A New World The Lawsons

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Wifely exploits in a slightly alternate reality.
8.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/15/2017
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I wrote the original New World story a while back. A few comments seemed to be upset with the story which on balance isn't always a bad thing. I like the loving wives category but it can be difficult to come up with something different. It was never intended to be realistic, more about exploring a slightly alternate reality. Although I think the premise isn't too far removed from upper class Victorian society where consorts were common, women had few rights and divorce was virtually impossible. This version uses the same scenario as the first story but handled by a completely different couple.


This story is set in the near future.

The male to female birth ratio was 49:51%, in addition women live longer; unnoticed at first but over the years this meant a significant majority of voters were now women.

After years of increasing violence towards women radical measures were called for. These factors resulted in a new government focused on women's rights. This changed the whole culture of society, the glass ceiling now applied to men and only men who supported the Government ethos progressed. The end result was similar to the late 19th Century but in reverse, women held the power.

The Government devised a plan to re-educate young men in order to reduce violent and sexual crime. A wide range of complex changes and laws were instigated including severe punishment for sexual crime and a zero tolerance approach. Every woman carried an emergency beacon which resulted in police attendance within 2 minutes and automatic arrest for the man involved.

A core policy involved men reaching the age of majority 21 being paired with a married 'respectable' female citizen aged between 35 and 55. The women would then be responsible for education and instilling the correct values, including how to treat and look after women, everything from manners to sexual etiquette.

It was anticipated that the pairing would last 6-12 months and at some point include sexual education. As strange as it sounds 'pairing' became the norm and was accepted as part of the culture. For the women it was regarded in the spirit of being a good citizen and linked to progression in work and community roles, with significant financial returns.

Some early opposition from husbands and family were dealt with severely. Most of the young men were happy with the arrangements dependent on the woman, surprising most opposition came from younger women.

The programme was regarded as a success with sexual crime levels almost eliminated.

Allocation of the pairings was announced monthly via a lottery system with women and men contacted by text. Although women had previously submitted their preferences in terms of race, religion, physical attributes, there was no opt out and rejection of the pairing resulted in immediate and indefinite imprisonment. Any husband or family member who tried to interfere faced the same consequences.

The Lawson's story:

Dianne Lawson was 45 years old, at 5ft 7; she had blonde collar length hair cut into waves and green eyes. The gym helped her stay in shape and had limited her weight gain to only a few pounds over the years, which thankfully seem to concentrate on her chest, leaving a curvy 38d 28 36 figure. She loved classic films from the 50's and favoured vintage fitted skirts, dresses and jackets, indeed her figure had a hint of Marilyn Monroe although not quite in that league. She was a well-respected teacher, calm in a crisis and gave the impression of always being in control.

Her husband Bill was a good match for Dianne, a few years older but still physically fit, he was just shy of 6ft. with a solid if unspectacular build. He had rarely been inside a gym, preferring outdoor pursuits and activity. His short dark hair was showing its first few flecks of grey. They had been married for over 20 years and remained best of friends as well as lovers.


Like everyone else we waited for the monthly lottery which was now the top rated TV event in the world. I know Dianne had submitted preferences to the portal but by law I couldn't ask what they were, and the level of Government surveillance was way beyond what existed only a few short years ago.

Then in November at 8pm on the first Saturday, Dianne got a text to say she had been chosen to pair with a male reaching majority, named Zack Smith. We stared at each other stunned having dreaded this moment. I tried to think of any way to avoid it, everything from absconding to feigning ill health. It was all useless of course, every trick had been tried before and the consequences were horrendous... financial ruin and prison. Dianne came across and hugged me tightly, she reaffirmed that she didn't want to do it but whatever happened we would get through it together. She said we would agree everything in advance and make it as easy as possible for me. We swore our love for each other and retired to bed enjoying a long and sensuous session making love.

