A Sperm Coated Pussy

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A man learns his place.
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Things had gotten a little difficult lately. My wife and I were on edge and we found ourselves in sort of a rut. Don't get me wrong. She is the most important person in my life. To tell you the truth I don't think there is anything in the world I wouldn't do for Janice.

We were married shortly after her twenty-first birthday. I think what I remember the most was how her blue eyes sparkled when she told me that she loved me. The moment she said, "I do" and brushed her soft red hair away from her eyes I knew that there was no one that would come between us.

But after five years things started to change. Both Janice and I were working a little later at night. We even seemed to snap at each other a little more. I think that at times we avoided each other to keep from arguing over the small things.

Everything seemed to be going wrong at once. Our dishwasher kind of just stopped working; the roof started leaking last fall and the washer decided that it just didn't like us anymore. It all came to a head yesterday right after Janice left for work.

I was busy shaving when the showerhead exploded behind me. Through the cloud of steam I fumbled with broken pipe but it was no use. The only thing I could do was rush down stairs and turn off the main water line. (Like I knew anything at all about plumbing)

That was my turning point. I was tired of worrying about the next thing that was going to go wrong. I was tired living avoiding my wife. This was not the way my life was supposed to be going. Actually at that point I thought about just throwing a few things in a suitcase and just starting over.

I sat there on our fifty-dollar sofa with my head buried in my hands debating if I would be there that night when my wife came home. And something amazing happened. I started remembering what it was like when we first got married. I started to remember how her eyes sparkled and how she used to smile when she saw me after work.

I wanted that again and I dedicated myself to getting that part of my life back.

I planned it all carefully throughout the day at work. I would leave the office a little early and clean up the house. I would dress up nicely just like Janice liked and then have a dozen roses delivered and waiting on my lovely wife for when she got home. Then I would make love to her like we used to.

I even had time to throw in a couple TV dinners. I would have done more but being without water limited my cooking options. It didn't surprise me much that she was a little late getting home and I resigned myself to letting the small stuff go today.

It made everything worthwhile when I saw the look on her face. Her eyes brightened up and she flashed me a beautiful smile. "I thought I'd make this day kind of special for you."

"What brought this on?" She questioned as she paused near the door.

"I love you. I just wanted to show it to you today."

She smiled again and then started toward the stairs. "Let me get cleaned up and I will be right back down to join you.

"Babe- The showerhead broke today. I haven't had a chance to fix it yet. I had to turn off the water today." She seemed a little irritated and sighed. "Can't you fix it now? I mean how long would it take?" She responded.

"I'd have to pick up a new showerhead and I really want to spend the evening with you sweetheart."

She reluctantly dropped the subject and pulled up a chair beside me in the dinning room. I smiled and gently took her hand. Even though she was disappointed that I hadn't fixed the leak she seemed to forget all about it after a while.

After dinner we talked like we used to talk and eventually we were at the point of the evening that I had been waiting for all day. I led her slowly upstairs.

My final surprise awaited her as she opened the bedroom door. A dozen red roses were laid out on her side of the bed. She sighed again and turned to kiss me. "Baby would you be terribly disappointed if we didn't make love tonight? I had a horrible day at work and I feel so icky. And since I couldn't take a shower" She said before I interrupted her with a kiss.

We fell to the bed wrapped in each other's arms.

I kissed her neck and her shoulder and gently nibbled on her milky white skin as I moved downward. After five years I knew exactly what would get to her. She moaned and her eyes kind of rolled back in her head.

My tongue traced its way downward past her erect nipples to her stomach. With force she grabbed the back of my head and pushed my face into her skin. She always loved when I tongue fucked her belly button.

I must have been in quite a hurry because my mouth didn't linger too long in any one place. My senses were on fire and I needed more. The thought of her cream covered slit was driving me crazy. I franticly drove my hand down to stroke on my stiff cock. At the same time I managed to grab the edge of her sexy red panties and started to pull them down.

"No, I" She said as she attempted to push my hand away "I want you to fuck me."

I was disappointed and frustrated all at the same time. It had been so long since I had tasted her that it had became more of a need than a desire. I ignored her 'no' and buried my face into her panties. She moaned and pushed her head deeper into her pillow.

Eventually I found her resistance fading and I was able to move aside her underwear and trace the outline of her pussy with my tongue. Reluctantly she gave into my advances- I knew that it was safe for me to remove her panties.

I stood up and with a playful tug pulled them down and then off- I then tossed them to the floor. I stood there looking at my beautiful wife. Her sexy gaping pussy leaked creamy white silk from deep within. Everything that I had done in preparation for the night seemed to have worked. She was soaking wet.

