A Nightmare Reborn Ch. 04


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Williams hesitated for a moment. "Hypnocil."

"The dream suppressant," Loomis remembered Lori's story about one of her friends, a stoner named Freeburg if he remembered right, who fell under Freddy Krueger's power and destroyed their supply of the drug back in 2002. He felt a headache coming on. Could Krueger have pulled Mary under his sway in a similar manner?

"Look, I believe in being as straight as I can be with people," Williams took a long drag on his cigar and then eyed Loomis with a stare that might have melted steel, "Last night, a number of our young people died under strange circumstances. I've got one automobile accident that could be related and I've got this loony bitch running around stealing cars and breaking into psycho wards. I have too fucking much on my plate right now. So who is this woman?"

"She's my ex-wife," Loomis said and leaned back in his chair, posturing himself calmly as the sheriff glared, "She's also an Oxford educated criminal psychologist with many years of experience under her belt and enough credentials to fill your office walls three times over, Sheriff. She is considered to be a top mind in many different fields of psychology. She is even a student of your town's, shall we say, more 'colorful' history. But, a murderer she is not."


"Fred Krueger paints in shades of green and red, does he not?"

Williams jaw clenched as though even saying the name had caused him pain. He looked at Loomis with steeled cold regard, any pretenses of hospitality dead and gone. Loomis had not wanted to make an enemy of the local law enforcement, but it seemed the deed was done nonetheless. The Sheriff said, "We don't say his name around here, Doctor."

Loomis was unmoved. "I see."

"I doubt that."

"And the ordinance?" Loomis smiled ruefully, nodding to the door Sean and Tessa had left through, "You plan to hunt down your local specter with guns?"

"In point of fact, no," the Sheriff said, "We've got other problems at the moment."

"Indeed?" Loomis waited for the Sheriff to elaborate for a minute. When he didn't, the doctor sighed and nodded, "Then I'll go see Mary now."

Loomis stood up to leave and had his hand on the doorknob when Williams said, "Do yourself a favor, Dr. Loomis. Talk to your ex and then leave town as quick as you can. Springwood isn't a safe place to be."

"Is that an order?"

"A suggestion, doctor," Williams went back to his paper work, and then added, "And don't ever say that fuckers name in this town again. Understand?"

Loomis could feel the Sheriff's anger boring into him like a hot drill. He opened the door and said, "Understood."

Dr. Loomis stood outside the sheriff's office and took a deep breath. It was clear enough Freddy Krueger was behind the problems here in Springwood. That meant that Lori and Will would have undoubtedly come to the same conclusion themselves by now, if they were even here. He hoped they had stayed in New York, but he doubted it. Lori was seeking resolution to her nightmares and guilt by coming back. He felt a pang of heavy responsibility as he recalled encouraging her to come here again. He looked out at the busy office and went to the front desk. The officer on duty led him back to the holding cells.

'We've got other problems,' the Sheriff had said.

"What other problems?" he whispered to himself. Loomis was sure he didn't want to know the answer to that question.


"So what happened out there, Sean?" Tessa asked as they sat in the basement armory.

Sean shook his head, his eyes looking haunted and dry as he sat on one of the workbench stools. He rubbed his temples, his normally chocolate skin now looking an almost ashen gray as he thought about what had happened earlier that morning. He looked to Tessa and said, "You wouldn't believe it."

"Try me," she said and stood next to him, a box of shotgun shells in one hand.

Sean paused and took a deep breath.

"Come on..." Tessa nudged him.

"It was Jason Voorhees," Sean said after a moment, his face still filled with disbelief, "This mother fucker was real. Smelled like a week old corpse, all fucked up. He had the hockey mask on and everything. He wiped out Trent, Briggs, Ford and Ramirez just like that-" Sean snapped his fingers, "- tore them to pieces. Bullets didn't do shit. I emptied a full magazine and then some. Nothing. Don and I barely got away."

"Jesus," Tessa said quietly and sat the box of shells on the workbench, "How did you get away?"

"There was another one there."

"Another what?"

"Another guy," Sean looked at her, "In a white mask."

"Like Jason?"

"Nah, this was different," he shook his head and remembered those lifeless, cutout eyes and wild hair, "It was like a Halloween mask or something, but the scariest fucking mask you've ever seen. All white and simple. Fuckin' white boy looked like the angel of death."