The next day photos and details were exchanged by the system, the guy seemed very young but I was 50 next year, so lots of people looked young to me. He had a good education and was still at college, his interests included sports and music, all fairly typical for someone his age.

Dianne then received an introductory email from Zack; it was very polite and friendly. He emphasised how much he was looking forward to meeting her for the first time. Dianne thanked him for the polite introduction and then went on to explain how the programme worked. They started the agreed two weeks of email correspondence; Dianne was open with me about all of the messages. They got along reasonably well and started to schedule video calls.

Eventually it was time for their first introductory meeting. Dianne knew some women had gone straight into dating but she wanted all three of us to meet first and invited Zack over to our home.

It was a nervous Zack who knocked at our door; Dianne welcomed him in her usual warm and friendly manner. We exchanged pleasantries and I must admit he came across as a polite and balanced young man. If he wasn't eventually going to fuck my wife I could have even liked him.

Dianne explained she wanted us all to get along and avoid any awkwardness. I didn't see how that was possible but she seemed to have some sort of plan. Dianne thought we should each explain our hopes for the arrangement, any concerns and any rules or actions that might help and as I was the one who had the most difficult adjustment to make, I should start. I mean where the fuck do you start with something this bizaar.

I outlined my worries about our relationship, losing trust and confidence that we were always each other's priority. I wasn't sure what could be done to help: no secrets or running around behind my back obviously. Then I looked Zack straight into the eyes saying:

"You will treat Dianne with ultimate respect at all times, anything other than that and I will resolve the issue personally."

Zack paled and nodded quickly and I saw Dianne smile from the corner of my eye.

"Let's see what else? Yeah don't rub my nose in it, this is already humiliating enough so no talking about it to anybody else, it stays between us three. In terms of my hopes, I just hope to get through this in one piece but at this point in time I'm not sure if that is possible."

I stopped talking a little choked; Dianne seemed to be in the same predicament but managed to continue. She stated her absolute priority was me and making sure I got through the whole experience. She reiterated her love for me and explained she would alter the programme as much as possible to make it easier for all parties.

We looked at Zack he seemed to struggle to start.

"Listen I really don't want to cause you guys any problems. I hadn't appreciated how difficult this is going to be. I really like Dianne and I'm delighted to have this opportunity to spend time with her. Maybe if we view this as a casual thing where none of us have a choice anyway it won't mess up your relationship too much. I hope we get through the programme and stay friends as we do. I am more than happy to meet all of the rules mentioned and any others you think about as we... progress."

Dianne asked if I would want all the details of her time with Zack. Just thinking about it was sickening; I didn't want the sordid details but knew not knowing anything would be equally frustrating.

"I think maybe knowing when you are meeting and how far into the programme you are without all the details."

Dianne nodded in agreement. We talked around other matters, much of it about texting, calls, contact times and expected activities detailed in the programme.

After the session, I thought Dianne had handled things as well as could be expected in the circumstances. She was involving me and being respectful. There were many husbands whose wives just railroaded through the whole thing, using the programme to justify their actions. Despite those things I still had major doubts about how it could work. I liked the fact Zack took me to one side and quietly asked if there is anything else he could do to make it easier. The best I could manage in response was 'just don't be a dick'.


I love my husband and would never want to see him hurt, but it seemed unavoidable. I tried to keep a positive spin on things for his sake but knew this was going to really test us. I reminded myself that it meant more opportunities and progression within the women's guild, which was now a powerful lobby group with significant financial resources. Other women in the group had relayed their experiences and outlined all the benefits as well as the civic duty aspect.

I had talked to Susan Taylor next door about her experience. She had gone for it full throttle even moving her young lover in one point, this was start of the end of her marriage. It sounded like she had gone cock crazy humiliating her husband, supported by the guild at every step. Technically they were still married and lived in the same house, but they led separate lives except for the children. I'm not sure she understood the impact of her actions, it sounded like she still expected her husband Matt to get over it at some point.

