A Virtual Affair

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A virtual reality reveals a hidden passion.
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A Virtual Affair

by sbrooks103x

This is my entry into the "Wicked Games" event. This is a Science Fiction story, so don't expect reality, and be prepared to not only suspend disbelief, but throw it out the window!

I admit to no knowledge of virtual reality.

I want to thank blackrandl1958 for her invitation and of course her editing.

I have to apologize to Randi. Due to problems with my email, I lost her final edits.

Tom Wilson and Harry Brown were avid gamers, and were thrilled when the new virtual reality fighting game called Striking Vipers X came out and were first in line to get it.

Tom's wife Sally was tolerant of his obsession, he kept his purchases within their budget, and his playing time within reason, though she had some concern at the amount of new equipment the new game required.

"Tom, are you sure that we can afford all this?"

Tom hesitated.

"I guess that maybe it is a little much. Why don't we consider it both my birthday and Christmas presents?"

Sally agreed, though she did wonder about his obsession with video games. She had always thought that it was rather adolescent, something that boys put away once they discovered girls.

Well, Tom definitely discovered girls, but unfortunately that didn't mean that he stopped playing his video games.

Sally didn't really mind too much. He didn't overdo it, or let it interfere with their lives. Other husbands played golf, or hunted or fished, this was his hobby.

When Tom first fired up the game, he was concerned that there was no sign of Harry. He searched for a bit, then decided that the game world was bigger than he thought, and hoped to run into Harry sooner or later.

Meanwhile, he found himself under attack, and had to concentrate on defending himself. He was beginning to think that he wasn't going to make it when he noticed someone guarding his back. Soon, they defeated the attackers, and he turned to thank his new ally.

"Thank you, stranger," he said, before noticing that his new ally was a gorgeous woman.

Tom turned around, holding out his hand.

"Thank you, stranger," he said again, "My name is Tomas, I'm kind of new here."

"Me too, Tomas, my name's Helena."

"Well, Helena, we seem to make a pretty good team, and my buddy seems to have gotten lost, want to team up for a while?"

"Sure thing," she said, and they shook hands and headed off to new adventures.

As soon as he logged out of the game Tom called Harry to see what happened to him.

"I don't know, Tom, I was there. I looked around and couldn't find you."

Tom just shrugged his shoulders and went on to other things.

Despite his difficulties in connecting with Harry, Tom had no trouble meeting up with Helena, and found her a charming and, yes, sexy companion. Soon he gave little thought to where Harry was.

About a week after they met, Tomas and Helena had just finished a particularly tough battle, when he leaned over and kissed Helena. He was surprised to get a little tingle through his face piece, but not so surprised as to keep him from giving her a more passionate kiss, wrapping his arms around her.

"I... I've got to go," she said, pulling away and running off.

Tom was afraid that he had scared her off, but there was nothing that he could do about it then, so he logged off.

Harry came over, and they talked about their adventures in the game and how odd it was that never met up.

"I have to tell you, Harry, about this babe I met in the game. Not only is she a great player, but she is hot.

Harry began squirming.

"You can't breathe a word to Sally, but just before you came over, I kissed her. Unfortunately, I think I might have scared her off."

"Don't worry, Bro, my lips are sealed, your secret is safe with me."

"Thanks, Dude. Listen, I'll be online tomorrow around seven, let's see if we can hook up."

Harry squirmed again, but said, "Sure, sure, but, hey, I gotta go, I'll see you online tomorrow."

"That's cool, see you then."

Tom had hoped to introduce Harry to Helena, but she was nowhere to be seen, and Harry's game play left something to be desired.

"I'm sorry, Tom, I just can't seem to get comfortable with the gear."

"Don't sweat it, Harry, tomorrow's another day."

"Yeah, sure, see you then."

But Harry's play didn't seem to be getting any better, which surprised Tom, as Harry was usually an excellent player. After a few days, Harry told Tom he was going to take a break from the game.

"Are you sure? I'm sure if you keep at it, it'll come back to you."

"Nah, I really think I need a break."

"Okay, see you around."

While Sally was happy that Tom was enjoying himself, one problem that she had was that with all the gear, he was pretty much cut off from the rest of the world. Before, if she needed him for something, she just had to call out to him. Now, she had to stop what she was doing, walk over to him, and shake his shoulder. Sometimes he was so into the game that it took a couple of shakes, she even had to poke him a couple of times.

Another problem started out relatively minor, but grew over time. He started spending more time on the system, to the point that they were sometimes a little late getting places. Nothing major, no missed appointments or anything, but it was embarrassing always being late to nights out with friends, often after the time their reservation called for.

Sally was also troubled by how Tom became a little secretive with the new game. Tom was usually anxious to show her his new "toys," but these went right into a locked cabinet in his man cave, and she rarely saw him use it. She was obviously curious, if not suspicious, but there was never anything she could put her finger on, so she let it pass.

Tom had reason to be secretive. With Harry's absence, he met up with Helena again, and their relationship grew closer, even romantic.

