A Trout for Emma Wightman


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It struck me as funny. I wanted to laugh but stifled it, and it took away my concentration. Then, I needed quite a bit longer to reach my climax. For her part, Margie was encouraging me to come. I went on well past the usual time I needed to ejaculate. Her bum was pushing up at every stroke and she was trying to squeeze my cock tightly to get me to come quickly.

"Give it to me – give it to me!" she urged, and rubbed my back.

Finally I came, but Margie was just too tense by then to go into an orgasm.

"I'm too scared to lie here and wait for your stuff to sink in," she told me, "let's get back to the boat."

I concluded that Margie really wasn't the outdoors type.

Chapter 7 - Sunday School Reconvenes

When Margie's pregnancy test results confirmed that she was finally going to become a mother she was ecstatic. I was somehow hoping that her child and Sara's offspring never would meet, but that seemed a far-fetched hope. I wasn't quite sure how Sara and Margie would keep their kids apart as teens. Hopefully, one or the other would move somewhere else over the years to avoid the potential of interbreeding or the task of a genetic explanation.

I thought that I should speak to Edna about the issue of the kids' future involvement, so I called her to arrange a chat. I figured that if anyone could manage a family situation of this type, Edna was the girl who could do it successfully. Since these concerns were filling my mind, I assumed that Edna would know why I was coming to see her.

I arrived at her place on the appointed morning, carrying in a box of tools from my truck just in case anyone was watching.

Edna commented, "I was expecting you any day soon – now that Margie has been taken care of."

I started to re-assess my priorities right then, and decided to leave the genetics issue on the back burner. The first thing that struck me was that Edna smelled good. My senses immediately recognized the perfume that she had worn when she was taking care of me over the months leading up to my time with Sara. She looked good too, and her housecoat made me suspect she might be prepared for a friendly encounter. Normally, Edna would be up and dressed early in the morning, especially if a visitor was arriving. She didn't say anything overtly that I could interpret as an invitation, but after all she had agreed to get together when we spoke on the phone. I thought that she would expect me to make the first move, so I did.

"You're looking great today Edna! It's nice to see you again, I've missed you." I told her.

"You mean, you need a willing woman again, is what I think I hear you saying!" Edna replied.

"I guess you must be able to tell that I've been 'doing without' for a while," I answered. "Whenever I start to feel the need I always seem to think about you, Edna."

"So you're still sniffing around after a gal that's almost three times your age?" she asked.

"Ever heard it said 'the older the bones the better the rattle'?" I countered, and moved closer to her.

"I don't think that's one of the things I taught you in Sunday school," replied Edna with a smile.

She sat down on the sofa, so I plunked down beside her and took her hand, telling her, "You're right Edna. I was hoping that you might have good memories of the times we spent together."

So far, Edna wasn't telling me to hit the road, so I stroked her arm a little, and I didn't feel her draw back. Putting my arm around her I gave her a little kiss on the lips, and hugged her. Edna seemed fairly receptive, but Emma's advice was firmly fixed in my mind by now, so I moved along very slowly.

Finally, she told me, "I've thought about the good times we had as well – nice memories – and when you called yesterday I started to think it might be nice to see you again. But, you just make sure that no one hears about you seeing me. All you're doing here is maintenance jobs if there's any need to explain."

I loosened Edna's housecoat and helped her out of it, then we hugged and kissed as we sat on the couch. She turned around sideways, lifted her legs across my lap and rested her back against the arm of the sofa. I pushed her peignoir up and saw that she wasn't wearing panties. I knew then that she must have expected me to want to have some fun with her. Perhaps she really had been daydreaming about seeing me again. As I caressed her she seemed to relish the attention, and soon her leg came up and rested behind my neck. Her goodies opened nicely for me to play with. I moved between her legs. I couldn't resist kissing her pussy, and that led to me exploring her with my tongue. Soon, I was sucking on her clit and teasing it with my tongue in between sucks. Edna had that nice contented look on her face and before long I felt her quiver with an orgasm.

I said, "Let's try the bed." At the same time I was wiggling out of my clothes as fast as I could.

Edna slipped off her peignoir. Her breasts bounced nicely as she walked.

Once on her bed, Edna took hold of my manhood and slid my foreskin down.

She said, "I like seeing that purple monster pop out when I pull the skin down."

It didn't take much of that to bring me to a raging hard-on, so I grabbed Edna and climbed on her.

"Careful," Edna warned, "go in easy. It's been a while and I'm a little tight. Good thing you licked me – the moisture helps a lot"

She guided me to her opening and I gradually worked my way into her. Edna met every stroke with an upward push and I could tell she was enjoying being fucked.

"I like this," she said. "Don't stop, I need to come."

