A Tale Of Many Mistakes Ch. 05

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Life goes on.
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Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/26/2022
Created 10/28/2010
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A special thanks to grogers7 for his patience editing my story

Life goes on

I definitely had to do something with my life.

It took me a while but I finally decided to listen to Tammy and accept a date. The day I broke the news to her, she jumped into my arms and gave me a big hug that I returned with enthusiasm. Tammy is very attractive and well shaped. My natural reaction was to have a small erection.

" Oh my!" she exclaimed. "I know somebody that really needs a date -- and soon!" She pushed back a little looking at the bulge in my pants. "Very soon!"

She was moving fast. The next day, she put a name, Cindy, a date, hour (Friday at 8:00PM) and the name of a restaurant downtown on my desk.

"Here's your date. Be there!" was all she said.

Well, Tammy knows me quite well, so I decided to give it a try. The next Saturday, at 7:40 I was at the restaurant waiting for my date. The maitre d' arrived at my table with a nice looking brunette of about 40. Cindy was very pretty and nicely dressed. At 5'7", she had a charming smile, was a bit shy, and aroused my interest. She let me choose the many courses of our meal, and we talked a lot as we ate, Tammy was right! She was a good fit.

During the taxi ride to my apartment, we simply held hands. The evening was just starting.

At the apartment, Cindy's behavior changed. She became more assertive, something I didn't mind at all. On the couch, with a drink in front of us, she started to snuggle into me. I was already hard in anticipation. Her head was resting on my shoulder, and she was caressing my chest.

"I hope you will not think of me as a slut", she said. "But, from what I heard from Tammy, you are quite a lover, and I need that real bad".

She started to stroke my cock trough my pants, and as horny as I was, I immediately slipped my hand under her blouse and caressed her breasts. We started kissing a bit tentatively at first, but our kisses grew in intensity. She soon had my pants unzipped, and I had her blouse open and her breasts well in hand. I pushed her back on the couch and started to suck on her breasts in earnest. She had a firm hold of my erect penis. Her nipples were like Eileen's, a quarter of an inch high and very sensitive to my touch. I reached underneath her skirt and found her mound of pleasure. When my fingers reached her wet pussy, she gasped.

I pushed her skirt away and dove to nuzzle her pussy and inhale her scent through her panties. I sat back up and delicately removed her panties as she lifted her hips and put her legs together to help. Slowly, I pulled her panties all the way down her legs, and at the last she pulled one foot out and spread her legs as I held her panties to my nose.

"One less thing in the way" I said, smiling, twirling her panties on my finger and tossing them away.

Her pussy was there waiting for my attention. She had beautiful thin thighs and very rosy pussy lips. I began to lick the inside of her thighs and found her pussy dripping wet. Her scent was intoxicating. My tongue licked all the way up her lips as Cindy moaned with pleasure.

In almost 3 years, she was the first woman I made love to without paying. I hoped the moans and sighs would finally be real, not just sound effects.

My tongue played with her clit for a while. It was hard and erect. I went down and inserted my tongue a good two inches into her slippery vagina. A moan from Cindy told me that I was doing just fine. I licked her up and down gently. Her pussy taste was fabulous. I started to suck and lick as much of her juice as I could, spending much time on her clit. Her legs closed around me, and she came for the first time. For a while, I lost all sense of hearing, but I wasn't done yet.

Knowing that she was still sensitive from her orgasm, I very lightly licked her pussy lips, avoiding her clit for a moment. She calmed down after a while.

I then went to phase two of good foreplay: I inserted two fingers in her vagina, gently caressing inside her, searching for her G-spot. A tremor shook her body when I found it, and I returned my lips to her clit while I began to put pressure on her G-spot.

"Oh my God!" she moaned.

Her fingers were grasping my hair. In a minute she would come again, or I would need some hair implants. She did come, and hard.

"Christ!... Agh... Oh fuck". Her whole body jumped from the sofa and she started to ejaculate. I was drinking her woman juice as it was flooding from her vagina.

She finally stopped shaking and pulled me up to her. She kissed me with total abandon, licking her own juice from my face.

"Wow! That was intense", she said between kisses.

"Let me take care of you now", she said while removing my shirt.

She proceeded to take my pants off while spending a few seconds sucking on my cock. Multitasking at its best!

She then got up, took two cushions from the couch and laid them on the floor.

"Lay there on your back," she said while removing her blouse and bra but keeping her skirt.

She straddled me, bent down to give me a longing kiss and in one swift motion her hips had my cock buried deep inside her.

"You like that?" she asked.

"Oh..." was my only reply.