One day, Tom took a dangerous step. He suggested that they use some of the more "specialized" attachments, that would allow their characters to have sexual relations.

Helena resisted at first, but ultimately agreed.

Tom picked a day when Sally had a shopping excursion. He went into his man cave, locked the door and got undressed. The most awkward part was the artificial vagina. It reminded him of the Fleshlight, the masturbatory toy that he used to see advertised online, except that it had cables to connect it to the game system.

He put it on, along with the other attachments, got comfortable and fired up the system.

Soon, he was immersed in the game and met up with Helena. Before they could get into any funny business, they were attacked and had to defend themselves. Maybe it was because he was so anxious, but he fought with a fierceness that he had rarely felt, and they were soon victorious.

He wrapped his arms around Helena and gave her a passionate kiss, and as he did, he felt the device on his cock inflate slightly. It felt like he was in a virgin pussy, and he began to slowly thrust in and out, then faster until he felt a massive orgasm. Helena was also spent, and while he wanted to go again, he realized that he needed to get cleaned up before Sally came home.

He put all of his game equipment away, got dressed and was heading to the bathroom just as Sally came in the front door.

"Wow, Tom, you look all flushed, have you been working out."

"N... No, I was playing a game, and it was quite intense, I was just going to take a shower."

"Okay, but don't be too long, I got take-out and you don't want it to get cold."

"Sure thing, Hon," and he beat a hasty retreat to the shower.

Tom wasn't able to find time to have sex with Helena for a while, though they had some hot make out sessions.

The first sign that Sally thought that they might have a problem was when she came home from a visit with some friends a little early, and she heard some mad scrambling coming from Tom's man cave, and Tom met her at the door a little sweaty. She might have been concerned that he was hiding a girlfriend, but she knew that he would never cheat, and besides, there was no way she could have gotten out.

"Are you okay, Tom?" she asked.

"Yeah, sure, you just surprised me coming home early."

"You didn't have to stop. You're good about not playing too much."

"Yeah, well, I appreciate you not giving me a hard time."

Something about his manner seemed a little shifty, but there was nothing that she could figure out.

A few days later Sally was doing some house-cleaning and the door to the man cave was open. Sally usually didn't mess with Tom's stuff, but she looked in and things seemed a bit more disheveled than usual, not that house-keeping was all that high on Tom's list of priorities.

Sally decided that she would be a good little doobie and just give it a quick once over, when the vacuum bumped into the door of the locked cabinet, and it popped open.

She knelt down to close it when some of the equipment fell out. Most of it was the usual, the visor and the special gloves, but one thing was most unusual; it was like a hollow dildo with some wires attached.

Gingerly picking it up she got a whiff of the aroma that any woman who has ever given head knows only too well; it reeked of cum!

She couldn't resist and looked inside the cabinet to find the box the game came in and whatever doubt she had vanished into thin air. He could stick his cock into that, that thing, and pretend that he was fucking some bimbo, and judging by the smell, he wasn't doing a good job of pretending!

As she was putting the shit back, wondering what she was going to say to Tom, she saw something that made her go from upset to livid; it wasn't just a one-person game. There was an option to play with another person remotely. He could be fucking another slut over the Internet. Sally guessed that the other player had a special dildo and bra, or whatever. It creeped her out just thinking about it.

There was no doubt, she and Tom were going to be having a very serious talk when he came home.

Tom came home without a care in the world, but that mood vanished when he opened the door to find Sally sitting there with all the game equipment spread out on the floor in front of her.

"Who is she?" Sally asked.

"Who are you talking about?" Tom replied, not understanding her question.

"Don't play dumb with me! The slut you've been fucking in your damn game."

Understanding slowly came to Tom, and he wasn't sure if the answer was going to be very helpful.

"I don't know who she is. She's just someone in the game, we never even touch each other."

"You might as well be! You're coming for God's sake!"

"How... How did you know that?"

"I can smell your fucking cum in this, this..." she said as she held up the attachment.

Tom had no legitimate response for her.

"I'm sorry, Honey, I'll stop playing."

"You do that," she said, and they locked the game away, with Sally taking the key.

A week or so later, Harry came over for dinner, and seemed a little nervous.

"I haven't seen you in the game," Harry said.

Sally wondered what Tom would say.

Casting a look Sally's way, Tom said, "Yeah, I'm taking a break from the game, I'll tell you about it some time."

Harry looked puzzled, but pushed it aside as they helped Sally clean up before going to the man cave to play some more traditional games.

When Sally went to bed, Tom asked Harry, "So, how are you doing with the game?"

"Not so good. I've been playing with the special features..."

"You mean the sex stuff."

"Yeah, but the person I'd been playing with hasn't been around, and it just hasn't been the same."

"That sucks, man. Sally found out about that chick I was seeing in the game, and when she realized that we were fucking, she hit the roof, and we locked up the game, and she has the key."

"What's this chick's name?"

"Helena," and Harry went pale.

"And what's your character's name?" asked Harry.

