A Session with Mistress Julia Pt. 01

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A submissive male has his first session with a dominatrix.
6.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/19/2024
Created 05/19/2024
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[Author's note: These are the first several chapters of my first story. It was originally published with an incorrect title (Jennifer instead if Julia). I have asked for it to be changed, but do not know whether that can be done. The correct title is: "A Session with Mistress Julia." It is not intended to be realistic, but more of a fantasy. Part 2, which I submitted with the correct title, has also been submitted. Depending on feedback, I may continue. Thanks for reading.]

Chapter 1

I was on my knees on a hard wood floor, back straight, hands behind my head, a black hood covering my head.

I had been here for what seemed like hours, but was likely only about 15 minutes. My knees were aching. "She has to come in soon," I thought to myself.

I had paid for a session with Mistress Julia, a dominatrix who was doing sessions in my area for a week.

I arrived at the address she provided a few minutes early. I opened the door and sat at the table, as instructed. After a few minutes, she came in through another door. She was dressed in jeans and a somewhat tight white tee shirt. Nothing about her would indicate what she did for a living.

I stood and introduced myself. We shook hands, and sat across from each other.

"So Jack," she began. "before our session begins, I need to ensure you are here voluntarily and consensually."

"I am," I assured her.

"I'm sure you are. But I need you to review this consent form and release. It includes a list of your soft and hard limits, and your safe words, 'yellow' if you are close to your limit, and 'red' to stop everything, immediately. I need you to read it carefully, then sign, OK?"

"OK," I said.

I read the two page documents and signed. It basically indicated that I consented to a femdom session with Mistress Julia, and understood it would include various BDSM acts. It also released her from all liability.

"Now, before we begin, I need to be clear about something," she said. "I may look young, and sweet, and innocent, and like I wouldn't hurt a fly. But don't be fooled. When you step through that door, the woman who meets you will be a dominatrix. And you will be her sub. Understood?"

"Understood," I said.

"Good. Then after I leave, you go through that door. It will take you to a changing room. Instructions are there. Do as instructed."

She stood, turned, and left.

Chapter 2

I sat for a minute after she left wondering what I had gotten myself into. Then I went through the door she indicated and entered a small room. It had a small table, and a closet. I opened the closet and found a pair of gym shorts and a black hood. Nothing else.

There was a note on the table: "Remove all clothes and jewelry. Put on shorts. Take hood. Leave everything in the closet. Go to door marked with a '1,' but do not open it. When ready, put on hood, open door, take five steps straight forward. Then kneel with back straight and interlock your fingers behind your head. DO NOT MOVE. I will be in shortly."

I did as instructed. I put on the hood, blinding myself. I stepped through the door onto a hard wood floor and took five tentative steps. Then I knelt upright on the hard floor and laced my fingers behind my head. And waited.

Chapter 3

Finally, when I thought I couldn't stay in this position any longer, I heard a door open, and heels click on the floor, approaching me. Then the footsteps stopped and I sensed someone standing in front of me...Mistress Julia, no doubt.

She didn't say a word. Instead, she removed the hood and looked down at me.

She was incredible. She stood about 5'7" in the heels. She had blonde hair, and pert breasts. She was wearing tight, black latex outfit that hugged her skin. She carried a riding crop.

I looked around the room. It was a dungeon. There was everything imaginable: padded benches, chains and ropes hanging from the ceiling and walls, shackles, a St. Andrew's cross, a bed, a large chest with drawers, and a wall with whips, paddles, straps, canes, and similar instruments hanging on hooks.

"Sub," she said. "Pay attention. I am going to give you the rules, and I am only going to give them once.

"I am Mistress Julia. When you address me, you will address me as Mistress Julia. Not Mistress, not goddess, but Mistress Julia. Understood?"

"Yes," I said.

Without warning, she snapped her foot into my testicles.

I doubled over and groaned in pain.

"I told you, you address me as Mistress Julia. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress Julia," I said.

"Good boy. You just learned the second rule. When you disobey any of my rules, you will be punished. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress Julia," I said.

"Good...you're getting it. I am your dom. You are my sub, my bitch. You are here to do as I say. I get off on dominating men, on teasing and denying them, on inflicting pain, on making them beg for mercy. But there is no mercy, only frustration and pain. If you disobey, you will be punished. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress Julia."

"Good, boy. Now on your feet!"

