A Scottish Werewolf's Love Book 02 Ch. 03

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Black Wolf Castle.
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Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 09/14/2002
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****I want to thank every one for the feedback and sorry that this has taken so long in coming. Real life seems not to like to wait for us writers *LOL* I hope like the others you all enjoy this next chapter in the saga. Thank you all once again.****

Scottish Were Wolf and the Italian Lady

They finally landed in Scotland and meeting them at the Airport was Gavina, as she promised when she talked to Toni the night before. It was a surprisingly sunny day in Scotland for that time of year. Gavina picked them up at 10 a.m. when their flight arrived. She waited down stairs for them both by the baggage claim area.

She wore blue jeans and a green sweater, boots her hair pulled back in a ponytail tied up with a green ribbon. She scanned the crowd as they came down to the claim area but nothing. Had she made a mistake on the flight or time? Finally, she saw them, she made her way up and hugged and kissed them both.

"Welcome to Scotland!" She boldly exclaimed with that sweet accent of hers that just made Toni's blood race. Smiling broadly at them both, they walked off arm in arm to the luggage turntable. She explained them she had made plans for them to visit the Castle when they were rested, the next day while Toni grabbed the bags then they all headed off to her car. They drove for almost two hours to get to the quiet lil sleepy town where Gavina's family lived, she figured they would enjoy the countryside more then the City. Hoping the peace and beauty would wash away the dreariness of New York City.

As they drove, Toni and Gav talked about this that what he and his sister did while in Italy. Ari looked to the lush greenness of the countryside getting lost in its splendor as her brother and Gavina spoke to each other about things she was not even paying any mind too.

"Hey!She snapped her head when her brother poked her, pulling her out of her faraway state of mind.

"You with us back there princess or what?" He asked her, with a chuckle in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah sorry I was just thinking." she paused for a moment "I think I could be very comfortable living here." Toni looked at her with an expression on his face as if to say.

"Where did that come from?" However, he did not say anything, not yet at least.

"Well stay here on earth with the rest of us will ya." He smiled and gave her knee a grab slightly.

Ari moved up, resting her arms on the back of the seats in front, making her move to the middle of the back seat where she was sitting so she could join in the conversation her brother and Gavina were having.

"Gavi what in the hell do you see in this lump any way?" She shoved Toni some, snickering like a small child would.

Gavi chuckled before she answered Ari's question.

"Oh I don't know really, maybe he has an animal magnetism I just can't resist. Or it's the sex?" Gavina could not help but put that last part in knowing Toni more then likely did not mention the lil tryst in the bathroom on the plan that one time.

Toni groaned when Gavi mentioned sex, he had not told Ari about the plane deal yet but guess now it was out and he heard her mind roll over and was ready for the loving sister torment and teasing.

"Oh that good is he? Hmm never heard that from the other women, just heard lots of screaming and groaning." She chuckled knowing that would get Toni's boxers just in a bunch.

"Hey do you mind when did my sex life become topic of this conversation?"

Both women snickered a bit then looked at him.

"What's wrong love, haven't you told Ari about the plane yet?"

"No, I'm just not sure how my fucking around became so interesting all of a sudden, it's like I am the flavor of the month or something."

"Baby you are the best flavor I have ever had. I am spoiled now I can never go back to Vanilla now that I have had Spumoni." Her cheery voice rang out making all three of them laugh like mad.

"Ok, Ok I give. I know when I am beat. Fuck me I am surrounded by willful strong thick headed women I can't win for nothing." He said.

They all laughed more as both women almost said at the same time.

"But, you love us."

He looked at them both shaking his head. He loved his sister with out a doubt, Gavina she was something he had never experienced before. Sure, he had his time with other women but she was something very different.

She made his heart race, his chest tighten. Was he falling in love with her? He had not been able to get her out of his mind since that day on the plane, now with his sister he needed some one on his side, those two against him he was way out numbered.

The rest of the drive all they did was chitchat, this, and that nothing important or of any consequence. While Toni and Gav rambled on in the front seat talking with each other Ari closed her eyes and just rested, the trip had been long and she was tired, soon they arrived at Gavina home. The car came to a stop waking Ari in the back seat.

