A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 03 Ch. 21


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"Didn't get it yet," Tim said as he kneeled by a corner of the bed, working with a length of black rope. "Got sidetracked. I went out to the truck instead and got that stuff we got yesterday." He stood and stepped aside. Black cords ran down and underneath the corners of the bed from swatches of purple fabric that lay on the hastily smoothed sheets. "I was, uhh, thinkin', since we got time, maybe we could try out what I got?"

Gwen smiled. "Before breakfast?"

"C'mon, live on the edge a little. I promise you'll get breakfast after."

Gwen smiled at that—she had done quite a bit of living on the edge in the hall last night—but she could also feel the first stirrings of excitement run through her. "Well, okay...let me dry my hair first." She returned a few moments later, Tim still clothed and sitting on the bed, the box that had been in the bag the day before now lying next to him.

He nodded at the box and smiled. "You never opened what you got."

"I was going to wait until we got home..." she sat down with the box between them and picked it up, a bit surprised by the weight. The top separated easily from the bottom to reveal a flyer of some sort lying on top of an impressively large and life-like flesh-colored dildo.

Tim leaned over to look, then grinned. "Huh. I was guessing vibrator."

Gwen smiled weakly and examined the flyer. A picture of a forest of dildos of various colors, shapes and sizes lined up like the bristles on a brush graced the top half, the bottom half announcing the product as an "authentic Risqué Reproduction," along with the signature of whoever had done the crafting, as well as care instructions. Someone had penned a message on the other side of the paper.

Gwen, thanks again for helping with my party! Since you're having your own favorite made, I thought you might like this "nearly Neal," as Gita calls it, as well. I couldn't help but notice you seemed to be admiring the real thing that night... hope you'll model for us again!


Tim looked at the box's contents. "Is mine gonna look that real? What's the note say, or is it none of my damn business? "

Gwen blushed, worried that her husband might not approve of her being so blatant about ogling another man's penis, much less getting an apparently accurate reproduction of it...she was not about to start lying or hiding things from Tim, though, and handed him the note. "The male model at the party—Neal, remember I told you about him?—it's a copy of his, uh, him," she mumbled in explanation.

Tim laughed. "He's not really that big, right? I mean, it's gotta be about the size of the ones you've got back home, and I always just kinda figured they supersize those things on purpose..."

"It's probably pretty close to life-size," Gwen admitted, certain her memories had not enhanced it with time like some sort of fish story.

"Damn! Well, you did say he was big. Can't blame ya for wanting a good look at it. That's an impressive piece of meat he's got swinging between his legs. Does his wife walk funny?"

Gwen laughed, her nervousness dispelled by her husband's seeming indifference to her offense. "She seems happy with it, just like I'm so happy with yours I had a copy made. So, are we still going to live on the edge of a little," she asked, a little embarrassed by the memory of her fascination with the real-life version of what she held and anxious to change the subject, "or are we going to breakfast and then live life on a full stomach?"

"No, no, now," Tim insisted, grabbing for the towel wrapped around his wife, Gwen letting him take it. He carefully laid it in the middle of the bed. "I want some breakfast in bed first. Up on the bed, lie on your back." She was not allowed much time to settle herself, the towel damp against her shoulder blades and butt, Tim gently grabbing for her right ankle and wrapping it in a purple cuff. He moved to the other ankle and repeated the process, then did the same for her wrists. The slack lines gave her plenty of room to flex and move her limbs, at least until Tim began to tighten them. Her arms were first to lose their freedom, stretched out at a forty five degree angle to her body while her legs were pulled into a wide V. It wasn't uncomfortable, but there was no slack for movement any more, either...Tim quickly placed a pillow under head and then stood at the end of the bed and surveyed his work, admiring the naked body stretched out before him for his pleasure.

Gwen liked the look she was getting from him. It made her a little nervous to be bound and exposed like this in a strange place, what if the fire alarm suddenly went off, but the thought of being helpless while Tim did whatever he wanted excited her. She anxiously awaited his next move.

Tim reluctantly turned away from his spread-eagled prize and picked up the box from where Gwen had put it on the desk, carefully extracting the dildo from the tissue paper that cradled it as though it might come to life. "Even the balls look real," Tim said with a laugh, returning to the bed. "I'll bet a lot of guys wouldn't be caught dead touching this thing, even if it the real thing," he announced, holding it gingerly behind the flared base. "I guess I draw the line at touching the real one." He put one knee on the bed between Gwen's widespread legs and placed the massive head of the rubber penis inches from her swelling labia like some sort of obscene directional arrow. Satisfied with its positioning, he stood up. "I wonder if they have room service here?"

Gwen's eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Nah," he continued, seeming not to hear her. I'm pretty sure it's a serve-yourself kinda deal. Which means," he said, picking up the key card from the table, "that the coffee isn't going to get up here by itself. Be right back!"

"Wait! You're not going to leave me here like this, are you?"

He smiled and opened the door. "I'll be right back, I promise. I'll bring you a coffee, too."

"But what if somebody comes while you're gone?"