Chapter 4

I stand up, having no idea what to expect.

"Hands behind your head...feet shoulder width apart," she orders.

I comply.

Mistress Julia approaches me slowly, until she is almost touching me. She looks into my eyes. She move her hands to my shoulders, moving her lips closer to mine. She presses her fit body against me. My hard cock is pressing against her. She moves her hips, gently grinding against my cock. Then she moves her lips to my left ear, brushing against it gently.

Then, without warning, she drives her knee up into my balls...HARD! The pain is overwhelming. I immediately grabs my balls and crumple to the floor, doubled over in pain.

"On your feet, bitch. I didn't tell you to fall over, did I?" she says.

I am groaning in agony. "Did I?" she repeats.

"No Mistress Julia," I say, while staggering to my feet.

"That was so you understand that this is for real."

Chapter 5

I am seeing stars. My balls feel like they are up in my gut. But I manage to get on my feet, and am now standing before Mistress Julia.

"Hands behind your head, bitch, legs apart."

I'm shaking, scared of what she might do.

"Before you leave here, you will be able to take that without falling over."

She reaches down, sliding her hand under the waistband of my shorts. In spite of the pain, my cock is rock hard. But she doesn't touch it. She slides her hand around my cock, then gently grabs my balls, squeezing slightly, massaging them, rolling them around in her soft hands.

"Feel better?" she asks.

"Yes, Mistress." I say.

Suddenly, she clamps down, hard.

"What did you call me?" she asks.

"I...I...Mistress, Mistress Julia. I'm sorry. I meant yes, Mistress Julia."

She releases the pressure and massages them again. My cock is throbbing.

"Good boy," she says. "Time to teach you some discipline."

Chapter 6

She directs me across the dungeon to a king-sized four poster bed. There are four sturdy cuffs sitting near the four posters. There is also a metal bar connected between the two upper posts, right in front of the edge of the mattress. I have no idea what it could be for.

"Shorts off, I want you naked. Then lie on your stomach," she says.

I hesitate. Once again, without warning, she drives her knee into my balls. The pain comes immediately, radiating through my gut. I double over and sit back on the bed.

"Strip, NOW!" she says. Then lie on your stomach, grab that bar with your hand, then spread your legs as wide as you can. I will not say it again."

I immediately remove my shorts and lie face-down on the bed in a spread-eagled position, and grab the bar.

"Hmmm," she says, looking me over. "What a nice ass. I'm going to enjoy this. Now let's get you secured. Whatever you do, do not let go of that bar, understand?"

"Yes, Mistress Julia," I mutter.

She starts by putting a cuff on my left ankle. It is heavy brown leather, with a soft lining. A heavy rope runs from an eyelet attach to the cuff, and then wraps around the bedpost. She pulls the rope tight, very tight. I can feel both my left leg and arms stretching uncomfortably until I can't bend my knee at all.

She then moves to my right ankle and repeats the procedure. When she is finished, I am stretched tight as a bowstring, gripping the bar in front of me. I try to pull my ankles, and bend my knee, but there is virtually no movement. Surprisingly, she does not secure my wrists to the bar, giving me the freedom to move them. Even with my hands and arms free, however, it is clear I am not going anywhere until she releases me.

Mistress Julia then slithers herself so she is lying on top of me, her lips near my right ear. I can feel her tits against my back. My cock is getting hard.

"You must be wondering what's in store for you, huh, sub," she says.

"Yes, Mistress Julia," I respond.

"Are you nervous?" she asks.

"A little, Mistress Julia," I respond.

"I don't blame you," she says. "You certainly have reason to be."

Chapter 7

"Let me explain what's about to happen," she says. "You wanted to know what it's like to be a sub. Well, I'm going to put you through a classic submissive training exercise. This is a test not only of your physical toughness and pain tolerance, but of your mental toughness and discipline."

"Are you nervous now?" she asks.

"Yes, Mistress Julia," I answer honestly.

I have no idea what is in store for me. I assume she'll spank my ass, but I think I can handle that. I had absolutely no idea what I was in for.

"You should be," she says.

She gets off me and I am able to raise my head and watch her. She walks to a nearby wall which is adorned with every kind of whip, flogger, strap, crop, cane, and paddle you can imagine. She takes down a long, flat paternity paddle made of hard wood and a black rattan cane. Then she opens a drawer in a nearby dark wooden bureau and removes a rectangular piece of black cloth. My first thought is that she is going to blindfold me. But her plan for the cloth was even more diabolical.

