A Picture = K Words In College Ch. 07


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"Unfair; there are two of us and two of you."

It seemed that Elsa was as relieved as I was, that Vicky had finally suggested it. We both had nodded. Tim didn't seem to have understood her implication, however. He remarked:

"And? So what?"

Was he being difficult or just so dense? What else could she be suggesting? Elsa surprised me again, very much:

"Unfair for you, but there are two of us."


His jaw dropped down, as his eyes shifted from her to Vicky and then to me.

I hoped that Vicky had also nodded, before I did. He stared at me with a very funny expression on his face. He emptied his beer. Elsa said:

"Give me another one now too."

He ripped open his six pack and handed her one and got one for himself. Now, at least, he had understood, and Elsa had told him, to my surprise, almost directly admitting that she was willing to sleep with him. When they had opened their beers and drank, Vicky and I did. He looked at me again with a quizzical expression. I shrugged with a nod. He looked at each of the girls. I didn't want to glance over at my sister at that moment, just wondering if she had blushed slightly, like Elsa had with an embarrassed little nod.

"Oh?" he repeated, and took another sip.

The three of us also took just a sip. The cat was out of the bag. Good thing that he had offered to buy another six pack; we had needed it. He looked around at each of us again. Now he was blushing. He murmured:

"You really mean it, like that; the two of you and the two of us?"

He looked at me for a reply. I shrugged again with a nod and said:

"I think they do; we talked about it this afternoon."

His jaw dropped down again, until he took another drink. We three didn't drink, exchanging glances, the girls nodding slightly, apparently confirming that I had said the right thing. But how, when; here and now? All four of us in the room? And how?! Tim looked at us and murmured:

"But I hardly know you," glancing at each of the girls.

He wasn't saying that he wouldn't. I was about to reply, when Elsa did - again to my surprise:

"Not less than I knew Milt, when we did."

Elsa was really supporting their project! Which of them wanted most to sleep with him?

"Yeah, but..." he responded: "I mean, we haven't even kissed, you know,..."

If that was his only objection, I thought, as Vicky immediately replied:

"We can solve that," and grinned.

Elsa nodded. Tim glanced back and forth at them with a nonplussed expression. Vicky spoke again:

"I know, guys think that girls want to fall in love first, at least, that they think they should seem to. I guess most of the time that's the way it is. Not sure the guys really do. Hmm? Kind of funny, well, polite of them to think that way, to wait for the girl to act like she is."

Tim still looked nonplussed. Elsa nodded and then chuckled and remarked:

"Yeah, something like that. Sometimes they come back from a date and complain that their date could have done more, that they would have wanted him to."

Vicky nodded. I wondered if this was true, or was Elsa just building on what Vicky had said. For sure, she was trying to help. Vicky chuckled and added:

"And then do what what he didn't as best they can."

Tim's jaw dropped again at this revelation, and then he took a sip, and the three of us also did. Then I couldn't resist remarking:

"Or let their roommate do it."

His jaw dropped again; how could I know that? The glances I got from the girls could have told him. Then Elsa spoke again. She really wanted it to happen!

"I guess so. We're lucky, didn't have to go through that with Milt. Vicky and he had already, and, well, then I did. Oh, I guess I felt a little like you at first. I wanted to, just didn't know how it could happen."

"But it did," I enjoined, giving her a smile.

She smiled back with a nod. Vicky also nodded with a smile and raised her beer and said:

"Let's finish our beers, and then we'll kiss you."

"Not me," I remarked, giving Tim a smirk.

Was he going to finish his beer with us? The girls and I were tilting ours up - too much really to finish in one drink. He raised his and also drank. And then? He couldn't mind the girls' kissing him, but then? We didn't empty our beers, lowering them and glancing at each other with wry expressions. Vicky remarked:

"Don't have to finish them; I still want to kiss you."

She handed me her beer and got up. Tim tilted his beer up again. It almost looked like he wanted to get it between them, but he drank, tilting it up and emptying it. When he lowered it, Elsa reached over and took it from him, murmuring:

"I want to, too."

Vicky was standing in front of him with her arms extended. Poor guy, he could only stand up and let her kiss him. He stood up. Elsa glanced at me and shook his beer, suggesting that it was empty, that he maybe had entirely acquiesced to the girls' suggestions. Everything, right here and now, the four of us?!

