A New Life

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A strange erotic fantasy on a motorcycle trip.
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As we mounted up, you asked me where we were headed....

I pointed off into the distance, not really pointing at anything but the mountain range off to the west.

I couldn't believe it, when I pulled into town this morning, who would have thought our paths would have crossed and we would end up together. You just left there by your last lying bastard of a boyfriend, and me leaving my lying bitch of a wife.

We are going to leave our worries right here, our regrets, our fears...we will find a new life out there together, beyond the horizon...As we ride up the mountain, our spirits will soar to a new level.

Our minds will be free of the prison we call the daily routine...

Are you ready?

Off we go........

As we get ready to saddle up, I notice how good you look all ready to ride. Your soft hair peeking out the edges of your helmet, caressing your cheek and neck and oh how those leathers hug your body.

I go through a mental checklist of our supplies...I think we have all we need to sustain us until the others meet up with us. They'll be coming in from all points. Buying the town wasn't in the original plan, but it seems to be falling into place piece by piece~~

According to the locals, we have about 5 hours of riding to get to the ridge where I want to set up camp the first night. This is going to be a beautiful start...just us beneath the stars~~~

As I fire up the Harley, we both feel the life force between our legs

As you grab hold around my waist, your head resting lightly on my shoulder, I feel as if I am already on top of the mountain.

As we roll out onto the highway I think to myself....

Life IS good................

That ride was BEAUTIFUL

The open road is for me! It feels good to get the leathers off though

As you stretch out, I can't help but notice how even after 5 hours of riding, you still look so fresh and relaxed...I guess this life agrees with you too!

As we take a moment to enjoy the sunset in the mountains, we can't help but notice how quiet and peaceful it is here......It looks like we have about an hour of daylight left........That should be plenty of time to get the tent set up and the fire going~~~probably even gives us time for a quick dip in the lake to freshen up.....

I ask you if you would mind gathering up some small sticks to get the fire going while I get the gear out of the saddle bags and get the tent set up......You bounce up and start without even a second thought~~~

What more can I ask for in a partner?

As I finish setting up the tent and get the fire going, I hear you splashing in the water

I turn and look at you. You look so relaxed and beautiful. The sun setting behind you outlines your well toned body~~I can see you have removed all your clothing to enjoy the cool air here in the mountains....

As I come closer to the waters edge, you slip under the water~~you come up and the setting sun is giving you a sexy red glow as it shimmers off your wet body. As you stand there, letting me drink up your beauty, I notice your nipples responding to the cool night air......

"Chilly?" I ask...with a litle smirk on my face~~~

You walk over to me, slowly~~dripping wet~~and press your wet mouth up to mine~~~

After a long, lingering kiss.......you tell me you just wanted to thank me for inviting you~~~

I didn't even realize you had unbuttoned my shirt and pants~~you slip your hands inside my shirt and slowly remove it for me~~~Your hands are cool from the water, but are causing warm tingles to shoot up and down my body. You gently slip my pants off and I am now standing in front of you wearing only a smile~~

You take my hand and pull me into the water with you~~~

The water is colder than I thought and you laugh out loud when you see my reaction to the cold water caressing me! You swim away and make me swim to you~~as I catch up, you again turn towards me and we are now in a full body embrace, our lips meeting, I am lost in your spell. Your breasts are pressing against my chest, my hardness pressing against you as your legs are now wrapped around my back......

You giggle and tell me you thought it was supposed to get smaller in the cold water~~~

You push off of me and the cool water sends a chill across the front of my body now that you are no longer there~~~you scoot out of the water and wiggle towards the fire~~

I am right behind you~~we sit on the log I had placed near the fire, our naked bodies wrapped in a blanket, and watch the sun set completely behind the mountains~~~

I think to myself~~~~


Enjoying our first night

There is no moon tonight, the only light is the light from the fire which makes your eyes come alive in the darkness. I move my hand to the back of your head and run my fingers through your hair. I take my other hand and softly touch your chin, tilting your head slightly so our lips can meet. We kiss~~softly, gently.....my tongue softly parting your lips. You allow me to enjoy the warmth of your mouth....the slightly salty taste of your lips.