She approaches the bed and opens the cloth.

"Raise your hips off the bed," she says."

I raise my hips and she slides the black cloth under my hips. Positioned so that when I lie back down, my cock will be in the center of it.

"OK, you can lower your hips."

I do as instructed. The cloth is incredibly soft and smooth under my cock. My cock starts to get heard and I can't help sliding my cock against it. Of course, she notices.

"I would not do that if I were you," she says. "It will just make it harder."

She kneels down on the side of the bed, so her head is at the same height as mine. She gently pushes a strand of hair back from my face. "Let me explain what we're going to do" she says.

"I just placed a black silk cloth under your cock. You can feel how soft it is. It is also completely dry. When we are finished, and I remove that cloth, it better be just as dry as it is now. I don't want you to leak a single drop of cum. So you better keep still."

"Have you ever had your ass spanked before?" she asks.

"Once or twice," I reply. "My girlfriend wanted to try it."

"Well, I can assure you, what your girlfriend did is going to be nothing like what I am about to do. That was what we call 'funishment.' You are about to receive a 'punishment.' Believe me, when we are finished, you will know the difference."

"I am going to slap your ass with this paddles ten times...hard. You are going to count each stroke, then say, 'Thank you, Mistress Julia. May I please have another.' Understand so far?"

"Yes, Mistress Julia," I reply.

"Good. You are to hold onto that bar at all times. Do not let go for any reason. You're instinct is going to be to let go, and rub your ass to try to ease the pain. But don't. That is part of the mental challenge. You have to remain focused, and not let the pain overwhelm you or let your instincts takeover. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress Julia," I reply again.

"Every time you make a mistake, either in counting, or asking for another stroke, or letting go of the bar, we are going to add 5 strokes. A properly trained and experienced sub can get through this punishment with only ten strokes. A novice, like yourself, can be here for a long time. But, it is up to you. If you can keep your focus, think through the pain, and remain disciplined, you can get through this with only ten strokes."

"One more thing," she says. "To make this completely real, I want you to give up your safe words. The only way this stops is when you make it through, OK?

My mind was swirling. If I gave up my safe words, I would have no way to stop her. She would slap my ass until I completed the entire drill. But I can do this, I thought. I had been spanked before, and while it stung, and caused some pain, it was not so bad that I could not handle ten strokes of her paddle.

"Did you hear me Sub?" she asks. "I am waiting for an answer. Do you have the guts to give up your safe word?"

I knew she was daring me. But I agreed. "Yes," I said. "I'll give them up."

"Are you sure?" she said. This is not a game. If you give up your safe words, there is no way to stop this punishment except by completing it and following all the rules, exactly as I said. Do you understand? I am warning you, I know you're thinking 'She can't hit that hard. I can handle ten slaps.' But trust me, chances are, you are going to be here a long time. So I'll ask you again. Are you sure you want to give up your safe words."

I thought for a second. I knew I might regret this, but I agreed. "Yes. I'll give them up."

"You just made a big mistake," she says.

"Huh," I stutter, getting really nervous now. "What do you mean, why?"

"You're about to find out. Are you ready to begin, Sub," she asks?

I am really scared now. I start tugging with my legs, seeing if I can get loose. But there is no chance.

"Tell me you are ready, Sub. I don't have all day."

"I'm ready, Mistress Julia," I respond more than a bit nervously.

"Remember the rules," she says. Do not let go of the bar, count every stroke, and say 'Thank you, Mistress Julia. May I please have another.' And don't move or squirm. That piece of silk has to remain bone dry. If I take it out, and it has a single drop of precum on it, you are going to be punished with 5 strokes with this cane. Understood?"

"Yes, Mistress Julia," I respond.

"Good, then let's get started," she says.

Chapter 8

I am lying on the bed, legs spread and secured, arms outstretched, waiting for Mistress Julia to start with the first swat. I try to lift my head to look behind me. As I do, Mistress Julia approaches and places a soft blindfold over my eyes. I cannot see a thing, not a sliver of light slips through.

I hear Mistress Julia's heels on the dungeon floor as she walks to the side of the bed. I assume she has the paddle. Seconds tick by, then minutes. Nothing.

"Is she still here," I wonder.

