smoothie.

"Very tasty and it's already making me feel better."

Sarah saw Rachel's eyes follow the pattern she'd just done as it traced her now long and wavy blonde hair as the strands floated with the bubbles around her equally large breasts. Rachel's eyes went wide and Sarah saw the familiar strain appear as she forced her arms to move, her mouth popped open as she found her nipples. They were apparently as sensitive as Sarah's and she released them as Bezerg drew her attention and held out the second smoothie.

"Rachel, take this, you'll need it."

Her face showed momentary strain before her arm freed itself from its malaise. As with Sarah Bezerg held it until she had a firm grip. She sipped, licked her lips, then took a long swallow.

"You're right blondie, it's good!"

"I'll be right back."

They both drank and watched as Mush walked to the patio and returned with a pitcher of the smoothie. He sat midway between them and held it out. Sarah shrugged and held out her glass as did Rachel.

"Both of you feeling better?"

"Still a strange ache in my legs," Rachel said as Sarah added an 'uh huh.'

"We're both awake, Mr.—," Sarah started saw the raised eyebrow, "Melon. You said..."

"I said I'd explain. Yes. Keep drinking."

They did.

"Today is December 23."

Their mouths opened and they stared at Bezerg.

"I told everyone I'd reveal our, the project in which the two of you are central, tomorrow. For that I'll need the two of you up and around."

Sarah was quickest.

"Two days! The party... What happened to us?"

"No. What's happening to you. Lift your 'right legs.'"

His intonation was odd, Sarah thought, but she obeyed, from her face so did Rachel.

"What? Um... hey..."

Two suddenly worried expressions. Bezerg pulled a small black item from his pocket and pressed on it. The bubbling stopped and after a moment the water stilled.
