A Mistake That Cost Me Dearly

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Wife pays the price for my mistake.
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This is a very sad story about how a person's indiscretions can result in a horrible outcome to others they love. It's about me and a mistake I made several years ago that I will never be able to overcome.

My name is Kurt and I'm a thirty-year-old junior executive type at a global manufacturing company. My wife Kristen and I met in college and dated for two years until we graduated, then got married shortly after. We were fortunate enough to find good jobs in a nice southern city. I run the engineering department for one of the manufacturing facility while Kristen is a commercial loan officer for a local bank.

My problems began when we hired several temporary workers to assist us with an expansion project at the plant. One was a twenty-year-old girl named Ruth Ann who was helping with miscellaneous administrative activities. She wasn't particularly bright, in fact, she was barely capable of doing the simple tasks we needed her to do for the project, but she tried hard and had a pleasant demeanor so we let her stay.

Ruth Ann was not a beautiful woman by any means, although she did have a certain simple charm that I found strangely alluring. She was of medium height and slightly overweight with her sandy hair cut short, however two features of Ruth Ann stood out. The first was a set of very cute dimples on her peaches and cream cheeks, and the other was a set of very large and firm breasts.

The thing I found most strange about my draw towards Ruth Ann was that my wife Kristen is a stunning beauty. During the first couple weeks of working with her, I would often lay awake at night and question myself as to why I was having these feelings. Kristen, at that time, was 5'7" tall and weighed 126 pounds with shoulder length black hair and perfect C cup breasts that were set high on her slender frame. Overall, she was amazingly attractive with her best feature being her long legs that transitioned into a nicely toned butt.

While Kristen was perfect in most ways, in one important area she frustrated me. She was somewhat conservative sexually, despite my attempts to get her to loosen up, and I was always the one that had to initiate things. Even then, our lovemaking was mostly limited to traditional missionary sex, although on rare occasions she would get inspired to be a little more adventurous. While I enjoyed these encounters, they fell well short of fulfilling my cravings, and I wondered whether my interest in Ruth Ann was a result of my wife's limitations.

It was three weeks into Ruth Ann's assignment when we first stayed late together to finish up a report. Everyone else had left the building and over the next couple hours we worked, chatted and learned about each other's life and background. Ruth Ann opened up some as we talked and our friendship continued to develop further over the next month. I learned that she had grown up in a rural environment with an uneducated family, that both her parents had died when she was young, and that she had been raised by an older brother. She had only finished the sixth grade and was indeed quite simple to the point I often found it difficult to maintain a conversation with her. She told me she lived alone in a trailer house with two cats that belonged to a family friend who was currently working in another state.

It was a fateful Thursday evening in early August, when we were once again working late to meet a deadline, that we crossed the line. All day long it had been storming, and it was still bad weather when the time came to leave. Rather than face the weather, I convinced Ruth Ann to go with me for a drink at a bar about a half a mile away to give the storms time to die down, then I would drive her home. Since she usually used a combination of the bus and rides from neighbors to get to work, I assured her this method would be far better in this weather. We pulled into the parking lot together and ran inside, then spent the next two hours drinking and talking. Mostly, it was me doing the drinking and the talking and her responding to my questions. It was in the dark corner of the bar that I first put my hand on her jean covered leg and began to try and seduce Ruth Ann, and although I felt a bit guilty going after this simple girl, I did it anyway.

While I knew she was interested, she pushed my hand away and reminded me that I was married. Of course, this just made the challenge that much more interesting, and I whispered how much I was attracted to her and how my wife didn't understand me. The evening ended with a long kiss in the parking lot before I took her home, dropping her off at a beat up old trailer, in a rural area past the edge of town. Although she turned down my offer to go inside, I was confident that Ruth Ann could be had with a little more effort.

It took two more evenings like this one over the next couple weeks before Ruth Ann finally surrendered. That evening, I ended up taking her to her trailer and making out with her on the couch before getting her back to the bedroom. It took a lot of sweet talk, and even a little force to get the clothes off her plump body. I sucked on and played with her large breasts before spreading her thick thighs and fucking her until I emptied my balls inside her surprisingly tight pussy. After resting for a while, I fucked her again then gathered my clothes and left after a quick peck on her lips.

