A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 02 Ch. 07


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Natalie set the scissors down and looked up from her work. "Did you want to?" she asked softly.

Gwen raised her head and looked down at the serious face between her legs. "Did I want to?"

Their eyes locked as a finger was slowly drawn through her slit, the signal her trim was done. "Did you want to?" Natalie repeated.

"I...I guess...yes, I did. It was all just so overwhelming."

"I understand," Natalie agreed, never breaking eye contact. "Do you want to now?"

"I, uhh, I..." The Lady threw up her hands in disgust. "What do I do?"

Her sister-in law rose from her knees. "Stand up," she ordered, and Gwen slowly worked her way off the bed as she tried to decide whether it was too late to back out.

"Stay right there." Natalie reached behind her and grabbed the towel she had been lying on. "Be right back." Gwen stood in place, following orders, nude and shivering with anxiety and anticipation. Her sister-in-law returned a moment later, a beach towel and a bottle of baby oil in hand.

The fresh towel was laid on the bed and pillows arranged. "Okay, lie down again. On your stomach this time."

Gwen looked at her sister-in-law uncertainly but complied. Memories of how Miss Ritter had used much the same setup to instruct her on "therapeutic" massage flooded her, and how she had been expected to replicate her lesson on her instructor. Even the remembered smell of the liniment she used, pungent and not at all pleasant, seemed to fill her nostrils.

The bed sagged as Natalie climbed on the bed and straddled her legs. Miss Ritter had never done that—her massages took place with the attendee lying down and the attendant standing or kneeling bedside, ready to put their weight into the effort. Warm thighs captured her own, then walked forward until her sister-in-law rested lightly atop her rear end, the warm lips of her bare sex pressed down against her tailbone. Gwen heard the bottle's cap pop open, and a squirt of cool liquid traced down her spine.

The clean, familiar smell of the oil blew away the memory of the liniment as two hands, as gentle and soothing as Miss Ritter's had been strong and rough, began to smooth the liquid into Gwen's shoulderblades. The hands and fingers dragged and pushed, not to work the soreness out of tired muscles but to arouse the nerve endings below, to inflame her sensuality.

The hands continued to smooth and glide, picking up oil that had collected at the base of her spine and spreading it across Gwen's back and occasionally as far as the sides of her breasts, flattened against the towel. She reveled in the touch, inviting it—both giving and receiving Miss Ritter's massages had been physical workouts compared to the sensory bliss she was experiencing now.

"Doing alright?" Natalie asked in a low voice. Gwen nodded with eyes closed and the body on her rear shifted back, resettling again on her thighs, before more oil was squirted on the recently vacated cheeks. Gwen felt a rivulet run down the valley between her globes, and then the finger that dashed in to catch it.

The finger collected the droplet and coated the crevice with it before dropping further, down across ther rosebud to the edge of her opening, then dragging back up to spread the slippery liquid about her crinkled muscle. Gwen flinched in surprise.

"Shh, it's okay," Natalie murmured. "I'm not going in. But your asshole has a lot of nerve endings, and is a great place to give a little attention to, if you haven't discovered already."

She knew that, Gwen thought, but the fact she had touched herself there was still too shameful to admit. Still, she allowed the finger to work until it withdrew to allow the hand it was attached to access to her buttocks. The touch was gentle, soothing, and nervousness gave way to arousal and a sense of well-being. The body behind her again shifted, this time gently forcing its way between the prone woman's knees, and her thighs received her sister-in-law's full attention.

Natalie's fingers dipped and swirled, pressing gently sometimes, barely making contact with the skin others, working down the insides of her thighs, ever closer to their junction, Gwen not even aware she had opened herself further to aid their travel. She shivered as Natalie's fingers reached their destination and gently stroked along the outside of her lips in unison, once, twice.

And then they were gone, the body between her knees moving further back to apply oil to her calves and toes, Gwen nearly sighing with disappointment. The feel of her sister-in-law's fingers running between her toes brought more excitement.

"Roll over, sweetie," Natalie said in a low voice. Gwen did as requested, looking up at her nude sister-in-law as she hovered above her and applied a line of oil from the base of her neck to just above her freshly cut thatch. Her sister-in-law's right hand gently began to spread the liquid, soon joined by the other hand as they worked ever closer to her breasts.

And then they were on her mounds, spreading, kneading, caressing, occasionally teasing an erect nipple before moving again. Gwen watched in fascination as her breasts were gently pushed and pulled, fingers exerting enough pressure to leave brief marks before they met as a loose fist to squeeze her tender flesh. "You have beautiful tits, so firm," Natalie murmured as she paid them homage.