Tessa sighed. "If Jason's back, then all this shit will start up again."

"You mean all that shit that happened on Elm Street and at the silo two years ago? When Jason first showed up here?"


"Yeah," Sean looked at her accusingly, "You knew?"

"Well," Tessa shrugged, "Yeah sort of."

"And you didn't tell me?"

Tessa looked away. Sheriff Williams had told all his deputies not to discuss what happened in 2002 or to even say the names Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhees out loud to anyone anywhere at anytime. Like her fellow associates, she took his order as the law. No one uttered anything about the incident after the media frenzy died down. Even the regular townspeople, everyone from bankers to gas attendants seemed to instinctively know that silence was essential to their survival. Still, some talked in the shadows.

Now, in the shadows of the armory, Tessa told Sean Renaud everything she knew.

She had heard the stories about both Freddy and Jason even before she joined the force back in 1998. Some of the older people in town would tell her about Freddy Krueger, about how he came back for the children. Even then, they whispered his name as though the very words invited death to visit. And she believed the stories. Hell, she had been one of the people to clean up the bodies at Weston Hills after Jason was finished, including the fried husk of Deputy Scott Stubbs.

She had been more than his partner, she had been his friend. When he arrived in Springwood, he had been green and nervous. Throughout the entire rookie ribbing that all greenhorns had to endure, Tessa guided him past it and helped him adjust. He was so idealistic, so fucking optimistic that she imagined his own death came as a surprise to him. In retrospect, she wished she had gone with him when he left that night. She might have been able to save him. She remembered the look on his face when he walked out the door of the department into the rain. She had grabbed his arm and said, "Scott, wait."

"Wait for what?" he had asked her, his eyes wide, "Wait for another kid to turn up dead?"

"Just stay and wait for Williams to make his move," she pleaded.

"I can't, Tessa," Scott looked at her, "Something is going on here. Jason Voorhees might be here. Somebody has to do something."

She let him go.

The door slammed and he was gone.

"Sean," Tessa said, "You gotta understand, Springwood has its secrets."

"No shit," his eyes widened sarcastically.

"Seriously, this Freddy Krueger guy really did some serious damage," Tessa put her hand on his broad shoulder and squeezed, "He comes back for the kids in their sleep."

"That's bullshit," Sean said, "That fucking goalie and his masked fuck buddy are real."

Tessa leaned in and whispered, "Then how did all those kids die last night? Jason and his friend were out on the edge of town with you. How?"

Sean was quiet.

"Razor wounds, Sean. Every last one of those kids got cut up in their sleep, in their locked homes and in their warm beds," Tessa told him firmly, "Freddy had a glove that was tipped with razor sharp knives. It was his calling card."

"I can't believe this," he said and looked to her.

"Believe it Sean," she stroked his cheek gently, "Believe it because whatever is out there hunting in our town is out for blood. And you have got to be ready."

Sean smiled a weak smile and held her small hand in his, "You should have told me sooner. I shouldn't have heard this shit from Don and the guys."

"You're right," Tessa kissed him on the cheek softly, her full lips like silk against his skin. Sean murmured his approval and embraced her, pulling him to her. They engaged in a long, deep passionate kiss and Sean almost immediately felt better.

Tessa broke the kiss and grinned mischievously, "Can I make it up to you?"

Sean smiled, his eyes finally showing some of that cocky Sean Renaud she loved so much. He asked, "How will you do that?"

Tessa licked his lips and walked over to the entrance to the armory. Her stride was purposeful and seductive, her hips swaying with each step and making Sean feel like he was under hypnosis. She opened the door and motioned to the utility closet at the end of the basement hallway that led to the rear parking lot. She curled her index finger to him and motioned for him to follow. Sean smiled, already feeling his cock stirring. He hadn't been able to think about sex since this all started, and he realized maybe what he needed now was a little stress relief.

"What did you have in mind?" he asked and grabbed her hand, looking down on her beautiful face. Sean loved the height difference, and there was nothing he enjoyed more than when she rested her head on his chest and held him like she was doing now.

"Sex," she smiled and rubbed his bulge through his uniform, "I can never resist men in uniform-" she gave his cock a squeeze, "-Especially ones with really big guns."

"Now that's what I'm talking about," Sean laughed.


"Mary," Loomis said softly.

