A Touch of Revenge


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"No!" She screamed, her pleas final and yet useless. Already she could feel her resolve giving in. There was nothing left, no fight left inside of her. His fingers pushed in further and further, each time it hurt less and less. He was right, yes, it did just take some time to adjust, but that didn't matter.

How could he, how could he do this to her? She wanted to leave. Tears already running freely from her face, sobbing into their bed. Another wet spot, but this one so different from the others they created here together.

His cock felt hard and warm as it replaced his fingers. She thrashed about, flailing, trying to get away. She didn't want him inside of her, she didn't want him anywhere near her.

"No," She struggled, but his warm caring arms soothed her. They captured her, as he bent over his voice warm, his tone soothing. It sounded like angels, and she cried at such a loving voice having to say those nasty words.

"Just take it, take it..."

And then, she let go. She fell back to the bed, crying softly. She didn't resist though, she couldn't. He wanted her to take it, and so she did. She lay there, limp and soft as his lubed dick aligned with her.

When he pushed into her she cried. She cried out loud, but didn't stop him. She didn't kick him off. He wanted inside of her ass, he wanted this more than anything. She screamed the last of her innocence as the head pushed into her. Her back arched, feeling joined to him for the first time there.

Their form became fused. His cock slid alongside of her, she sheathed him. It hurt, she actually bent down to bite at the pillow, trying to stop the pain. Her entire body shook and thrashed as he began to fuck her ass. He didn't wait for her to adjust, didn't wait for her to become used to it.

He rammed himself inside, already lost in his own lust, already gone to her. She lay there, naked, useless. A hole for him to fuck, is that what she was broken down to? Years of love and laughter and sharing amounted to a drunken birthday present gone horribly wrong.

Then she felt his hand snake under her body, pushing between her flat stomach and the soft pillow keeping her at such an impossible angle. It slithered along, finding her sex beneath her. A soft shudder went through as she realized what he was going to no.

"No," Her plea again, weak and trembling as his fingers found her clit. They found and touched, just as he always did with her. Eyes open wide to the world, her body beginning to betray her.

Not here, not like this. She couldn't cum in the midst of all this pain. His fingers knew what to do though, they had touched her hundreds of times before. He knew every crevice of her body, every soft contour that craved pleasure.

And she did crave pleasure. She knew it from the moment he pushed into her. The pressure and deep rutting from before, so close to what it once was. The sound of sharp sex, bodies crashing together, to smell of them in heat against each other.

His nimble fingers worked with the pleasure she sought, even as she begged him to stop, her hips grinding into his touch. She came, soft, against him, crying out as she did. Nothing felt right anymore, her whole body shuddered in weakness.

She just wanted to get it over with. She squeezed into him, into his hard rutting atop of her. It hurt to squeeze herself there, but she did. She did because it would help him cum faster. Get it over with, get him off of her.

"That's it, baby," She said, between sobs, "Cum for me."

She felt something rip inside of her, bringing a new onset of pain. A sharp cry, as he pistoned himself, grabbing her hips, running his entire body over hers and then letting loose his cry of pure pleasure. She too cried, but her cries were very different from his own.

Different. There was that word again. It seemed like she could not get away from it tonight.

He finished up inside of her, his cock shriveling fast. She once worshipped that cock, once gave it so much love, felt it give her love in return. She would never deny bringing his hard rigid cock into her mouth. To her it always tasted sweet, sweet and delicious. Often she licked her lips just thinking about it.

Not anymore though. Now, she wanted it out of her. She wanted him off. She actually pushed him, feeling and hearing that final sick sound of his cock as it left her gaping hole. She found her feet, even though they were trembling. For a moment she thought they might not work. She tested one leg, putting her weight on it. It shook with weakness but held.

She rushed into the bathroom.

There she turned on the shower as hard and hot as the water would go, and stepped inside. For a moment all she could do was try and get clean. The water scolded her skin, making it bright and red. The steam made it impossible to see, and maybe that was for the best. She didn't want to see herself now, didn't want to see what he had done to her body.

How could he?

She grabbed the soap, scrubbing, trying to get clean. She could never be clean though, never again. No matter how hard she tried, it would always haunt her. The dreams of him forcing her. Those hard muscles fighting her. She felt fingers pushing in without regard. His voice, that tone, those words, everything.

Just take it. He just wanted her to take it. After all those years, after everything they had shared, she was just supposed to take it.