I couldn't wait any longer; I submissively crawled between her legs and touched the tip of my tongue against her clit. However, immediately the raw bleachy smell of sex overwhelmed me. Things started to fall into place. The shower, her reluctance to sleep with me, her attempts at stopping me from going down on her, were all signs. Janice had cheated on me.

My desire for sex overwhelmed my desire to scream. Even if she had just fucked someone I wouldn't stop before I got my piece. I continued to gently nibble and suck on her hardening clit. "Eat me." She groaned and she rubbed her soaked cunt against my face.

She no longer cared that I might find out that she had just fucked someone else. By this time Janice only wanted relief. Every moment I spent with my mouth against her hole made Janice a little bolder. "Suck it clean baby." She continued.

She must have somehow known that I knew- and for some reason or another she didn't care.

My cock demanded more. The curious smell of sex was driving me to the brink of an orgasm. Slowly but deliberately my tongue moved to the entrance of her pussy. A large gob of semen awaited me and strangely enough I scooped up a taste with my tongue.

I had never been so turned on in my life and this was surprising since it was also at a time I should have been in rage. Again she forced my face deeper into her slimy pussy and I drank all she had to offer. My sperm coated throat tingled from my meal.

I couldn't restrain myself any longer. As much as I wanted to continue to service her I needed relief. I positioned myself above her and pressed my cock against her opening. "I love you." I moaned and then thrust myself inside of her.

I felt nothing but wet. Her earlier encounter must have been extreme because her pussy was twice the size it usually was. The thought of my sweet innocent wife making love to some huge brute really was beginning to get to me. I looked in her eyes and then kissed her again. Her body was convulsing and shaking but she had yet to cum.

“Oh god baby- yeah, like that- harder.”

That’s all that it took and as much as I didn’t want to at the time I exploded inside of her. I felt my entire soul was being sucked out the end of my cock. Pulse after pulse of sperm filled her pussy causing me to collapse by her side.

“No” She pleaded, “not yet.”

There was nothing I could do. My limp cock just slipped out of her and then kind of flopped to its side. “Oh baby- I’m so sorry.” I said as I kissed her again tenderly.

Look at me, I apologized for cuming to quickly but she had just cheated on me. Had I gotten an apology?

“Whatever.” She groaned and then turned to face the opposite direction as me. “It kind of always ends like that doesn’t it?”

I felt so bad but still I waited for some sort of explanation for her earlier actions. All I wanted was for her to acknowledge what both her and I already knew- I wasn’t her only fuck of the night.

Submissively I wrapped my arms around Janice. “What took you so long getting home from work?” I said. My voice trembled from nerves. “I mean did you work- or did you- you know go out with friends.”

“What does it matter?” She snapped. “Besides I don’t think now is a good time to talk about it.”

I had to know.

“I think I already know the answer to my question. I just want to hear it from you.” I continued. “After all I think I deserve that much don’t I?”

“You do, but it won’t change anything.”

I think that said it all. I started going over it all in my mind. Questions like- do you want a divorce were answered in my mind by the words- no that will change things. Or how about will you stop sleeping with the guy- no that will change things.

“Why?” I asked- it was the only thing that I could thing of at the time.

“I need someone.” She began and the paused. “Well to be truthful with you I need someone that will make me cum.”

I laid there for a moment in silence and then decided upon the only thing I could do at the time.

“Let me.” I responded as I slid my hand down her back and then between her legs.

She moaned.

Then I did the only thing I could do- I returned to where I belonged, with my face between her legs staring at a pussy full of sperm.

God I love that woman.

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26thNC26thNCover 1 year ago

A Prince Harry and Meagan story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Her ass would have hit the floor then the top step then the rest of them as she slid down the stairs on her back side. I then would have smacked my head on the door jam where I hit when she shoved me as I was dialing 911 because of the threats she was making. It's obvious that she slipped and fell down the stairs and planed to blame me. But I'm asking for domestic violence shelter and to be examined by a doctor where she shoved me backwards into the door jam. What do you mean you can't accommodate men for domestic abuse, get me the number of the ACLU. What do you mean the county prosecutor what's me to think about what I am doing do I really mean to sue the county for not meeting the needs of men who are victims of spouscal abuse. You do. Damn and the ACLU is taking the case because if they don't you might go after them.

