A Second Chance Ch. 01


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That weekend Judy was driven to the station, with a promise she would come back for a few days prior to her flight back to France the next week.

Judy had been a charming house guest and had made herself at home, going mad in my huge kitchen and cooking some fantastic meals, baking cakes and trying out some of the kitchen labour-saving devices that had clearly never been out of their boxes before.

Then it was the garden and she spent at least a day creating a list of things that I needed to buy for each of my greenhouses and a hand-drawn plan, even ensuring that the two cast iron ones had veggies, fruits and flowers popular in the Edwardian period, insisting one could be an orangery, and complaining there wasn't a grapevine in either of them!

I very nearly showed her the plans that Di had drafted that would see the largest, and the newest, transformed into an indoor swimming pool, with doors that would open out towards the house.

That evening I could see that Callie was slightly distracted, and I asked her if she was OK.

"Due on Craig," she said, "never a good time for me, I'll be over the worst in a few days, trust me."

We'd made love a couple of times since the weekend and it had been quiet, secretive, and totally lovely but the night before, Emmie had a bit of disturbed night, possibly due to Nanny Judy going to London, and needed to sleep in Mum's bed.

I have to admit that it was nice to sleep the sleep of the pure at heart for a night, but I did feel a touch lonely. I'd gotten used to having that warmth next to me again, the occasional sigh, followed by a gentle hand on my shoulder, for her comfort rather than mine I guessed.

She'd gone to bed early, with a hot water bottle, aspirin, and a hot chocolate, while I stayed up with the late film. I was slightly surprised and a bit disappointed to find she wasn't in my bed. She was on, and I figured she might not have been quite ready to share that with me yet.

I thought about walking up to her room and climbing into bed with her, at the very least telling her the next morning that it really wasn't a problem. I was warm, comfortable, and...

"Craig?" came the soft voice just as I'd started to drift off.

"Callie?" I sat up.

"Could I..." I could hear some sniffling.

"Callie, Honey, What's up?" I sat up and turned on my bedside lamp.

She was standing by my open bedroom door in another of my T-shirts, the same door she had slipped through quite a few times before, naked or nearly so.

"I need a hug..." she squeaked.

"Of course!" I flipped the duvet back.

"Thank you!" she JUST managed to burst out before losing it in heaps of tears and running to me on my side of the bed.

"Oh honey, come here!" I opened my arms and pulled her to me, just as her distress manifested itself completely. I lay back and pulled her to me, pulling the duvet up and over us both and hugging her tight; she did sooooo love to be hugged.

She'd already said that she could get a bit emotional when she was on, and this was probably it. So, I held her, stroked her hair, kissed her face, her cheek and it evidently worked, her sobs slowed and her breathing relaxed.

"I'm sorry about that," she dabbed at her eyes with a balled-up tissue she held tightly in her hand.

"Don't worry honey," I said, "I'm glad to help." I kissed her again.

"Thank you," she said, "Glad it never happened while Mum was here, she'd just shake her head and tell me to 'get over it'. I swear it just hits me, and I normally sit in my bedroom and quietly hug my big teddy bear until it passes, he dries out quite quickly."

"That big blue one in your room?"

"Yeah, been hugging him through the first night of my period since I was thirteen."

"Well feel free to come and hug me instead of him, any time."

"He might be jealous," she said with a cheeky but disarming grin.

"I'll take the chance," I said, rolling over to turn off my lamp, "come here then." I rolled back and pulled her into my arms again.

"Craig," she whispered, "I can't..."

"Oh shush," I said, "you are allowed to actually 'sleep' with me Cal, it's not just about the amazing sex."

She pushed her still tear-wet face against mine and I could feel her smiling lips before they kissed me.

We slept, and at one point in the night I turned to 'spoon' her; this was extremely well received the following morning when we woke to my alarm, and my warm hand was across her abdomen, holding her boobs with the other.

She turned her head,

"Good morning, Craig!" she said, "Waking up with you gets better and better!" She turned in my arms and we kissed and cuddled until my 'snoozed' alarm went off a second time and we got up and headed for the bathroom.

We walked in together.

I stood before the sink and checked out my first-thing-in-the-morning visage, while to my left the lovely Callie sat on the WC, dropped her large 'time-of-the-month' panties and stripped out the pad, reaching into the small bin she'd brought with her, for a nappy sack inside and the pad was duly bagged and binned.

I kind of watched with my peripheral vision; but I'd lived with a very upfront woman before, and I didn't bat an eyelid when she'd done the self-same thing. I wondered if she'd done the same with the man she'd lived with, Emmie's Dad.

