A Son Takes His Mother


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I stood there and gaped at him, he knew, he had no concrete proof, but he knew. Donald rose from his chair; I was hoping he wasn't going to lay me out with one punch. I was almost ready to call for Jamie to rescue me.

"Donald," I said, backing away.

"Don't worry Ellen, I'm not going to hit you." But he grabbed my arm and turned me to the mirror. "Look at your self Ellen, look at the bags under your eyes; and the lying in them. You two have been fucking all weekend haven't you? You and our son are fucking each other!"

"Donald," I whispered. I didn't know what to say.

"Jamie," he shouted out, "come down here please." Jamie appeared in the doorway.

"Yes dad, what is it?" he asked innocently.

"Your mother has just admitted that you two are having sexual relations, that you are lovers. A mother and her son are fucking each other!"

Jamie paused for a moment, but then he stood his ground, "Yes dad," he told him, we have been, I'm sorry about that, but?"

"You're sorry, but? Are you having a fucking laugh Jamie?"

"Its happened dad," Jamie said, "we can't turn the clock back, can we?" Where was he coming from, I thought? He was practically telling his father that, it was what it was, live with it!

"And that's that is it?" He said.

"I don't know what else to say dad, I really don't." Donald kept his peace for a moment then said, and you could have knocked me down with a feather.

"Right, this is how it will be, when I am here, you," he pointed his finger at me," are MY wife. When you are away somewhere with Jamie, you can do whatever you like. And let me add, if that isn't acceptable, then one of you, or the both of you can leave right now!"

Jamie smiled at me, turned and disappeared; it was okay with him it seemed. I was more nonplussed, this was crazy, I was being carved up by the two men in my life, one my husband, father of my lover, my owner (entered my head) I got an unbelievable tingle in my nipples when that thought came. And before I could think of anything to say, Donald said, "I hope there won't be any more surprises Ellen!"

I didn't know what he meant, but I was to find out in two weeks time when I missed my period.

"Are you just capable of living like this Donald, why didn't you throw me out, throw us out?" I wanted answers.

"Let me tell you something Ellen," he glared into my face, "I don't give a rat's arse about you. But he is still in my son, and until that changes, he and you can stay here and do what you like, I don't give a fuck!"

Now that did stun me, he was saying in a roundabout way he didn't need me, didn't want me, and didn't even love me anymore.

"Are you saying it would be better if we split Donald, would it be better for you if I agreed to let you leave without a protest?"

That's when I got his best or worst glare. "I think Ellen, that that is exactly what I'm saying, I've been thinking of leaving for sometime now. You two have always been closer than a mother and son should be. So you can say I saw the writing on the wall. In my opinion it was not if you got closer, but when."

"Has it been that obvious Donald?" I felt so sorry now, "I didn't know it was going to happen, please believe me."

"I don't want to know the gory details Ellen, spare me that at least." I suddenly thought about how Jamie had got me, captured me, fucked me senseless, made me his, my heart fluttered in my chest because of it. If Donald were to find out just what he had done to me, intended to do with me. That I was subordinate to his will already, his woman, slave, wife, slut, whore. Then I'm sure he would have a lot more to say.

"What are you going to do Donald?" I asked him.

He thought for a minute, then said, "Change of plan," he said, I could see he had made his mind up about something. "I'm packing; I'll be gone in a day or two!" And he walked out, saying over his shoulder. "I'm off to the pub, go to your fuck toy Ellen, he's probably waiting for you!" And the door slammed behind him. I was stood there more shocked and stunned than I have ever been. My marriage was over, just like that.

I had not expected this, never even thought about it. It was so sudden I couldn0't take it in, he had never acted this way before, he was always a man for reason, but I guess this was a bit too much to give him credit! But to just rush off like that, as if accepting it. Jamie had said he thought his dad had an idea something was going on, but up until this weekend nothing had been.

The more I thought about it the odder it became, normally there would have been one big bloody row, a confrontation, a real bust up, especially over something as serious as this was. But he was walking away, Why? I did know one thing though, I wasn't going to stopthings with Jamie, they had gone too far, I was in too deep. I loved him, worshipped him, and how he used and abused me was more than I could ever want.

He had called me his slave, his slut, and his whore, and I was. And believe me, that's all I will ever want to be from now on. I made some sandwiches, and took drinks up, I went into his bedroom and he was fast asleep, I stood there at the man, the boy, my son, who now owned me. I belonged to him lock stock and barrel. Including my tits, pussy and ass!

I knew Donald wouldn't be home for at least three hours, I went down and locked the doors checking to make sure his keys were gone, knowing he had them with him I went back up, got undressed in my bedroom, pulled the covers back and went to Jamie's room and got in with my man. I reached for his cock and squeezed it, then snuggled right in to wait. I wanted him to wake up but didn't want to wake him myself.

He did eventually, we had a real quickie, and it was a mind blower, I think the situation with his dad had got to me. Jamie blew me away in seconds. Then we talked after I had stopped cumming.

"I don't understand why he did what he did, and no confrontation?" I told him.