She wanted him to take it.

Looking down she saw blood. As the near boiling water rained down on her, body broken and bruised, she could feel cum leaking from her ass. When she looked down it wasn't just cum though, but the blood ran freely beside it.

Her heart grew so cold at that moment.

She wanted to imagine that blood as the last of her innocence, that bright eyed teenager who still played doctor and who would never grow tired of touching herself in the dark after everyone else had gone to bed.

This little girl pooled on the shower floor, running into the drain.

She made him like it too. He had touched her very core in the agony of it all, making her cum, making her shudder with ecstasy during her own rape. That is what made it so much worse. If nothing else she could handle being raped, but not forced to enjoy it. No one be forced to enjoy it.

She wanted him to take it. She wanted to give it to him just like he gave it to her.

Why not? He deserved it. He deserved such pain and misery, to feel as she felt. She could never remember feeling worse, never in her life had so many emotions run through her, so much pain. Never had she felt so weak as this day right now.

But, in that weakness, in her own lost and helpless self she found strength.

She would rape him.

She would rape his virgin ass, and make him pay.

And what made it worse? She would make him enjoy it as well.

The thought dwelled in her heart after the shower was done. She didn't leave, didn't call for a cab or pack her bags or even just run out screaming into the middle of the night. No. She quietly dried herself off and went back to bed.

He was already under the covers, looking up at her with groggy eyes when she returned.

"Baby?" She said nothing, but cuddled up next to him. He put his arm around her, like he always did. She felt nothing from it. She used to feel so warm, so safe with his arm around her, as if nothing in the world could hurt her.

Now, she knew better.

She still snuggled in with him though, still did as she always did. She pretended that his touch spread warmth through her skin, even though it sickened her to the core.

"I am sorry... I got excited."

"It's ok," She said, silencing his words with a sweet small kiss.

"Are you ok? You sure?"

"I'm fine... go to sleep."

And he did. He went to sleep. She just lay there in his arms, staring up at the ceiling. She would think and plan, mull it over, grind it up again and again until it was a fine powder for her to use, like any other tool. Her revenge would not be blunt or fast. No, no, this was going to be a refined revenge.

A touch of revenge. Just for him.

She wanted it done in a week, but in the end it took months to plan. The hardest part was to find a man. A real man, or at least one who could act like one when the time came. She searched the internet, finding dead ends everywhere. Many of the men online could talk the talk, but when it came down to it, few could walk the walk.

Two months, she found the right guy though. He was tall and proud, muscular and developed too. That is what she also wanted. Bruce's cock was bigger than average, and she wanted one bigger than average as well. Not too big, not overtly so. She didn't want to hurt her Bruce, not anymore than he hurt her.

This man was perfect though. He was just the right size.

By that time, she realized her birthday was coming up soon. Oh, her birthday. How fitting. She wanted this to happen on her birthday. What a present it would be. She could execute her little touch of revenge on her birthday, the very best present she would ever get.

They celebrated when the day finally came. Dinner at home, a bottle of wine. He bought her a bracelet, and kissed her every chance he got. She swooned, leaning in with her kisses. She covered him with her own, her heart not in it. Her heart was elsewhere, it had left. Already she felt sick with his touch, as if it were battery acid on her skin.

You wouldn't know it though, to look at her. She thought herself the most clever girl in the world, she should have gotten an award for all the acting she did. To kiss him like that, to make love to him afterwards, to go on with her job and her life as if everything were normal, such pain and anger growing inside of her.

Then, at a half hour until midnight, when she lay naked next to him on the floor, she told him, "I want to try something tonight."

"Try something?" He brushed the hairs away from her eyes. She smiled at him, that smile holding daggers that he would never see.

"Uh huh. Think of it as another birthday present, for me," She leaned down, taking one of his nipples into her mouth. She heard the soft moan she wanted to hear.

"What is it?" He had to catch his breath as he said it.

"Just come with me, into the bedroom."

She led him, like leading a child through the woods. Her hand grabbed his so graciously, so softly. When she pulled on him it felt almost comedic, but he followed her. He walked with her to the bedroom, her in the lead. She eased him back onto the bed, laying him down.

"You want to be on top?"

She smiled, "Something like that. Turn over."

He cocked his head to one side, "Over?"

"Please," She begged him, she begged him like she had begged him so many other times before. Just one last request, one final solution to all of the problems. Why not? Why not turn over for her, to let her have her birthday present.