I was able to hold off my own climax long enough for Emma to have a series of three rapid orgasms, and then she urged me on, saying, "Go for it – let me have it – I want it."

After some more long strokes I squirted a few weeks accumulation of semen deep into her. I just stayed on top of her until I softened, enjoying the afterglow.

Edna smiled up at me and said, "In Grade four Sunday school I was teaching you bible stories - and here we are again and I'm still giving you lessons, just a different kind. You're a fast learner. I was impressed when you arrived here this morning - you knew right away that I was interested, and you didn't waste the opportunity."

"I like your kind of lessons Edna," I answered, "do you think we can study another chapter this morning?"

"You young bugger," she replied, "You never get tired, do you? But first, give me a minute to collect myself before we study the next part of the text. You know what? It feels good to be wanted, to feel attractive and sexy again, and to see the effect I have on you."

Edna added, "There's no better compliment to a woman than to ask for seconds – either in bed or in the kitchen!"

"I'd like an extra big plateful, then." I told her.

"One extra big plate of hair pie coming up, Sir." Edna chuckled, and spread her legs wide for me.

Chapter 8 - Finally - One the Same Age

"Hi," said Louisa. "Guess what – Kim is getting married on April 30th."

"Nice," I replied. "I heard about it at the barber shop."

"Did you get an invitation?" Louisa asked.

"No, I don't know her that well and only I know her fiancé to speak to him."

"Well, there will be a lot of the old gang from school there, it should be fun," she said.

Louisa asked, "Do you have the day open? I'd really like to attend, but I hate to go alone. How about coming with me? I have an invitation for myself and an 'escort'. To be honest, my old boyfriend was supposed to go with me but he had to back out. Would you like to go with me? I need a date!"

I liked Louisa. She had been a friend all during high school, but we were never really close. I knew she wouldn't want to go alone. She was a little shy and retiring, but really pleasant to be with. When she told me that the wedding was thirty miles away in the next town, it occurred to me that maybe she didn't have vehicle of her own. Perhaps that had something to do with inviting me, but I wasn't certain of that.

I thought for a minute and said, "Sounds like fun, thanks for inviting me. It'll be nice to see everybody again."

"Great," Louisa said, "I'm so pleased – I'd feel funny going alone, so thanks."

"Well, let me know the details and I'll plan on it. Hope you don't mind travelling in the old truck."

"Just take the traps, tools and gear out of the back so we don't look like total rednecks," she laughed.

"I'll even wash the truck and dust off the seat," I promised. "What kind of clothes – suit jacket and tie?"

"I guess so," Louisa replied, "and let's go early if you don't mind, I'd like to see all the girls again and have some time to talk with everybody."

On the day of the wedding I was ready early, all scrubbed up and in my nicest clothes. Louisa looked great and a wafting of perfume pervaded the air in the truck when she stepped in. She was a petite dark haired girl with a pretty face.

I'd made a point of bringing some wine and coolers along, and some glasses. I remembered the advice Emma had given me about girls, "Go slow and provide something sweet and pleasant with a bit of a kick if I wanted to 'loosen them up'."

I didn't think Louisa would be up for any loving, but the concept was certainly in the back of my mind.

It took us over an hour to get to the wedding. The trip gave me a chance to talk with Louisa. At first she was pretty quiet, but after a while she opened up and became quite chatty. I discovered that she had split with her old boyfriend a year before, and she didn't mention anyone else.

Louisa asked, "So are you going out with anyone these days?"

"Well, you know me," I replied, "I'm not prime boyfriend material."

"What have you been doing lately?" she asked.

"I do repairs and maintenance and get rid of unwanted critters for people. " I told her. "And in the summers I've been salmon seining. This year I might sign on for the winter herring season."

"What have you been doing?" I asked.

"I have two jobs. I'm part time at the library and I'm a cashier at the hardware store. In fact, I've seen you in both places once or twice."

"Come to think of it, I remember seeing you in the hardware store, but not in the library," I told her.

"I work the early shift," Louisa said. "I got the job when a lady called Laura moved to the city to go to university. It fits well with the hardware store as I cashier there afternoons or evenings."

Laura looked at me and asked me another question. "Someone at the library told me that you knew Laura."

"Yes," I answered, "I did some work on her house and yard. I put in a small patio as well. Her mother recommended me to her."

I wondered what else she had heard about me and Laura, but I didn't pursue the subject.

The wedding was fun. Afterward, we talked with a lot of old friends from high school and caught up on all the gossip. The reception was nice, with a great meal and quite a bit of wine. Louisa had been asked to give a little speech about her friend Kim. She must have been fairly nervous speaking in front of all the people, but she did very well. When she sat down she gave a sigh of relief and I poured her a big glass of wine, which she quickly put away. I made sure she had another one, but this time she sipped it.