"Are we here already?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

The house was two stories all stone with vines up the sides and front smoke coming from the chimney. It looked like a scene from a painting.

The door opened and two people came out smiling and calling Gavina.

"Welcome back lass! Thought you got lost or some thing." The man shouted as he walked to Gavina giving her a hearty hug. There was a woman who followed suit. Ari could see why Gavina was so beautiful.

A man walked out making his way to Toni hugging him tight making him groan slightly as the man did so.

"Welcome to Scotland my boy! We've heard so much about you from Gavina, she's has had nothing but nice things to say! Welcome, Welcome!"

The man was a bubbly sort very friendly. Toni could see where Gav got it from now. Soon the mother followed suit hugging and kissing them both.

Ari chuckled at the greetings her brother had gotten and smiled when the kind man gave her a somewhat tight hug as well.

"Toni, Ari these are my mum and da. Steven and Marian. Mum, Da this is Toni and Ari."

"Gavi has told us all about you and your brother, that you were coming to visit. Come, come you must be tired. We have your rooms all ready for you.

Here I'll show you to the rooms that are yours while you are here. The house is like your own home while you are here, no need to stand on formality."

Ari and Toni could not believe how sweet these people were being to total strangers, it was overwhelming.

She heard and read about how nice the Scott's were but this did not seem to come close to what she imagined. Smiling the woman looped their arms together, escorting Ari into the house while her husband and Toni got the things from the car.

They changed, clean up, and then meet the others downstairs. They were sitting around the table talking. Ari and Toni, Gavina and her parents talking getting to know one another a little bit better as dinner cooked. They talked almost all through dinner and desert and late into the night before Gavina, Toni and her parents had called it a night and headed to bed for the night. She could not get over how natural it felt here even Toni commented that he too he felt at home here strangely.

Midnight came and they all headed to bed except Ari; she went outside to sit on the swing out in front of the cottage. Looking up she saw the dark blue-black of the sky with all its glowing sparkles of light it made her let out a soft breath, it felt so right to be here peaceful, no sounds of the city, no screaming, yelling, no guns going off just the sound of nature at night.

"This is so wonderful." She uttered quietly to her self, but soon the baying of a wolf in the distance broke the silence of the night.

Ari turned her head in the direction of the baying something about that sound made her smile. The next time it sounded closer, then again, even closer then before. Getting up from the swing, she moved out into the field the grass so tall her hand brushed the tips softly bending them as she moved.

Heading off in the direction of the baying even though she was not sure where she was going but still she walked off. She was at the edge of a thick forest when she heard it again the baying like some wild call.

Her heart starting to pound in her chest more and more the deeper she went. The sound was so hunting, pulling her in just like her dreams. She took another few steps she looked back the house it was still visible she could in the dark of night the glow of lights in the window like a beacon of safety. Foolishly, she kept going then it appeared a huge wolf standing in the clearing just beyond her, its head tilted to the sky its melodic haunting song echoing on the night air, it sent a chill up her spine. She felt a pang of fright when wolf lowered its head and looked dead smack at her. Her eyes locked on the shimmering orbs of some wild wolf it stole her reason and sense to run like mad back to the house, but her mind sparked the thought of just backing up slowly. The wolf began creeping its way towards her matching it seemed step for step with hers.

"God it's just going to rip me to bits if I don't get out of here. Don't run what ever you do just don't run." She kept telling her self softly until she backed her self into a huge tree letting out a huff of air as her back smacked hard into the rough bark. She was stuck now she had nowhere else to back up too she was caught between this wolf and the tree, and it was getting CLOSER!

No more then ten feet from her its strode till it was now three feet from her, almost close enough she could just reach out and touch it. She was sweating from the whole intensity of the moment, and then it was right on her sniffing at her, looking up at her. She heard a soft growling coming from the wolf, and then something made it jerk its head to the left.

