A Mother's Revenge

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Mom's fault she had a bastard? No it was the bastard's.
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If you are looking for rampant sex, this is not the place. But for the names, it really happened.


Maybe I should call this "It's Never a Mom's fault"

My mom needed someone to punish for her mistake, for her lot in life. Years later I found out I was born a bastard child, her only bastard child, a sin in the 50s. My brothers and sister were all legal. My mom needed to punish someone, it was me.

My summer of 1962 included a life altering event that impacted the rest of my life.


That summer, we lived in a NY town called Pearl River. The six of us lived in a small 3BR home. At the time, I was eight, my brother Pat was 5, my other brother Jim was 3 and May was two.

With my dad working and going to college we rarely saw him in those days. That summer was unusual because my mom had been a stay-at-home mom, before that summer ... I don't know what she was doing, but she spent the summer out of the house, which meant us kids spent the summer out of the house.

I don't know where the younger kids ended up, I was 8, didn't care, but here is the thing. Pat and I were battling on an almost daily basis, so our parents separated us for the summer. Pat went to my dad's parents house, and I went to a farm. At the time I was thankful I wasn't sent to my mom's parents. At 8 I already knew I hated her father, maybe he blamed me too.

I don't know how my mom hooked up with this farm family, maybe the PTA, but I was dropped off at the farm every day about 7:30 AM. They had a son, John, who was in my 2nd grade class the last year. We weren't best friends, I always thought something was off with him, but we got along.

My mom thought this was great because I would have a classmate to play with.

His 15-year-old sister Jill, and her best friend Emily were left to 'babysit' us since their mom worked too. My mom made it clear that the girls are in charge.

Being eight at the time, they were 'just' girls so 'ok' mom, they were in charge. Both being 15 and in high school they were bigger than me. Jill being a blonde, and Emily was dark skinned with black hair, they were older so I wouldn't be playing with them anyhow.

When we first met, my mom asked me if I thought the girls were pretty. Susan Oshiak and Cindy Braiden were the two prettiest 2nd graders, and I liked them, especially Susan, she was the best girl kickball player in the 2nd grade. Emily and Jill, they are adults to me, and they are girls. Don't care, so I agreed they were pretty.

It was not a big farm, but they had a few cows, ducks, and chickens. They also had two horses which the girls loved to ride. I wasn't allowed.

The farm had a nice built-in pool in the backyard, two barns, a silo, and a pond of sorts. I believe it was used to provide water for the animals. It was pretty gross, green water with pond scum floating on the service. John warned me even though it was kind of cool, we were not allowed in the pond.

My first day there, Jill and Emily set the ground rules:

• We were not allowed in the house except to eat lunch. If it rained we could stay in the barn. If we had to use the bathroom, find a bush outside

• We were not allowed to swim unless the girls were out there to watch

• We could go anywhere we wanted on the farm, but do not leave the property.

Easy, no problem.

My first day there, John took me on a tour of his favorite places on the farm.

It being my first farm, I thought everything was pretty cool. At lunch time we went back to the house. That's when I first noticed there was something really whacked between John and his sister Jill.

The two of them got into an argument over the food. Jill was taking nothing from John and ended the argument in seconds.

"I don't care what Mom said. We are having egg salad for lunch. PERIOD."

"But Mom ..."

"... Who's in charge here and what happens when I don't get my way."

John looked scared. Don't know why ... yet.


I guess she is the bossy type.

Since it was hot, I asked if we could go swimming, and the girls agreed.

John was not happy, but it was so hot we really couldn't do anything else. Into his room to put on our suits then out to the pool to wait for the girls

Its 95 degrees and we're melting until the girls come out. They come out wearing bikinis. I had seen bikinis on TV but never 'live', I mean WOW! Honestly, I thought ... WOW!

In 1962, most girls I saw were wearing 1-piece suits.

Anyway ...

... Into the pool, and the girls seemed friendly enough. We played several different games throughout the afternoon before my mom showed up to pick me up.

It was kind of weird. I never had a girl hold my hand before. Jill held my hand out to the driveway, no idea why. She told my mom I was very good.

