A Mother’s Panty Etiquette Lesson

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Mom catches son with her panties and teaches him a lesson.
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Claire shuffled around her son's room rapidly. He had not cleaned it. He had left a mess in the living room also. Always she cleaned up after him. There was a dinner party tonight. She threw item after item in her laundry basket and placed all of his things back where they belonged. She had done this since he was 5. Now he was old enough to support himself and cleaning up after him was getting old. She held the tub of laundry as she was leaving the room, looking back at his bed. The pillow cases were filthy. She set it down and when she picked up a pillow to remove the pillow case there on the bed was a pair of her panties. She found them here once before and had thought they just hitch hiked from the dryer. She held them up and examined them. They were not clean they were dirty. For a few seconds she wondered how they could be there. Letting out a sigh of frustration she knew obviously how they were there. Jesse had put them there. She let minor things slide all of the time. She didn't hassle him about keeping things clean or about being late for dinner or doing other chores. But this? This she had to address. It mystified her and angered her.

Claire had almost finished cleaning the house when Jesse arrived home. He grabbed a soda from the fridge and sat in the living room. Claire had been racking her brain as to how best address the issue and she had not been able to begin a conversation. All she knew was that the conversation would happen. She went to Jesse's room and called for him, frustration evident in her voice. He immediately sprang to his feet and ran to his room. "Jesse, will you hand me your pillow," Claire asked sternly, trying to stifle her frustration. Jesse looked at her confused. "Hand me your pillow," Claire repeated. She watched his face intently awaiting a cloud of guilt to shroud his face. He walked to his bed in confusion, reaching for his pillow and when his hands touched it he drew back, his face filled with embarrassment. Claire scowled at him. "You know what's under that pillow dońt you Jesse. You don't have to move it." Jesse closed his eyes and sighed.

Claire's friends arrived from the school where she taught P.E. All of them knew Jesse and had taught him themselves. There was Mrs. Stangler the history teacher. Mrs. Jones who taught math And Mr. Stark the science teacher who ran the barbecue for Claire. Jesse knew them. There were others too. Jesse helped his mom however he could, feeling a need to make up for however he had hurt her, serving each beck and call obediently.

Technically, Claire was his stepmother. She married his father when he was 5. Jesse had no memory of any other maternal figure in his life but Claire. His real mother died when he was born. His father left Claire when Jesse was 8 and he had never seen him since. Claire had taken care of him. She took responsibility for him and turned him into a decent young man.

By the end of the night. Jesse's embarrassment had waned and he had good conversations about the past with his teachers and he felt his mother was not so angry with him anymore. She was so attractive to him. All day every day he watched her in the house and she was beautiful and so strong and fit. She didn't hide her body or clothes to him like she would do in public or other places. He knew exactly how she was measured. To not fantasize about her would have been nearly impossible. He had watched her run from the shower naked, watched her cook breakfast in shorts, he knew what kind of a body she had and he fantasized About it.

The guests left and Jesse and Claire cleaned the dishes and talked about last year, when Jesse was in school. They recalled when mrs. Jones nearly flunked him

for missing a test. Claire arranged for him to take it on a Sunday and he got a B. She had done a lot for him.

But Claire could not let the issue between them rest. When Jesse went to bed, she came into his room and confronted him sternly, "Jesse, I want to know what you have been doing with my panties?" Jesse was tired and embarrassed, hoping she would let it rest. "Mom, I don't know, I just miss you sometimes when you aren't here and I like to smell you." Claire looked at him and smirked.

"So you think I smell like dirty panties?" she asked. "Thats what I smell like?" Jesse flushed. "I...I don't smell the dirty part. I just smell the other parts..." he stammered.

Claire laughed "is that so?" she asked. "Well, show me. Show me how you smell my panties. Jesse begged her to let it go. Claire lifted his pillow, grabbed her dirty panties and threw them to Jesse. "Show me how you smell them?"

Jesse held them in front of his face crumpled in a ball and put them too his nose taking a short breath. Claire laughed. "I think you look for a specific part of them don't you? Unwind them and show me where you like to sniff." Jesse grew defensive and threw the panties against the door. "Its not what you think mom!" Claire paced the room in frustration finally standing directly in front of Jesse.

