A Sudden Change


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But when they headed out to the car something happened that threatened to break up their little paradise: Ashlee's cell phone began playing a song that had previously meant something to her, but now represented a bad memory. Macy knew this almost as soon as Ashlee did because she knew that ring tone. It was Naiya's ring tone and it caused them both to stop dead in their tracks.

"You gonna answer it?" Macy said in low voice that seemed more worried then she wanted it to. Ashlee, on the other hand, didn't look worried at all. She just looked vaguely pissed. She did, however, nod her head as she answered the phone.

"Hey," Ashlee said in cold voice and then she was silent as Naiya responded and Macy watched still almost frozen with sympathetic fear as she listened to Ashlee's side of the conversation. "So Max is there?... No, I'm not coming over... No, I'm not pissed about something I just... Look, I'm gonna go hiking with Macy, we... Yes, she slept over here. Didn't she tell you that?... What does that matter?... No, it's none of your business... Look, just, whatever, have fun fucking with Max... No, I'm not bi... Just, I don't want hang out with you right now, okay?... I'm not jealous! Jesus, what do you care? You got your boyfriend now why do I have to be there?... Yes, I am pissed and if you can't figure out why I'm not going to tell you...Because you should know!... Look, I'm not getting into this right now... Yes, she knows, okay? That's not why I don't want to get into it... Look, I'm going hiking. I'll call you later."

With that Ashlee pushed end before turning her phone completely off. She then stared at it for awhile with an unreadable, almost emotionless expression on her face before she stuffed the phone back in her pocket. Then she looked at Macy who was standing next to her in the driveway in front of Ashlee's car and Macy just pulled her into a hug without thinking about it. Almost instantly the dam broke and Ashlee began crying while Macy just held her tightly and said nothing until the tears finally stopped and Ashlee said "I'm okay... I'm okay" until Macy loosened the hug and looked Ashlee in the eyes and suddenly they were once again kissing. This time, however, it was not in the privacy of Ashlee's room and it wasn't just a prelude to sex. It was just a simple, loving kiss, an emotional kiss, a kiss to show that they cared about each other deeply.

It was a kiss that they held for a long, soft minute before they heard Tabitha cough behind them and they broke apart. Not out of fear as much as curiosity. They even grasped hands as they turned to face Ashlee's fairly uncomfortable looking sister both silently wondering what she would say. If they thought she was going to condemn them they were wrong. Instead she seemed to soften instantly when she noticed that Ashlee's eyes were red and puffy from crying. Whatever reason she'd had for interrupting their embrace seemed go on the back burner as the caring older sister in Tabitha took over and she approached Ashlee with a concerned look on her face and placed a caring hand on her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Tabitha said in a soft voice and Ashlee only nodded before she found herself in another hug. A caring, family hug this time, but it still felt good even when Tabitha asked "You sure? You know you can tell me anything. I'm not gonna blab to Mom and Dad."

"No, it's okay," Ashlee assured her older sister forcing a smile at the last bit knowing that it was more for the kiss Tabitha had witnessed then anything else. "I just... It's been a bad week. Well, most of it." With that she looked quickly at Macy who uncharacteristically smiled shyly in return.

Ashlee smiled back and, to Ashlee's surprise, Tabitha did too before she asked again if Ashlee was okay and when she was again assured that she was Tabitha hugged her again and then offered to let her vent later if she felt like it before reaching into her pocket and handing Macy her phone saying "Umm, you left this in the kitchen, so..." Macy thanked her and then Tabitha, after a moments pause said "Seriously, don't worry. I won't say anything. You guys just go hiking or whatever and I'll see you later. Seriously, though, if you need to talk let me know. "And with that she turned and went back in the house.

"Are you really okay?" Macy asked as Tabitha shut the door.

"Yeah, well... yeah, I am. I just... I don't know how I feel right now. I mean, I'm pissed about... Naiya and...Him, but, I don't know, I'm just happy you're here." as she said that Ashlee gave Macy's hand a light squeeze which Macy returned with a smile and another kiss, just a light peck on the lips.

"Me too," Macy said in a soft voice before adding "You still wanna go to the park?"

"Are you kidding? Let's get the hell out of here."

With that they headed to the very same park they'd gone to the night before. This time however they actually got out of the car and walked. That was, after all, what the park was for and they'd come here so often before to hike the trails and smoke their weed amongst the trees and squirrels. While they walked they held hands almost the whole time while they both secretly thought how odd it was that their friendship had changed so quickly, but neither one of them could find anything wrong with it. They even said so once they stopped by their favorite tree, hidden away well off the trails in a clearing in the far corner of the park while Ashlee lit the joint she'd brought.