"Andrew stop that back off with ye now go on go!" This voice came out of nowhere. Andrew? Ari's head turned to the sound of the voice while the wolf seemed to understand and backed off with out so much as another glance at Ari.

"Sorry lass some times he can't help him self he thinks hunting humans is a game he really meant you not a bit of harm."

Ari's eyes could not see the body to go with that voice but she knew it some how it was familiar.

"Who are you? What do you mean hunting humans?"

Soon the yellow white light of a flashlight broke the pitch black of the night.

"Andrew the wolf there he'd nea ever hurt a fly let alone a human less ye be hunting him then he'd nea give a fig what ye be. Now what is a lass like your self be doing out here in the forest alone on a night like this hmm?"

Then she saw the ghostly out line of a mountain of a man no less then 6 ft in height and broad shouldered, was all she could see of him just yet. Then the light came up illuminating his face some, she took in a breath the first thing she saw were his eyes like none she had ever seen before. Her heart seemed to stop beating when she took in the image of his face, she could not believe it.

There in full view he was the face in her dreams, Ari's world seemed to go for a spin with out her nothing but his face could she see no forest no sounds nothing just his face.

"Lass, Lass? Are you alright?" he asked of her and yet she did not respond to his words, it was like an inaudible sound for a while then the far off echo's started to resonate in her ears and she snapped out of her haze long enough for her world to come into focus.

"Lass can ye hear me are you alright?"

"Huh? What oh yes, yes I am fine thank you very much."

"You're the American I have heard so much about. Welcome to Scotland".

"Thank you." was all she could manage to utter. She just looked at him still not able to figure out if this was real or a dream, her voice just barely over a whisper like something out of some old movie.

"Right then up ye go." He said and with out warning he scooped her up as if she were nothing. His arms were like small tree trunks his just hard as a rock and his smell was like the forest. Ari put her arm over his shoulder as he carried her out of the forest and back into the tall grass field heading back for the house where she was staying. He was saying something to her but dam if she really heard anything she just stared at him like a child at Christmas time, meeting Santa for the first time.

"Lass I think you best stay out of the forests from now on it can be a wee bit nasty out there if ye don't know where you're going." He said to her as he came up to the house and pulled the chain for the bell.

It was not a few moments later when the door opened.

"Lords to heaven what happened?" Steven exclaimed as he motioned to come into the house.

"Ah Steven I believe this is yours" he chuckled. "She was out for a stole and found Andrew; I think she's a wee bit in shock."

"Come in please her rooms this way." Steven said that while he walked up stairs then down the hall to her room was. Soon his wife emerged from their room gasping at the site of Ari in the Lords arms being carried into her room Marian's voice become startled and alarmed when she spoke

"What in all heavens!" she uttered loud enough to wake the others soon Ari was coming to be put to bed a thick blanket being pulled up over her by him.

"Rest Bella you'll be fine I promise." He murmured softly but it was still like a something out of her dreams. She felt a cold shiver run down her spine as his words rang in her ears.

Hearing the commotion in the hallway Gavina and Toni came out of their rooms to see what was going on, once Toni saw it had to do with his sisters room he rushed across the hallway slamming right into the man coming out of the room. Toni went sprawling back but the other man's paw like hands grabbed and kept him up right.

"She's alright lad she just had a wee bit of a fright out side. No worries."

Toni looked at the man and felt the oddest sensation as if he knew him. Something odd about the dark haired fellow made Toni stop a moment before pushed his way gently past the man and went right to Ari's side, sitting on the bed taking her hand in his.

"Ari? What were you doing out there? You alright?" he asked her a few times before she looked at Toni and nodded.

In a soft voice, he spoke to him. "Yes I'm fine really, I just got lost is all."

"Lost you never you could get any where from any where and back home." He said as his hand caressed her face softly.

"Come, out with you all, she be needing some rest is all. It's been a long day for the lass with her trip and all. Out with ye now shoo." Marian said as she hurried them all out and looked back at Ari.

"You go on and have a good rest things will be right as rain in the morning."