The following couple days at work were a bit awkward before things seemed to get back to normal. Having experienced Ruth Ann sexually, I lost interest in her for a while and it was almost two weeks later before I tried her again. Like before, it was a night we were working late, and when it came time to leave I more or less invited myself to her place. It took an hour to get her to bed, and even as I pulled her clothes off she was protesting. I ignored her words and took her from behind while I pulled on her thick nipples before flipping her over and finishing in the missionary position with her fat thighs pushed back so that her knees touched her breasts.

After that night, I had her one more time during lunch, but by now she was becoming clingy and indiscreet during work, so I cooked up a performance issue and went to HR and had her terminated. I was gone when they walked her out the door and although I felt bad for her for a couple of days, I rationalized that she could find another administrative job pretty quickly. By the following week, I had mostly forgotten about Ruth Ann and was back to a normal routine. The dalliance with her seemed to add something to my sexual ego, and sex with Kristen improved a bit although it was still mostly vanilla.

Kristen and I are both avid skiers and we had an early season trip planned for two weeks before Christmas. It was an opportunity to use up some built up vacation and to spend some time alone before the family things started. We were going to Vail for a week from Saturday to Saturday staying at a condo right on the slopes. Friday evening, we finished packing then went to bed early so we could be rested for the trip and be prepared for our mid-morning flight.

It was still dark outside when we woke and dressed for the trip. I was wearing jeans and a turtle neck shirt under my ski parka, while Kristen, always the stylish one, had on jeans tucked into Italian made leather boots and a sweater that highlighted her lovely breasts. I put several pieces of luggage into Kristen's SUV and was coming back to get the rest when from the shadows I saw movement and was suddenly hit by the weight of two men. Being caught off guard, I was quickly on the ground and before I knew it my hands had been secured behind me in what felt like handcuffs and tape had been placed over my mouth and eyes. I was dragged back towards the SUV and thrown unceremoniously down onto my side. Soon, I heard a thump and then whimpers and thrashing and I assumed Kristen must be nearby in a similar state. A car engine roared to life and I realized that we must be in a vehicle, maybe even Kristen's SUV, and were being kidnapped.

There was no sound from our captors as we drove for a long time before finally stopping. Hands grabbed me under my arms and pulled me along before forcing me back down on my side. It seemed like hours that I lay there on the cold floor, unable to see or speak, and wondering what this was about and where we had been taken. Occasionally, I could hear shuffling or other sounds, but there was no speaking.

Suddenly, and without warning, the tape was ripped from my eyes and mouth taking skin with it and causing a burning pain. I heard Kristen yell out close by, likely from the same treatment, and I tried to roll my body to find her before I was kicked in the ribs.

"Just keep your ass still," I heard a voice say in a thick country accent from behind me.

"What's going on?" I asked, gasping from the kick and receiving another for my effort.

"Don't talk asshole. Keep your goddamn mouth shut," the voice replied.

We sat there in silence for a few more minutes before I heard a door open and close and saw another man enter the room. This one was tall, a little over six feet, and thin with short hair, and I guessed he was about forty. He was wearing jeans, boots and a long sleeve blue work shirt, and on his belt at his hip was a large knife in a scabbard.

"Kyle, set them up on the couch," he said to the man behind me.

As Kyle came around I could see he was about the same height as the other man, but much heavier. He too was wearing jeans, although his were filthy, and had on a sweatshirt that did little to hide a large belly. This one had a balding head and a thick beard that extended down his neck. He grabbed me under the arms and pulled me onto a dirty and worn sofa. Then, I watched as he lifted Kristen and placed her beside me.

"What is this? What do you want?" Kristen cried, tears of fear welling in her eyes.

"Quiet miss. You'll learn soon enough," the thin one told her.

"Kyle, did you lock their house up and fix the lights like I told you?" he asked.

"Yeah Drew. Looks like they left on vacation," he answered quickly.

"Good, why don't you go take their car and put in the barn," he suggested to Kyle.