This time, however, they barely smoked it. They just talked as they sat there at the trunk of the tree, Macy rest against the tree and Ashlee resting against Macy. Macy's arms wrapped around Ashlee's waist and still holding hands as they talked quietly to each other occasionally passing and relighting the joint that kept going out because it wasn't as important as their conversation.

They got a lot of things off their chest, but didn't bother to make any big decisions. Mutually they decided that what happened the night before was wonderful and that it was some of the best sex either had ever had, but both of them made it clear that they weren't quite ready to start a relationship. However, they both quickly and mutually amended that, making it clear that they were both willing to see how things went and just play it by ear.

Deep down they both really knew they were fooling themselves a bit, but neither cared to say so. For all intents and purposes they'd just agreed to be a couple just without that particular title attached just yet. It was subterfuge, nothing more, but it didn't matter. They were just trying to be cautious with each other's hearts. They both knew that at that moment they wanted nothing more then to be together forever, but their recent experiences made them cautious.

Eventually they even talked about Naiya a little bit, but there was no resolution there. Ashlee's feelings for her friend had changed drastically twice in only a couple of months and now she had no idea what to think. It was far too fresh in her mind for her to even talk shit about her without feeling sad. The only decisions they could both come to about that was that it was best to not tell Naiya anything about what they'd done and that Ashlee should just give it some time even though Macy and Ashlee both secretly felt that the friendship between Ashlee and Naiya was likely damaged beyond repair.

Still, time had a way of healing the un-healable or so Macy said. Ashlee wasn't too sure, but she wasn't going to waste too much time thinking about it while she could feel the warmth of Macy's body against her own as she sat between her legs and rested her head on Macy's shoulder. Instead she just shifted the conversation back to more comfortable topics as she gently stroke Macy's palm with her fingers.

Eventually the conversation petered out, but still they sat there softly caressing each other and listening to the birds and squirrels in the trees and watched the butterflies fluttering about in the sunshine of the clearing. It was just so very comforting for both of them to be there together. They'd come to the same spot together and with others many times before, but now it was, like their relationship, very different. What was once just a pretty spot to smoke and drink now felt more like Macy and Ashlee's own private slice of heaven.

The girls continued to caress each other as they sat in silence just enjoying each other, but the longer they sat there the more the new feelings they'd discovered for each other began to come to the surface. At first, they both tried to ignore them, but the feel of each other was just much to resist as they began to playfully expand their touching from the lovingly innocent to the subtly (and not so subtly) sexual.

Macy started it by allowing her hands to begin to wander up the front of Ashlee's t-shirt to stroke the soft skin of Ashlee's belly. This at first brought forth some fairly girlish giggles that Macy found particularly pleasing, but eventually the giggling stopped and Macy just settled for the soft sighs of her friend as they both enjoyed her caresses. Eventually, though, her fingers began to wander almost of their own accord until they were teasingly brushing the waist of Ashlee's jeans. Occasionally, they slipped past the boundary, but they never journeyed too far.

"You're such a tease," Ashlee said after Macy had done this many times and had finally reached the top of Ashlee's panties and gave them a tug to pull the elastic out the front to fiddle with it and, yes, to tease Ashlee with a small amount of friction. It was definitely working as Ashlee kept squirming, but still Ashlee protested "And you're giving me a wedgie."

"You like it," Macy teased and then kissed Ashlee behind the ear before she again slid her hand past the waist of Ashlee's jeans. This time, however, she slid her hand as far down the front of Ashlee's pants as possible and pulled the offending garment out of the cleft of her friends pussy before saying "Better?" while leaving her hand in place. Not just in place, though. She was also very slowly rubbing her fingers against the damp spot she found there as Ashlee sucked her stomach in thoughtfully to allow Macy a little more room to maneuver.

"Almost," was all Ashlee could manage to say as her friend molested her. Almost as soon as Macy's fingers found their way to her sex Ashlee found herself squirming against their touch, but it was uncomfortable for both of them with her pants still buttoned. Luckily, that was easily solved as she, after a quick glance at their surroundings for any unwanted guests, undid the offending button. "There. Much better."

"So thoughtful," said Macy in a soft, sensual tone as she again kissed Ashlee behind the ear. She then quickly added another kiss on Ashlee's neck before shifting her head to kiss Ashlee's other ear making sure to kiss her lover on the back of her head as she did so and taking in the scent of Ashlee's hair as she did so. "You smell good."

By this time Ashlee was beyond response, but Macy didn't mind. She was too focused on the task at hand to care all that much about small talk. She began to push the front of Ashlee's panties aside while enjoying the feel of Ashlee's grip on her other hand tighten in response to feel of skin on skin. Ashlee was beginning to pant and her hips were already starting to hump involuntarily. Her responsive nature just made Macy want to make her come even more than she already did.