Suddenly, without warning, my ass explodes in pain as Mistress Julia swings the paddle down hard against my right ass cheek. I scream, and simultaneously reach my hands behind me to grab my ass, to try to relieve some of the pain. Then I remember, I'm supposed to count.

"One," I stammer, as I continue rubbing my ass.

"You just made two mistakes," Sub, she says calmly. You let go of the bar, and you failed to thank your Mistress and ask for another. You just added 10 more strokes. Now grab that bar, thank me, and we'll move on. There is no mercy in this exercise. You don't get released until you complete it."

"Th...thank you, Mistress Julia," I say. "May I please have another."

"Of course you may," she says. And with that, she lifts the paddle over her shoulder like a sledgehammer, and slams it down into my right ass cheek with all her might.

The explosion of pain is unreal. I almost release the bar, but remember to hang on, and to count. "Two. Thank you, Mistress Julia. May I please have another."

SPLAT. The paddle lands again, same spot on the right cheek. The pain intensifies. I start squirming, twisting to the right, trying desperately to turn my ass down to rub it against the bed.

"Better stay still," she says. "You wouldn't want that cock to get aroused."

"Aroused," I thought to myself. "The last thing that is going to happen is me getting aroused."

"Three," I say aloud. Thank you, Mistress Julia. May I please have another."

Mistress Julia continues paddling my ass, always the right cheek. Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. I am screaming and writing in agony and tears are forming in my eyes. My entire body is slick with sweat, and my breathing is ragged. The pain is so intense I can barely think.

If you've never been properly spanked by a professional before, you have no idea the agony it causes. My ass is on fire. It literally feels so hot that it is like it is burning. And there is no relief. I can't touch it, or rub it, or try to soothe the pain in any way. I know if I release the bar, she will add five more strokes. I can't handle that. So I hang on, and count.

"Nine," I burble out. "Thank you, Mistress. May I please have another."

"You just made another mistake, Sub," she says, still cool as a cucumber.

"No," I scream. "Please, I didn't let go. I said what I'm supposed to, please, you can't add more."

"You did," she says. "I told you to always address me as Mistress Julia. Not "Mistress," or "Miss" or anything else. Mistress Julia. You said 'Thank you, Mistress.'"

"Oh god," I say, realizing my error. Thank you, Mistress Julia. Thank you, Mistress Julia. Thank you, Mistress Julia. May I please have another. Please don't add more, please."

"We are going to 25," she says. "The purpose of this training exercise is to teach you discipline, to endure the pain, without losing your focus. You have to block out the pain, stay mentally tough, and obey your Mistress. I told you there would be no mercy here. And there will not be."

And with that, she raises the hard, unyielding, wooden paddle and slams it back into my right ass cheek.

Again I scream, but I manage to hang onto the bar.

"Ten," I scream. "Ten." Thank you, Mistress Julia. May I please have another."

Number eleven comes swiftly, this time against my left ass cheek. I count, thank her, and ask for another. She immediately obliges. I make it through twelve, thirteen, fourteen, then fifteen. My entire ass is ablaze. I have never been in so much pain in my life.

The sixteenth lands, back to my right ass cheek, and it is even harder. The explosion of pain is too much. I let go of the bar, grab my ass, and yank my legs frantically, trying to get loose.

"Red," I scream. "Red. No more, I can't take any more."

"Red?" Mistress Julia calmly repeats. Unfortunately, that is meaningless. You gave up your safe words, remember. There is no escaping this punishment except by completing it, I don't care if I have to spank you 100 times."

"No, please," I beg. "You can't do this. Let me up, please."

"I will not let you up. I warned you. But you thought you were so tough. And, more bad news, you made two more mistakes. You let go of the bar, and you did not count. That adds 10 more. Now we are going to 35. You've done sixteen. So only 19 to go."

"No, Mistress Julia," I plead. "Please...I can't. I want out. It's too much."

Her response came swiftly. Another slap with the paddle.

"FUCK!" I screamed. I was going insane now. Screaming, sobbing, writhing in agony, sweat pouring off me, but unable to get free. "STOP! Let me out!"

She approached me and kneeled calmly beside me.

"You don't seem to understand," she said. This is a training exercise for subs. You are not going to get released until you make it through. Now I suggest you stop you whining, focus your mind, and follow the rules. You bought 5 more, by the way. So we are up to 40."