Her sister-in-law moved from her spot between Gwen's legs to kneel beside her, one hand still gently caressing her mounds while the other spread the oil on her stomach. It circled and swirled a little lower with each pass until fingertips casually brushed through the short hair of her mons. Gwen's legs spread further in invitation, and Natalie accepted. Her palm was firmly planted on the fleshy pad above the aroused woman's sex as a finger found her slit and curled up until it made contact with her clitoris. The touch was electric, and her hips twitched. The finger circled and stroked, occasionally dipping down to push deeply between her lips before coming back. Gwen had the feeling as though she was being made love to by herself, the touch so familiar and right on target with her desires, but with a hand was working independently of her nervous system. Her hips began to twitch and buck more urgently, and the hand curled down, the heel of her palm putting pressure on her clit while a finger drove inside her and curled back to reach for her G spot.

"Come for me, honey. I want to watch you come." Natalie's fingerfucking became more forceful, the rocking of her palm pushing waves of pleasure out from her sister-in-law's clit as her finger pushed deep into her opening. Gwen's thighs involuntarily locked about the torturing hand, trapping it in place as her climax built. She was dimly aware of her right nipple being gently twirled between two fingers, and wished that Natalie had a third hand to tease the other one with.

Her orgasm was somehow different than anything Miss Ritter, Tim, or even her own hand, had ever given her. Not better, not worse, just...different. Its intensity was very familiar, however, and she stiffened and twitched until her muscles began to ache with fatigue. She eventually managed to loosen her grip on the hand between her legs, but did not release it. The finger inside her gently stroked, a pleasant feeling as her pussy twitched through its last spasms. Gwen went limp.

"Welcome back," Natalie said with a soft laugh. "Have a nice trip?"

Gwen looked up at the smiling woman and smiled back in appreciation. "That was wonderful. Thank you." The Slut lay sprawled on one shoulder, the Lady silent and glaring on the other. Even without prodding from her prim and proper alter ego, she knew it was only polite to return the favor. "Let me help you now."

Natalie smile and pulled back her hand as the thighs holding them opened. "Thanks sweetie, but if I leave now, I'll just make it to work in time. Marjorie's got the whole weekend off starting as soon as I relieve her, so I don't want to be late. But I will take a raincheck—I'd love for you to do me the next time we ride, okay?"

"Oh—alright," Gwen replied, relief in not being asked to perform mixed with disappointment in not being able to do so. "Can I make you something to eat while you're getting ready?"

Natalie was already off the bed, kneading and massaging her breasts with both the leftover oil and Gwen's juices. "Nah, thanks, though. Be right back," she called out over her shoulder as she headed down the hallway, still rubbing her tits, "gotta get my clothes out of the car." Gwen followed, watching the naked woman go out to her SUV to retrieve a bag. She dressed in the kitchen while Gwen looked on, deciding not to dress until her sister-in-law was seen off.

"Wow, you've got some powerful thighs, lady," Natalie said as she shook her hand in mock pain. "Wasn't sure I was getting this back."

Gwen blushed. "Sorry. I guess I just lose control when I feel that good."

Natalie snorted. "Lose control? I've never seen someone so under control when they're coming. It looked like you were trying not to sneeze." She kissed her sister-in-law on the cheek. "Gotta go. Same time next week?"

"I'd like that."

"Great! I'll call you to see how things are going."

Gwen stood on the deck, still nude, and watched Natalie drive away. She dressed and made her way back to the office, guilt over her debauchery while Tim and the others were working so hard hanging over her. Despite her efforts to concentrate as she sat behind the desk, she stared at the far wall as her mind wandered.

She had taken the next step with Natalie; significant and inevitable, both Lady and Slut decreed, though for different reasons. It was not the first time she had been with a woman, but it almost seemed so. The act had been so different with Miss Ritter. Back then, she had managed to convince herself that she had only done it because it was part of her job and continuing education; she was certain the orgasms her instructor had occasionally handed out were either lessons on how the older rider expected to be pleasured, or rewards for own good behavior. Certainly, on most nights she had left the woman's apartment with an unfulfilled sexual ache that would not be satisfied as touching herself was out of the question; not once had Miss Ritter ever given the student release if the instructor had not gotten it herself. She had always considered herself a "good girl;" anything she had done or experienced was because she was convinced she had to.

Even after her marriage, she had hoped her new husband might reveal a hidden, domineering personality in the bedroom and force her to do all the sick and twisted things that dwelt in a man's imagination while she complied as a "faithful wife" and absolved herself of responsibility. But instead he was in private what he was in public—respectful, sweet, adorable, and she had found no excuse to stray from her mother's morality, embracing it for no other reason other than Tim had married and expected a "good wife."