As I move my lips to your neck, you tilt your head back~~I gently kiss and lick my way from one ear to the other, your head tilting with apparent pleasure.....As I work my way to your breasts, you gasp slightly as I flick your nipple with my tongue, then again as I gently nibble on one, then the other......

My hands now have one breast cupped in each, gently holding them while my lips find their way back to yours.....I gently run my fingers around each breast~~~and softly roll your nipples between my fingers.

You reach down and softly touch me, but I gently pull your hands away........I want to enjoy you....the way you smell~~~the way you taste........

I continue exploring you with my lips and tongue~~~~I kiss my way back across your chest to your belly.....from the center to one side, then back across to the other........your hands are now on my head, gently grabbing at my hair....I can smell your sex, feel the warmth rising from between your legs against my face now......I lick my way to the fold between your leg and your hip......you are now gently moving your hips~~~~trying to guide my tongue to your special spot.......I lick my way from one side to the other, while you are now raising your hips.....you are starting to breathe heavy with anticipation......

I look up and see your head arched back, the fire reflecting off your breasts giving you a mysterious red glow.......I gently lift one leg, then the other over my shoulders...........and support your beautiful ass with both hands~~~~~I start exploring you with my tongue.....gently at first, all around the outside.....then allowing my tongue to explore you deeply, to taste you, to feel the passion burning inside~~~~~I alternate betwen kissing and licking until you start moaning softly~~~then louder as I continue to savor your taste~~~~~

As you grab the back of my head and start grinding your hips into my face, I can feel your body tensing, your back arching....and then you explode with a deep moan and your body shudders.......I give you a few long licks and you pull my face up to yours and kiss me deeply~~~you hold me tightly as you still tremble.......

You look down at me and see my tip glistening, my member pulsing and know I am aching for you.......

You lay down and gently pull me down with you.......you whisper gently to me that I am to take you......just use you for my pleasure~~~~

I slide inside you and almost lose control....you are so wet and hot I feel as If I am going to explode immediately.........as I start pumping, you lean foward and start biting gently on my nipples.......the sensation makes me pump harder........your hands and legs are now wrapped around me, you are telling me NOW BABY...NOW!!!!

I wanted to last a long time, but you just feel too good~~~~

As I start exploding inside you, I feel the sweat pouring off me, my body is shuddering as I pump myself deeply inside you......I keep exploding over and over like I am never going to stop~~~~~

As I roll off you, you lean over and tell me to rest a few minutes~~~~we still have the whole night ahead of us

As we lay there, I slowly trace the outline of your body with my finger~~the fire is causing the shadows to dance in the trees all around us.

I lean up on my elbow and ask you if you're hungry~~~

"HUNGRY??" you exclaim......"Food and sex, is that all that is on your mind?" you ask with a little laugh....

"Uhhh~~~YEA!" I answer playfully........"That was some GREAT sex, now I need to eat~~~~"

You laughingly tell me it's not exactly take out area~~~~The last place to eat was about 100 miles back!!

"I always come prepared~~~in the right hand saddle bag, in the bottom is a cooler area, there is a nice bottle of wine there...I'll serve the chicken"~~~You grab my T-shirt and pull it on...I watch you go towards the bike, your ass peeking out the bottom of the shirt as you walk.....

I pull on my shorts and tell you to be careful in the darkness, to be sure you don't trip and fall~~~~You keep looking back, wondering what I am up to...I pull some foil from the fire, clean it off and open it up~~~Inside is the most tender, moist chicken you ever saw.....potatos, some carrots and a few ears of corn~~~

"Where did you learn to do THAT?" you asked......

"An old Indian storyteller I met in my travels years ago taught me this secret as well as many others...... Rac had much knowledge to offer if one only took the time to listen~~I was a very good student"

"Now eat up~~~he also shared some secrets we will try later~~~~~"

I added some more wood to the fire as the night air was very cool up here in the mountains~~~

We shared the bottle of wine and our delicious food......and then just sat there listening to nature~~~I asked you if there was anything you needed......and you replied

"Not a thing more than I have right here~~~~"

I guess we nodded off for a while.....after all, it just felt so right, we were so relaxed~~~~

I just laid there with your head on my chest for a while, gently stroking your hair, tickling your back ever so softly~~

I tried not to wake you as I got up to add wood to the fire~~there was a chill in the air and we weren't exactly dressed for cool weather. As I was adding the wood, you woke up and asked if everything was OK...."It's ALL good" I said with a smile~~"You want to move into the tent where it's a little warmer?"