"Ok," He turned over, his back to her. Lean and strong, it had the look of an Adonis. She smiled at that, bringing out her little toys.

"This is for you," She clasped the handcuffs to his wrist. He watched with utter fascination, a dirty smile crossing his lips. She could not help but smile herself. Her smile wasn't dirty though, it was too wide, and her eyes too sharp. She had the look of some mad hatter dancing around the tea party. She was thankful he couldn't see her.

She put the other cuff through the headboard, and bound his other wrist. Off she went, light and frolicking around the room to each of his ankles. She spread one out far, binding it to one side of the bed, and then his other ankle to the other side.

There, spread eagle. The perfect position.

She lay beside him, her hand running up and down his spine.

"You know, you were a very bad boy."

"Was?" He turned to look at her, anticipation running through his face.

"Oh yes. You remember your birthday, don't you?"

"How could I forget. It was the best present I have ever gotten. Thank you," He leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled away. She didn't have to kiss him anymore, it was beyond funny little kisses and fake giggles.

"I told you to stop."

"What?" It was as if he were trying to find the meaning behind her words, trying to understand how that was sexy or fun at all. Nothing came to his mind, she could tell.

"I asked you to stop, and then I told you to stop. But you didn't stop. You were a bad boy."

This time his eyes searched hers, and for a moment she thought that he understood. Something, not quite fear, but something ran just beneath his skin.

"I don't understand..."

"Of course you don't. But you will. You will understand just perfectly. And I want to help you understand, baby. I want you to understand just how I felt that night. Ok?"

"What?" He pulled at the chains for the first time. They held though, of course they would hold. She made sure they were strong and durable, that they would not move an inch. He had to feel useless and helpless, and do nothing except lie there.

Yes. Lie there like she had to do.

And then her toy came out. Her own little cock. It was a tall proud muscular cock, emerging from the closet just on cue. She smiled at her cock, and waved him over.

"Bruce, this is my friend. He is going to help you understand."

"What the fuck?"

Her cock already climbed on top of the bed, moving himself between Bruce's bound legs. Bruce really started to struggle now. He pulled and pushed, gripping as hard as he could.

"Yes," She whispered in his ear, watching as her cock took out the lube, "Yes, that is how I struggled, that is how I tried to get away from you when you pushed yourself inside of me, do you remember, Bruce? It wasn't that long ago, please tell me you remember."

That cold liquid touching his ass. It didn't quite dawn on Bruce just what was going to happen until he felt that. Then he knew. She could tell, she saw the change in his eyes, the wide utter horror of them. She smiled, nodding, kissing his cute little nose.

"Don't worry, you gave me some words of advice to help you."

She watched in fascination as her cock lubed up Bruce's ass. Those hands smothering the liquid around, pushing it between his cheeks. She giggled as one finger pressed against his tight little puckered hole. Bruce's whole body went rigid, his breath stalled as the finger found footing, slipping inside. A wave of pleasure ran over her at this sight.

"You just need to adjust, that's all," She laughed at that, laughed and giggled and was whole again. That was all she needed, all she needed to have whatever hate and pain had been growing inside of her to dislodge and float away. She was herself again, small and meek and submissive, and wanting strong arms around her.

Two fingers followed, pushing themselves inside of him. This time Bruce struggled, but it wasn't against the binds which held him tight. He struggled against the fingers, those large fat invaders which refused to give anything. All they could do was take. The ultimate imbalance of power.

Then, her cock began rubbing the lube all over his own rigid shaft. She watched as it gleamed in the light. She held her breath, seeing it being guided down to Bruce's waiting ass.

"Just take it," She whispered in his ear, dark and malicious were her words, "Just take it."

The cock slipped inside. Bruce screamed, he screamed as loud and as hard as she screamed. Actual tears fell down his face as he screamed. A wickedly wonderful smile reached her lips, as she went to kiss those tears from his face.

"It's so beautiful, I know. Almost over now, lover," And then her true revenge began. She slipped her hand underneath him. It ran past his stomach, to his cock. Her eyes widened when she felt Bruce already hard.

"Oh, see... how long have you been fantasizing about this happening to you, Bruce? How long have you been wanting this to happen?"

She was sure if he could answer he would, but his mouth kept busy screaming out the rigid pain he felt as that cock slid inch by inch into him. It was a sight to see, she leaned over, getting a closer look.