They kissed. I knew how my sister could kiss. He seemed surprised at first, hardly tilting his head, only her arms sliding around him, but then his embraced her, and his head tilted more. It was obvious that he wasn't objecting to the way I knew she could kiss. Elsa was still sitting next to them and could see how they were kissing. She glanced at me with a grin and nod, letting my see the tip of her tongue move between her lips. If they were kissing that good, his cock was going to be aroused. Would he mind? Mine was a little, just from my thinking about it.

He did, apparently, drawing his hips back a little, but Vicky slid her arms down, drawing them closer again. If he didn't want to do as much as the girls wanted to do, he was going to have real problem escaping. Elsa nodded again with another grin, she wasn't going to let him not kiss her. She emptied her beer, and burped, giving me a wry smile, and stood up and put both empties on a desk. Tim now didn't seem to mind that Vicky was rocking her hips against his.

Elsa tapped Vicky on her shoulder, like a guy cutting in on the dance floor, and murmured:

"Enough, my turn."

Vicky nodded, but delayed a moment. I imagined that her tongue was caressing his for a last time. When they separated, he licked his lips and didn't hide that his hand moved down to help his cock move around. Mine was just swollen, but I also moved it around. Elsa hummed, and they embraced, this time, his arms immediately around her. Vicky grinned at me and murmured:

"We too."

I stood up and held up our beers. She took hers, and we emptied them and almost dropped them on the floor. We grinned at each other, both nodding at the others, and embraced and kissed. When had we last just kissed, standing up? Had we ever? And now what?

Vicky urged us to move into Elsa's view and then began to pull my shirt out of my pants. I couldn't see if she had noticed, but Tim's surprised "uhn!" suggested that she had and was doing the same, but he didn't stop her. My hands slid under Vicky's sweater, and she nodded with a chuckle, thrusting her tongue in my mouth. Elsa must have noticed that too; I heard her murmur:

"Me too, you too."

Would Tim? It couldn't be more obvious what she was suggesting, that we all start to get undressed. Would he? I wished that I could see them, like I had wished that I had had a mirror to watch Vicky suck my cock. Elsa's hum, however, suggested that he now also had his hands under her sweater, on her bare back, and he knew that she wasn't wearing a bra, nothing to keep his hands from roaming wherever they wanted. Mine were, up further on my sister's back, pushing her sweater up, also in the front between us. Was Tim doing the same?

Then Vicky retrieved her tongue and murmured "skirt." My hands slid back down and found the hooks and zipper of her skirt. What was Tim going to think about that? But he couldn't see, but could Elsa tell him to loosen her skirt? Vicky's was just hanging on her hips. If we separated a little, it would be easy to help it slide down, but not before Elsa could tell him. She solved that another way, turning them so that he could see Vicky's unzipped skirt and my hands inside it on her panties, not just on them, my fingers playing with the elastic.

"Look, Tim!" I commanded silently: "You know what the girls want to do; you must want to, too, now."

Vicky loosened her embrace, and I shoved her skirt down past her hips. She nodded with a chuckle. Maybe the sudden movement of her skirt caught his eye - or the flash of her white panties, before my hands covered most of her ass. I heard him give another surprised "uhn!"

"Mine too," Elsa murmured.

"Really?" he asked softly.

"And yours too," she murmured.

"You mean it?!" he asked, too surprised to murmur.

"We do," Elsa replied.

Her "we do" didn't leave any question that it was just about his undoing her skirt. Vicky retrieved her tongue and confirmed:

"We do."

"You really do!" he replied softly.

"Um-hmm," both girls confirmed.

"Oh fu...!" he exclaimed, managing not to finish the four-letter word.

"Um-hmm!" the girls agree.

I felt Vicky give a silent chuckle, and then she murmured:

"Yours too," and her hand slipped around to open my pants.

"Mine and yours too," Elsa murmured.

We all weren't kissing and could observe what the other couple was doing. Vicky and I nodded, when we saw Tim's hands unzip Elsa's skirt. He wasn't objecting to her hands' finding his belt buckle. Vicky only had to unhook and unzip mine. Elsa had to rock her hips to help him make her skirt drop. Vicky just had to shove my pants down over my ass, then drew my hips closer, chuckling as my stiff cock pressed against her. Elsa was still fumbling with his pants. When she found the tap of his zipper, he murmured:

"This is embarrassing."