She proceeded to urinate; again, Anna regularly did that kind of thing. The most important thing in our old house was that no one flushed while the shower was in use as it got very cold then very hot!

I finished cleaning my teeth and started to shave, just as Callie placed a new pad in her panties, pulled them up and flushed.

She looked at me, smiled and gave me a look that said, 'after what we've done to each other in the last week, we have no secrets' even bashing me to one side with her hip so she could wash her hands.

I stripped off my boxers and stepped into the shower, getting an appreciative glance from Callie as I did so.

She raised her eyebrows,

"STILL looking good Mr Douglas."

"Still feeling good Miss Sinclair!" I pulled the curtain shut and turned on the water.

That evening Callie said she would have another early night, with a hot drink while I watched the end of the movie I was so engrossed in. An hour later I went to bed and was delighted to find Callie in there already, sound asleep and looking amazing. I snuggled up close and held her again.

She pushed back against me, turned her head and pushed her cheek to mine, and whispered,

"Thank you!"

I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight.

The next day I was told I had to fly to a problem aircraft in Berlin, one of my favourite cities, and although it meant Bonnie's Mum collecting Emmie from school, it wasn't a problem. I Facetimed Callie and Emmie that evening as I walked around the German capital, showing them the Reichstag, and various other points of interest, promising to bring back some gifts.

As I looked at Emmie's excited face, I knew it would need to be a bit special, and a walk across to a Berlin Department Store saw me walking out an hour later with a Steiff teddy bear, and some lingerie and a more presentable but very grown-up stretchy royal blue nightdress printed especially for her Mum.

'Mein Liebhaber ging nach Berlin und alles, was ich bekam, war dieses lausige Nachthemd' with '(aber es lässt meinen arsch fantastisch aussehen) on the back.'

My lover went to Berlin and all I got was this lousy nightdress, (but it does make my arse look amazing)

I knew that Callie was a size ten and a 36C, and the sales assistant assured me the ten would stretch around her 'just ze way you would want it to'. They even had it in royal blue.

I had planned to go with a straight boring T-shirt with the German flag and the Berlin Bear with 'a gift from Berlin', but the rather cheeky nod from the sales lady made me get the stretchy nightdress wrapped so effectively around a plastic manikin that looked the same height as Callie.

When I said what I wanted printed, the sales lady smiled and nodded, with narrowed eyes in appreciation of my choice.

Back home the next evening, and Callie had cooked an excellent dinner, which an excited Emmie couldn't sit still for, knowing I'd brought her something from Germany.

I walked into my office and the bags I'd left in there.

I returned with the tall paper sack marked with the name of the Berlin shop I'd been to.

"Close your eyes Emmie," I said, and she did so, still with her arms outstretched, and I lowered the bear into them.

Her eyes opened and she was all huge smiles and hugs, even sitting on my lap to hold and hug the bear, kissing my cheek in thanks.

"And what about Mummy?" she said sweetly.

"In the bag honey." She reached in and plucked out the nightshirt.

"It's in German!" Callie said with narrowed eyes.

"It says something like 'my special friend went to Berlin all I got was this lousy nightdress'!"

"Classic line, Craig!" she said and pulled it on over her T-shirt, it fitted tightly over it, and I could see that the sales assistant hadn't been lying. Callie ran her hands down the sides, and across to smooth over her boobs, then looked at me with smiling disapproval. She even loosened her jeans and skinned them to her knees for the full effect, even pushing that amazing arse back at me, Emmie totally ignoring her for her new bear. "Nice," said Callie, moving around suggestively in it, checking out her arse and her bosom in the mirror over the fireplace.

Eventually, Emmie was put to bed with her new Teddy, dubbed 'Bear' with an admonition from Mummy to take care of it as it was an expensive one.

I stood on my landing once Emmie was in bed, looking up to Callie who was tiptoeing around, closing doors, and switching on night lights.

"Callie," I said quietly, "I think you'll find you have a quite nice Teddy in the bag on your bed?" I nodded in the direction of her bedroom.

She looked at me quizzically for a second, then wandered away. A few moments later I heard an exclamation.

I walked into my bedroom, stripped down to my boxers and T-shirt and sat on the bed raising my feet up in comfort. I turned off the main light, closed my curtains against the last of the evening's lights, and switched on the bedside lamp.