Ari nodded it was like a blur all she could see was his face when she closed her eyes. Finally she fell asleep and started dreaming again, dreaming of him. Those eyes looking at her like a drilling gaze into her soul as if they knew her inner most self.

It started out like most the others her walking along in this glen trees, tall grass the night sky above, peaceful serene. Slowly she walked into the glade there was a stone pedestal in the middle lit up by pure moon like, it was like a spot light, just illuminating the stone dais and its stone. She walked over to it and ran her fingers over the year's worn stones surface. She looked at her fingers dragging as she walked the length of the stone, she arched a brow as she saw a stain in the middle of the stone slab.

It looked like it had been there for years and years.

"They call that Binders Bed." A deep baritone voice said coming form out of the dark somewhere.

Ari turned around not realizing any one was watching her, she took a step back away from the figure. Not knowing who or what it could be that was out there in the night with her.

"They say the legion is that it was the rock where lovers took their undying vows to be with none other but each other. The couple would come here if she were willing to give her self to her mate and on this rock in the moons full light they would make love for the first time and that stain there is from her blood. That stain is of her purity it is a symbol of the bond that time, and tide can never break. Well so they say." He stepped out of the dark of the tree line.

"You, how long have you been watching me?" she asked though her voice seemed to quiver as she spoke.

"Not long I often come here for the peace and quiet and the beauty that comes into the glade." He said emphasizing the word Beauty in reference to her presence there.

She blushed at his comment for some reason, she felt the warmth rush over her cheeks and turned away.

"Do you believe in this fairy tale?" she asked wondering if he was telling her some folk tale or some strange tale to impress the strange American.

He came closer to her almost reaching her in three huge strides, she moved back around to the other side of the stone slab looking at him.

'There is no need to be afraid Ari. I am not going to hurt you, matter of fact I was wondering when you were coming back to me."

"Coming back? I have never seen you before how could I be coming back to you."

He smiled and walked around to the side she was on and looked down at her he reached down some and cupped her chin, lowering his head to hers he kissed her softly but with such passion it made her knees weak. Unknowingly her body leaned into his, soon his other arm came about her waist, and pulled her into his hard strong body, a soft groan escaped her lips as they kiss intensified. She felt the fire of the kiss intensify the heat in her cheeks just as it had from the way he looked at her and spoke about the Binders Bed. She could feel her heart beat race making her breathing quicken as he deepened the kiss, she could feel his tongue parting her lips and she willingly let them part searching out his tongue with her own leaving it to dance along with his wildly.

His hand rested on the small of her back, pressing her into him even more, pulling her tight to his form the other hand slipping into the thick mane of her hair as he pressed his lips to hers in an almost crushing kiss. He drank in the softness of her lips, inhaled her sweet scent, feeling her body molding to his, he was starving for her so badly it was like an endless hunger.

Slowly he broke the kiss and looked into her eyes as if he were looking into her soul searching for something in her. He scooped her up in his massively strong arms and places her on the stone slab looking down at her he caressed her face, his body moved with a fluid grace as he positioned himself aside her body. Looking at her, he smiled while tenderly caressing her face. Slowly his hand trailed down over her throat over the bar part of her shoulder to the swell's of her breast's, down to her stomach trailing further still till his hand rests on her upper thigh.

"Soon you will remember and understand and when you do I will bring you here again and make you mine."

"Why do I feel like I know you? Why do you come to me like this?"

"Soon Bella it will come back to you and you will remember but for now my love you must wake and dream no more this night of me." His voice trailed off into a whisper as he leaned in and kissed her again with the same fire and passion as the moments before.

"Ari, Ari wake up sleepy, its morning." The voice in her dream seemed to get clearer as she started waking slowly but surely her eyes opened and there was Toni sitting on the edge of her bed shaking her gently to wake up.

Ari's eyes blinked open and she saw Toni and arched a slender brow.

"What the?" she exclaimed softly as she sat up in bed still dressed in what she had on last night.

"Morn'n sleeping beauty, nice lil trip you took last night getting your self lost out there. Some tree of a guy found you brought you back, don'cha remember?" he asked her with a somewhat worried expression on his handsome face.