You just nodded and crawled in, your cute ass wiggling all the way~~

As I came in, I zipped the tent closed behind me, it was too dark to see you, especially after looking into the fire, but I could hear you moving closer. I felt your warm hands gently remove my shorts.....grabbing my ass as you slid them down. You found your way to my lips, your soft warm mouth meeting mine, gently breathing in and taking my breath away. You gently grabbed the back of my head and pulled my hair up to expose my neck~~~you kissed and nibbled on me, slowly working your way down to my chest. Once again, you worked on my nipples, like I had done to you earlier......you nibbled on them, flicked them with your tongue, and rolled them in your fingers........You reached down and gently stroked me, while whispering into my ear that you hoped I was enjoying being touched like this......I could barely get out a weak yes..........

You worked your way behind me and kissed my back while still gently stroking me with your hand...you now had my balls in your other hand and were gently massaging them~~~

I was on my knees, enjoying every touch, every lick, as you slithered your body in front of me and took me in your mouth.......It was so warm~~~so wet~~~so soft......My eyes had adjusted to the dark now, and as I looked down, I could see you looking up at me, enjoying the pleasure on my face as you slowly slid your lips across me....I could feel your tongue wrapping around me~~~as your lips reached the tip, you would flick your tongue and send a chill up my spine~~~~Each time you felt me get close to climax, you would bring your lips up to mine and give me a long, passionate kiss~~~You kept this up for quite a while until you decided it was time, and then you allowed me to finish......you grabbed my ass with both hands and took me into your mouth deeper than before...the sensation was incredible~~~~I gently touched your head and made a feeble attempt to pull you away as I exploded, but you just took me in deeper, enjoying every pulsation, every ounce of me~~~you didn't let me go until I was completely done~~then you brought your face up to mine again and shared with me how salty, yet sweet we tasted together~~~~

I reached down and gently touched between your legs~~~you were so wet and hot........I did not let our lips part, but rather kept my mouth close to yours~~~softly licking your lips, nibbling on your lower lip and then sliding my tongue between your parted lips again.......I had both hands down between your legs now, I was slowly stroking you, slipping a finger from one hand inside you, while gently massaging you with the other.......I asked if you were enjoying yourself, if you liked my touch~~~if I was massaging your special spot as my Indian friend had taught me~~~~you could only get out a low moan~~~~

You were now gently rocking on your knees, trying to force me to pick up the pace, but I was already satisfied, I wanted to take my time, enjoy the pleasure I was able to give you~~~~~~I kept you moaning for a few more minutes~~~~~I finally gave in to your wishes when you asked me to please let you cum~~~~I stroked a little faster, a little harder, and felt you start trembling with an orgasm.......I pressed my lips to yours as you came..........you grabbed onto me to stop from falling as your body went limp from pleasure.............

When you woke up the next morning, I already had the coffee ready...you awoke to the sound and smell of the bacon sizzling on the grille.

"Would you like your eggs fried or scrambled?~~~or do you want to take a bath first??"

"A BATH??? In the cold water first thing in the morning???" you laughed...."You coming with me?"

"Why, don't I look fresh and clean?" I already bathed, polished the bike and got breakfast going sleepy head!" I reminded you my Indian friend taught me MANY things~~you smiled and said you liked at least ONE of the things he taught me!

"If you like, I can help you bathe~~~just let me finish up the bacon and find a spot to keep it warm~~~"

You said maybe you better bathe yourself or breakfast would end up getting cold~~~you had a point there!!!