Next day, same routine, same schedule, but no arguments between Jill and John. It was 90 at 10 AM so we hit the pool early, and again I could not take my eyes off the two bikinis. Except at lunch, we were in the pool all day.

Today, the girls got bored with the regular games, so I taught them pool soccer. The rules are simple. Two goals at opposite ends of the pool, and you need to place the ball on your goal with two hands. Those are all the rules, with the thought that there are no fist fights, clawing, or drowning your opponent.

We played a few games, mixing teams up. The final game was boys against the girls.

I thought everyone loved it until it was boys against the girls. John did not want to play. Jill talked him into one game but John did not play as hard as earlier.

I had a blast wrestling with the bigger girls for the ball to score. My first experience wrestling with girls and I thought it was awesome.

I did manage to score two goals and I fed John for one when the girls converged on me, but they won, getting 5 goals first.

Walking into the house for ice pops, I asked John why he didn't play harder.

"Jill is mean. That argument we had at lunch, she told my mom and I got a spanking for not doing what Jill told me to do. My mom told me if I did it again, it would be worse. When it was us against them, Jill whispered to me she better win or she'd tell my mom I was bad again, and I'd get another spanking."

"She would do that?"

"Yes, I promise she will tell your mom you were bad if you don't do something she wants you to do."

When my mom picked me up that night, both girls held my hand out to the car, and both told my mom how wonderful I was.


Things were going good on the farm for the next few days, but on Thursday John and Jill got into it over snacks.

Jill got mad, picked up John and poured him out of his bathing suit. That was all he had on at the time so he was standing there with no clothes, his thing getting hard in front of the girls. Jill put him over her knee and paddled him good, starting with red handprints all over his butt until his entire butt was red, with him crying.

Jill had him stand next to our lunch table with his red butt facing us. After whispering in his ear she gave him back his suit.

The girls really loved pool soccer, so I was in their good graces.

Later that afternoon a second thing happened. I didn't give it another thought at the time, but it came back to get me the next week.

We were playing pool soccer, Jill and her brother against Emily and me. It was 4-4 so the game got intense trying to score the winning goal. Emily had stolen the ball from John and passed it to me. Jill and I racing for it, I got it and dived for our goal.

Jill, trying to stop me grabbed my bathing suit and yanked on it to stop me, pulling my bathing suit completely off.

I scored!

We won! I was cheering, jumping up and down in the pool, naked.

The girls were both laughing, watching me jump.

Jill threw my suit out of the pool, "Let's play again. Same teams."

We won two more games, because without my bathing suit on they had nothing to grab to slow me down.

Getting out of the pool for lunch, walking with John to get my suit ...

... we headed to the house for lunch.

John was sad, about losing?

"I can't believe you're sad over losing the last 3 games."

"I'm ok. Seems like my sister is starting to like you a lot, but be careful. You might not have noticed, they both had big smiles in those games. I think they liked you with no bathing suit. My sister can be very mean, even to people she likes, and Emily will go along with her on just about anything."

I thought that was a weird comment, but ok.


That following Monday, I convinced my mom to let me wear just my suit, shirt, and sneakers. She called Jill, and Jill agreed so I'm good.

It's really hot, so the 4 of us are in the pool early.

Then the weird stuff starts. In the 3rd pool soccer game, Jill grabs John's suit, yanking it off him, she throws it out of the pool. I thought it was hilarious and go to get it for him.

He puts it on and leaves.

Jill, "You better come back here, or else."

He just keeps walking. Jill is not happy.

She gets out of the pool and heads into the house.

Emily and I float around the pool, playing a lazy game of catch, until Jill comes back a few minutes later. But no John.

We really can't play pool soccer because we can't make fair teams so we float around until lunch.

Into the kitchen, John is sobbing with his nose in the corner. No bathing suit and his behind is a deep red. My parents never make me stand in the corner after a spanking, and never showed it by having me stand in the corner with no clothes.

Jill asks him if he wants lunch, but he doesn't answer.

"Turn around, look me in the eyes and tell me if you want lunch."

He turns, why is his thing hard?

"No thank you." And he turns back to face the wall.

He stayed there for the rest of the day.


Emily and Jill walk me out to my mom.

"How was he today girls?"

