A New Beginning Ch. 01


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As the sensation washed over me, I began to feel the tightening of my balls telling me I wasn't going to last much longer. I broke the kiss, telling her the same, and she nodded her understanding. I began to increase my strokes, each one now driving harder into her. She met each stroke with her hips bucking back against me as I withdrew. Our joint rhythm continued until I felt the onset on my climax. She moaned and her legs tightened around me at the same time and I began to really pound into her. She stiffened her entire body as I hammered into her and then I came. All at once it was there! She let out a small sound of intense pleasure at the same instant and the inner walls of her vagina gripped my cock, milking it. We held that position for several more seconds before collapsing against each other.

"You're incredible Nichole. That was just awesome. I hope you weren't disappointed. I certainly wasn't!"

"You didn't disappoint me at all Alex. It was incredible for me as well." She snuggled against me and I felt so relaxed I think I dozed off. I was awakened later with a warm, wet feeling around the area of my body that normally didn't feel that way. I opened my eyes and looked down to see a blond head bobbing up and down and knew I had died and gone to heaven. Several minutes later, heaven exploded into stars as I came with a vengeance. She never stopped until I grabbed her head, telling her I was too sensitive for her to continue. She smiled as she moved up my body and pulled my lips to hers in a passionate kiss. Heaven was a wonderful place to be.

"We have to go now." I wasn't sure I heard her correctly so I asked her to repeat what she said.

"I said, we have to go now. I have to get ready for work and it takes me over an hour and a half to drive to where I have to be. It'll take me almost as long to get ready since I have that 'just fucked' look. You should know since you put it there."

I sat up, looked at her to be sure she was not kidding and then, when I saw she was serious, I stood and began to look for my clothes. I found most of them and quickly got dressed. Once my shoes were on, I was ready to take her back to her car. She was already dressed and looked like she had just stepped out of a beauty parlor to me. We left together and I drove her back to the restaurant where her car waited.

"I know so little about what you do and where you work or live. Can you tell me anything more before you have to go?"

"Not this morning. Call me next week and we'll get together again. I have to work most of this week and during the weekend. But I'll keep next Wednesday free for certain. Call me!" With that she got into her car and left. I watched her go, confused but satisfied inside. It had been some time since I had been with a woman and this woman was just short of a miracle. I definitely wanted to see her again.

I did call her and we made plans for dinner the following Wednesday. That date went almost identically to the first one and it ended the same way. I tried to talk to her about her work and who she worked for but she just sort of avoided it as much as possible. When I did press her once, she told me she was a Personal Secretary to a very important man and was pretty much at his beck and call. She said he was always traveling somewhere and that the people he met were very important and needed their privacy. That's all she would tell me so I had to be content with that.

On one of our dates, I suggested we go back to her place to save us the time of traveling from my place to hers. She said that wouldn't work since she had three other girls as roommates. At least one or two of them were there at all times.

On another, I asked about her moving in with me but she declined saying her schedule was too hectic and she wouldn't be around much. I had to accept that as well since she convinced me that we had better things to do than talk. Since I found myself beginning to fall in love with Nichole, I accepted the things she told me just to continue to see her and make love as we had been. I reasoned with myself that as long as she continued to see me and to treat me the way she did, she must love me as much as I loved her.

Things sort of remained the same after that and for the next several months. I was becoming more and more frustrated that we shared so little time together but she continued to refuse to expand our meetings. She did tell me once that she loved me and that she wanted to wait for a while before quitting her job. She said once she did that we could be together all the time. I accepted the promise and told myself that it was what I wanted. I had a fleeting thought about Jennie, but told myself that it wasn't the same thing. Nichole wasn't cheating on me: she was working. I did a great job of convincing myself that things were good.

That was until I heard her talking on her cell phone one evening when I was supposed to be sleeping after we had a mind bending sexual bout. We had both fallen asleep or so I supposed. As I was awakened by some movement or sound, I felt her quietly leave the bed, turn once to be sure I was sleeping and then walk out of the bedroom and into the bathroom where she shut the door. From the faint light from the window, I saw she had her cell phone with her.

I moved quickly to the door and pressed my ear to it. I could just make out a few words. What I heard was a discussion of why she had to be somewhere tomorrow as soon as she could. I heard something about three men and who else was going to be there and then a comment about her being the best. She laughed once and indicated she was going to hang up so I ran back to the bed and sat down. When she opened the door, I was just rubbing my face as if I had just woken up.