And there she was,

"My 'lover' huh?" she stood there with a pursed-lipped smile, in the vest-topped nightdress, "I have to confess though Craig, it DOES make my arse look amazing," she turned around, bent forward slightly and pushed her amazing arse out at me.

"Lover, Cal," I folded my arms, "wasn't going to put 'landlord' on there, not after the last few weeks! And yes, it DOES make you arse look amazing, but then you could wear a potato sack and your arse would look amazing."

She seemed impressed with both my responses, then crossed her arms and reached down to the hem of the tight nightdress and pulled it up and over her head leaving her in just some tiny royal blue panties.

"I've all but finished my period; we might need to be careful but, so help me, I'm so fucking horny for you right now, I'd need you to fuck me whatever."

"I can live with that Callie, come here."

She stalked towards me, her hips swaying and her great bosom just flexing as she moved. She climbed onto my bed and on hands and knees walked up to and over me, kissing me hard on the lips.

"You'll get to see me with MY teddy in the next couple of days Craig," she was smiling, even though she had been trying to look all grown-up and sexy, a look Anna had down from the night I met her.

"Not tonight?"

"I'm not getting my menstruating puss ANYWHERE near that 'til I'm well and truly shot of my monthlies. That vest though," she grinned, "That was a touch... lover!"

She lowered her mouth onto mine and lay down on top of me, just as I slide down the bed to lie flat. I put my hands all over her back, stroking her shoulders, down her back, her sides, before finally reaching her bottom, and cupping both cheeks to pull her towards me, my erection pushing up against her groin. She purred.

"I know it was only two nights Craig, but I really missed you," she clung to me.

"My Berlin bed was very cold, very empty and really would have been a thousand times better with you in it when I got back from work."

We both just smiled stupidly at each other, both knowing that we had passed some new boundary, reached a new point in our... relationship? Yep, surely was one of those.

I rolled her over to cover her body with mine, and we carried on kissing, with Callie grabbing the hem of my corporate polo shirt and dragging it up my back, and over my head.

"I want to feel your skin against mine, Craig, my turn to enjoy you!"

"Again, I can live with that too." I felt her grind her boobs and her nipples against my chest.

"I like the feel of your hairy chest against my nips," she said breaking our kiss for a moment, "Nice and scratchy! Oh, one more thing," she said idly running a pointer finger through my chest hair she was so impressed with, "I'm on the pill now, so..." she kissed me and whispered, "don't worry about the condom!"

"Ooh yeah," I said, "I really like the idea of that."

"Then get your pants off and fuck me, Craig!"

"A fine idea!"

In a flurry of activity, I'd removed my boxers, and she'd removed her panties, pad and all. I rolled back over her, pulling the duvet up to cuddle us both in its warming embrace. I held her, and kissed her, feeling her arms snake around my neck and cuddle me back.

"Craig..." she gasped out, "Craig, I..."

I kissed her.

"Wassup Honey?"

"Make love to me Craig, love me for the two nights I missed you!"

I raised up and feeling her thighs part, took up the position I'd come to enjoy most of all. I felt her puss give as I slipped into her, a few soft thrusts to generate the moisture we needed to finish this.

"Wow Cal!" I said, "That feels even better than before."

"Can't say I ever objected to how it felt before, but it does feel... nicer. I..." she gulped, "I missed you so much!"

We started to move together, enjoying the feeling of one against another, me inside her, her giving herself up to me, and I felt her tremble.

"Craig," she hissed, "I... I don't know how or why but... this is just so... Oh Christ... Craig, I'm... please... DON'T STOP!"

I speeded up, pushing harder and deeper as she trembled beneath me, calling my name, and holding me tight, her lips against mine, pushing hard as she got closer.

"Come for me Baby," I held her tight, still thrusting but just enough to bring her through it, "come for me, give yourself to me Callie!"

"Oh CHRIST!" she hit her orgasmic wall, "I'm all yours Craig, love me Craig, love me!"

She wept, trembled, squeezed me, kissed me, then caught her breath as she started to come down, staring at me with a hint of... something.

I got it too.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This story is going on and on and not really going anywhere.