It felt so good to feel a wet pussy going up and down on my cock without a condom. I soon joined her motion by adding my own thrusts with my hips. My hands were having a field day caressing, grabbing, and pinching her breasts as they hung down to me. For good measure, my right hand reached toward her pussy and my fingers began a slow caress of her clit.

She closed her eyes in ecstasy and increased the speed of her humping. Soon she had another orgasm. She threw herself on top of me, her head in the crook of my neck and let out a shriek. Her vagina was pulsing on my cock, clamping on and off for a few seconds.

She then rolled off me

"Oh my God! I was the one suppose to take care of you."

She laid on the floor, still panting from her last climax, reached for my hard rod and gently jack me off.

"Take me here, on the floor" she said while pulling up her skirt over her tummy and spreading her legs wide for me.

I rolled off the cushions and climbed on top of her. Still very wet, her vagina took my whole cock without any resistance. She gasped when I pushed all the way in. I started a slow motion of thrusts in and out of her. The warm wetness of her pussy felt so good that I wanted to make it last as long as I could. She didn't seem to mind. Her hands on my buttocks were simply following my motion.

Our mouths hungry for each other, we kissed passionately, and I fucked her for a long time before I could feel my own climax building up. I increased my pace. She felt that I was getting close and answered my harder fucking with her thrusting hips.

"Yeah, just like that. Fuck me hard. Fill me up with your cum. Yes!" she shrieked at me.

I was sure she would be sorry tomorrow that she let me fuck her so hard on the floor, but there was no stopping me now. With a final strong thrust, my balls went nuts and I started to shoot my cum in her welcoming pussy. She kissed me hard as I was gasping for air in the intense moment of my orgasm.

I finally rolled off her, my spent penis coming out of her pussy and letting my teaspoon of jism drain out of her, dripping to the floor. We stayed like that on our backs on the floor for a few minutes. I was covered with sweat and so was Cindy.

"Wow! Double Wow! Tammy was right. You are quite good at pleasuring a woman... If only my husband would take lessons from you..."

I jumped to my feet. "What?" I asked angrily. "You're married? You don't even wear a ring!"

Cindy reached for me, standing on her knees. She was shocked when I swatted her hand away.

"Hey, no need to be rude... For the last six years, my marriage has been on and off. Now it's on..." She reached for me again, so I had to take a step back. "...but now that I met you it's off again," she said rubbing her thumb on her ring finger where there was no ring.

I was mad. I was totally pissed at both this cheating whore and Tammy for letting it happened. I reached for the phone and called for a cab. Cindy was now standing, surprised by the development.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked while I hurriedly dressed. "One minute you fill my pussy with your sperm, and the next you kick me out? That was it? Wham-bam-thank-you ma'am?"

Instead of making me feel guilty, her anger had the reverse effect. I was even more enraged.

"Dress the fuck up! The cab will be here soon and I want you out of my flat FAST" I yelled at her.

I felt a surge of temper through my body. I knew that my face would be all red and a frightful sight. Cindy recoiled, then started to dress while she sobbed.

I regained some composure and tried to speak calmly.

"I just went through a divorce because my wife was cheating on me so... I just want you out of my face. Now! YOU ARE the worst thing that can happen to a man. So just get out".

She left in a hurry.

I didn't have to get mad at Tammy because she phoned me the next day to apologize. She didn't know that Cindy was back with her husband.

"At least one thing I was able to get from Cindy is the fact that you fucked her good. Didn't lose your touch with women, Lover! I'll be more careful next time. Promise!"

She tried, but I refused any more dates for the next few weeks. An important date was coming up on my calendar: Our 25th wedding anniversary would have been in a few weeks. I wasn't able to get it out of my head.

One evening, totally drunk, I ordered some postcards from Hawaii where we were supposed to go for our second honeymoon. A few days later, when the postcards arrived, I chose one depicting a couple scuba diving among the corals. I wrote our anniversary date and: "Wish you were not a slut. It could've been us!" I put a stamp on it and mailed it.

Three days later, Mary phoned me, really angry.

"What did you do to Mom again?" she asked incensed.

"She's been doing real good lately, and now she is crying again. God! Dad, what did you do?"

How to answer that without revealing what an ass I was? Like it or not, I still cared a lot about what Mary thought about her old man. I didn't see much of her lately, what with her college and friends, but I still wanted to have our cozy evenings together. Well, I thought, the truth may hurt, but it is better than the alternative.

"Sorry Sweetie that you have to go through this! Yeah... I made a mistake. Do you know that it was 25 years ago yesterday that your Mom and I got married? Well, I couldn't keep it out of my mind, and again I felt real mad at your Mom for wrecking that life. I'm really sorry".