Nichole smiled at me and sat down beside me. "Well, well, look who's awake. It seems like you're ready to play again." With that, she took me in hand and within a few seconds, I had forgotten the phone call and remembered what she could do to me. I reached for her and soon we were wrapped around each other and making love. As we made love a second time, I made some plans, and if you don't think that was a feat in itself, you've never seen Nichole make love. But I succeeded and when it was time to take her back to her car, I had decided to follow her when she left. I had a plan and it should work.

When I dropped her off, I waited until she was in her car as I always did and then pulled away. But this time, once I was out of sight, I turned off my lights and waited just outside the parking lot. It was almost five minutes before she came out, waiting to be sure I was long gone I assumed. She turned away from where I was parked and I slowly pulled out behind her, my lights still off. Once she turned the first corner, I flipped them on and followed her at a good distance. Since there was little traffic, I could stay a block or more behind her.

She continued on, apparently unaware of me behind her and drove to a very nice area of town. She slowed as she approached a three story building and pulled into a parking space clearly marked with assigned spaces. I drove past, turned a corner and pulled over to the curb. I ran back just in time to see her enter a glass door. I watched until she was inside and then ran towards it in time to see her enter an elevator. I watched the indicator and saw it stop on the third floor. I walked into the foyer and looked at the mailboxes. I saw the third floor had three apartments. One had her name: Apartment 3B.

I drove home, showered and changed into some casual clothes. I called my office and reported off sick and then drove down to rent a car. Once I was set, I drove back to her building and parked on the street where I could see her car. I settled down for a long wait.

It was just after one o'clock when she came out. Since she told me she worked all the time when she wasn't with me, I was surprised that she had spent the entire morning in her apartment. Strange behavior for a workaholic! I watched as she got in her car and drove away. I followed her to the Stratfordshire Hotel, a very upscale place that catered to out of town guests. She pulled in, a valet took her car and she walked into the lobby. I parked in the guest parking lot, ran toward the lobby and slipped inside. As I entered, I spotted her standing by the concierge's desk, chatting with a tall Hispanic man. Fortunately she was facing away from the entrance and didn't see me.

I found a spot where I could see her but she wouldn't notice me. As I waited, I saw a man dressed in very expensive suit, walk over to Nichole. She smiled at him as he took her hand to give it a kiss. Very suave! They moved away together to the elevator and waited. As they stood there, I watched the man move his hand down to Nichole's waist and then subtly to her ass. She smiled at him but didn't make any move to remove his hand. When the elevator door opened, they entered, and before the door closed, I saw his face drop to hers and they kissed. He had one hand on her breasts the entire time and they remained that way until the closing door cut off any further view. I watched as the indicator moved around the dial toward the penthouse. It stopped there.

What I saw confused me and made me angry of course, but I wondered what else she was doing. Could she simply be acting in her capacity as a private secretary working with her boss? The way his hands were all over her argued against that but I decided to wait and see what happened.

It was about an hour later when the two of them came down; Nichole now dressed entirely differently in a cocktail dress and elegant jewelry. The two of them still together walked over to the lounge and entered. I wanted to move closer to observe them but as I was considering my options, Nichole reappeared with her companion, but now accompanied by two more men dressed in what appeared to be very expensive clothes. Nichole was walking between the two gentlemen and they seemed to be as familiar with her anatomy as the first man. I watched in disgust as they put their arms around her and bumped hips as they moved toward the elevators. Again, I watched as she was sandwiched between the two newcomers as they entered the elevator. Her hands were between their legs while they fondled her breasts and ass. It was clear now that she was servicing all three of them tonight.

I went out to my car, confused and angry, but deep inside, my mind was working. I knew now that Nichole was not a secretary or personal assistant. My best guess was that she was a call girl; working as a high class prostitute who went with very wealthy gentlemen when they were in town. I imagined she had a regular stable of clients that called her. She kept one or two days a week open for me and that was the only thing I couldn't get through my head. Why? She must lose a lot of money being with me. And I met her at a bar! Why would a high class hooker go to a place like that? Too many questions mixed with anger and a slowly growing pain of betrayal once again.