When the dancing began Louisa was in her element, even though I wasn't. I did my best but I had to admit that I just wasn't built for dancing. Finally, goodbyes were said all around and we headed back north toward home. On the way, I told her that the fishing boat I worked on last summer was tied up at a wharf just a mile or two off the highway.

"Can we see it?" she asked.

"Sure," I replied, and turned off onto the dirt road leading to the dock. "And let's take a couple of coolers down with us – it's a warm night.

The boat was bathed in moonlight. We walked down the wharf to see the vessel. Louisa wanted a closer look, so we climbed aboard.

"I know where the key is," I told her, "and the captain told me to stop by and check if I'm going past the wharf."

We had a look around, and everything seemed fine, so I locked up again.

I said, "Let's go up to the flying bridge and you can see the spot where I sit for hours all summer, looking for salmon jumping."

We had a cooler each on the bridge, sitting in the chairs. I noticed that Louisa was looking a little tipsy, and she was slurring her words.

I took her hand and said, "It's a beautiful night to be here with you," and looked deeply into her eyes.

Louisa was shy, but I could tell that she was getting excited. The drinks over the evening had helped her loosen up considerably. I drew her toward me, and she sat in my lap. I gave her a little kiss on her lips and she responded with a nice deep kiss a moment later. I held her close and kissed her several more times. I could feel her getting more and more excited with each kiss, and when I kissed her neck she pressed her breasts into me. I caressed her slowly, and kept kissing her. Gradually I kissed my way toward her breasts.

"These beautiful breasts deserve some kisses," I whispered to Louisa.

"Don't you dare," she replied.

"But they are so nice," I whispered to her, "I can't resist."

Louisa was wearing a nice topless dress, so I started to pull down the zipper at the back.

"No," she said, "don't."

I continued to unzip her. Soon her dress was unzipped enough that it fell down around her waist. She didn't do anything to pull it back up, and all that covered her breasts was a lacy bra. Remembering Emma's advice about going slow, I kissed her neck again, and trailed a few kisses down to the top of her bra. I went back to kissing her mouth, and I felt Louisa relax.

Kissing seemed to mesmerize her. I cupped a breast in my hand and caressed her, then took my hand away again. More kisses and more fondling seemed very welcome. Louisa was getting hot, so I rubbed one of her nipples through her bra. Her response was tangible. She kissed me harder and longer, and our tongues were meeting. Pulling one bra cup down, I was able to kiss her nipple. Soon I was sucking it and Louisa was responding with nice welcoming sounds.

Remembering Emma's advice once again, I slowed down and went back to kissing Louisa's lips.

I whispered to her, "Let me take your bra off, I want to kiss your breasts."

Louisa leaned forward so I could unclasp her bra, and her breasts were freed. She helped me take the bra off and proudly offered her nipples to me. I sucked on her nipples, alternating between them.

"Feels nice," she said.

I felt her nipples growing harder and harder. I kept caressing her tits and sucking her nipples. Soon Louisa was squirming and breathing harder and harder. We sat down on the deck of the flying bridge and I lifted her dress up, revealing nice lace panties.

I rubbed her through her panties, and she slid them off for me. With her pussy exposed, I slipped my finger in slowly and gently. I found her love button and began to rub it. Louisa's youthful hormones took over and she opened wide for me. My tongue went straight to her womanhood and found her lips and love button.

When I sucked on her clit there was a sudden response. "Help me out of this dress," Louisa asked.

Soon she was naked and I was playing with her goodies. I slipped on a condom that I had brought with me, and went after her pussy with my tongue in earnest. I reached up to work on her nipples at the same time, and she pushed her pussy up into my face as I brought her to a climax. Louisa was wet and getting wetter.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh," she moaned, "it feels so good. Take me, I want you."

She pulled me up to her face, kissing me, and spread her legs for me.

I worked my way into her, finding her a tight fit but very, very wet.

I heard her say, "Uuh, uuh, uuh," as she pushed her hips up at every thrust.

I didn't last long, coming with a big squirt fairly quickly, but I was still hard so I kept working until Louisa squirmed and groaned as her own climax shook her.

"Oh, this deck is hard!" she said. "Let's go to the truck."

Louisa was pretty sight as she climbed off the boat onto the wharf holding her clothes in her arms, and ran up to the truck.

I followed her in. She lay back on the seat, parted her legs, and said, "Kiss me the same way again."

I didn't need a second invitation, and I started to explore her again with my tongue. I found her love button quickly, and groaned, "Nice, nice, nice," as I started to suck and lick.

As Louisa responded I felt I was attached to the very center of her nervous system. I could feel every jump and twitch in her body, and every reaction to my licking and sucking. When she came, I just kept going. I couldn't stop.