I told her about the postcard.

"Oh you two! Can't you get a grip and realize that you still are madly in love with each other? You were drunk when you did that, weren't you?" she asked.

"Yeah!" I acknowledged.

"Dad, can I have your promise that you will never, ever do anything relating to Mom when you are drunk?" She asked, a bit mollified.

"For you, and only you, I promise. And I am not the one to break promises in this family," I said.

"Dad...!" she replied.

"Oops, sorry!"

"Never mind", she replied.

"By the way, I also have good news for you", she said. "David popped the question!"

The rest of the conversation was a bit awkward. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I didn't react well to my 20 year old daughter telling me that she was getting married. Despite all my warnings and recriminations, the fact was that my little girl was getting married in two months.

Another big event happened before that when Vickie finally reached an agreement with the lawyer of my ex-wife's lover. We were suing for half a million and were about to be put on the court docket. When they offered to settle for $150,000 plus my lawyer's fees including the divorce proceedings.

"Take that and run," was all Vickie said.

I did, and the next day I called the contractor for my own retirement home. With the slowdown in the economy, he happily agreed to start work the next month.

I still had mixed feelings about the next two months. On the one hand, I was losing my daughter. I don't think any Dad takes that very well, but hey, they have to leave the nest one day. I learned from Mary that Eileen was feeling the same way. On the other hand, my fabulous retirement home was under construction. For me alone! I had a few drunken evenings during that time, but true to my word, I did nothing to aggravate Eileen. The impulses were mostly gone anyway, and I held in those that came up.

First came the wedding.

I had to walk my daughter all the way to the priest while not looking so gloomy. At the reception after the wedding, they sat Eileen beside me. We were both by ourselves. David's parents easily sensed the discomfort Eileen and I felt. Not a single word was uttered between us all evening.

I sensed Eileen looking at me a few times, but I braced myself and avoided her. She looked totally gorgeous in her dark blue dress, and that made it both easier and harder to be around her. More than once I stole a glance at her. What can I say? She was the most beautiful woman in the whole place. She talked, like me, with David's parents, and her wit was as sharp as ever. For Mary, I repressed the urge to get drunk, but it was hard, real hard. I left as soon as Mary made her own exit. How many barbs in the ass a man can take before losing it?

Second came the completion of my lodge, in early December. It was awesome. Three bedrooms, a den for my computer room, one large living room adjoining the dining room, and a big kitchen to let me express my culinary skills. All that was missing was the garage that was supposed to include a couple of workshops for Eileen and me. All that was missing was a loving wife at my side. I terminated the lease on my apartment, bought some furniture and moved in. Leaving real early for work and coming back early or late to avoid traffic, the drive was barely more than an hour.

That also meant I had to get a grip on my drinking. No cabs would take me that far. The distance was also a hassle on my dating. I shared that with Tammy. I had dated a few times after Mary's wedding but the women I met didn't really take my fancy. Some made it to my bed, but that was as far as they would go, which is not too bad nevertheless.

Honestly, they all had the same flaw: they were not Eileen. Some as pretty, some as sharp and funny, but I kept comparing them to my ex-wife. Tammy wasn't put off by my reluctance to accept all the dates she arranged, and she kept trying.

I still have plenty of work to do on myself before I could get on with my life.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Anonymous from 8 months ago. I believe there is remorse from Eileen. If you don’t think there is then it is because the author hasn’t spelt it out to meet your standards. I suggest reading the story again, why is she tearful, in a bad state etc.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

So why do the Americans in these types of stories fall in to the bottle. They can’t seem to deal with adversity without alcohol. Weird, as it is the Europeans who lead the world in the consumption of alcohol,

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What a wimpy ass MC, for the love of God, why do author's write a reconciliation story with a wimpy MC husband who can't move on? Like seriously do they get off on a wimpy husband? And the way the whole family treated the MC there's no way in hell he still love her that much like the author's portrays. He's supposed to be a grown old matured man make it as such.. I like reconciliation Stories only if it's done right. This story though the author just pile's on the misery of MC and his love for her I can understand for some months or a year after that sure he might still love her, but he got to know it's time to move on and realised it, this MC husband though, and let's face it their no genuine remorse and action proof by ex wife to take her back...just another author who loves giving his MC cucked fetish and misery pining for his love.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I usually favor reconciliation … but this slut doesn’t deserve it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I fear a RAAC on the way. Too bad, it started out well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

MC is definitely hooked on ex, reconciliation on the horizon

Pjam1968Pjam1968over 1 year ago

I just hope this is not heading for a reconciliation

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonover 1 year ago

Why do I get the feeling you're about to go full-blown cuck? This RAAC is obvious from a continent away.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Again, does David know that his bride thinks that her mother’s adultery is no big deal?!? If a woman believes that it’s okay for another woman to cheat, then she will do it herself eventually!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Maybe these women are not Eileen but that is to their credit. They are not lying cheat untrustworthy bitches. I for one am not liking the direction this tale is headed. The mc has stated his case for never having anything to do with the cunt again, please don't make him a wussy cuck and take her back when there are literally millions of women in the world to choose from.