I drove home, wanting no more of disappointment. Nichole was a hooker, pure and simple. Why she came to me and didn't let me know what she did for a living was more surprising and confusing but it made little difference. I couldn't stand what she did and I wanted no part of it anymore. She had intimated that she would quit if things worked out between us but I no longer had any desire for that. I was not going to share my wife, my girlfriend, whatever she wanted from me. The fact that I had been doing it all along didn't change that. Nichole was far worse than Jennie, who claimed she made one mistake, even if it was intentional. But I couldn't accept Jennie, so how could I ever accept Nichole. I couldn't!

It was two days later that Nichole called to tell me she could meet me at my apartment for dinner. She said she would bring a takeout as she often did and then we could spend the evening together just being with each other. I listened, made the correct responses, but inwardly I was burning with anger. I hung up, sat at the table and cried. I was so tired of being stabbed in the gut by women who claimed to love me. First Jennie and now Nichole. Both were beautiful women, women any man would lust after. Jennie had been my wife but she betrayed me for the sake of a child. Nichole betrayed me for her own reasons. Tonight I intended to find out what they were.

I dried my tears, washed my face and waited. When she arrived, I was still sitting at the table, my thoughts wandering with no goal in sight. Nichole busied herself setting out the dishes she brought, acting the perfect host. I watched her, marveling at the beauty she carried. Long dark hair, brushed to a deep shine; eyes, dark and smoky, promising unknown pleasures; a body that promised everything, dressed to entice. Nichole was everything any man would want, and she provided a service that met those wants.

As we ate together, Nichole talking about nothing important and me listening with my mind elsewhere, the thought entered my head that maybe I shouldn't rock the boat. I had the girl of my dreams once or twice a week with no other commitments. So she went out with other men the rest of the time. So what? Wasn't that what she was doing with me? And she wasn't charging me a dime. She had never asked me for a thing. As a matter of fact, she had given me a beautiful watch, one that had to have cost her a good amount of money as a gift for being so understanding of her time away. What did I have to complain about? But then a picture of Nichole, writhing away under an old man, her legs wrapped around his hairy ass came to me. I shook my head to dislodge it but that only made it worse. I saw more men come into the room while Nichole reached out her hands, welcoming them. I wasn't in that picture.

Nichole had been talking to me and I hadn't heard a word she said. I decided that it was time to confront her and end this abortion of a relationship.

"Alex! Where did you go? I asked you three times if you wanted to do anything tomorrow. I have a whole day off to do anything you want." She was smiling, one hand resting on mine as it lay on the table.

I swallowed, trying to find the spit to lubricate my dry mouth and throat. "How did you get the time off? Did you tell your clients that you wanted to spend a day with your boyfriend? It must cost you a great deal of money to do that. I guess I should be grateful, even feel privileged. Should I, Nichole?"

Nichole looked as if I had slapped her across the face. Her eyes grew wide, her mouth opened in a surprised 'O' and one hand came up to cover it. I watched coldly as tears welled up in those beautiful smoky eyes and began to run down her cheek. There was a tiny line of dark where they passed.

"How did you find out? Oh, please Alex, let me explain. Please don't say any more until I explain. Please? Please?"

Nichole stood, walked around the table and knelt by my chair, her hands gripping mine and her face pressed against my thigh as she looked up at me. She seemed so desperate and distressed that I gave in. "Say what you need to say. I'll listen but it won't make any difference. I know what you are."

"I love you Alex! I really do love you. It happened so quickly that it took me by surprise. I hadn't thought about what to tell you. I couldn't tell you what I did for a living and I needed some time to end my contact with my 'manager'. He holds my debts Alex. When he recruited me, he paid off all my outstanding loans and paid for a new wardrobe and jewelry and my car. I was so deeply in debt when he came to me that I had no choice. He promised me that I could make enough to buy my way free of him within a year. It's been more than two years now and I'm trying to pay him back but I still owe a lot of money.

"I came to the bar that night to meet my sister Jane. One of her kids was sick so she called to cancel. I had just finished talking with her when you came up to the bar. I had planned to leave right then but something about you attracted me and I thought 'what the hell'. Maybe you would be fun and we could have some fun together. When I saw two of you, I began to think about a free-lance evening. No charge, just some fun on my own terms. But you weren't that kind of guy and neither was Rick. I had fun just being with you and when we parted, I wanted to see you again. I gave you my private number, the one that only you and my family and friends have."

She was talking fast and I listened in fascination. While I had already made up my mind, I wanted to know how this happened and what was her goal. I was beginning to see now.