Your ex wife went to jail, she had to quit the county sportsman club pistol team, that she had been on with her father since she was 16, and the trap and sweet club. She is no longer a member of the police auxiliary, she lost her job, her boss got fired for sexual harassment, and divorced,plus she is paying alimony and child support even though you have shared custody. The loss of her job not being concidered because it was considered a voluntary termination on her part. Anything else you could think of . Not really I didn't do a thing she did it all herself.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Not sure what is worse this story, which my first post perfectly described or the little closeted boys who pretend their wives are happily married to cum guzzling "straight" men.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

0 star - just stupid cuck/wimp crap

I gave you one star above so it would lower your average.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I liked it. It reminder me of the first time I found cum in my wife pussy. When I came early from work to surprise her, I heard the back door. I looked in the bedroom and appeared to be asleep under sheet. I decided to wake her up with a tongue fucking. I crawled up bed and I reached her pussy it flooded with cum. I started eating and she started moaning loudly. I sucked a lot of cum from while she came in my mouth several times. It turned that 4 guys unloaded their nuts in her pussy right before I entered the house.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Pathetic cuck story. Nothing more, nothing less.

This gem was hysterical "“I need someone.” She began and the paused. “Well to be truthful with you I need someone that will make me cum.”

Unless he's a little boy it doesnt always end that way if the man is trying, so you garner a massive epic fail with your wimpy little cuck and his loveless marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
“Eat Me!”

Great story: both my wife and I loved it. The couple were in a rut, things were going bad. However, hubby bought some roses and reset his attitude to put some romance into the marriage. We respected the husband’s final action in the story. “Then I did the only thing I could do - I returned to where I belonged, with my face between her legs staring at a pussy full of sperm.”

He certainly wasn’t the first hubby to discover a wife’s infidelity in the most graphic manner, with another man’s cum leaking out of her pussy onto his tongue. Yes, as other commentators have noted, it was wimpy, emasculating and even humiliating. However, he was man enough to save his marriage with the woman he loved. He took the only option left to him.

I discovered my wife’s infidelity in the same way, after a girl’s night out. I insisted on eating her out, even though she told me to fuck her instead. The minute I stuck my snoot in her hooch, I knew. When she saw the look on my face, she quickly rolled us over, so she was sitting cowgirl above my face. My arms were pinned under her knees. Even though I am a strong guy; I could not escape.

She looked down at me saying, “Take a very close look at my married pussy.” Her snatch was a gooey mess, her fuck hole had been bored the width of a beer can, and he had pumped her completely full. It was grotesque looking up into her raw, red, used cunt that gaped open. Her stretched pussy lips were flapping on each side. My first thought was, “What happened to my wife’s nice, tight, small pussy slit?” “Before she hardly had any pussy lips. Now, her labia were flapping around like Dumbo the elephant’s ears!”

She lowered herself onto my face and contracted her pelvic muscles to expulse the cum. I had to swallow it all, just to keep from suffocating. She had never face-fucked me before, however, I had often performed cunnilingus on her. She face-fucked me and called me every profanity in the book, for not satisfying her sexually, and for making her find sexual satisfaction elsewhere. My four-inch, pencil-thin dick was fully erect.

She finished, got off, looked down, and said, “Wow! You shot off without any me even touching your dick.” She held me and swirled my little dribble of cum around on my tummy. She continued, “You loved me face-sitting you, you loved my stretched-out pussy, and you loved eating my black dance partner’s cum out of my white, married pussy!”

With her smeared lipstick she kissed me passionately and smiled ironically when she saw that I was erect again. With her thumb and forefinger, she flicked my dick, like she was shooing a fly away. She continued, “He and another black friend each fucked my brains out for two hours.

She stuck her tongue in my ear, then whispered, “I’m ovulating today! Can you visualize their sperm swimming up my uterine canal right now? They both had thick, 10-inch cocks that put their baby batter right in my cervix!”

Luckily, they did not knock my wife up. Nevertheless, after just that one experience with them, her eyes were now opened. She started dating, as if she were single again. Now, our motto is that “She can fuck whoever, wherever, whenever, however!”

We thank you for having the guts to write an authentic story. And for having the hubby man up and eat her used pussy, without being told to do so! In summary, there are times when the husband has to throw in the towel and go with the flow.

Said “flow” is generally running down our wives’ thighs!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
just another closeted bitch

come out of the closet and take a dick in the ass if you're so sexually fixated on other men's sperm.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

I own two company's and a wife who loves a big cock and i love nothing more than cleaning my wife's pussy when she gets home. If you cunts think I'm a wimp, then come and work for me, I'll show you who's the wimp, then you can shut up and fuck off.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Where he belongs?

IS at the medical clinic getting checked for diseases. Then at the lawyers filing for a divorce. Stupid story.

