A Streaker started it all Pt. 02


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Lucy orgasmed first and managed to stay relatively quiet but Angie wasn't too far behind her. She too managing to stay quiet.

As they both sat up straight fresh drinks were put in their hands and they sipped them as they listened to the nice comments from the men.

To Angie it seemed that her and Lucy had been sat on that bar for 5 minutes and she was a little surprised when she realised that people were starting to leave, even a couple of the men. When she asked what the time was she was surprised to be told that it was 11 pm.

"Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to leave, I have work in the morning and I need some sleep." Angie announced.

"Yes, I need to be going as well." Lucy added.

"Are you going home like that?" One man asked.

"Will you be going to work tomorrow like that?" Another asked.

"No I will not." Angie replied then Lucy added,

"I think that we need a bit of time for the police to find out what happened in court today, I don't want to spend the night in a cell even if they did have to apologise to me the next morning. "

"Yeah, I don't want to be late for work." Angie added then asked where her clothes were.

The 2 skirts and tops were found then the girls jumped off the bar and got dressed before leaving to many requests to return as soon as possible.

Outside the pub neither girl could believe what they had just done, but both admitted that they had really enjoyed themselves. Promising to get in touch with each other quite soon they split up and headed back to their respective accommodation. As Angie walked she reflected on her evening, the 2 halves of her brain were fighting each other. She really enjoyed herself and the little embarrassment had soon been forgotten. She was now convinced that she was an exhibitionist but the other part of her brain was telling her that it was all wrong and that she must never do anything like that again, that she must keep her clothes on.

The house was quiet when she got back and Angie took her clothes off and walked to the bathroom to do her thing. When she got back to her room she looked out of her window and saw that lights were still on in the house opposite. She was a little disappointed when she didn't see anyone looking her way.

Angie went to bed and with her right hand cupping her pussy and thought about the amazing night that she had had before going to sleep with that awesome thought on her mind.


Angie woke with her right hand still in the same place as when she went to sleep and she quickly discovered that her pussy was very wet. She wondered if her fingers had been busy while she slept.

Grabbing her towel and shower bag Angie went to the bathroom and was surprised to see Matt coming out of the bathroom.

"Morning nudist." Matt said.

Angie hadn't even thought about her still being naked and was surprised that she did nothing to cover herself and didn't get embarrassed, She replied,

"Morning Matt."

Full bathroom routine complete Angie went back to her room to decide what to wear to work. The part of her brain that now knew that she was an exhibitionist wanted her to wear nothing at all but the other part of her brain told her that she couldn't go out onto the streets undressed as she was. The common sense part of her brain wanted a compromise and over-ruled the 2 other parts of her brain and Angie picked up the denim miniskirt and she pulled it up her legs.

For a top Angie chose a white cami. A previous boyfriend had bought it for her and she liked it because the material was so thin and silky and when she bent slightly forward it hung down letting him see all of both breasts.

With only the common sense part of her brain happy Angie left to walk to the bus stop.

In the coffee shop the barista stared at her chest again and Angie leant forward to pickup a sachet of sugar that she didn't really want, knowing that the barista would be able to see her tits down her cami and she smiled at him when he handed her the coffee. She was happy when she saw his face go a little red. He knew that she knew that he'd seen her tits and he was the one who was embarrassed. That made her happy and she was still smiling when she walked into the office.

"You're looking happy this morning Angie." One of the junior lawyers said, "are you planning on taking your clothes off?"

"Where on earth did you get the idea that I'd take advantage of the new found women's rights Andy?"

"I just thought that with your enthusiasm on the streaker case and the way that you've been dressing lately, that you were building up to at last working here naked, and who knows what you get up to in your private life, maybe you even go to pubs naked."

Angie blushed a little and quickly walked to her desk wondering if Andy knew what had happened in the pub the night before.

It was the same when Angie saw Mr. Whitelock, he said,

"Oh err morning Angie, I thought that maybe you ....... oh never mind."