"I fell in love with you Alex, but it happened before I was ready. I went to Ramon and told him about you but he just laughed at me. He told me I was still too deep in hock to let me go but he would set me up with multiple partners to make more money. I've been working longer hours and meeting more men to try to get out from under him as quickly as I could. I prayed I could pay him off before you found out what I did, but now you know."

Yes, I did know and I couldn't accept it. She had to know this. I had already told her about Jennie and what she did. How could Nichole think that being a professional call girl while she dated me was going to be OK? How could she think like that? I asked her that.

"You know about Jennie and what she did. She only did it one time, just to have a baby. I couldn't accept that; I told you that! Why would you think I could accept what you're doing?"

"I hoped you would never find out! Never know what I did! I just loved you too much to believe it could be over."

"Don't you understand that wherever we go, there's a good chance you'll see someone who you've had sex with? Didn't you think that I would find out when someone saw us together? Wouldn't they tell me what you were? Like, "Hey Alex, who's the hooker?" It makes no sense to me Nichole."

Nichole was unable to answer; her whole body slumped in defeat. She had played a game, taking a chance, and now she had lost. She never considered the possibility that she could find someone to love while she was fucking strange men on a regular basis.

"You said you had no choice when he approached you Nichole. But you did; you always had a choice and you made yours, just like Jennie made hers. Both of you chose to screw other men for your own reasons. For me, it's a choice I can't live with. I want you to go now and forget about me. I want nothing more to do with you. I can't understand how you could do this to me, knowing about Jennie and how much she hurt me."

As I sat there, my own heart breaking, Nichole stood, looked once more at me and then, with slumping shoulders, walked out of my apartment. I never talked to her again.

After she left, I sat there wondering if I would ever meet anyone again to fill the emptiness I felt inside. First Jennie, and now Nichole. Was I doomed to meet women who were destined to betray me? It appeared that was the case.

To be continued:

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bacchant2bacchant23 months ago

Your a great writer but i feel you lost your humanity on this one. Your mc is callous in his treatment of women. Taking the last one its obvious the woman is being played so why couldnt he have helped her before moving on, hes a rich man afterall who doesnt care about his wealth. Disappointing from someone of your caliber.

CruachanCruachan11 months ago

I have read three of your submissions now and there is just too much angst for me to try any more. I wish you luck with your future stories.

AngelRiderAngelRider12 months ago

I cannot stand writers who create sad sack pathetic men. I don't need bad ass stoic bullshit either. I cannot stand the perfect supposedly "alpha" special forces nonsense that infests this category like the clap. This type of character might be a little more realistic because far too many people are not honest with themselves but Jesus, this guy is a pussy.

bigurnbigurnover 1 year ago

3 ✨ He should have detached from his feelings, moved on with the rest of his life... But, I would have taken my once a week freebie until I met someone meaningful. Then, I would have separated my life from her.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

set up with his financial advisor Rick and her to get him to "buy out" her contract with her manager?

onbothsidesonbothsidesabout 2 years ago

When recruiting a third party to make a child, shouldn't a woman find out more than just his first name? Medical history at least.

RanDog025RanDog025about 3 years ago


gfrhgfrhover 3 years ago
Sorry, but I stopped...

I stopped reading when you wrote that he went to the hospital. I almost stopped when you had the MC set up a trust fund for the bastard. There is no way in hell that I would give money towards the result of an affair. I don't know if you wrote a RAAC story, but it started to sound like it, so I stopped before I became nauseous. It's your story, but I do not consider RAAC a valid choice. There's NO EXCUSE for cheating. I would have written that he divorced her asap, took her off his insurance, file that she revert to her maiden name, split ALL assets including the house, and try to file a petition that she couldn't name the kid after him or any member of his family. In a no fault state he's entitled to half the house. It may sound cold hearted, but they aren't BTB moves. It's just that cheaters deserve their just desserts and karma.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Paid money in account for child not his look good to judge

Know not real but where in hell that come from

John seduced him?

And that's all she knows?

Year turns to 2 why?

Seems like deliberately setting him up for more kicks in balls

PaddyyddaPPaddyyddaPalmost 5 years ago
Uh oh

I see huge trouble ahead. This is going to be one of 'those' stories. The all too common and ridiculous ones where the guy leaves a cheating wife, only to catch the next woman he dates doing the same. And obviously, seeing as there are only Two women alive in the universe created by the author, he goes back to the one that betrayed him first, in a much more devious and cruel way. Obviously there are no other females in existence, so it's death by fire, or death by sword.

I think I'll stop here. Thanks.

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