A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 02 Ch. 18

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Cricket's Gifts.
5.9k words

Part 45 of the 85 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/01/2013
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Thanks to all who continue to send feedback and critique, both positive and negative. Your opinions and ideas are seriously considered and evaluated, and I like to think a few have even given me an interesting look into the human psyche. In response to a couple of comments at the end of chapter 17 regarding the speed at which things happen or don't happen, you are absolutely correct—nothing in this story happens quickly. While the chapters come out over a lengthy period of real-life time (2 years plus and counting!), the passing of time in the story itself covers only a few months.

I'm gratified to read that the characters seem to be very real-life and relatable. One of my own secret vices is to imagine the secret lives of the people I see and meet. Does that conservative-looking woman behind the cash register enjoy oral sex? Has she ever done it with a girlfriend? Despite some commenters' beliefs that this story is a complete drivel and an unrealistic representation of reality, I do try very hard not to test the reader's willful suspension of disbelief and keep it as close to what I consider "real-life" as possible, so I just can't make myself write Gwen opening up any faster than she already is. Sorry, but no complete transformation in two chapters here. Also, please view this story as a long-running TV show—I don't have an ending in mind—it will probably just keep going until the story "jumps the shark," I get bored, or people stop reading. If you need closure, please refer to the end of Part I and walk away there.

Now for the standard disclaimers.

This is a story about sexual exploration and, open relationships. Open relationships can and do happily exist; but they are not for everyone. If you do not believe it is at all possible for open relationships to exist without damage to any and all involved parties, please do yourself a favor and don't waste your time reading this.

Also, this story takes place in a world where STDs don't exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.


"Warm day today," Natalie observed as she peeled off her shirt and jogbra after cinching Dancer's saddle.

"Sure is," Gwen agreed as her sister-in-law's breasts bounced free from their containment. The region was in the midst of a mini-heat wave, conditions more like late summer than the middle of the fall.

"Hey, got an idea," Natalie said over her shoulder as she hurried down to her car, returning with a rolled-up blanket. "It's such a beautiful day, let's hang out on the grass up at the picnic table for a while. Get a little sun before it gets too cold."

Gwen strapped the bundle behind her own saddle before throwing a leg up and over Dart. She hesitated, listening for the sound of vehicles in the driveway, then stripped off her own shirt and bra. The bare-chested women trotted their mounts out of the barn together.

They took their time up the hill, discussing plans for the fast approaching Thanksgiving holiday. Gwen lamented the fact that Alison and Jason would be at his family's for the holiday, and that Irene Curran was even more displeased with that arrangement. The air was still and warm when they reached the clearing.

Natalie was already sitting on the bench of the picnic table, kicking off her boots and stripping down to bare skin while her fellow rider retrieved the blanket and checked the horses' tethers. Gwen was pleased this was the kind of sunning Natalie had intended and undressed quickly after nervously looking about for any passers-by, laying down on the blanket next to the naked woman.

"Oh, this feels so good," Natalie said, lying back with eyes closed "Probably won't get to do this again until Adam and I go to the Turks and Caicos in February."

Gwen eyes were shut tight against the sun's glare as well. "I would guess your bikinis are close enough to being like this."

Natalie laughed. "My bikinis don't get used too much down there. Maybe the bottoms, if we stay by the pool. The resort has a nude beach—we're on that more often than not."

Gwen raised herself on one elbow and shielded her eyes with the other hand to look at her sister-in-law. "Adam does, too?"

Natalie nodded. "Your brother didn't take much convincing to turn nudist. He's gotten to be a bit of a showoff, plus he gets some nice scenery."

"You don't mind if he looks at other women?"

Nah. They're just bodies. Some very well put-together bodies, but still... and I think he gets a kick out of guys looking at me."

"Wait—don't you go down there with another couple?"

"Yup. The Wieglins."

"Do they know you go to the nude beach?"

"They go with us." There was a momentary silence before Natalie laughed again. "You know, I never thought I'd be saying this, but you and Tim should go with us some time."

"Oh, we couldn't do that," Gwen demurred.

"Why not? Tim's not shy, right?"

"I guess not, but...it wouldn't be right to be like that around my own brother."