Kyle nodded then left the room. As we sat there, I looked around and saw we were in a dingy old house. The floors were made of torn and stained linoleum, the wallpaper was dirty and peeling, and the only light came from a hall lamp and through small cracks in the heavily draped windows.

When Kyle returned, the men sat down in metal chairs opposite us and Drew began to speak.

"Your name is Kristen, right?" he asked, looking at my wife.

"Yes," she croaked out softly.

"Do you realize you are married to an asshole?" he asked, with his eyes never leaving her.

Kristen gave him a questioning look but did not reply.

"You know he has been having sex with another girl?" he said to her, nodding towards me.

I kept looking straight at him, but I felt Kristen's eyes glare at me and I felt my stomach turn as I feared where this was going.

"That's right ma'am. He has been seeing another young lady. Now normally we wouldn't give a shit about some rich boy getting some on the side. But in this case, the other lady happens to be our sister," he informed my wife.

I had to focus to keep from shaking, now scared about this predicament and remembering the less than gentlemanly way I had treated Ruth Ann. I expected Kristen to begin screaming at me, but she stayed quiet which caused me even more distress.

"Ruth Ann," Kyle called out, and from down the hall I could see her emerge wearing a plain dress and looking nervously at me.

"Now I have to be honest and say that our sister here is not near as pretty and sexy as you, so I don't know why your man decided to do what he did, but he didn't treat her right. You see, Ruth Ann is not a smart girl. She is what they call challenged," he said, never changing the tone in his voice.

I almost passed out when he said that, and I could hear Kristen take a deep breath and exhale, although I still didn't have the guts to look at her.

"I...I don't think he would do that," Kristen said, choking on her tears.

"Oh, trust me. He did. Then had her fired when she was just trying to make some money to get by. What kind of sorry man screws over a slow girl like Ruth Ann?" Drew went on as his words burned into my consciousness.

My eyes were now looking at the floor and I knew that all the others in the room were staring at me. I felt like the lowest form of life on the planet, and I knew my marriage would struggle to survive. Also, there was the fear as to what Ruth Ann's brothers intended to do to me for my punishment.

"Kurt, is this true?" Kristen said, speaking very softly.

I was too ashamed to answer, but in the silence she got her answer.

"Now let me tell you the rest. Kurt here knocked up my sister," he announced bluntly.

My head spun is dizziness, and I heard Kristen burst into tears.

"It's bad he knocked her up no doubt. But let me tell you what else. This family has a retarded gene that runs through it. So, we don't know if this baby is going to end up retarded or not," he explained.

"I'm sorry," I managed to choke out, as I looked at the floor.

"No, you ain't sorry. You're too much of a fucking asshole," Drew stated with anger.

"Ruth Ann, go back to the back and listen to the radio and send Wayne in here," Kyle instructed her.

"What are you planning to do with us?" Kristen asked, with her senses now returning.

She had stopped crying, and was trying valiantly to stay in control, but in her eyes I could see she was very scared.

"Well let me tell you something. This family has had to live with this illness for a long time. Drew and I had to watch a sister and brother die from it. Now Ruth Ann didn't have it bad and we thought we were okay with her, but now we have to watch our little sister have a baby and wonder what's going to happen. I don't think that's right, do you?" he explained.

"Can't you...I mean...have you thought about doing something about it with her?" Kristen asked, stumbling with how to say it.

"We don't play God here lady," Drew answered, with his eyes blazing in anger.

About that time a large man walked into the room, and as he came closer the first thing I noticed were his exaggerated features. His ears, nose and even his lips seemed too large for his head. He had an odd look in his eyes, and his pants were wet in the crotch like he had peed in them. He stood over six-foot-tall, and looked more thick than fat. His skin was mottled and rough from a life of outdoor labor, I suspected.

"Wayne, stand over there for a minute will you?" Kyle told him.

Wayne started rocking slightly back and forth on his feet as he stood, and an odd grin came onto his face.