For our first date I dressed conservatively in a dark trouser suite, which whilst elegant covered most of my assets. I picked Zack up and we went to a local restaurant. I noticed Elizabeth Charlton, Chair of the local woman's guild and my old nemesis since high school there with some of her cronies. Despite that the date went well, we learned a lot about each other. Zack was very career minded and concerned about the lack of opportunities now for men on graduate schemes. He loved sport, music and outdoor pursuits. I was impressed with his manners and ability to converse and how comfortable he made me feel. We discussed developing good relationships being a part of the wider programme, maybe more important than any sexual act itself. Zack enquired if everything was ok after our meeting with Bill and reiterated his point about trying to make things as easy as possible.

He then continued, "I do find you very attractive and I hope we can enjoy out time together fully."

I took his hand and assured him that I thought we would be able to do that and get him through the programme and onto the career path he clearly wanted. I noticed a few little glances at my breasts, but nothing too obvious; it actually felt quite flattering. Later I dropped him off at his flat, kissed his cheek goodbye and returned home before the time I had agreed with Bill.

I remembered my purpose and filled in the online marking system on my phone, summing up the first date as a pass with flying colours.

The following day Dianne received an email form the guild, it reprimanded her for what was described as 'frumpy attire during the programme' and questioned if she was providing her full support.

She showed it to Bill seething, "That bitch Elizabeth Charlton is no doubt behind this; she always liked you at high school and will do anything she can to make things difficult between us."

They talked through their options but the guild held so much power it was almost impossible to do anything but comply.

Dianne and Bill finally agreed on an outfit for her second date with Zack. It was her favourite vintage style, which incorporated a matching pencil skirt and short jacket with a tight cream silk blouse.

"Frumpy indeed", seethed Dianne, "We'll see about that!"

It was finished with nude fashion stockings with a seam and 5 inch sling back high heels. Even though he was expecting it, Bill winced at how good she looked. The outfit accentuated all of her curves and her arse positively wiggled in the tight pencil skirt... and all for another man. Dianne explained that the outfit was about keeping the guild onside rather than being for Zack which Bill reluctantly accepted.

Dianne could see his underlying doubts, "Listen Hun, it might be a bit over the top, but I don't want to give Elizabeth and her band of man hating lesbians any excuses. I want enough scope to get through this as painlessly as possible."


I had an open mind, I was half expecting some overweight frumpy housewife, but if that is what was needed to get on a graduate scheme, so be it. I was ecstatic when Dianne's profile came through, she was stunning. I couldn't wait until I could actually date her.

The first meeting was a dilemma I wanted to get close to Dianne but her and Bill were really good people and clearly in love with each other. I genuinely meant what I said about not wanting to cause any problems and understanding how difficult this must be for them.

After that meeting we had a great first date; Dianne was warm, friendly and good company, she dressed conservatively but I thought it just made her look even classier. My jaw dropped when she turned up for a second date, she looked like a 50's movie star, I'm not sure I have ever been more attracted to a woman. It was partly the looks but more about her confidence and personality. Again we had a great date, this time a meal followed by a few drinks. I tried flirting a little bit more and gave her a lot of compliments which she seemed happy about. It led to a discussion about her outfit and explaining her love of old Hollywood movies and the classic tailored styling of that era. Again the conversation was so easy and flowed naturally. We shared a taxi, dropping Dianne at hers before continuing to my place. Just as she left the cab, she turned thanked me for a lovely date and kissed me briefly on the lips. I was stunned in a good way, recovering enough to catch her skirt riding up and she exited the taxi, those legs looked just as good at the rest of her.


We were surprised to receive an invite from the guild to a formal ball requiring black tie and evening wear. All couples involved in the programme in our area were expected to attend. We didn't like the sound of it but again had little choice. So it was we arrived on the night in question, me in a tux which hadn't seen an airing in about 8 years and Dianne in a red satin halter neck evening gown, split to the thigh with matching strappy heels. I was pleased Dianne's outfit was even sexier than the one she had worn for her last date with Zack.