"Why is everyone expecting me to be naked?" Angie thought. "Well it was lots of fun last night, maybe I, ..... no, I'm not getting naked."

After lunch one of the guys returned from his lunch and was carrying a copy of the local newspaper. He went straight to a desk in the middle of the room and opened the paper.

"Hey everyone, come and look at this."

It was an article about the court case and how Mr. Whitelock had won a landmark case, not exactly the revolution that the headline made out, 'Women liberated.' There was also a photograph of Mr. Whitelock, Lucy, her father and Angie, only Angie's back was to the camera. Angie looked at the photograph and in particular the back of her blouse and saw that she could clearly see her bare back through the material of the blouse which was obviously more sheer than she thought.

Andy had a quick look them went back to his computer and whilst the rest were reading the article he said,

"Hey guys, the nationals have picked up on it as well. Look at this lot."

Everyone moved over and started looking at the computer display. The nationals, as usual, wanted more eye catch headlines and some of them were: -

'A landmark victory for women.'

'Victory for Women's Liberation."

'A Streakers Charter.'

'A License to Thrill."

'A Blow to the Woke Brigade.'

'Nightmare for Drivers.'

'Sales of small towels to soar.'

'Lingerie sales to plummet.'

In amongst the hilarity of the headlines Angie got a bit of praise for her work from her co-workers but none in the newspaper articles, not that she never expected to get any, certainly not in the media because it's always the head of the organisation that gets the praise, not the people who do the actual work.

Mr. Whitelock came over and picked up the local newspaper. He had a quick look then one of the junior lawyers told him that the story had hit the nationals.

"Good," Mr. Whitelock said, "we might get some new business out of this."

As he walked away he said,

"My office please Angie."

Stood in front of his desk Angie said,

"I didn't leak the story sir."

"I know that you didn't Angie. I just wanted to say thank you again for your hard work, you may well have boosted business."

"You mean the wrongful convictions sir?"

"Yes. By the way, is that skirt and top your next baby step to full nudity?"

"What, oh no, although, ...... no sir, I have no intention of taking advantage of the George III law."

"Shame, okay Angie, that's all."

Angie left his office thankful that she'd stopped herself from telling him what had happened the previous night but thinking that he really did want her to be naked at work. As she got on with her work she kept thinking what it would be like to be naked at work with all the men looking at her. By late morning she had to go to the toilet to dry her pussy and inner thighs.

Andy again somehow managed to go to the sandwich shop at the same time as Angie and as they walked there he said,

"Nearly there Angie."

"What, the shop's just here?"

"No, your clothes."


"The next step."


"The next step towards getting naked."

"Why does everyone think that I'm going to get naked at work?"

"We've had this conversation before and you're getting close now, only 2 items of clothing today and both of them are getting more revealing."

"What makes you think that I'm only wearing 2 things Andy?"

"Come on Angie, anyone who stands next to you can see down your top and when you sit down people can see your bald pubes."

"You perv Andy, you shouldn't be looking."

"It's difficult not to, you're an attractive girl Angie, any sane man would look at you, especially when you get naked."

Part of Angie was annoyed but the other part was excited about the prospect of being naked at work, probably more now that everyone at work apparently wanted her to be naked but she wasn't sure that she was ready to make that final leap. Angie made a decision, the people at work wouldn't get what they wanted, well certainly now yet.

Angie worked hard that afternoon trying to forget what she was planning to do. When it finally got to be time to leave she was out of that office faster than ever before. It wasn't because she wanted to get home quickly, well part of her didn't want to, but part of her did and it was that part that was making her rush home. The problem was that she was dependant on the buses so rushing at the first stage only meant that she was standing round waiting for the bus.

When it arrived the only seats free were those facing each other so she sat on one, opposite 2 middle-aged men. Not thinking straight she held her bag to her chest and didn't cross her legs.