DrSemblanceDrSemblancealmost 8 years ago

I have to agree with everyone.

This is the epitome of a cuck loving balless wimp who wants to eat cream pies and will eventually wear panties and a cock cage.

Want to see if he has balls? Then invite a COUPLE in so he can fuck another girl too... watch, the author doesn't want THAT... he just wants cream pies

Fucking wanker!

cindylynn34cindylynn34almost 10 years ago
next time

the shower head pops off ? bursts ? you can turn it off at the hand valves inside tub or shower .... that's pretty cool huh , them building it so you can control water flow or not flow thru the shower..

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
It`s not for eveyone

I didn`t care for the part about the house falling apart. I am upper middle class with a great house and get turned on when my wife comes home with a sperm coated pussy. She tells about it while I lick and fuck her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
FullCircle56 = FullCuckold56

You read a story titled "a sperm coated pussy" - you are a stone-cold goddamn closet fucking cuckold.

FullCircle56FullCircle56about 11 years ago
First Read of an Old Story

Sorry I read it. Fucked up story. To anondiot 12/14/12, with people like you in this world, no wonder it's a mess.

Can the cheated on hubby spell divorce? If not, your life is about to be hell on earth. Glad to find this was a one and done story.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 11 years ago
She didn't know?

Sweetie was unaware that Hubby was NOT doing it for her before they married? BAD decision!

I feel kinda blindsided...there is little or nothing in the story to suggest that Hubby is a wimpy creampie-sipping wuss until the vey end!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

no way to man. some of us just have tiny cocks but we can still eat our wives pussys and if the need a big cock to fill them OK just as long as they come home after and let us clean them. you need to try it some time. I for one like to have groups of big cocked men service my wife with me there for clean up duty.

reddogs88reddogs88about 12 years ago
fucking loser

Another wimp coward husband that should kill himself. What a waste of a human being.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
love this fantasy

I always wanted to be with a man willing to do this... thanks for the imagery. To those who don't like it... what the Hell? When I start reading a story I don't like I close it and go to another one; I don't trash the author! Aren't fantasies supposed to be about what you want, not every person in your audience?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

Why did I even read this story. This is why I stay away from this category. The story was hot but the storyline got in the way of the intense sex between the 2 characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

No it doesn`t make you gay it makes you sick, and her a slut , nuf said.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Don't knock it if you haven't tried it!

I'm sick of negative reviews from those about activities they've never had the balls or passion to try them themselves. There is nothing more stimulating than licking, sucking and drinking cum from a woman's pussy, ass or mouth especially another mans cum. No it doesn't make you gay either, it's just a very erotic sexual activity as is licking and sucking pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good story

It was not the best but enjoyable. Don't let the negative people deter you!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Hummm the last writer told us she is 6 months

with child and she likes this fucking slut woman story. I wonder if she knows who the father of the kid is? maybe it's 5 or 6 of them. All I can say is thaere's another kid who doesn't had a chance to become someone. With a mother like this one he or she will be fucked up before he or she is 10 years old.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

I am 6 mths pregnant, and never even thought about this scenerio until I read this story..It is beyond Hot..I cum everytime I read it..PLease write more about slutty women and the men that cath them with sloppy, fucked pussies....Mmmmmm

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Love cuckold cum drinking stories

Great story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Great job

Don't knock it if you haven't tried it. Cum drinking is awesome and each to their own.

fakers51fakers51over 19 years ago
Don't care for cum drinkers

why couldn't he just fuck her. He stated he had not fuck her in a while. Why didn't he jerk off then he wouldn't need to be so charged up to fuck and last longer. After seeing this earlier, stop and confront her. Let the shit fly.

fakers51fakers51over 19 years ago
Don't care for cum drinkers

why couldn't he just fuck her. He stated he had not fuck her in a while. Why didn't he jerk off then he wouldn't need to be so charged up to fuck and last longer. After seeing this earlier, stop and confront her. Let the shit fly.

Spectator1Spectator1over 19 years ago
Not all that bad

I sometimes wonder why people even bother reading stories here if all they can do is complain. This was a good attempt. There are no original plots and in the cuckold world there is really only one plot.

Those who don't understand the cuckold world shouldn't start throwing stones. Some people don't like gay stories, some don't like anal or rough sex stories.

The bottom line is that if every story was perfect there would only be one story. Think about it. Also, if you have to criticize, at least be gentle about it and constructive.

My hat's off to anybody who even tries.

There's an old saying: Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, criticize.

Royal Prince, keep up the effort. I look forward to seeing more of your copy.

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