"Don't let 'em in. Be right back."

She heard the door open, the sound of it closing coming after an eternity of waiting. Gwen tested her bonds, methodically trying to flex one limb, then another, confirming that none of them were allowed any freedom of movement. Pull harder, the Lady ominously advised, and the sensible part of her thought she might be able to part the Velcro holding the cuffs together if she did, but that would spoil Tim's fun... there's no reason why anybody would or could come in here on their own, she consoled herself. Except housekeeping...she turned her head to glance at the clock by the bed. 7:42. Too early for them to start, right? She remembered the maid who had walked in on her that morning at the resort KD was working at. What would she had done is she had seen me like this? Would she have taken pity and untied me, or would she have call the hotel manager or worse yet, the police? Or would she have looked at the dildo between my legs and understand exactly what kind of perverted game was being played here? She listened intently for the sounds of carts in the hall, to be followed by the knock on the door.

Another thought began to take shape...maybe her exposure wouldn't be accidental at all...maybe even right now Tim was inviting a stranger—a man, she decided, it would be a man—to come take a look at the naked woman in room 624. It could happen, the Slut insisted, Tim knew she had no problem exposing herself, maybe this was his way of upping the ante. He wouldn't let the man touch her—he'd never allow that—but he might let the stranger pleasure himself in her presence, like she had imagined the men on the beach—and her fantasies—had wanted to do. The cuffs around her wrists became irritating as her clit begged to be touched.

Tim stopped and nearly turned back as the door closed behind him. The cuffs had been a spur of the moment thing; he had intended to try them out in the safety of their own bedroom back home. But Gwen's dash down the hall at his request the night before had fueled the excitement he felt whenever she let him call the shots sexually; for so many years it was an unheard-of occurrence and the reason Charlie had always told him he was pussywhipped. Getting to call the shots from time to time now was a hell of a lot of fun, as long as it didn't end up pissing her off. Leaving Gwen Nelson tied up in a hotel room while he wandered the halls was something that might piss her off, he decided, and wondered whether it was smart to take that chance. An angry Gwen Nelson was a force to be reckoned with, and he didn't want to fuck up all the progress they had made...

His cock convinced him to accept a compromise of sorts, and he was quick about getting down stairs and returning to the room. Gwen froze at the sound of the card sliding through the lock followed by the snick of the door she couldn't see opening, holding her breath until Tim appeared, juggling two coffees. "Everything okay?" he asked with genuine concern, his failing nerves questioning the wisdom of the wise-ass crack he had prepared about whether she had gotten any visitors. Gwen's sense of humor was more pronounced than before, but he wasn't sure it had progressed that far.

He was met with a stare, that familiar look of seriousness mixed with annoyance, but something about it was not quite the same as the ones he and the girls normally got. "You left me tied up in a strange hotel room," she said with an air of gravity. What if housekeeping had come while you were gone?"

He set down the cups and hurried to the bed. "Sorry, I'll get you loose—"

"No—no, you don't have to," she interrupted, her tone softening. "unless you're done tying me up." He smiled and sat on the edge of the bed, running his hand over her stomach. "But what would have done if somebody had seen me like this?" Gwen asked, willing his hand to go lower and touch what she couldn't.

"Guess that would have been my fault, so...." The bound woman got her wish, and the hand did go lower, cupping her mound to slide a finger inside her. He smiled at the soupy wetness that greeted him. "Did you want to be seen like this?"

Gwen smiled. "It would have been your fault if I was...there's nothing I could have done about it."

"That's true..." the finger began to slowly work in and out, her hips twitching in response. "Be right back." Tim stood, the frustration she felt at his finger's disappearance masked by her confusion.

"Where are you going now?" He didn't answer, and she was mildly relieved to see he was heading for the bathroom and not the hallway.

Tim reappeared a short time later, clothes discarded and holding a bottle of baby lotion that he had retrieved from Gwen's toiletries bag. He didn't offer any explanation or ask for permission as he climbed on the bed and straddled her midsection, his cock pointing to the ceiling. "Always wanted to try this..." Tim snapped open the cap on the bottle and squirted a line between her breasts down to where he sat. Strong hands began to spread and smooth the oil, and her hips tried to ground into the weight just above them as slippery fingers grasped at the glistening mounds on her chest, kneading them like pliant dough.

"Good?" Tim asked, concentrating on the feel of her firm tits slipping and sliding around and between his fingers.

"Wonderful..." She again thought about the time and the housekeepers. She couldn't remember hearing Tim apply the deadbolt when he came back; hopefully the Do Not Disturb sign had been put out.

He applied a second line of oil, rubbing it in to make a slick, sensuous mess of her body, and bent to kiss her. Gwen could feel his length sliding up and down her stomach, and hoped it would be doing that somewhere further down soon. "I'm going to let you have your hands back," Tim murmured, freeing one wrist, then the other, "but just so I can watch you play with yourself." His body dipped and his chest glided down hers, his cock bumping along her slit as he withdrew to get off the bed between her legs. Gwen looked up at him, as much to make sure he was watching as to not appear too eager, and took over slowly spreading the oil over her upper body, erect nipples especially sensitive to her touch.