"Get on your knees Jesse." This was a request he had never encountered but he complied. He looked as his mom's short gray skirt and his eyes dropped to her tight thighs and calves, then her black heels. He looked back to her face. Claire lifted her skirt and dropped her white panties to her knees, stretching her legs apart to hold them there.

"Here are some fresh panties to sniff Jesse. Show me how you sniff them?" Jesse began to stand up but Claire grabbed a handful of his hair and pulled him back down. Jesse stared up at her. "If you do this alone you can do it in front of me!" Claire said. Jesse leaned over and put his face in the crotch of Claire's warm panties. The smell was over powering to him. He leaned back and again tried to escape. Claire grabbed his hair forcefully and pushed him down. "Smell Them!"

Jesse relented and began to run his nose back and forth over the crotch of his moms panties. "Thats right..." Claire said. "Show me how you sniff my panties. Show me how you do it when you're alone."

Claire reached down beneath her stretched panties and pressed them up against Jesse's nose. He moaned and his heart raced. He again rose up conflicted between his desire and moral sense. Claire pushed him to the ground. She drove one of her black heels into his chest to hold him still and lowered the crotch of her panties over his nose as he lay on the floor.

" I see you like to sniff mom's panties don't you Jesse. You like the part that touches her pussy don't you?" Jesse didn't reply. Claire pressed down hard with her heel. "Don't you?" She put all her weight on his chest "don't you?" Claire repeated forcefully. Jesse moaned. "Yes, Yes I do mom!" Claire held him in that position for several minutes. Jesse began to relax, breathing her in.

"Admit to me how you like this and I'll let you go. Admit that you like to sniff the crotch of my dirty panties." Jesse moaned and confessed. "Yes mom I like to sniff your panties." Claire drove her heel deeper into his chest. "What part?" Jesse writhed in discomfort. "The part your pussy touches mama! Ok I think of your pussy!"

Claire smiled. She had him. She won. She didn't want her son to spend his life stealing panties in some sexual repressive state, smelling pussy and never having any. She would humiliate him away from this course. Claire could see she had him aroused. She stretched the crotch of her panties firmly over his nose and watched him a few minutes. "It's ok Jesse, Breath me in. Breath in mama's pussy. It's ok. Just like when youre alone."

Jesse began to moan and rub his hands over his thighs. He looked up his moms skirt, all the while breathing in her musky fresh warm panties. He saw her strong thighs and ass and her neatly trimmed pussy. Claire saw his arousal.

"Show me what you do when you smell my panties. Unzip your pants." Jesse unzipped his pants and his hard dick sprang out engorged. Claire was impressed at the size of it. "Show me what you do. Show me what you do when mommy's panties are in your face!"

Jesse began to stroke his cock fast and moan and mutter. Claire forced him to slow down. "Why don't you enjoy my panties a while Jesse. I will tell you when to cum." She stepped off of him and pulled her panties over her shoes. Claire knelt down and began to rub her panty juice all over her Jesse's nose.

"Stroke it for me Jesse. Tell me what you think when you masturbate with mama's panties. Jerk your cock slow for me." Jesse breathed hard. He wanted to cum." Do you just think about how mama's panties smell? Tell me." Jesse moaned. "I think about you mama! Other things... Im sorry!"

Claire grinned. She had him. She would humiliate him so bad that he wouldn't dream of taking a woman's panties again. She rubbed her scent hard over his nose. " Slow Jesse, rub yourself slow," Claire asked. She watched Jesse moan and writhe for minutes and minutes. "Tell me what do you think about when you smell my panties and you can cum." Jesse's cock was swollen and red. "Mom I don't want to say! Claire began to take pity on him. She forced panties over his nose as hard as she could. "Cum Jesse. Show me how it ends when you sniff my panties." Jesse moaned and Claire saw the pre-cum oozing out of his cock over his hand. "Promise you won't steal my panties again? She asked. "No mama! I wont!" Claire lifted her skirt and knelt over Jesse's face so he could see her pussy as he came. Jesse moaned wildly as he jacked off to his mom. "Mama thank you! I wont take your panties again!" he exclaimed.

Claire watched streams of his cum shoot feet in the air and a large drop hit her on the cheek and rolled down to her lips. She licked it from her lips, savored and tasted it in her mouth and swallowed it. She savored the salty taste of it but managed to stay in control. "Jesse, don't take my panties again."