She was going to have to pull it down over the obvious bulge of his cock, but he was accepting that she would. I knew he wore boxer shorts; would his cock spring out through the fly? It didn't, when his pants dropped, but it was obvious that it was fully aroused, holding out one side of his shorts.

"Embarrassing," he muttered again. Vicky murmured:

"Only the way it should be."

"Uhm-hmm," I agreed: "more embarrassing if it weren't like that."

Tim almost chuckled, giving me a wry smile. Vicky and I separated, letting him see that my cock was stiff in my jockey shorts. We all then did chuckle, glancing at our clothes around our ankles. We stepped out of them and picked them up and tossed them on the chairs. And now, I wondered.

"Tops too," Elsa said, surprising me again, since I had expected my sister to speak first.

Elsa crossed her arms and found the hem of her sweater. Vicky did the same, but then said:

"Your shirts too."

As they began to pull up their sweaters, Tim looked at me with questioning shake of his head, but began to unbutton his shirt. I already was unbuttoning mine. When the girls saw that he was, they continued to pull up their sweaters, hiding their faces when their bare breasts appeared. Of course, I looked at them, but also looked to see Tim's expression when he saw two pairs of breasts with aroused nipples.

The girls weren't unaffected by what they were doing. His eyes lit up, as he hummed softly, and a movement in his shorts caught my eye. Nice, good, that he was aroused by seeing them both almost naked. My cock didn't move; I had seen them both before, completely naked, and come - how many times? - in them during the afternoon, in their mouths and pussies. No, I hadn't come in my sister's mouth. Would she want him to in hers now?

The girls faces reappeared, both of them grinning at Tim. His cock almost slipped out of his fly. They flung their sweaters on the chairs. We finished unbuttoning our shirts and tossed them there too. We all looked at each other with smirks. Vicky chuckled and slid her hands up under her breasts, jiggling them, and then Elsa did. Tim almost gasped and had to tuck his cock back in his shorts before it popped. He didn't say anything, just had an apologetic expression. I snickered and said:

"Be an insult for the girls, if it didn't want to slip out."

The girls nodded with grins. He snorted with a nod, looking more comfortable, but replied:

"But yours didn't."

"It did all afternoon," Elsa replied with a grin.

Vicky nodded, while it occurred to me that she and I were having a bad influence on the once more reticent Elsa. We were; her fingers twitched at the elastic of her panties, and she said:

"The rest too."

She didn't wait for Vicky or me to join her pushing down her panties. We did, of course, as soon as we saw that she was. Tim looked more than a little embarrassed again, but quickly followed, having to tuck his cock under the elastic of his shorts. It sprung out again, the first time I had seen it aroused. The girls weren't looking at mine. Could they see that he was circumcised? Difficult to recognize the way it was now. Was it bigger than mine was? It seemed so, well, of course at the moment, since mine wasn't as aroused as his. I glanced up at his face. He shrugged with a funny expression, seeing the girls looking at it. I glanced at the girls. They seemed pleased, smiling with slight nods.

"Still a little embarrassing," he muttered, adding: "Don't think she really saw it like this."

"Pity, nice," Elsa murmured.

I was again surprised by her outspokeness. Vicky nodded. Tim shrugged again, but then shivered and said:

"But I've got to go - the beer."

"Don't we all?" I remarked.

The girls nodded. I added: "Go in the shower, with it like that."

Tim gave me a surprised look. Vicky said:

"While we use the toilet."

He shrugged with a wry expression and preceded us to the bathroom. He stepped in the shower and faced the wall. While I went in the washbasin, both girls used the toilet before his cock relaxed enough to let him go. I had washed my cock, and Elsa had taken my washcloth, when he looked back with a wry grin. He remarked:

"Guess I'd better wash too."

I thought the girls also caught their breath; he only needed to wash his cock if he had understood that he would do whatever they wanted to - well, let them do whatever they wanted to, one of them at least. Which one? Vicky snorted and replied quickly:

"Let me."

Tim's jaw dropped again. He could only stare, as she joined him in the shower stall, snorting in surprise, when she turned on the shower with obvious practice. They both started, when the cold water started. Then it was warm. Vicky found the soap dish without looking; she was looking down at his cock, now well below halfmast, but then responding to her looking at it. He muttered:

"I don't know about this," reaching for the shower curtain.

Elsa dropped my washcloth and pulled the curtain back, saying:

"I'll help."