As Louisa's quivering died down after her orgasm, I moved up on her as I was hard again. I put on a new condom. She knew what I wanted and helped me in.

This time Louisa was able to talk as I fucked her. "I was hoping that you would want me. I feel so good. I don't think I've ever enjoyed it as much – even though that deck was so hard!"

"I never knew weddings were this much fun," I answered. "You're so pretty and so nice. I can't get enough of you."

"Well, just keep on thumping and try to get enough," Louisa replied, "You can have all you want, it feels so good."

She quivered and said, "Oooh, there's another little one. Nice."

I was a ways off coming, but Louisa had a couple of more little "spurts," as she called the little orgasms. Finally I came with another nice series of spasms.

"I don't want to pull out or get off you," I told her.

"Then just stay there as long as you want," she said. "It feels nice to have you on top of me. It's just the right thing for me. I feel complete and happy with you on me."

I couldn't help kissing her, and didn't stop for a long while. I finally climbed off her, but halfway off I couldn't resist her tits and so I stayed bent over her, sucking her nipples.

"Feels good," Louisa moaned.

We got dressed again and I said to Louisa, "Next time, a bed would be a good idea."

"Any place is good," she said, "Bed or no bed."

I asked if we could get together again soon.

Louisa replied, "That's a silly question. For sure we will."

It was a pleasant ride home. Louisa was half asleep, leaning on my shoulder. I thought back to last year, when I would have been too nervous to make a play for Louisa. I thought of Emma, and silently thanked her for taking me under her wing. Without her willingness to help me grow up I wouldn't be bringing Louisa home a happy, contented and willing woman.

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Ravey19Ravey1911 months ago

Enjoyable, shame we heard no more from Emma but a good story nevertheless.

settledseassettledseasalmost 8 years ago
wondwerful. . . .

Just that it was a wonderful story. When life takes a turn, in a surprising way.

OleguyOleguyover 10 years ago
Impressive !

You surely know haw to make your fellow man JEALOUS.

oldwayneoldwayneabout 11 years ago
I enjoyed your trouser trout story.

Five Stars!

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassabout 11 years ago
Why do all the kids in this town look alike?

Probably because the nameless stud in this story took care of all the willing women! Wow, I'd say he is about the luckiest stiff (pun intended) around. Lucky? Yes, definitely--getting it on with your female Sunday school teacher isn't something every guy can brag about.

Great story. I see there's another chapter, which I'm eager to read.

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20about 11 years ago

I'm a thinking that you have just droped this young man in Valhalla. Great story!!!

oldwayneoldwayneabout 12 years ago
Good stuff!

Five Stars, and thanks for a really enjoyable story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
So far pretty good.

The story was fairly easy to read in spite of minor goofs. It seemed like an actual story not just another amateur attempt at a porno script. I like the guy's appreciation of the female anatomy and his shunning of backdoor explorations. Keep that up and continue to explore the fertility angle if possible and you'll have a fan.

PossibleSlutPossibleSlutover 12 years ago
I wanna


mazzmemazzmeover 12 years ago

Outstanding storyline that flowed quite nicely in an eloquent and enticing format that keeps the reader wanting more. The descriptive sex education theme throughout the beginning chapters also spiced up the story rather well.

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 13 years ago
Nice story, well written.

I felt some kinship with the protagonist(we NEVER did find out his name!), since I also had the chance to have a 42 y. old mistress when I was 25. Did she ever teach me a thing or two!

Thanks for this very nicely done work.

kalodinkalodinabout 13 years ago

Smashing debut. Well written and sure to have broad appeal. Genres in LIT are necessary, I suppose, but they do not do service to a story such as yours; although I'll admit that if one category had to be chosen "Mature" is the one. In any event I look forward to your further work. Best regards, Kal

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Wonderful story!

Fantastic effort! Hope you have plans for many more stories because you are very good at character deveopment quickly and I appreciate that.


peachesmelbapeachesmelbaabout 13 years ago
I wanna

sequel! Heck with breaking it into smaller chapters - certainly managed to keep my attention! :) BUT, I want to find out happens next - does it get serious with Louisa or.... Another great job! Thanks

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftabout 13 years ago
That was real sweet

Real heartwarming.

Powertool79Powertool79about 13 years ago
good story ....

but breaking it into a couple of chapters would have been better, great otherwise. :)

AlpineskierAlpineskierabout 13 years ago

well written. I have read many 'first time' stories and they were all about how fing good the male was or how big he was or how happy he made her. this story kept my complete interest and the story line seemed so natural, so real. please keep writing

Ghostwriter48Ghostwriter48about 13 years ago
Nice and Easy

Your writing about doing things nice and easy is refreshing, to say the least. Not just a wham - bam, thank you maam that some people think is the only way to write a story. Looking to seeing more from you in the future. Keep up the good work.


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