Being naked on a beach in a foreign country is not an automatic gateway to sex. We're all adults; we all know girls have boobs and pussies and boys have dicks. Your brother's is particularly nice," Natalie teased, "but you don't have to look at it, much less touch it. Just don't get mad if I sneak a peek at Tim's."

"He'd probably be embarrassed if he caught you looking," Gwen protested, wondering about the truth of that statement. "Even if he did dare go out like that in public." You mean like he did at the beach at the lake, the Slut pointedly suggested.

"You don't have to decide now. Just think about it, maybe talk to Tim. When was the last time you guys took a real vacation?"

"We took plenty this summer—we went to see KD at her summer job, and we went to the Inn for a night."

"Weekend getaways," her sister-in-law scoffed. "I mean like at least a week."

Gwen lay back as the conversation lapsed. The idea of a trip to an exotic locale to be completely exposed to strangers put a new perspective on old fantasies, and the growing warmth between her legs was not just from the sun...

"You still having those dreams?"

Gwen started out of her reverie and turned to look at her sister-in-law, dismissing an irrational fear her mind was being read. Natalie's legs were now bent at the knee and her hand absentmindedly moved in circles between them. "Hmm?"

"Those dreams you told me about the first time we went riding, remember? Still having 'em?"

Gwen closed her eyes to break the contact and shut the window into her thoughts, just in case. "Sometimes, I guess," she mumbled, lying back. "When I'm feeling a little...worked up."

"You're taking care of yourself when you get "worked up", right? No problems with that?"

"Well, Tim's my first choice, obviously," Gwen hurried to explain, "but if he's too busy, then yes, I do."

Natalie chuckled. "I gotta admit, when you told me what your dreams were about, I played it like they were no big deal because I wanted to look like the caring medical professional and sister-in-law, but I thought they were really hot! So. I put my own spin on 'em and used them a few times myself. Do you ever think about when you're getting off?"

"Sometimes." No need to divulge that her dreams and masturbatory fuel had progressed from just being watched to being made available to the audience by the person forcing her into the situation. The fact that it was Natalie sometimes holding the crop and leash was most shameful of all.

Gwen risked a look as her sister-in-law turned her head to stare at the sky before closing her eyes. The activity between her legs, still hidden behind a raised thigh, seemed to becoming more focused. "Being naked outside always makes me horny," the obviously masturbating woman sighed contentedly.

Gwen again propped herself on an elbow and looked about nervously. Despite the remote location, they were so exposed...even if it was her property, she would have a very difficult time explaining the situation if they were discovered.

"Would you like me to help you?"

Natalie opened one eye, squinting against the sun. "I thought you'd never ask!" She rolled to her side to reach for the naked body beside her. The press of her sister-in-law's lips against her own surprised Gwen. They had kissed before, but still the act somehow always felt more intimate than the hand that now gently palmed her breast or even the finger or tongue she hoped would shortly be between her legs. The exquisite feel of soft lips against her own made stopping the taboo act unthinkable.

Their hands glided across the sun-warmed skin of each other's bodies while Natalie's tongue tentatively probed. Gwen responded to the overtures, and the underlying senses of danger and perversion heightened her arousal as Natalie's finger boldly announced its arrival at her opening. Her own hand slid its way down between the other woman's legs in response, Natalie's hips reflexively pushing forward to bury the finger at the entrance to her opening and make contact with the palm at the top of her mound. So wet, Gwen thought, and so ready to accept me. Her own sex required a bit of coaxing before allowing Natalie's finger to slide up and in; her sister-in-law apparently had needed no such convincing. She was certainly not like Miss Ritter, who more often than not required the touch of a tongue before her opening was slick and receptive enough to comfortably allow a finger. Memories of the conflict that raged in Gwen at those times, when the dominant Lady insisted she be repulsed by the act she was performing while the meeker Slut suggested that it really wasn't so bad. But things had changed...



"Would it be alright if I kissed you...down there?" Her hand stopped its rocking motion, as if to avoid drawing any further attention to where "there" was.

Her sister-in-law smiled and lay back. "Of course. I'd love you too."

A wave of panic swept over Gwen as she realized there was no turning back now. What if she did it wrong, or didn't like it? Would Natalie be mad or offended?