"Well, Bill was good, but John wasn't which raised a question for us. When John is bad, Mom gave me directions on how to punish him. If Bill is bad, how do you want us to handle it?"

"How did your mom tell you to handle John?"

"Into a corner first, a spanking second, call mom to come home to deal with him, third."

"Hmmm, a spanking???"

She didn't think on it for long.

"... You girls are old enough. Since you can't call me to come here, a spanking works for me."

"Thank you, Mrs. T. I'm glad we got that clarified."

The girls walk off.

"MOM! A spanking? They're girls!"

"Then don't be bad. You do as they tell you, and you won't get a spanking. It's that simple."

"But Mom!!!"



Next morning, John takes me out to the barn right away.

"Jill told mom I was swearing and acting like a spoiled child, which was why she spanked me."

"But you didn't do that."

"I know but Emily told my mom I was doing that stuff so Jill did not get in trouble for spanking me. Jill did get in trouble for tearing my new bathing suit. Mom is making her use her money from watching us to buy me a new one."

"So that's good, right?"

"No. Jill is mad because she lost that money. I promise, she will get mean. She could beat me up, and still convince mom I was bad."

"Should we hide?"

"No, if she's mad and wants to be mean to us, if she can't find us she'll get meaner."

Speak of the devil ...


We walk back to the house.

"First, when I call you, you answer and don't walk to me, you run to me."

"Why did you tell your mom lies about John?"

"John is already in trouble. Keep talking if you want to join him there."

"But John didn't do ..."

"... Enough! Both of you stand up right now!"

We stand.

"I lost two days pay from watching you guys because John's bathing suit got torn playing a game. I'm not losing any more money. Both of you take off your shirts and give them to me."

We do that, and give them to her, she tosses them to Emily.

"I want your suits too. Off and give them too me."

I freeze, take them off?

"Why should???"

Before I can finish the sentence, John has his off and tosses to Jill. I was going to resist, but if John did it, I drop mine to the floor. I feel like a little kid standing there only in my sneakers.

John's thing is hard again.

Crap, so is mine!

Emily bends over in front of me, "Step out"

She picks it up, "Turn sideways."

When we do, Jill and Emily look at each other and smile.

Jill, "John's is straighter but much smaller. I think I like Bill's more."

"Now, both of you, outside."



"Why did you take your suit off? I was going to argue."

"The girls took my clothes every day before you got here. I used to hide out in the barn, coming back only for lunch until we heard you were coming. Things weren't too bad since you got here ... until Jill pulled your suit off in the pool. I was afraid they would start doing it again. Jill is mad enough about the money she started again even with you here."

"But ..."

"Bill, don't be surprised when they come up with a reason to spank you. They were taking turns spanking me every day before you came. You are someone new to play with."

"I saw your thing get hard when you took your suit off. Mine did too. Do you know why that happens?"

"No, only that it happens a lot when Emily is around and I have no clothes on."


It's weird running around without clothes, again.

I remember when I was 4 or 5, running around mom's best friend's backyard with no clothes. When we would get there, Mom would take my clothes saying she didn't want them to get dirty. Pat was till in diapers but I always thought it was a little weird I was the only one without clothes. We spent a lot of time in the pool, but I never wore a suit. Aunt June had a huge backyard, and 3 daughters about my age. The girls would always play with me when I was over there. Sometimes we would play ball. If it was hot, we'd sit on a picnic blanket under a tree to play Candyland or cards.

Thinking on it, I don't remember if my thing was hard then.


It took me a few days before I started to enjoy no clothes, it was fun.

Until Thursday.

The girls had decided eating in the house was too much work for them, so we are eating lunch under this big willow tree. The girls laid out a picnic cloth on the ground and we all sat on it 'indian' style, whatever that means. John and I sit next to each other, opposite the girls.

They have been nice since Monday. When they would sit down opposite us, they were always smiling looking at our plates of food, which we had next to our feet.

Spam? I hate spam. Since there were no other sandwiches available, I stuffed my face with potato chips and cherry HI-C. John wasn't a fan either so he did the same.

Unfortunately, we were both drinking a lot of the cherry juice and when we both reached for the pitcher at the same time we spilled it, pouring cherry juice all over the picnic blanket, and I guess some of it reached the girls.