"Yes I know what you means mum," he said, "but if he goes, then that leaves me, you, and Janet when ever she decides to come home doesn't it?"

We spent a long time discussing it, I knew I would be alright financially, I had been left a legacy by a long gone Aunt, it was still in the bank gathering dust, untouched.

Jamie turned me over and unceremoniously fucked my ass, he was taking what was his, I came like a drain gurgling to get down its deposits. Then he told me to go to my room to be there when his father came home. I did, and he didn't. I stayed awake all night waiting for him.

It was mid afternoon when he arrived, and he looked amazingly fresh. I asked him where had he been.

"None of your business," he told me brusquely. He went upstairs; I waited at the bottom thinking he would go to see Jamie who was in his room. He never did that, he just packed everything he could into four suitcases and walked out, saying.

"That's it Ellen, I send you divorce papers, its over, I never want to see you again."

When the door slammed, Jamie came down, put his coat on and said, "I'm going to follow him, something is going on, and I want to know what. Go upstairs mum, and make your bed room ours, yours and mine!" And then he went too. Again I was left stunned and open mouthed. But being the good slut slave that I now was, I did as ordered by my, and I smiled at the thought, master! I made the room as pretty as I could for him, already planning new painting and decorating to his taste.

Jamie came back two hours later with shocking news.

"He has a girlfriend mum, I went all the way behind him, I saw him using his phone in the car, eventually he pulled up outside a house, and he was met by a good looking woman, but no where near as good looking as you," he added. "She met him at the door and kissed him, and then she helped him in with his cases, with lots of loving touches!"

Now things fell into place, that why he had just up sticks and gone, now I knew why, it was easier to handle. This really did mean that Jamie and I were free to be who we were. Slut, slave and master! Jamie said," for insurance purposes we'll have him observed professionally, then if the shit hits the fan mum, we'll have some to throw at his fan too."

I hugged him, this was working out to be a good move, and then Jamie said to me.

"Now mum, get your backside up those stairs to 'our' room and get the jacket on, I feel like punishing you for a while!" I never asked what, I shot upstairs like a rocket, and I was on my knees head down, jacket half fastened, up on my knees, on the bed waiting for him.

I did suffer that night, he punished me alright, my ass was sore for a week, in line with my pussy, my mouth and my now very tender rear hole. I cried and wept, begged him to stop, and I loved every horrid moment. I spent two whole days in the jacket, he fed me, cleaned me, took me to the toilet. And he violated me in every wonderful way he could think of. By the time he freed me I was like a puppy dog with its master, ready to obey every command.

Then I missed my period, I went to the pharmacy and bought a home pregnancy kit, it turned blue. Jamie and I were going to be parents! He was over the moon when I told him, we moved house right across the other side of the city. My daughter Janet pestered me to tell her who the father was, she had talked to her dad who had smirked apparently, and said sarcastically.

"Can't you guess, go and ask the mother!"

The more she bothered and pestered me, the more Jamie was getting annoyed with her; then he grabbed her arm, and yelled into her face.

"I am the fucking father Janet, me!" he roared. "Now unless you!" he pointed at her, "want to join our club and get pregnant too, you had better leave and leave now!" Janet was horrified, shook her head and left.

But she phoned me the next day to talk.

"Is Jamie really the father mum?" she asked.

"Yes darling," I answered truthfully, no point in lying now was there. "But please Janet I beg you, keep it to yourself, one day I will tell you everything, then maybe you might understand?" Her next words surprised me.

"Is he good in bed mum?"

"That's something I don't want to discuss baby, but yes he is."

"Seeing as how I can let you be happy or bring your little house of cards down mum," she said, "I think I had better find out how good he is for myself!"

"Janet, what are you saying, you want to go to bed with your own brother, have sex with him, you can't it's not right!" I was boxing myself in without realising it.

"It seems to be right for you and him mum, tell him what my terms are, and see what he says, or else mum!" I could tell she going to disconnect so I said quickly.

"Janet darling, you may not like what he might do to you?" I whispered. There was a long pause while she mulled over my warning.

"Oh I see, he is the strong silent type is he?"

"Yes Janet, he is, in fact he is more than that," I told her.

"Put it to him," was all she said, and the line went dead.

Jamie called her, and she came round two days later, and after much discussion Janet found herself being stripped and forced into the jacket by Jamie and I.

Jamie had listened to what I told him she had said, and told me if that's what she wanted, then that is what she would get. And to stop any protests from me, he made sweet fabulous love to me, and said.

"But you will always be number one mum, always, so don't you worry okay?" Janet protested loudly, but was told by Jamie that. "You wanted in Janet, you are in." Jamie had given me his orders, I wasn't really looking forward to carrying them out, but what is a slave to do but to obey?

When she was fastened in, he sat on her, and began to do to her what he had done to me. Janet complained saying she hadn't expected this, as he thumbed her lovely nipples, I had no idea my daughter was so well built! She was obviously just like me there, very sensitive. And just like me, the situation she was in was acting against her, she was getting aroused.