I pointed you in the direction of the 'bath' I had set up...as you came upon it, you couldn't believe what you saw.....I had used some branches and leaves to block off some of the water from the lake......The stones I had placed under and around the fire last night held the heat and were now used as a base to my 'tub' as well as the way to warm the water......As you slipped in, you were amazed that the water was barely chilly......you saw the soap and shampoo I had left there and proceeded to lather up. As I came closer, I could see you were happy that Rac had taught me how to 'trap the fire in the stone' as he referred to it! I brought a few more warm stones over from the fire and told you to lean back~~~I placed them on your body in the places I had learned from the medicine man they called Chrononoro~~~you seemed to move on to a new level of consciousness when I placed them on your body.....

I removed them after a few minutes, as Chrononoro had taught me....he said if they were left in place too long, the fire beast in the stone would take your soul and use it for his purpose......I certainly didn't want to take THAT chance~~~~

I left you to get dressed and started to cook the eggs.....amazing how much fits in these saddle bags when packed the right way, I thought to myself.......

As you came over to sit with me and eat, you gave me a nice long, soft kiss and thanked me again for letting you ride with me~~~~"Trust me", I said, "the pleasure is ALL mine~~~"

"Is there ANYTHING" you didn't think of or take with you on this adventure?" you asked between sips of coffee~~~~

"Actually....I didn't realize how much gas we would use climbing these mountains with all the gear~~~I hope we have enough to get us to where we are going~~~we may need to coast down the other side of the mountain, which will be a little tricky.....We need to get going though, we MUST get over the peak before nightfall....it can drop down below freezing up there when the sun goes down at night!"

"So no time for some, relaxation?" you asked playfully......

"As much as I would love to, NO....we MUST get moving.......help me pack the gear...and keep the warm leathers near the top....we may need them later in the day!"

Within a half hour, we were all packed and ready to roll......we made sure the place looked as if we were never there, saddled up and the Harley roared to life~~~~

"Hopefully we'll meet up with the others before nightfall".....

"HANG ON....................................."

From the moment we pulled out of camp, all I could think of was your offer of some relaxation before we left......It was going around and around in my mind...YOU were going around and around in my mind~~~You are SO beautiful...SO desireable.........why are you with ME?? All you knew of me is what little I told you.....I was heading out into the mountains to meet up with some people to get away from it all......to start fresh.....and you agreed to come with me!

You didn't want to know away from what, or who~~~~Hell, I didn't know much about you either......only that it seemed as if we have known each other forever........The conversation flows so easily, and the sex is fantastic......

You ride like you have ridden with me for years, not nervous......trusting me with your life!

As we climbed higher, it got a little warmer.....it didn't help that your hand kept wandering down to my crotch either.....But I had to keep my mind on the road no matter how hard it got!

It felt so nice though, your hands constantly wandering around my body.....it certainly kept my senses alive......

We had ridden for about 3 hours and were at the top of the mountain......we got here faster than I thought......we hadn't seen another car or truck since we left~~I guess there was not much use for this stretch of road unless you were going over the top...I figured this was a good time for a bathroom break, so I pulled over to an area where we could look out over the valley below....

"This is so beautiful'" you said....."Is that where we are headed?" as you pointed to a small cluster of buildings down below...

"I do believe that is it darlin~~still quite a ride though, we have to travel around the mountainside as we go down....we made pretty good time and it looks like the fuel situation will be OK~~why don't you use the facilities and I'll get together something to eat out of the bag."

You disappeared behind some bushes~~You came out a few minutes later in nothing but your vest and boots and stood next to the bike~~~

"Since we're making good time, can I help relax that tense muscle in your pants?" you asked playfully...

"I don't want it to be a hard ride down the mountain"

You didn't have to ask me twice....I so desperately wanted you at this moment.......

I tore my clothes off as I practically ran over to you......once again, I found myself lost in passion......our lips met and our tongues moved as one........I pulled you against me and felt your breasts pressing against my chest...your hand reached down and grabbed me, you lifted one leg and put it on the bike and started rubbing my tip against your wet pussy.....As you were using me as your personal toy, you told me if I wanted you to just TAKE you~~~~with that, I lifted you up and slid you down onto my rock hard cock in one motion~~~You gasped as my full length slid deep inside~~~I lifted you up and down for a little while, enjoying every stroke, every breath you took, every moan you made........