Jill was furious, at least I think she was furious. It was not good.


Emily picked up John, Jill picked me up and put us over their laps for a paddling.

We kept yelling we were sorry, but no good.

I hadn't gotten a spanking like that since my dad thought I locked him out of my room, which I didn't.

John and I were both crying by the time they finished.

I had no idea why my thing was hard. It never does that when dad spanks me.

We were told to go stand in front of the tree facing them for 15 minutes while they cleaned up the mess which took a minute to throw the paper plates in the garbage and the picnic blanket in the washer.

When they came back out together looking at us, I heard Emily say, "Bill must have really enjoyed it."

They think I enjoyed a spanking? Why would I enjoy a spanking?

When they decided we had enough time out, they told us to come to them.

John was mad.

"Mom told me I could go to my room as long as I stay there till she gets home. Bye."

He walks off to the house, while I'm here with red behind and the girl who gave it to me.

I look at the girls who are smiling at me.

I'm mad too but no place to go.

"Come on. The three of us will go swimming."

"Can I have my suit back?"

"No way. You'll be in the pool so no one can see anything, and we're used to seeing you without clothes, so no big deal. Besides, I don't want to waste any more of my money on torn clothes."

"But you're both girls. Are you going to take your suits off?"

"Don't worry about it. Look, my mom will probably ground John for a week, so its just going to be the three of us. Get used to it."

John did say they liked me. What they say makes sense. I go along with them for now.


I got my stuff back before my mom picks me up. Jill holds my hand on the way to my mom.

"Jill, was he good today?"

"Mom, I was ..."

"I'm sorry Mrs. T, but Bill and John were not good today. They both earned spankings."

"What did they do?"

"They were roughhousing at lunch, and spilled cherry juice on Mom's favorite picnic blanket. When we tried to send them to stand in the corner, they both stood there and argued."

"Mom that's ..."

"What did I tell you? Who is in charge?"

Looking down at me feet, in defeat, "The girls."

"Good, maybe you'll remember that so you can avoid another spanking."

"Mom, I ..."

"Girls, I apologize for my son. I'm sure he will be better behaved tomorrow."

"Thank you, Mrs. T. Good night."


The first thing next day while Jill is taking my clothes, "You complained to your mom about being spanked. We are in charge, not you. Maybe Emily can help you remember that."

Emily sits and points at her lap. I crawl into her lap, 20 swats.

Emily told me to stand right here till she comes back out.

Why is my thing hard again?

Both girls smile and go to put my clothes away.

My first day with just the girls? Clothes, gone and hidden so I can't put them back on. Emily spanked me my 20 swats.

While they rode horses, I was running behind them. With the dust from the dirt road, and my sweat, I was covered in a light mud. With the mud stuck on my body, they said I looked like a satyr, whatever that is. I was taken to the cow pens where they washed me like I was a dog on all fours, then hosed me down to wash it all off.

Walking through the fields with no clothes, and two high school girls holding my hands generated weird feelings. My thing seemed to be hard since my spanking, but for some reason I started to enjoy the girls treating me like I was 4.

In the pool we played pool soccer, me against the girls. For some reason I took great enjoyment wrestling with them, and they made it fun when they would lift me out of the water, smack my butt and throw me away from the ball.

Day 2

Clothes gone.

Jill spanked me my 20 swats.

The girls held my hands walking out to the milking barn. On the way I saw a huge rabbit so I broke free of the girls and chased after it.

"Bill, come back here."

I was having fun chasing the bunny.

"Bill, come back here now!"

The bunny went for the front of the house, and I was still on it.


The rabbit crossed the street in front of the house into a field, and I was still on it. There were no cars so I didn't stop ... until Emily caught me.

They both took my hands and lead me across the street while Jill was yelling at me all the time until we got to the backyard. Other than the pool the only cool place to be on a hot day was under this giant willow tree.

"Did you hear me?"


"Why didn't you stop?"

"The bunny."

"I told you to stop three times and you continued chasing the rabbit. Then you crossed the road with cars coming, another bad thing. Congratulations, you've earned another spanking."


I tried to run off, but they both got me. I struggled to get away."