The woman in the cell rolled over to face him, but she might as well have been a complete stranger. Mary was still in the stolen nurses uniform, which was clearly a little too small for her figure. Her eyes were heavy with dark rings and her blonde hair looked stringy and greasy as it hung down from her skull in wet strands. Her skin was a pallid white, almost like the shiny flesh on the underbelly of a trout. A bloody "F" had been carved into her cheek. Her lips were cracked and colorless, slightly open in a half crazed leer. She squinted at her former husband and croaked, "Matthew?"

"I'm here," Loomis said softly and sat down on the chair in front of her cell. The man in the cell next to her farted and rolled over in his sleep. He looked at his ex-wife, trying to see any hint of the woman he used to know. His mouth hung open in shock, "Mary, what happened?"

She stood up and slowly walked to over to him, her legs bruised and cut. Dirt was stained to her skin and Loomis could even smell the beginnings of some foul decay on her. He thought maybe she had rolled in something or spilled some liquid on her that had soured, but as she stood before him, he realized that it was the stench of rot. It was the smell of death.

'Physically she's fine my ass,' Loomis thought angrily. He said, "My God Mary. What have they done to you?"

"I'm sick Matthew. I'm not myself anymore," she said. When she spoke, he could see her blistered tongue, angry and red, covered with white lesions. Some of her teeth had fallen out leaving wide gaps while the remaining ones had yellowed to a brown luster.

"So it would seem," Loomis wanted to reach out to her, but couldn't. It wasn't so much her less than fresh hygiene, but rather the undeniable sting of her adulterous betrayal. Even now, it still hurt. And being this close to her brought back a lot of memories he didn't want to remember just then. In his mind's eye, he relived the moment he walked in on her and that bastard John Bilk. He still remembered her lusty moans and John's face, contorted in pure enjoyment of a woman that was not his.

He could admit he was still hurt, even bitter when it came to the subject. But forgiving? That was a different story. He asked, "Where is John?"

"Does it matter?" she asked. Her elusiveness troubled Loomis to the core.

"Yes it does."

Mary sighed and grasped the bars of her cell with her dead fish fingers, "He's dead, Matthew. Jason Voorhees killed him at Crystal Lake."

"What?" Loomis sat back, "Why didn't you-"

"Tell you?" she laughed suddenly and smiled a dead grin of purely disparaged amusement, "Look at me Matthew! I'm dead already, my body just hasn't gotten the message. John's dead and that's it! Jason Voorhees killed him."

Loomis looked away.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"No," Mary looked to the ceiling, her eyes leaking fat, yellow tears, "I'm sorry."

Loomis took a deep breath through his mouth. The smell was getting worse.

"You called me here," he said, "Do you remember?"

"No," she frowned, her eyes looking far away, "No, why would I call you here? Did I call your friends here too?"

"You said you'd found something relevant to my work..."

"Did I?"

"Mary, are you certain of what happened to John?"

She gaped at him, "You don't believe me?"

"It's not that I don't, but-"

"You don't believe me?" she hissed, her emotions rising and falling so rapidly Loomis thought he might have been better equipped for this reunion had he brought a tranquilizer gun. She looked at him bitterly, "After what happened to your father, you're going to doubt that this happened to me?"

"I believe you," Loomis said, "I do, Mary. It's just that..."

"What?" she barked.

"They say you killed a nurse," he told her.

"I did Matthew!" she choked up and then laughed through her sobs. She looked at him in desperation and futility, her soul crushed as she said, "I killed a lot of kids last night too. Freddy Krueger did it with my mind, Matthew... all with my mind. He's inside me and he is me and I can't stop him anymore. That's the beauty of it all! I'm killing for him!"


"Look at me," she wept.

Loomis felt a hard lump in his throat.

"Look at me!" she shrieked and rattled the bars of her cell, "I'm dead Matthew. And if you don't leave right now and take your friends with you, you'll be joining me soon."

"I don't understand," Loomis said as she broke down into full, shoulder jerking weeps, "Mary, you have to talk to me."

"He is back," she said suddenly, the tears glistening on her cheeks as the pale gelatin of her milky eyes stared at him, "He's back and he's going to do exactly what he did last time. He's going to use Jason to make this town remember him and then he'll come for the children. And when he's done here he's going spread like a plague across this world and avenge himself on the innocent and guilty alike, parents and children, young and old."