6King6Kingabout 2 years ago

⭐⭐1/2 This story is doing the cuck drift.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I am surprised that this Man did not beat the Hell out of her Lover . She beat up the Doctor not him

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This pathetic wimp is going to take this cheating whore back .

I knew it .

How embarrassing

silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago

Ahh, nothing like old whores and the pathetic men that can't live without their smelly old, well used cunts shoved in their faces.

PowersworderPowersworderabout 4 years ago
Darkdonut is talking out of his ass

I totally agree with anon:

"the world is full of widowed and divorced women who are decent, interesting, and want companionship"

Past 40, a man's value as a partner goes up astronomically if he's in decent shape and has a successful career. It's women who get slapped in the face by mother nature. No longer young and perky, they're covering up stretch marks, cellulite, and sagging tits.

If Kieran stopped moping after his slutty ex-wife, he could've easily landed himself a trophy wife at least ten years younger. Most of my wife's female friends went to university and sacrificed long-term relationships for successful careers. That was a big problem as they got older, because men typically look for youth and beauty in a woman, and don't give a shit what job they do. Their careers added absolutely nothing to their desirability.

When those women were in their thirties, biological clocks started ticking. I remember many evenings with my wife consoling desperate friends who were panicking they'd left it too late to find a decent guy and start a family. They ALL ended up marrying older men...

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Moving on toward reconciliation. I have read this before, but I really don't remember it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I can see it now....

this total loser will get back with his ex wife! They really deserve each other. Both of the main characters exhibit no actions that would make anyone like them one little bit!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Re: Darkdonut

Darkdonut may have beer muscles, but for any guy of fifty who's employed, educated, and physically just OK with a decent personality, the world is full of widowed and divorced women who are decent, interesting, and want companionship. The wife is a cunt as written...idiotic, really, if she would go for a guy with a line like this:

"I see that I am starting to get at you. Your rude rejection is a blessing. Now that I know that, let me tell you that I am here for you, and only you. No need to be jealous. None of the women I know come close to your beauty or your charms. Some are pretty, but you are beautiful. When you need Xavier, you only have to ask."

And the scene on the motel balcony didn't indicate any likely break-up, just remorse over being caught. The characters are just written inconsistently, and the RAAC is being forced.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Now H is being overtly written as a pathetic man because he just can't live without the slut

Contrary to what some commenters believe, there are more available quality women than H would know what to do with if you are, as he is portrayed, a well-employed professional and decent looking. The drinking bit is just a poor plot device for demeaning H and setting up a potential RAAC. BTW, the slut is suffering consequences that aren't nearly as severe as she deserves. And "Vicki-the-lawyer's" anger at her client because she thought the marriage could be saved in the prior chapter was completely unprofessional.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Self righteous asshole won't get rich.

No way does he get a settlement on a nonsense alienation of affection lawsuit. He more than likely gets laughed out of court if his state is one of the nine that even would hear the case. And he gets a big lawyers bill.

It's not reconciliation at any cost, it should be reconciliation with conditions and boundaries. IF she is still available. No kids at home, most beautiful woman in the room, I knew one and after her husband traded her in on a newer model she ended up married to a millionaire and leading a plush life. RIP, Joyce. I loved you too.


dark2donut2dark2donut2over 5 years ago
More junk

To these commenters asking for "no reconciliation" I have one thing to say - you are fantasizing.

Your feelgood fantasy is built on a dream that a good-looking woman would be waiting for you up to eternity and that you would be repeatedly rejecting her, feeling like you are a superman that no woman could resist and that you are on a godly moral high plane.

Here is the reality for you - when you pass 50 you are not going to be irresistible to anybody and for the most of you, you never were. No woman would wait for your overweight beer "muscles" nor for your overblown sense of self-worth. You would most likely end up with Hanna and her five sisters in your dream of eternal admiration of non-existing woman. Wake up and smell the coffee.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago

Please, no reconciliation. She does not deserve it.

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