Today had been so unlike her riding academy experiences. Natalie had freely given without expecting anything in return right then and there. And her touch was so different! Soft, gentle, caring...not the cold, impersonal, manipulations she had both given and received before she met Tim...much the same treatment she had continued to give her husband until recently, she feared.

And Natalie. She'd have to tell Tim what happened. He said he didn't mind before; she had no choice but to find out if he meant it now.

And she had promised her sister-in-law the favor would be returned; of course Natalie would understand if Tim objected—wouldn't she?—but what if he said it was alright? The relief she had felt when Natalie had first declined Gwen's offer was not from a reluctance to make her sister-in-law happy, but rather a worry that her performance would not match the expectations. Would she be able to deliver the same caring, fulfilling pleasure she had felt just a short while ago?

Questions, answers, and concerns chased each other around in the distracted woman's head until the first sounds of crunching gravel outside. Morally suspect people have their problems too, she sighed as she headed downstairs.

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StubbyoneStubbyone6 months ago

To commenter Seekeraz, you make denigrating comments about the story and the characters and threaten to quit reading, yet you keep reading. Me thinks thou protests too much ! Do us all a favor. If you don’t like characters or where the story is headed, just (actually) stop and find something else to tickle your fancy. I think you enjoy the guilty pleasure of reading such stories and try to cover those feelings with statements that make you appear to be aghast at what you read. More akin to, “please don’t throw me in the briar patch. “ when, in fact, that’s exactly where you want to be. Fantasies aren’t bad. We all have them. Enjoy them. Shhh ! You don’t have to tell anybody. 😊

To BusyBadger: another great chapter. Enjoying it immensely. 5-😊😊😊😊😊’s again.

yarnspinnerryarnspinnerrover 3 years ago
Significant and inevitable indeed

And very erotic, good job.

Natalie tasting her fingers with a gleam in her eye would have been the perfect addition, but still very good, and with the promise of more.

Can't wait for hubby's response, I think he is already showing a bit of the dominant role gwen needs to be the bad girl ;->

LowcountryLowcountryover 4 years ago
Oh my...

This is the one I'm most drawn to. I loved the massage scene, the way Natalie introduced Gwen to all the nerve endings around her rosebud. Very well written!

ptcruzxxptcruzxxalmost 9 years ago
Most Excellent


WoodsLord_3540WoodsLord_3540almost 9 years ago
I've seen this many times.

Of those who criticize, most are Anonymous. But of those who have a registered name, look at their profile: the majority of the time, there are no contributions. As I've noted before, that's akin to one purporting to be a food critic, yet having any no ability in the kitchen. The comments somewhat ring hollow.

Unless you have made the effort to put thoughts on paper, successfully or not, do not deride those who attempt this difficult craft.

I have voted 5 for each contribution. Well deserved.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Cant wait to read the next chapter. Maybe the next time Gwen and Tim have sex he can tell her he wants her to be louder and she finally breaks the habit od holding in her noise when she finishes?? Just a suggestion of something ide like to see with this story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Thanks for the great stories

I have really enjoyed reading these today. Found them this morning, and spent most of the afternoon reading all these wonderful stories. I am glad I took this long to discover them, as I got all 30+ stories in a row. You are a wonderful storyteller, and really know how to keep the story interesting. Thanks, please keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

The shopping trip was awesome! The things I would do to run into Gwen at the grocery store ;)

Can't wait for the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Very well done!

I love it when she gets the urge to expose herself.

BigBeanieBigBeanieabout 9 years ago
utterly captivating

A new episode of this story is my Literotica highlight of the month. Many many thanks.

droid01droid01about 9 years ago

Another great chapter in this on going story. I like that everything progresses at a nice pace so the story still seems believable. Thanks for all your hard work on it. I 'll be waiting for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
even for

a fantasy an emptier world than this is not possible

seekerazseekerazabout 9 years ago
I revisited for the first time and...

It's inevitable. Matching dildos to imagined cock size? This Gwen, whoever the hell she is, might as well get it over with. Natalie hasn't improved with age either. In fact there are no more sympathetic characters, just pathetic ones and pathetic readers.As they continue to devolve through the bonobo stage on to having to return their opposable thumbs the story becomes sadder and sadder.

Advice_GirlAdvice_Girlabout 9 years ago

The shopping trip was great...It is very realistic when you described the feelings. The planning and dressing...then the disappointment in the department store when she had no audience, followed by the thrill at the meat counter and with the older man helping her load the truck.

I can recall exactly those feelings. What a good story.

Love AG

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