It was only just before her stop that she noticed the 2 men looking at her bare legs and she realised that she might be showing more than she wanted, or was it. The tingling that had been in her pussy all afternoon was getting stronger. Angie didn't cross her legs or clamp her knees together.

The third leg of her journey, the walk from the bus was done quickly and her heart was beating fast, not just from the fast walking but also from the anticipation of what she was about to do.

With her pussy leaking more than ever before she opened the front door to the house, went in and stripped naked. Throwing her bag, shoes, skirt and top onto the stairs she walked into the kitchen finding all 3 other housemates there getting some food ready.

"Hi guys, is there room for me to get my tea ready in there?"

"Bloody hell Angie." Justin said causing the other 2 to turn and look, "I never actually expected you to get naked voluntarily."

"I did." Eva added, "took you long enough Angie, but well done."

"You look amazing Angie," Matt said, "but you need to relax, you're not doing anything wrong. I'm sure that we can make space for you."

"Thanks guys, I am nervous, this is different to when you all saw me naked before, this was my doing."

"And we're all proud of you for being so brave Angie." Matt continued, "I'm sure that we can fit you in, come on."

"You next Eva." Justin said.

"In your dreams buster. Anyway, unlike Angie I haven't got the body for it."

"Oh I don't know Eva, I would like to see you naked." Justin replied.

"Not going to happen mate." Eva replied.

Angie moved into the room and got her food out of the fridge. There wasn't really enough room for 4 people in the kitchen and they kept bumping into each other. At first Angie was really nervous, excited as well, but both those emotions subsided as they all worked, none of them mentioning Angie's nakedness.

It didn't take long for Angie to relax and her arousal go down a few notches and she decided to eat her tea in the lounge area just the same as the others. Angie was pleased that the topics of conversation didn't include her nudity. That is until they had all finished eating and cleaned up when Eva asked,

"So what's it like to be naked when other people are around and clothed?"

By then Angie's heartbeat was back to normal but she still had some tingling in her pussy and her nipples were still rock hard.

"Well actually Eva, after the first sudden shock and embarrassment of people seeing me it wasn't that bad, in fact I'm getting quite relaxed."

"But doesn't it make you get all, you know, aroused?"

Matt and Justin were still there but Angie decided to be honest,

"Yes it does. When I walked in here my lady parts were tingling like hell and I was worried that I'd be dripping all over the floor but now I'm still tingling a bit and I'm sure that I'm still quite wet but no more than if I was talking to a sexy hunk.

"We're talking to you Angie," Justin said, "does that mean that you think we are sexy hunks?"

"Justin," Angie replied, "lets just say that when I first met you I wasn't the slightest bit aroused."

"So you don't get the urge to pounce on the nearest man and rape him?" Matt asked.

"No Matt, you can relax."

"Shame." Matt added.

"So are you planning on being like that all the time from now on Angie?" Eva asked, "not that we'd mind."

"I doubt it."

"But you're considering it?"

"No, well maybe. I'm liking being here like this and I'll probably not bother getting dressed when I'm here but as for anywhere else I just don't know. Did I tell you that the guys at work, even my boss, are wanting me to be naked at work?"

"I bet they are," Justin said, "what normal guy wouldn't want to look at you like that?"

"Maybe you should Angie, at least it will stop the guys trying to persuade you to strip." Eva said.

"True, but I don't know."

"It's a private office isn't it?" Matt asked.

"Yes, but we get the odd visitor."

"Well there you go then." Justin said, "Nothing to worry about, I think that you should just go for it, bite the bullet so to speak."

"But what about getting there and coming back? I don't want to get arrested for getting on a bus naked or walking through the centre of the city naked. Okay I know that it's legal but that won't stop some narrow-minded, ignorant copper arresting me just because he chooses to ignore what he's been told about it being legal, assuming that he has been told, and carting me off to the police station. That really would be embarrassing."

"Yes, I can see that." Matt said. "Maybe you should wait until a few other girls start walking around naked?"