"You see miss, we been planning this for a while. Ever since we found out our sister was pregnant. She didn't want to tell us, but she finally did and we know she doesn't know how to lie. So, we did some checking...got into your house and looked around. Kyle here dressed up like a utility repairman and no one paid attention, and we kept going back till we learned what we needed. We found out you don't use birth control pills...that you like that plastic diaphragm. We found out when your time came, and we found out about your vacation where no one expects to see you for a week. And, we found out that your time ended eight days ago. That's the good thing about being farm boys. We know about these things." Drew said, as his face grew into a smirk.

"What the hell does all that mean?" I challenged him.

Drew's eyes flashed in anger once more, and I initially thought he was going to attack me, but he calmed down and then looked at me and then Kristen.

"What that means folks is that Wayne here is going to spend some time with this lady and see if he can give her a baby," he said while looking straight at her.

"You can't be serious! I'm not going to sleep with anybody!' she protested loudly.

"It's me that fucked up not her. Leave her alone," I added.

"You don't have a choice," he said to Kristen, ignoring me.

"That's rape! You'll go to prison," she exclaimed.

"Hell, we've been to prison before," Kyle said, laughing as Drew joined in.

"No, you can't do this. Make me pay not her," I begged.

"It's a tad late to be the hero," Drew said, as he looked at me with contempt.

I turned to Kristen and saw that her face was streaked with tears and that her body was shaking in fear.

"What's the point of bringing another child into his world?" she asked between gasps.

"It just seems fair to me and Kyle. You see, Ruth Ann was a virgin when he gave her a baby. Wayne is a virgin so it kinda works out," he answered.

Drew nodded to Kyle who came and took Kristen by the arms and pushed her towards a door to my right. When he kicked it open, from what I could see in the unlit room, it was empty except for an uncovered mattress on the floor in the middle. He forced her inside and to a corner where I could no longer see her while Drew walked to where Wayne was standing.

"Wayne? You know what to do?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah," he answered, with a heavy throaty voice.

"What are you going to do?" Drew asked?

"Get some pussy...get some pussy...get some pussy," he repeated, until Drew stopped him.

"Now do it like we told you but be careful and don't hurt her. You can do it all you want," he explained.

Wayne began to get a wild look and rock faster. Also, I could see his pants begin to tent out in front.

"This is crazy! You can't do this," I screamed, but was ignored.

"Take your clothes off Wayne," Drew told him.

Wayne fumbled with his clothes, shaking as he tried to remove them. It took him several minutes, but when he was finished he stood there naked, and I could see that his body was thick, strong and covered completely with a dense matting of hair. When he turned towards me, I got a full view of his large, uncircumcised cock which was already becoming erect. It looked to be about eight inches long with rough callous spots along the sides and hair growing part ways up the shaft. The last few inches turned upwards slightly in an odd way which helped give it an overall grotesque appearance.

"You have to stop this. Please!" I begged again, and was again ignored.

Drew led Wayne to the door and directed him inside at the same time Kyle emerged and left the room. Without ceremony, Drew closed the door leaving Kristen alone with this retarded man bent on taking her. Whether he knew it was wrong or not was meaningless as this point, and barring a miracle, he was going to have his way.

"Let's see if he remembers what to do," Kyle said to Drew, as they sat back in the chairs, and for some reason, my mind wondered how they had taught this simple man.

Within seconds we could hear Kristen's cries.

"Leave me alone. Stop it. Don't. HELP! HELP!!" she screamed.

I tried to get up with my arms still cuffed, but Drew kicked me back on to the couch.

It was all so completely bizarre that for a moment I thought it all must be a bad dream. How could we be sitting in this dirty house and how could my lovely wife be put into such a sordid, evil situation? It just had to be a dream, an illusion, but when I heard the large man's voice I was quickly returned to the desperate reality.

"Huh, huh...huh, huh...huh, huh," we could hear the grunting laughter coming from Wayne.

"No Wayne! Stop. This is not right. Oh my God! HELP!" Kristen cried out once more.

I started crying as I watched Drew and Kyle look at each other and smile. Then, there was a crashing sound from the room, followed by a brief silence, and then another loud noise.

"Aww..." Wayne's deep voice, sounding like he was in pain, came through the walls.

"She's fighting him," Kyle said, smiling at me.