The naked woman next to her sensed her hesitation. "You don't have to if you don't want to..."

"No, I want to." Gwen shuffled to the end of the blanket and between the pair of legs that had been opened for her. She knelt and bent forward, aware of the sun on her back and upturned bottom. She had seen Natalie from this angle before, had even touched her when grooming her, but still she felt compelled to pause and admire the sight. Labial lips varying in shades from pink and red to grey and purple bloomed from between a cleft formed by two puffy pillows of flesh. The pillows grew smaller as they descended to where her opening lay barely hidden behind a semicircle formed by her engorged lips. Further below, a strip of smooth skin gave way to a partially obscured rosebud.

Still she hesitated. How to start? What would Natalie find pleasing? Start with a kiss, the Slut said impatiently, and do whatever Miss Ritter made you do. Better yet, do what you like. Gwen bent forward and planted a light kiss on the top of the cleft, just below the remaining tuft of hair. She could feel the beginning of the valley under her lips, and she imagined the stiff little nub concealed underneath. It was left undisturbed for now, however, her own preference being for a little more teasing first, kissing her way down towards the other end of the valley.

The feel of Natalie's labia under her lips was new and somewhat unexpected. Miss Ritter's vulva had been a reflection of the woman herself—drawn up, trim, under control, the diminutive petals of her flower neatly withdrawn from view. By contrast, Natalie felt like a confusion of soft, warm, pliant skin, and there was a hint of the moisture that lay tucked in and about her abundant folds. She remembered the taste of her own excitement on Tim's cheeks and how she had wondered about Natalie. Guess it's a good time to find out, Gwen thought, and gently pushed her tongue through the yielding flesh.

She found wetness there, more than Miss Ritter had ever produced, even during her orgasms. The Lady had always made the argument that her instructor tasted unpleasant, more out of indignation than truth, but she could not do the same now. Her sister-in-law's bouquet was exciting and not unpleasant. A hand gently alighted on her head. She looked up without removing her tongue, fearful that perhaps the touch had been a signal to stop, but her sister-in-law's eyes were shut tight against the sun and the feeling between her legs while she fondled her right breast.

Gwen continued kissing her way down until her chin rested on the cotton blanket. Natalie raised her hips in a clear invitation to continue, down to where her lips met to hint at the opening beneath. Gwen lay down to do her part to better the angle, feeling where the blanket ended and the grass started beneath her thighs. The hand on her head twitched as she drove her tongue deep between the pillows of flesh.

Like riding a bike, the Slut observed as long-unused-but-never-forgotten skills were rapidly recalled. At least I don't seem to be doing it wrong, Gwen acknowledged to herself as Natalie sighed and coo'd with pleasure while her hips twitched spasmodically whenever the tongue in her sex touched a particularly sensitive spot. The Lady's desire to ignore the goings on and remain on the alert for intruders were politely acknowledged then ignored as Gwen wished for some way to accommodate the need between her own legs.

"I'm close," Natalie finally grunted, "put two fingers in me and lick my clit." Gwen was only slightly less surprised to discover the extra digit was as easily accommodated as the first. Thighs pressed against her ears, locking her in place.

"Right there...yes...yes...right there...yessss," the muffled voice chanted with rising urgency. "Yes—yes—yes—ohhh, fuckkkkk meeeee..."Gwen's palm rubbed against her chest as her fingers did their best to give Natalie what she was chanting for. She sensed when the time had come to stop everything and let the world explode around her sister-in-law.

The flesh holding her head in place eventually parted, allowing her to look up past a pair of large glistening breasts to Natalie's smiling, sweating face. Gwen moved back up on to the blanket and lay down, mustering the courage to ask for the assistance in getting her own orgasm that she so sorely desired. The body next to her rose as she reclined.

"Let's see what we can do for you," Her sister-in law settled on her knees and haunches, looked down on the naked body, and smiled. "Sorry about that," Natalie said, one hand gently brushing moisture from Gwen's cheeks while the other began to turn circles below her breasts, "I got you pretty wet. Close your eyes and relax."