Jesse didn't look at his mom for days after his humiliating lesson. He didn't dare take her panties again. Or he didn't dare get caught...Claire gave him space and after a week she noticed a change in Jesse. He was keeping his room clean, putting his used dishes away, doing other chores without her asking. She was impressed. Needless to say she checked his room when he was gone and also paid attention to her laundry basket in the washroom. She didn't want to do something as ridiculous as keep tabs on her dirty underthings but felt she would have to for a while.

The following weekend Claire had again planned an end of year party for her co-workers. Jesse had mowed the lawn neatly, cleaned the barbecue and outside kitchenette. Friday evening he watched Claire through the living room window. She was on her knees pulling weeds in tight jean shorts that didn't do a good job of hiding her ass. Jesse had spent the week trying to rid his mind of her sensually. Why did she have to be so fucking hot? He rubbed his bothered cock through his jeans as he watched her. It had felt so good jerking off to her. Jerking off with her pussy right over his face. Now he wanted to sniff her dirty panties again but didn't want to break his promise. He could see the ones she was wearing and she had been out in the sun sweating in them all day.

Jesse fought off the urge to jerk off for the moment and began to watch a baseball game. Claire came into the kitchen, wiping sweat from her brow as she opened the fridge.

"Jesse, Im going to get cleaned up and go shopping. We need hamburger buns for tomorrow. And did you use the rest of the milk?" Jesse shook his head, trying to fend off a devious thought that had just popped into his head. She would be gone at least an hour shopping. He really only needed 5 minutes alone with her panties, then he could put them back. He was thinking how fresh they would be. Still warm.

By the time Claire came out from the shower and dressed, Jesse was uncomfortably erect in his jeans. He pretended not to notice her and dispassionately watched the ball game. "I'll be back in a while," she said walking through the kitchen door that led into the washroom and garage.

When Jesse heard the car start he went to her bathroom. Her jeans shorts were lying on the floor with a towel. He didn't see her panties. Jesse went to the laundry room and found nothing but an empty basket. There was nothing in her bedroom either. Returning to the bathroom Jesse looked down at the shorts and realized the panties were still inside them. His heart racing with arousal Jesse walked toward his room. But as soon as he reached the living room the door to the garage opened and there was Claire. He quickly stuck the panties in his front pocket.

"I forgot my license and my bank card," she bemoaned, shaking her head. "I think I left them in the shorts I was wearing."

Jesse hung his head. What bad luck, he thought. He crossed his fingers. Claire returned from the bathroom moments later.

"Found them!" She exclaimed. Oh god she hadn't noticed. Jesse felt a short-lived pang of relief rush through his core. Claire opened the door to the garage, stepped through and hesitated, turning to Jesse.

"Oh, uh honey, I wanted to tell you how happy I am with all the chores you did this week. It made tomorrow's dinner much less stressful." Claire turned to leave and paused.

"Could you do one more thing while Im gone?" She asked. Jesse nodded happily. "Of course mom, anything." Claire again paused a moment and as she closed the door she turned, looked through the opening and stared at him intently. "Honey, put my panties back where you found them?"

Jesse hung his head in shame, all the arousal he had built up for his mother over the last hour vanished like air in a popped balloon. How in the hell did it happen like that? Such bad luck. But why was it all his fault. Claire dressed so sexy wherever she was and her body was ridiculously hot. She turned him on. Who wouldn't get turned on by her? He thought. Jesse walked to the bathroom, looked at Claire's sexy jean shorts and threw her panties carelessly on top of them. Sauntering to his bedroom he flopped down on his mattress in frustration.

Jesse listened as Claire returned with the groceries. He heard cupboards and doors open and close. He heard her black heels moving across the hardwood floors rhythmically. He lay still on his bed, but she did not come in his room or call for him. Eventually, his frustration turned to drowsiness and he slept.

Saturday morning, he awoke and lay in bed. Jesse heard his mother cooking something in the kitchen. The smell came to his room somehow. Under the door, through walls, how would he know how it got there? It just did. It was bacon. His drowsiness began to fade.

Claire knocked on his door. "Honey, I made pancakes with...your favorite maple syrup!"

Jesse lay their a moment. He had expected some form of admonition. She was so pissed-off before. He got out of bed, threw on his jeans and walked trepidly to the kitchen. Claire was wearing a translucent silk frock. Jesse stopped in his tracks, his mouth agape. He could see the outline of her entire body. Claire turned to him and walked to the table with a dish of bacon, fried eggs and pancakes.