Small delicate fingers of her own trailed along his cock. It cupped him and ran down his length. She felt him stir at her simple touch. A simple loving touch, her hands always knowing where to touch. She had taken his cock many times, she knew it more than intimately.

Her hands played with him, getting him excited about his own rape.

"That's right sweetheart. Enjoy it. What a wonderful birthday present."

To force him to enjoy it. And he did. She squeezed the head and ran her fingers down, up and down on his cock. She felt the stirring almost immediately. Bruce began bucking into her hand, working perfectly with the cock inside of his ass. It found Bruce's rhythm, and matched it.

She watched in amazement as the cock disappeared all the way inside. She didn't think it possible, to see it up close like this, to even be able to feel the heat radiate from their bodies. She watched in fascination.

He let out a scream, wordless and pained which turned into a groan halfway through, and she felt him grow as hard as steel. She knew, moving her hand faster, she knew he was there.

"That's it baby," She squealed, "Cum for me."

He came into the soft pillow beneath him, wonderful white and thick. She licked her lips just thinking about it.

Enjoy it, enjoy it all Bruce. Enjoy being forced.

She began to play with herself. She didn't know why, but the visions in the room, the high level of excitement did something to her. Her skin tingled as it hadn't done in months. She dropped her delicate fingers to her soft opening, and let them play. Already sharp breaths were coming in.

She saw it. She waited for her cock, that well oiled piston running into Bruce's now well fucked ass. It didn't take long. His eyes, dark and mysterious just locked onto her playing with herself. She only blushed a moment, the heat rising from her cunt to her face, before she put on a show for him.

When he fucked Bruce, she imagined it was her. She wanted to be under this tall powerful horse, to feel him ride her like this. Those hard strokes taking her, her fingernails running down his entire body, her cunt devouring his shaft.

She let out a cry, hard and strong, a good cry for a woman cumming, a powerful cry. A woman deserved to cum like that, to know she could scream her orgasms and not be afraid of anyone or anything.

He came with her. They came in unison, she in her hands, and he inside of Bruce's ass. They seemed joined for a moment, sharing in her revenge, and all they could think of was each other.

And she no longer felt afraid. She kissed Bruce on the lips, seeing a fresh set of tears falling from his eyes. She had no a desire to taste them though.

"Thank you... for everything," She said, and she meant it too. There was no more hurt or malice in her voice. She was done, like a warrior without a war to fight, throwing down her weapon and leaving the battlefield in peace. He forced her to enjoy it, she forced him the same. They were square.

"Don't worry, once I'm gone he'll uncuff you."

She kissed her cock as well. His embrace warm and wonderful on her lips. She pulled away, another blush rising against her creamy skin.

"Maybe some other time," She whispered in his ear, watching below as his limp cock pulled out of the well worn ass. It turned her on so, the shiver running throughout her felt like a good promise of things to come.

"Goodbye," Her suitcase packed, she only needed to throw on some clothing. A cab waited outside, honking impatiently. She could leave now, with a good conscious and a clear head.

Outside, amidst the bumbling city and rainy skyline, nothing else remained.

Except perhaps, for a touch of revenge.

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FantasyTrainFantasyTrain4 months ago

Four smeling GARBAGE!!!

HighBrowHighBrow8 months ago

What did she expect in this category? LOL

Pinto931Pinto93111 months ago

He got exactly what he deserved.

Busman19639Busman19639about 1 year ago

What a wicked woman! I wouldn’t want to get on her wrong side.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

He reaped what he had sown. He had better hope that the cock that raped him did not have an STD. LP

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

He gave her hers... THEN she arranged for him to get his. I'll probably shit a 3" diameter turd for a month! How could he do that when she begged him to stop?

26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

That is one that I didn’t need to read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What a royal pain in the ass... [rim shot] Great revenge story. It was not the hyperbolic, over-the-top work we usually read here. That difference makes it even more effective.

mattenwmattenwalmost 2 years ago

Yes, he raped her, and she didn't report him. If she had, he would have rightfully gone to jail. Stupid of her because she should have done it for every other woman going through the same thing. But, for what she did, she's going to jail. He goes to the hospital for a rape test and then to the police. And she and her partner in crime are going to prison for a very long time. And rightly so. So her right has become her wrong, which she will pay dearly for.

Even though the story is well told, it is sad in its outcome. 4*!

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