There was nothing usual initially, we bumped into some old friends and neighbours and enjoyed catching up and socialising. The guild and Elizabeth Charlton were all in attendance. We enjoyed a few dances, before the compare announced a specific couple's dance and that everyone should take the floor. Towards the end of the dance there was murmur in the crowd as new guests arrived. I looked over to see all of the young men involved in the programme entering the hall dressed in dinner jackets. The compare announced that the new arrivals should find their partners and enjoy the next dance. Zack approached us, despite the instruction Zack politely asked me if he could cut in. I nodded to him and started to leave the floor only to be met by Elizabeth Charlton who insisted I dance with her, seeing as Dianne had 'cut me loose'.

A slow song started, with a pang I saw Dianne taking Zack's hand and begin to dance. I had little choice in dancing with Elizabeth. She commented what a fine couple Dianne and Zack made. I simply agreed rather than taking the bait offered.

She surprised me by saying we should have dated for longer in high school, explaining that I would have been the most successful man in the county by now. I had always thought she was an attractive woman and we had dated for a while but she was a typical princess and clearly wanted the attention of other guys. Too many people spent too long telling her how wonderful she was and she believed it. Then Dianne had come along, we were both immediately smitten and that was the end of that. I smiled and thanked Elizabeth for the compliment, then saw the slight scowl on her face, so continued:

"We can't help who we fall in love with Elizabeth and I fell for Dianne. I'd like to think we could remain friends and wish the best for each other?"

Elizabeth smiled sweetly, "I might wish the best for you Bill, your wife is another matter entirely. She took my place in so many things... the most popular girl at school, prom queen, she was so perfect, like fucking Sandra Dee out of Grease and then she took you."

Confused I replied, "I was never yours Elizabeth, if you hurt her you hurt me, there are no winners in that scenario."

Elizabeth smile froze for second then she leaned in and before i could react kissed me on the lips.

Breaking the kiss she remarked, "You might all be friends now, but sooner or later Zack is going to fuck Dianne and she's going to enjoy it. Look at them, he can't wait and she's not far behind him."

With that, Elizabeth broke her hold and walked away. As she left, she thought there might indeed be no winners after all but there could easily be more losers.

At the end of the dance, the compare announced that all paramours should kiss their partners. I twisted around, most couples went for a quick peck although I noticed at least two couples French kissing. I then saw Zack lean in and kiss Dianne on the cheek. The compare went on insisting all the wives could do much better and to try again. I noticed the guild members circling around the edge of the dance floor. The couples got the message and the second round of kissing was much more passionate. Zack looked awkwardly at Dianne and moved in to kiss her on the lips; they held the kiss for a few seconds. As they broke the kiss, I could see a guild member whisper something to them. When the compare announced one final kiss, I saw Zack and Dianne kissing passionately feeling as though I had been punched me in the guts.

The compare announced another song and that all couples should remain on the floor. I noticed Zack and Dianne dancing closely, then was distraught to see Zack's hands slide down over the clinging satin material to cup Dianne's arse.

At that point the guild members announced that the husband presence was no longer required. Their paramours would see their wives home. I wasn't the only one who looked like they were going to object, but the guild had pre-empted that and there was a significant security presence. Again it seemed I had no option other to leave, carrying with me the weighty image of the kiss and the dance.


The whole night was so strange, it was clear the invite was an order, we were held in an anti-room before being told to enter the main hall and find our partners. It wasn't hard to find Dianne; she stood out in a shimmering red dress that looked like it was struggling to contain her assets. I followed the instruction; it felt really awkward cutting in on Bill and then dancing with Dianne so I tried to be as polite as possible. We knew it was a test and we agreed to try and get through it together with Bill. I tried my best to kiss Dianne without pissing off Bill.