"Or you could just wear clothes for the journeys and strip when you get to work." Eva suggested.

"That sounds like a plan to me." Justin said.

"It does," Angie replied, "but I'm not sure."

"How about for the rest of this week you just stay naked in here, come to the party naked with us on Friday then maybe have a few of our friends over here over the weekend, then strip as soon as you get to work on Monday." Eva suggested.

Angie liked that idea, well most of it, she wasn't sure about the weekends activities though, But that was days away, maybe she'd have got used to being naked around other people by then.

The subject of Angie's naked body didn't come up again although she did notice that all 3 of them stayed in the lounge area as long as Angie did and when she went back there a bit later they were all gone. Angie wondered if it was because she'd gone.

Angie also looked to see if anyone in the houses out the back were looking her way but was a little disappointed when she saw no one.

Although Angie's arousal level had decreased after she'd been with the other housemates for a while, when she was on her own she started thinking about the plans for the weekend. Was she really going to go to a party naked and then hang around the lounge when the other 3 housemates invited their friends over? The party was at a house in the next street and it would be dark when they went there, but could she really walk the streets naked?

Angie again got that nervous and excited feeling again. Her right hand found its way to her clit and started rubbing. As her arousal rose and while her fingers were busy she decided that yes, she was going to stay naked from when she got home on the Friday until leaving for work on the Monday.


The next morning Angie was up and out before the others got up. She'd walked to and from the bathroom wearing nothing without any concern that someone would see her. She smiled as she put on only another short skirt and a different cami top, one that is quite short leaving a broad strip of bare skin all around her waist, and it's a loose fit so there was the risk of someone seeing down the top and seeing her bare tits.

The journey to work was much the same as other days and again Angie reached over for a sachet of sugar that she didn't want again letting the barista look down her top. This time though, they both held the exhibitionist / voyeur pose for a few seconds as they both enjoyed the view or being seen until the barista finally let go of the paper cup and Angie picked it up without even a hint of embarrassment. What's more, the barista didn't look embarrassed as he smiled at her after the moment was gone.

"Still got your clothes on then Angie." Andy said as they met in the office entrance.

"I've told you Andy, you're a pervert and I'm not stripping for your pleasure."

"What about for your pleasure Angie?"

That made Angie think, deep down she must have known that being naked was for her pleasure but she'd always thought of it as giving men pleasure and them being happy made her happy but it wasn't, it WAS about what she wanted and it was what she wanted. That was the important thing, but as they walked into the office Angie thought,

"No, not today."

Having said that, Angie did sit quite carelessly and she did bend over slightly in front of the guys there. She was getting more comfortable with flashing her body parts to tease the men and get some pleasure out of doing so. Angie just knew that it wouldn't be long before she was sat at her desk naked and feeling quite aroused in doing so.

The rest of the day, in fact the week at work went much the same. What's more her evenings at the house went much the same as that first naked Monday evening. All 4 of them spent most of their evenings in the lounge area talking, watching a movie, working on their laptops or phones, just socializing. Everyone was getting quite cool with Angie being naked although the 2 guys did spend a lot of time watching Angie who liked being watched.

By the Thursday evening Angie was sitting very casually, like if she was wearing jeans and there was no chance that anyone would see up her skirt, except that Angie wasn't wearing either jeans or a skirt and that often meant that all of her pussy was on display for the guys to see; and she was loving it. Instead of one of the guys having to disappear to their room or to the bathroom to jerk-off it was Angie who had to take a break to jill-off. Her breaks were usually in her room where she'd sit where she could look out of her window hoping that the guys in the house opposite would be watching her jill-off.

On the Wednesday evening she was rewarded with one man watching her right hand that was busy on her pussy and her left hand busy on her tits. After she'd cum she stood up giving the man a full frontal view of her naked body for a few seconds then she smiled and waved at him before going back to the lounge area and the other 3 housemates.


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

hope for more reluctant stripteasing in the bar scene. gives me goosebumps while reading this. Great story!

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