"Mum tried to warn you Janet, you wouldn't listen, so now its lesson time." He nodded to me and I obeyed him, I yanked my clothes off, now I was naked, Janet stared at me wildly. Then I kneeled over her and sat on her face, pussy hard down on her to keep her quiet. Jamie took forever on her, my daughter was moaning and grunting at her abuse, but her shaven pussy was glistening now.

I smiled at Jamie, he smiled back, and lifting her knees he put her feet over her shoulder and rammed his gorgeous cock into my daughter's twenty one year old cunt. I took over her nipples and treated them to a subjugating surrender. Jamie gave her his best and lovingly brutal fucking. I knew she had given n completely when I felt her sucking and licking my pussy.

The squirting of cum from her around Jamie's prick confirmed it, Jamie gave me the thumbs up sign, I leaned over to kiss him. Later he sent me to his old bedroom, and he stayed with Janet in ours, he spent the whole night with her. In the morning he called me. Janet was still in the straight jacket, and was obviously under Jamie's control now.

"Go and make us all breakfast mum, and Janet has something to tell you too, don't you Janet?" He said sternly.

"Yes Jamie I do, mum, is it alright if I come home to stay with you both, I'll be good I promise, please mum?" I could see the desperation in her eyes, hear it in her voice.

I thought for a moment to enhance her desires. "Are you on the pill Janet?" I asked.

"Yes mum, I am why?" she answered.

"Not from today you aren't!" I told her, "Jamie needs a sister or a brother for my baby!" The look on her face was priceless. I went to make breakfast. My life was complete, I had my man, my lover, my master, oh how I love him, I thought. And now my daughter is joining us. And soon she'll be pregnant too I rejoiced, both of us having my son's babies!

Jamie had a new special straight jacket made, one where he could have us both in it, back to back with my equally naked daughter, and subjected to horrendous fuckings and debauchery. Even to the point where if we were back to back, we had the same thick double dildo in our asses, while he wondered from one of our pussies to the other. Or if we were front to front, the dildo would be in our pussies while he alternated between our asses.

To the outside world we are a normal happy family, but indoors, there is only one way, Jamie's way. I am eight months pregnant now, and Janet is five months. I'm having a boy, and Janet is having a girl. Life could not ever be any better than this. One happy man, two very happy slave's and sluts!

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sheenakysheenakyover 1 year ago

The dad would win in court all he would have to do is DNA test the baby. And call a detective to take pictures of them at home. The son and his mother would be arrested for incest. Dumb ass wife, and even dumber son.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

All I can say that is one kinky tale. 5 stars

kaidmankaidmanabout 5 years ago
another dynamite read

Thanks for this story it was an excellent one I couldn't put it down

I'd like to point out to the naysayers that the son could tell his mom had a fetish to be submissive as well as him being able to feel a strong connection between the two

also to anyone saying how the father would win in court if he wanted to bring things to court for the divorce you do realize he doesn't have any real evidence of such things since the hotel only mentioned them by the last name not using the first name and he does not have physical evidence like a picture meanwhile they have observed and put into action hiring someone to get evidence of the fathers infidelity so any court would immediately discredit any claims the father made about them

MartyMBMartyMBalmost 6 years ago
Not to my taste

It's your story and probably a lot of people think it's hot and exciting. To me, it was interesting, but wrong.

It is rape when a man has to tie up a lady in order to forcibly fuck her. Somehow, this approach shows his love for her. Apparently he's not patient enough to talk to her and let love grow into a physical relationship. Even when the lady professes her love after being raped, of course the normal thing is to keep her restrained well into the next day.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
It seems like it just cut off

I think there could be a part 2 maybe more maybe a female cousin or it jumps years and and he turns his daughters into slaves or something but the fact that his sister is having a girl opens it up for a lot more with the story

TSreaderTSreaderover 8 years ago
Now that's kinky!

And so well done!

hawk200377hawk200377over 8 years ago
messed up

This was messed up from the start her and her daughter being sluts and slaves to the kid that is just BS

TheThinker45TheThinker45almost 9 years ago
No Husband and No Father

I Like the fact that the husband / father left the family the way he did, their sick and disgusting so he moved on and they're is know way that in any court system the mother would win that case so jamies ass didn't have a prayer at a fight against his father, thats why the writer made reference to the mother being well off finaincely, he know all the father had to do was tell the courts of this horrendous incest and humiliate the whole family, the mother knew it the son didn't though he was to bussy thinking with his dick to think about the back lash. what fools they were. but like the ttitle says A SON TAKES HIS MOTHER. But in the end the father gave her ass up.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
To the hysterical Anonymous idiot.


My dear sad fellow, I would not worry about qualitywheat, who has a HUGE and loyal audience.

I am a bit worried about you though.

Have you been to a doctor recently?

DYNO224DYNO224almost 10 years ago
Good Job

Good story maybe a little rushed I agree could have used another chapter.That being said I didn't write it.Havn't written one and am pretty sure I never will.My punctuation and spelling would never make a passing grade with all these english teacher's on here.I'm just an old man now not the Titan of my youth when I was muscled up like a limosine bull and packing to match.God Bless and keep writing.

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