The hand on her moved down instead of up, pushing her thighs apart to matter-of-factly insert a finger into her sex. A second finger joined the first, both curling up inside her and gently stroking a few times before they were removed. Gwen did not have long to wonder about their withdrawal, as they were soon pressed against the lips over her closed mouth. "Show me how you suck cock. Imagine Tim is sitting on your chest, feeding you his dick...show me how you'd make him happy."

Gwen accepted the fingers, the taste of her own juices similar yet distinct from what she had just taken from Natalie, and began to swirl her tongue about the tips. This is just silly, the Lady huffed, this feels nothing like a real penis, but Gwen played along with the suggested imagery, anxious to follow Natalie's direction. She began to gently bob up and down along the length, but the fingers were again removed.

"Spread your legs. Wider," the woman above her said sternly when she was slow to react. Gwen overcompensated for the perceived rebuke, bringing her knees apart almost to the point of discomfort.

"Better," Natalie purred, and her fingers again bulled their way into Gwen's opening. "Give all those watching men something to beat off to while you suck your husband." The moisture-coated fingers left her sex and were back at her mouth, demanding to be sucked. The other hand dove between her legs, fingers pushing up deep inside of her while a thumb lay nestled against her clitoris. "Maybe Tim will let one of them fuck you as your reward for blowing him."

Gwen could imagine the crowd of men stroking their penises, vying for a better view as she serviced the ones already inside of her. This was not her idea of course—Natalie was making her entertain all of these men—but she was determined to satisfy them all. The one in her mouth continued to patiently stroke while the other began to pump with more vigor. He was close, she imagined, and decided he would fill her. Tim would be next, and Gwen joined him.

She was dimly aware of the cocks being withdrawn—fingers, they were fingers, she reminded herself—and the soft press of Natalie's lips on her own. The women rested for a bit, Gwen delighting in the feel of the soft breeze drying her own sheen of perspiration, before the women returned to their jeans and boots and started down the hill.

"That was just make-believe," Gwen told her sister-in-law as they rode. "I would never cheat on Tim like that."

"I know you wouldn't," Natalie agreed. "But cheating ain't cheating if it's sharing. I'll have to thank him some time for sharing you with me."

Gwen almost replied with a "you wouldn't' dare," but stopped it short of her lips. Natalie would dare. And it might be fun to watch.


As planned, Cricket pulled into the driveway at precisely 10am the next morning. "I didn't see your truck when I pulled up," the young woman said, "and I was afraid you weren't home."

"Tim's got it this weekend. The business won a contest of some sort from one of the suppliers, so we got four tickets and luxury suite access at a football game in Atlanta tomorrow afternoon. There's some sort of welcome dinner tonight, so he left about a half-hour ago."

Oh—I hope I didn't stop you from going."

Gwen laughed. "Oh, Heavens no. I have no desire to be in a stadium full of football fans. Tim took Cliff and his two boys. They're staying the night in Atlanta, so just us until tomorrow, I'm afraid."

"I'm no Tim, but I'll try and be good company."

They rode until the late afternoon, finishing their chores as dusk was falling. Gwen started dinner while Cricket showered, then took her own while the younger woman watched the stove. They shared a bottle of wine and more conversation along with the meal.

"Are you going to your mother's for Thanksgiving?" Gwen asked as they cleared the table.

"No, Mom and husband number 4 are going to Las Vegas to meet with one of his clients. They didn't ask me to join them, not that I could have unless they paid for my flight and room. To tell the truth, I wouldn't have wanted to go anyways. Still, it would have been better than another year with Daniel's family. God, I was dreading that. His older sisters have eight kids between them, and are trying for more. I think the whole family sees those reality-TV families with dozens of children as role models. The first year we were married was pretty bad with all the 'helpful hints' on how to get started, but last year was even worse. I think Daniel might have told them I only liked the sex part of making babies, and I think that confirmed their suspicion I was some kind of slut. His oldest sister even took me aside and told me that, and I quote, 'that I was abusing my body in a way God didn't intend...'"

"Giving birth is the real abuse," Gwen said with a smile. "I don't care what anyone says, it hurts! So, what are you going to do for Thanksgiving, then?"

"Oh, maybe splurge and buy some turkey loaf, watch whatever Christmas specials are on TV. I'm going to work Friday and Saturday so some of the other people I work with can spend time with their families."