As the fingering continued Ashlee turned her head to look Macy in the eyes and without a word Macy knew that Ashlee wanted to be kissed. Macy obliged her gladly as her fingers began to slip past Ashlee's labia and tease her with the threat of penetration. Ashlee's free hand found its way to the back of Macy's head and pulled her in tighter. Their kiss deepened as the threat was realized and Ashlee began to grind her pelvis against Macy's hand in earnest while moaning softly into her lover's mouth.

Soon, however, the kiss broke as Ashlee neared orgasm. It was not that she wanted to break the kiss. She was simply too aroused to maintain it from her position. She wanted to, but the sensations emanating from her pussy as Macy continued to fuck with her long, delicate fingers while rubbing Ashlee's clit with her thumb were just too intense when coupled with the sheer exhilaration of being so lovingly fondled in such a beautiful and open setting.

Macy too wanted very much to kiss her lover as she made love to her with her hand, but she made do at first with returning to kissing and biting Ashlee gently on the neck and ears. As Ashlee neared completion and her moaning became mixed with delicious, little whimpers Macy felt compelled to do more then just kiss and finger Ashlee. She also wanted to urge her on with soft whispers and the soft touch of her hand on Ashlee's breast.

The first part was easy, but the second was harder as Ashlee simply refused to release Macy's hand. Macy didn't force Ashlee, but she did adjust her grip and with insistence Ashlee allowed Macy to pull both of their hands to Ashlee's breast. Almost as soon as Macy's hand brushed Ashlee's nipple through the thin material of her t-shirt Ashlee grip released and instead she placed her hand atop of Macy's and finally allowed Macy fondle her soft bosom as the orgasm began to build with certainty in her mind and body.

"You're so fucking beautiful," Macy was whispering softly between kisses as Ashlee whined sweetly under her touch. "So beautiful. Come for me, Ashlee. Come for me. Please come for me, baby." Over and over again she said these sweet, soft words and the more she said them the more Ashlee reacted. Soon she was moaning, whining and whimpering so loudly that Macy was sure that anyone on the trail was sure to hear her, but she didn't care. She just wanted to make Ashlee come, to show her how much she cared for her, to show Ashlee how much she wanted her to be happy.

It was just a small gesture really in the grand scheme of things, but it was the most important thing in the world at that moment. Still, no matter what Macy said, no matter how vigorously she strummed Ashlee's clit and drove her fingers into her cunt the orgasm just wouldn't come until Macy finally said something that she wasn't sure she had the right to say, but which she felt deep in her heart. They were just four simple words, but as soon as she said them Ashlee's orgasm hit them both like a bolt of lightning.

"I love you, Ashlee." said Macy and then all was lost. Ashlee came with soft, shaking shiver as she pulled Macy back into the kiss and this time she held her there as the orgasm coursed through her. She needn't have done so, because as Macy's lips met Ashlee's Macy had no desire to ever part them again until Ashlee made her do so.

Of course, their lips did eventually part though at first it was just to once again share the nectar of their lovemaking. This was followed by a long series of shared breaths that ended only when they both heard the sound of dog barking not too far from them followed by the voice of its master calling for it to return. Both the voice and the barking soon passed, but the reality of their situation was brought to the forefront and they slowly forced themselves to gather themselves knowing full well that the stoppage was only a pause.

When they finally had gathered themselves enough they resumed their hike again holding hands as much as possible as they walked and talked sweetly to each other. They weren't heading anywhere in particular. They had no plan, but they knew whatever happened in the foreseeable future they could handle it as long they handled it together.

Oh, there was still a lot to deal with. Their lives were hardly made simpler by their new found love, but at that moment it didn't matter. They were happy. That was all that counted. Maybe things would change in the weeks before they left for college. Maybe they would change once they were living together. Maybe the sun would burn out the next day or the oceans would boil or the moon would fall from the sky. Who knew and who cared?

All they cared about right then and there was each other. All they knew was that the next moment they had alone would be another moment of absolute bliss. Everything else was beyond their control and they would deal with it when it happened and they would deal with it together.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Make a sequence to it

TheAbsurd_studentTheAbsurd_studentover 13 years ago
You're amazing

Seriously, though. This story kept me intrigued; my eyes were glued to the screen. I plan on reading all of your sapphic stories. And, please, in the words of Ashley pertaining to your wondeful writing: "Dont stop...dont you ever stop."


birdinhandbirdinhandalmost 14 years ago
I Loved it

Hey it was long and drawn out but it needed to be. This is a truly great read. I gave you 5 stars as well.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

This very sweet and heartwarming to read. Not to mention fucking hot.

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftalmost 15 years ago
pointless, Anything But Pointless

I just read all three of the related stories, and it was one of the most rewarding things I've done. Thankyou. You are far from pointless. It actualy gave me some guidance to some of my own questions. Particularly in regards to the feelings someone has about "Their First". Excellent

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