It did not take her fingers long to find her sex, and Tim grunted in approval as he fisted his cock. "You can use, what'd they call it--Nearly Neal there, if you want." It was as much suggestion as permission, and Gwen reached between her legs for it, her slick fingers making it difficult to pick up and drag into position. Both hands were needed to line it up before she grasped the base and slowly pushed. Her sex welcomed the intruder, spreading to accommodate and envelop him. Gwen fed it in to herself until it could go no further, the balls against her asscheeks, and then slowly withdrew, all the while watching Tim for his reaction.

He stared intently between her legs. Tim had seen this before, with her dildos at home, and it never ceased to amaze him that she could take something so big so easily. Gwen was happy to accept it, her cunt greedily swallowing the length, the cock disappeared into her, then returned, wet with her juices. He watched for several more moments, stroking himself while the strength of Nearly Neal's thrust grew in intensity and Gwen's legs twitched against their restraints in response. "Keep going," he muttered, crawling on to the mattress to kneel up and behind her head and watch the invader do its work from another angle.

Gwen looked up the cock and fist above her forehead and spurred Nearly Neal on even harder as her finger intently circled her clit. Tim watched in fascination, the dildo's motion reminding him of a triphammer as the flesh colored shaft was slowly and methodically withdrawn and then slammed forward again and again, unaware that she was attempting to recreate the intensity with which she had been fucked the night before.

The tensing of all her muscles as one as she climaxed, the effort almost painful to look at, and her sharp gasp triggered his own orgasm. She was dimly aware of the first splatter on her breast, then her neck, and the hot drops falling on her chin and cheek only heightened the explosiveness of her own release.

Tim used a finger to gently push his come away from her eyes before leaning forward on all fours over her body to unshackle her ankles. Gwen raised her head to gently kiss the balls dangling just over her face, then giggled playfully as the finger she ran over her husband's exposed asshole made it contract while he twitched in surprise. Her legs free, Tim rolled to the side and watched as she pulled Nearly Neal from her pussy's grasp, her lips seemingly reluctant to give it up.

They both froze at the sound of a knock on the door. "Housekeeping..."

Tim looked back at the direction of the knocking. "Come back later, please!"

They waited, both staring in the direction of the door, wondering if the request had been heard, finally smiling when it was clear they would not be having an uninvited guest. "Breakfast?" he asked, flashing a grin.

"Shower," Gwen corrected, running her hands over her oil-slicked skin and through his come as if to emphasize her point. "Again. You too, this time."

Tim nodded in understanding. "At this rate, might as well shoot for lunch."

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Robbert1953Robbert195312 months ago

Can't get enough of tis story. Loved every chapter with all the carrying onsthat Gwen has done and continues to do. She is one horny Milf that l would love to meet and fuck. Can't wait to see what the both of them get up to next.

yarnspinnerryarnspinnerrover 3 years ago
Fun stuff


Only Tim should have slipped Neil into her before he left to get her coffee ;->

huntsman29huntsman29over 5 years ago
Good in fantasy, just not to do in reality.

This was a good turn to the story, though I would note the BDSM kink part shouldn't be done in reality, and some people do take ideas from a story. Shouldn't ever leave a bound person unattended. A lot can happen in a few minutes if you are out of eyeline and hearing distance as well. Not good with anyone, and terrible to do to someone having a first time bondage experience. Easy for panic to set in and them to hurt themselves.

lowkeyonelowkeyoneabout 6 years ago

Brilliant. As usual, brilliant. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Things Cricket

Cricket has to put it in her mouth next time, Gwen will let her practice on Tim!

She will get to like it and let him come in her mouth,,,, then swallow!

Lone_HawkLone_Hawkover 6 years ago

I came across this story line a few days ago. I have vey much enjoyed reading through from chapter 1 and look forward to many more!!!

Advice_GirlAdvice_Girlover 6 years ago
Love hotel sex...

Very good episode. So many memories of hotel sex and sex play..:-)

guzzieathomeguzzieathomeover 6 years ago
Super addition to the series.

Well the wait was worth it, yet another very well written episode.

Slightly confused that it did not directly follow on from the Measuring story, but no matter, the quality is always so good.

Do please continue with this saga.

WoodsLord_3540WoodsLord_3540over 6 years ago
Great episode

I love hotel sex. Having Gwen go for ice was exciting, reminding me of having my wife do the same. Of course, I closed the door and made her wait a minute for me to allow her to come in. And then to further mirror Gwen, I tied her in the window (5th floor) and walked down to the parking lot to see how much I could see of her. Unfortunately, not enough. She fucked me like crazy when I released her..

Yes, I agree, Cricket would make an excellent AdMin. And compliments, you have not lessened any of your Wordsmith skills.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I would like a little longer story. I also like that Gwen would need an helper if they expanded an hope Cricket could be that. I'd also like to see Cricket get licked and fucked by Gwen's husband.

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