SuedeDenimSuedeDenimabout 2 months ago

All that love making is fine, but it's weird that you dropped the entire DG plotline halfway through without a mention.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The title is misleading Anna never gets a second chance. It's actually disappointing the MC is pathetic when finding the love of his life cheating in their bed. He just walks out after the confrontation. Then allowed the cheating ex to hang around while his sister is dying. So basically torturing himself while dealing with his sister's needs. After the sister passed the story got better and in reality should have started from that point. The ex partner should have been removed from the story and only mentioned from memory and left there. It could have been a better storyline if some minor changes were made especially in light of the relationship with the ex never comes back.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

From the title I thought he was going to take Anna back. I certainly wouldn't not matter how sexy or good in bed. She already showed she is untrustworthy.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

It is a long and winding road, and after 13 pages we are not even really there. Might have to do with the fact that Bratislava is not exactly to be found in Hungary these days.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

At some point when Callie's mother is visiting, she should tell her daughter:

"Look, just go downstairs and go to bed with him. Sneaking around in the middle of the night is undignified, and it's insulting; Do you think I'm blind? Even Emma knows you're sleeping together. You're an adult; you can fuck anyone you want to. Why would you be worried about I think?

And some have complained about the BJ from Anna after the breakup. I think it was included for two reasons.

1-He already knows he's over her, disgusted with her, so why not just use her mouth to service him in a futile and undignified effort to win him back.

2-Without this interaction, it's a long, dry spell to the next explicit sex act in the story. Sort of a teaser, to keep the average Literotica reader on the hook.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Good story and well written but no way U go back sleeping with your slut girl friend. TERRIBLE ending. Totally incomplete. They should at lest said they loved each other married had more kids and lived a great life.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Love the story with Callie and Emma. But Craig's interactions with Anna are just sad. Guess he might have been in shock at first, then went more in shock with his sister dying. Too bad he told Anna about it and submitted to her care. I know he needed it, but after what she did? He wasn't thinking straight. And when he submitted to her blowjob, that was the worst. Would have been a good time to kick her in the throat and tell her to get the fuck out. But no, he just submits. Apparently, he was just submissive to her. Might be why she wasn't too worried about cheating on him? She was a despicable character to me. All eros, with no decernable ethos at all. And then he seemed to get over her fairly quickly once he got involved with Callie. Guess he and Anna just really didn't love each other all that much. Were they even capable of real love? I don't think Anna was. Will Craig turn out to be capable of it with Callie? Maybe we'll see.

Ravey19Ravey19about 1 year ago

Very British with the possible exception of the obvious corrupt council members although that does exist. Love the sex side of it but surprised he stayed when he found Anna with the other man. 5⛤

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yeah, Craig should have acted like a real AMERICAN MAN! Opened his bedside table, got out his Armalite and shot the bitch. After that he could walk down to the local primary and shoot half a class of year fives, that'll learn 'em.

The US of A! What a great, violent and aggressive country! Or is it just a Yank keyboard warrior?

Yeah, could do with a bit of a more thorough edit, but a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The cuck Crsig went back to the sane bed she just fucked Sean in, sipping his tea!!! He reacted like a really weak wimpy cuck. Asshole cuck Craig should grow some balls!! FUCKING WKMP

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You seem to have a habit of forgetting the names of your characters!

"It was also the furthest from Callie's room, and any suggestion of her sly tiptoe downstairs, something she did quite often after putting Callie to bed, and then any possible detour to mine."

"It was also the furthest from Callie's room, and any suggestion of her sly tiptoe downstairs, something she did quite often after putting EMMIE to bed, and then any possible detour to mine."

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

While written well I will say it feels a tad .. robotic, like you're giving an explanation of events rather than seeing it happen through someone's eyes.

You could argue at first maybe he's in shock or not dealing with his grief, but he barely has any emotions at all, he shrugs off his girlfriend's affair and then shrugs of his sisters brutal death with a quick "guess I'll have a spot of tea"

While technically okay, it makes the story feel hollow and lifeless, it's hard to feel invested in the new romance, because it feels like he's a robot or a sociopath.

InfosaugerInfosaugerover 1 year ago

Great story, but Bratislave is in Slovakia, not Hungary.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 1 year ago

good story but poor continuity and constantly comparing a past and current lover is disrespectful to both of them. 13 pages and the major issue of the rental houses is still unresolved.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

From the "terribly sorry for interrupting your fucking of my girlfriend, I'm going to have a spot of tea while you wrap things up" to the "terribly sorry to be dying of terminal cancer, I'll just stop eating and drinking to hurry this along, such a bother", this may be the most British story I've ever read on this site.

xhristianjxhristianjalmost 2 years ago

About this story that seriously cracks me the fuck up is this 'guy' is about as fucking wimpy as its possible to be and still have testicles. I mean for fucks sake his girlfriend is fucking some shit head he catches her does absolutely fucking nothing let's her keep doing it and then runs away giving her everything.

Forget about Alpha Male or Beta Male this prick is barely human 😑

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