A Slightly Different Marriage


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"I'd get to sit there and be laughed at until he brought you back and I won't have it Samantha! I won't put up with it. I just will not put up with it!"

She sat there and stared out the window and was quiet all the way home. Once at home we avoided each other for most of the day and then at dinner she said:

"I'm sorry. I've never thought of it from your point of view. You said I could so when I wanted to I did. I just didn't think about anything except doing it. It won't happen again. I promise you that it won't ever happen again."

And since then it hasn't. Sam has limited herself to her trips and to any of mine that run over two days and once she asked me if she could stop with the girls to celebrate a birthday and of course some 'cute guy' got a present that night.


I have never considered myself a violent person so what happened this weekend came as a surprise to me. And to Sam also I might add.

Every year we have a series of barbecues. Sam has one for all of her managers and some of the other people she works with. I have one for the people that I work with and we have a neighborhood get together. This past Saturday was when we had Sam's. As you might remember one of Sam's managers is Tom, the guy I caught her cheating with some years back. She had given him the promotion to run the Wagner office and he made the trip for Sam's barbecue. To the best of my knowledge (at least on Saturday) he did not know that I knew he and Sam had sex when she visited his office.

When he arrived Sam introduced me to him and the asshole actually SMIRKED when he shook my hand and for the rest of the afternoon every time I saw him looking toward me he had the same smirk on his face. He didn't know that I was able to read his expression. It said, as plain as day, "I'm fucking your wife you stupid doofus." It ground on me for several hours and then I finally lost it.

When I saw him go into the house to use the bathroom I followed him. When he came out of the bathroom I was waiting for him and I hit him in the face with every thing I had. I broke his nose and left him bleeding there in the hallway. I went back out to the party and told Sam that one of her guests had had an accident and was in the house bleeding. She rushed in while I went and got myself another beer.

Twenty minutes later Sam came out and said, "Now wasn't that a grown up thing to do." I told her why I did it and then I told her that the next time she trotted one of her lovers into my presence she should warn them to mind their manners and behave. Apparently while she was in the house she doctored him and he decided that it was time for him to leave.

She told me later that night that she wouldn't be seeing him again.

"He knows that I have your permission and that you know what I'm doing so his behavior is unacceptable to me also although I wouldn't have acted as drastically as you did."


Our lifestyle isn't likely to change any time soon. As I get older my sexual urges seem to be slowing down while Sam's seem to be getting stronger. I'm expecting that she is going to want to play more and I'm also expecting that she will be doing it again while we are both home. If and when it happens I will remind her of her promise that she would never again humiliate me and hopefully she won't. If she does I'm not sure our marriage will survive.

I let her know how I felt about it when she pulled me along to the parties and again over the trips to the cabin. I guess you could say that they were first two strikes and you know the saying – three strikes and you are out.

I pray that it doesn't happen because I do love Samantha, but I will not allow myself to be humiliated and laughed at. I hope to God that Samantha understands that.

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chasbo38chasbo383 months ago

This woman is a sex addict and so into herself and her needs that nothing else matters. Why did either of these people get married and why did they stay married ?

xhunter4uxhunter4u4 months ago

Good story, but predictable in the progression. Doing it while she's at home and he's available is a complete non-starter.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Coż kolejna brednie w chorej głowie. Czytajac takie opowiadania wiem dlaczego są potrzebne zakłady psychiatryczne z oddziałami zamkniętymi.

Psychman24Psychman246 months ago

If I identify with the MC or put myself in his place then im really pissed off by this story. How could he be so stupid or think so little of himself to allow this shit to go on. At least if it's going to be the open marriage that his wife wants then go out and get some yourself t o salvage a little pride. But then I realize that in this story the MC made his choices all along with full awareness so the situation is all of his own making. He has essentially chosen to be a cuckold and really deserves everything she dishes out to him. He keeps trying to finesse the agreement and gets upset when she crosses some red line but in the end he is basically giving her a blank check. I'm sorry but all this bullshit about high sex drive yada yada is just an excuse to cheat. Nobody is so hyper sexed that they just have to get fucked every couple days, that's just ridiculous

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

How is Sam's vagina not a petri dish of STDs?

An unsatisfying story. There was really no ending it just sort of tailed off. Was there any sort of revelation for all the experiences the MC allowed to be foisted on his marriage?

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