"But why?" Loomis frowned and sat back from the cell, "Why would he use Jason again? His last spree was a failure."

"Tell that to the dead kids, Matthew."

"He cannot control Jason."

Mary chuckled a laugh that was not her own, "He doesn't intend to control him."

"I don't understand."

"Do you think it's a coincidence you're here, right now?" Mary asked as a dark shadow crossed her dead face, "Or that your friends Lori and Will are here too?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Bait, Matthew," she tightened her grip on the bars, "I'm talking about bait. All effective traps need irresistible bait."

"He knows Jason will come here looking for him," Loomis said, beginning to slowly understand the complexity of the larger equation at hand, "He knows Jason will tear Springwood apart looking for him."

"Krueger is using himself as bait for Jason," Mary said conspiratorially. Her eyes darted back and forth, as though someone might be watching her, "But he needed someone else. He needed me to find someone to fight for him."

"Someone else?"

Mary leaned in close and whispered, "Freddy has summoned the Thorn from his sleep. He's coming here to Springwood, Matthew. Freddy will let him fight Jason."

"The Thorn," Loomis repeated, his heart freezing over as he recognized the pagan name for his greatest fear. Mary knew as much about the world of super-killers as he did. She was a library of statistics and names. If Freddy had been able to look through that library, then he would have had only one logical choice. There was only one man on this Earth who matched Jason Voorhees in terms of strength and volatility.

The world seemed eerily quiet to him as he said the name, "Michael Myers."


Sean immediately spread his large hands across Tessa's fully rounded ass and firmly squeezed. Tessa moaned as she snaked her tongue out and licked his neck. Sean's dick continued to harden against her as she locked the closet door and began unbuckling his belt in the darkness. She rubbed her firm breasts against his chest as he brought his full lips to her own. His mustache tickled her nose a little as he leaned in for the kiss. He brought his mouth to hers as she moaned. She ground her lower body into his while sliding her tight stomach across his increasingly hard cock.

She could feel heat and rock hardness against her stomach as they unbuttoned their uniforms. They kissed for a while in the shadowed privacy of the closet and feverishly groped each other. They could hear their coworkers upstairs, working hard and trying to control the crisis at hand. For a moment, they both felt guilty for fucking off on the job. There were good cops, and as anyone in the department could tell you, they were the kind of back up you never worried about. But Sean suspected that maybe they both knew the score as well as anyone else here Springwood.

Life expectancy for cops in this town was about as high as that of worm in a robin's nest. Only the children had it worse.

So Sean and Tessa exorcised their fear for a few minutes through the act of loving each other.

Finally, their shirts came off and Tessa pulled Sean's under shirt off to reveal his powerful muscular body. Tessa ran her hands over his defined pecs and smooth, flat stomach. She unhooked her bra and dropped it to the floor, pressing the silky flesh of her ample breasts against his body. She could feel Sean's cock hard and prominent between them. Tessa slid her small hands off of his neck, down his arms to his hands that were on her waist, and guided his hands to her ass. As she did this, she raised her pretty face towards his beckoning him to kiss her. Sean leaned in and kissed her passionately.

"You think we should play with your baton?" Tessa whispered sexily as she ran her finger over the length of his thick, stony nine-inch long cock. The swollen head was already poking out of the top of his boxers.

"Are you kidding?" Sean breathed and rubbed himself against her.

Tessa moaned in response. Her sex was becoming slick and deliciously hot against the confines of her panties. As she pulled his boxers down, Sean massaged her breasts in a firm but gentle knead, twisting her nipples with his thumb and forefinger.

She smiled and heard herself purring. Between the feeling of his throbbing cock in her hand, hard and hot against the soft flesh of her palm, and the maddening teasing of her nipples she could hardly blame herself. His fingers expertly manipulated and teased her rock hard nubs, eliciting a hot shiver to arch down her spine. She started stroking his rod back and forth, squeezing and pulling as her crotch became so wet she could barely think. Sean knew just how to get to her, to make her want to scream and attack him.

Tessa kissed him wildly as she worked his shaft. As always, her fingertips would not quite meet together as she grasped his thick member. She couldn't wait to get him inside her and ride him. Sean's cock always gave her the most intense orgasms she had ever known in her life. The combination of the stretching and impossibly hot slick friction made her clit turn into an electrified button.