"What's wrong honey?" she remarked as she set the dish on the table. Jesse just stared at her and stammered. "Uh, oh..its nothing." Claire laughed. "Well, sit and eat with me."

As they talked and ate, Jesse's nervous mind settled. She was not angry with him at all. He didn't understand why but he accepted it. Jesse, cleared the table and cleaned the dishes. Claire invited him to the living room. She looked at him and sighed and smiled and sat next to him on the sofa.

"Jesse...i am not angry at you." Claire ran her fingers through his hair. "I know what you struggle with. I know how hard it is to deal with sexual desire. It affects you your whole life." Jesse put his hand on Claires. "Thank you mom, I feel bad. Im sorry."

Claire pulled back and sighed. "But Jesse, something bothers me." She rested her hand on her cheek in contemplation. "I mean, it's normal for boys to be confused but I don't want you to have to spend your life sneaking panties to get what you need." Jesse dropped his head and Claire put a hand under his chin and raised it up. "Hey! Don't feel bad. Jesse, just ask what you want." She leaned back on the arm of the sofa and her long red hair spread out like a spilled drink.

"I don't want you to be a secret panty sniffer. Its a bad habit. You can't do that to women. Ask them. You ask." Claire looked at Jesse and reflected. "You know you're good Jesse. You turned out good. I don't want you to be 20 or even older and still conniving how to steal some woman's panties to gratify yourself." She smiled and lifted her head up.

"You're smart and sexy and cool. Go for the real thing son, all of your life. Don't go for the facsimile."

Jesse understood her and a feeling of calm came over him. Claire rested her feet on his lap and he rubbed them, watching her legs, her thighs, her taut stomach and perfectly perched breasts. Claire again laid her head back and enjoyed Jesse's touch.

"Honey, go get a chair from the table." Her request seemed random but he did. Claire sat up and watched him carry it over. She pointed to the center of the living room where there was the most space. Jesse sat it down and gave a puzzled glance.

Claire rose and stood beside the chair. She looked at Jesse solemnly, sternly. He didn't recognize the look. It was the look of her desire. He hadn't seen it before. She again asked Jesse to kneel in front of her. Claire placed one foot on the chair and raised her nightgown over her hips. She wore no panties and Jesse stared at her elegantly trimmed pussy, his cock rising rapidly.

She placed her hand on his head. "Jesse baby, I don't want you to be a panty sniffer. I want you to be a pussy licker... thats a better role to play." Jesse's cock swelled. He was inches away. It smelled so sweet and tangy. He didn't know what to do. He put his nose in it and Claire's scent shot up his nose and filled his brain like fog.

"Lick my labia Jesse. Just lick the outside of my pussy."

He ran his wet tongue over and over against her pussy lips, savoring the flavor and the smell. Over and over. Jesse became intoxicated by her scent and Claire spread her leg further out on the chair allowing him better access to her pussy.

Jesse felt her pussy open. He felt like a thirsty dog coming to water after suffering years of thirst. He lapped at her pussy hard and filled it with his saliva. Then she opened up. He felt the soft tissue inside and explored it all with curiosity and desire.

Claire grabbed the back of his head and guided him up. "Up baby, go up." Jesse found a hard spot near the top of her pussy and licked. It grew hard like his cock. Claire moaned. " Yeah, lick under it baby like that yeah. Thats my clit." It grew to the size of a berry and Jesse suckled it and licked all around it aggressively. Claire moaned and cusped his hair hard pulling him to the floor.

He had never seen his mom so aggressive or filled with desire. She sat on his face and began running her pussy hard in his mouth moaning like a wild thing might moan. Jesse kept his mouth open and his tongue out for her. Claire reached down aggressively and rubbed his hard cock and helpless balls. She unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans.

"Slide your pants pants off, Jesse," she demanded, grasping and stroking his cock as her pussy ran across his tongue.

Claire slid down his body like a serpent and slammed Jesses cock down her throat. Her ass was in his face. She was hungry but she didn't want him to cum. She sucked his cock and pushed him to the edge, slowing down to keep his viability in place.

Claire slid down Jesse's torso and rested her pelvis over his cock, her back facing him. She paused a moment in thought, flooded and inundated with passion. Did she have a right to take her son's virginity? She rubbed his cock underneath her wet pussy as she thought of options. There were really none. She wanted it. She needed it.