Tim gave me sheepish, quizzical glance. He must have been wondering if the girls had been with me in the shower - not both of them. Elsa wasn't, just reaching out her hand for the soap. Vicky gave it to her and reached down with her soapy hands. They didn't have to raise his cock; it was already back above the horizontal. He rolled his eyes, looking up over Vicky's head. Then he suddenly looked down; Elsa's hand was fondling his balls. Three hands washing him, and I knew how they could!

Vicky's were moving on his cock the only way they could. He moaned, her soapy hands sliding on it, instead of being able to move his skin, like she could when she washed mine. Did she recognize that he was circumcised? It didn't matter with her soapy hands sliding on it, and Elsa's fondling his balls. Lucky guy! Not so lucky, he moaned and complained:

"Not so much! Stop!" but Vicky didn't.

He groaned and and insisted again: "Stop," but it was too late; he came, spurting up against Vicky's stomach. Despite his demand that she stop, she continued, making his cock spurt again and again. I was impressed, suddenly realizing that I was holding my own cock. Vicky's hand stilled. He moaned and muttered:

"You shouldn't have done that; thought you wanted to do something else."

"We do, I do," she replied.

"But now?!" he asked.

She replied:

"Didn't know that would happen, but we can, you can."

He glanced at me. I nodded and murmured:

"You can."

He didn't look like he believed me. Elsa confirmed:

"You can."

I wondered if he could have any inkling of how many times I had that afternoon. Vicky nodded with a smile and agreed:

"You can, and it'll be even better, taking long to enjoy it."

Tim shook his head disbelievingly. I nodded. Elsa was soaping her hands again. She handed him the soap and said:

"You can wash Vicky."

He took it. As I expected, he started with her breasts. She hummed, nodding and smiling up at him, and he hummed, smiling back, as his hands fondled her nipples. Then suddenly he started and exclaimed: "Shit!"

I glanced down and saw that Elsa's hand was washing his asshole. She replied:

"I hope not, we like that too."

"Shit!" he exclaimed again, not quite so loud. Then he hummed and replied softly:

"Shit, I guess so. Hmm? You really do?"

"Um-hmm," both Vicky and I responded.

He glanced at each of us with a funny expression. Elsa chuckled, apparently pleased with having surprised him and that he had admitted that he had liked it. She remarked:

"Enough washing; rinse, and Vicky and I'll wash."

He let the water rinse himself. I held out his towel for him, wondering if he had understood that the girls would wash each other. Had he understood that my remark about roommates' helping each other - giving each other orgasms - referred to Elsa and Vicky? He would soon find out.

He took his towel and stepped out of the shower. The bathroom floor was wet. He faced me, drying himself with a shrug and puzzled expression. I murmured:

"You can again. She's right, just take nice and longer now."

"Hmm? If you say so," he replied.

I nodded with a smile, now sure that he was agreed to letting one of the girls do whatever she wanted with him. Which one? It didn't matter. What would the other one do with me? We couldn't just watch.

Behind his back, I saw the girls' sudsy hands fondling each others' breasts. That wasn't all they were going to wash. Then Vicky said:

"Go get in bed, and we'll surprise you."

I saw Elsa nod with a grin. Tim turned back and saw how they were washing each other and muttered:

"Oh, like that, each other."

"In your own beds, and turn out the light," Elsa said.

Tim looked at me with wondering shake of his head. I nodded, and we left the bathroom. As I turned out the light, he murmured:

"Fuck, they really mean it."

"I think so, that's the right word."

"Hmm? Fuck," he muttered again.

We got in our beds in the light from the bathroom. I wondered if Elsa was recalling how we had started, her surprising me by getting in bed with me for what I had been expecting to be just a nap. Which one was going to surprise Tim - and how? He couldn't imagine that either of them wanted first to suck his cock. And then? If they - if she - wanted him to lick her pussy?! Would he do that?

The girls were whispering in the bathroom. The light over the medicine cabinet was turned on and then the overhead light turned off. What was Tim anticipating? Was his cock aroused again? Mine wasn't, not really. Was his really larger than mine? One of the girls would know, especially if she had had it in her mouth.

The door to the bathroom was half closed, and then a girl was creeping in my bed, head first under the covers, urging me to move back and on my side. Which one? It didn't matter, and it was a good idea. Even after the hours since before dinner, I didn't need a hot fuck. It would just be very nice to have my cock sucked, and - of course - to lick her pussy. I could always enjoy that. Which one's? Didn't matter; could I tell the difference?