"Tomas," and Harry turned white as a sheet.

"Are you okay, Harry? You look like shit."

"No, man, I don't feel well at all. I think I'd better go home."

"You okay to drive? You can crash here if you want."

If anything, Harry turned even paler.

"No, no, I'll be okay."

When they stood up, Tom went to give Harry a bro hug, but Harry flinched away.

"Sorry, Tom, I don't want you catching what I've got," he said, then he nearly ran out the door, with Tom just shaking his head.

Sally was still up when Tom slipped into bed.

"You guys didn't play too long."

"No, Harry wasn't feeling too well. I'll call him in the morning."

"You're a good friend, maybe I'll make some chicken soup for you to take to him."

"That'd be nice, Hon," he said, giving her a soft kiss before rolling over and going to sleep.

There was no answer when Tom called Harry, so as soon as Sally got the container of soup ready, he decided to just head over.

"You sure you don't want me to come along?" Sally asked.

"I don't think so, I have a feeling that this is guy talk, but I'll be sure to call you if we need you."

"You do that, and give Harry my love."

"Will do," and with a kiss, he was on his way.

Harry's door was unlocked, so Tom walked into the darkened house to find Harry on the sofa with his head in his hands. He quickly put the soup in the kitchen and went to sit beside his friend.

Harry looked with his eyes red from crying.

Tom put his arm around Harry and asked, "What's the matter, Buddy, did someone die?"

"No, but maybe our friendship."

"No way! How could you think such a thing?"

"Because I... I'm Helena."

Tom was shocked into silence for a few moments.

"You're Helena? But Helena's a woman. I fucked Helena. How is that even possible?"

"I was looking at the user manual. There's some special programming in the head piece that tricks a man into thinking that he's getting... that tricks him into thinking he's getting fucked, even as in reality he's doing the fucking."

"That's crazy. Why would you even think of such a thing?"

"I don't know, at first I just thought it would just be a little kinky, like a role play. Then I thought about how much we love each other, but could never really fully express it."

"That's right, because we can't. I loved you like a brother, not like a..."

"You don't have to say it, I get it.

"I was just trying it out before talking to you about it. I never thought that Tomas was you."

Tom stood up.

"Enjoy the soup, you can keep the container." Tom said as he left Harry's home.

When Tom came home, Sally was concerned.

"How's Harry?" she asked.

"You don't want to know," he said as he sat heavily onto the couch.

"Of course I do," Sally said, sitting beside him, putting her arm around him. "He's your best friend."

"Not anymore."

"You can't mean that. He was Best Man at our wedding."

Tom took a couple of deep breaths.

"Remember when I fucked that woman in the game?"

"Don't remind me, I'm just getting over it."

"Well, try getting over this. That wasn't a woman, it was Harry."

"What? How is that possible?"

"Apparently, Harry found something in the game programming, and he wasn't satisfied with just our brotherly love."

"What are you going to do now?"

"Damned if I know. The first thing I'm going to do is put that fucking game up on eBay, I don't think I can bear to look at it again."

"I mean about Harry."

"I don't know. Like you said, he's been my friend, my best friend, forever, but how can I be around him wondering what he's thinking about us?"

"You don't think that he'd really want to have sex with you, do you?"

"That's part of my problem; I just don't know."

"Would it be so bad if he did? Want to. I mean, not actually do it?

"I guess not. It'd probably be a little awkward at first, but I guess I'd get over it."

"Why don't we sleep on it, it's all very raw right now."

That's just what they did, but soon the decision was taken out of their hands.

A few days later the doorbell rang, and Sally answered it to find Harry there.

"Harry, you know you don't have to ring the bell."

"Under the circumstances, I thought I should," he said as he handed her the soup container. "Is Tom around?"

"Yes, let me get him. Tom, Harry's here."

Tom came into the front hall.

"Hi, Harry."

"Hi, Tom. I just came by to say so long."

"You're leaving?"

"For a while anyway. I have some things to work through."

"When will you be back?"

"I'm not sure. After I figure things out."

As Harry turned to leave, Tom said, "You're leaving without even a hug good-bye?" as he approached Harry with his arms open, but instead of a hug, gave Tom a big kiss on the lips and left Tom and Sally dumb-founded.

By the time they recovered, Harry was already in his car heading down the road.

The next time Tom drove by Harry's house there was a For Sale sign, and Harry's boss said that he had resigned, with just a lawyer's name as a contact.

The lawyer was no help, as his instructions barred him from releasing any personal information. Tom left a note with the lawyer, but wasn't hopeful that he'd be hearing from Harry anytime soon, if at all.

Tom returned home, where Sally comforted him on the loss of his friend.

The End

Author's Note: Some may feel that this is unfinished, but in my mind it is. I invite anyone who wishes to do as they wish. While I would prefer that they'd be of the "what happened next" variety, if you'd rather do an alternate ending, you have my blessing.

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sbrooks103xsbrooks103x2 months agoAuthor

Hey, Jeff, I have no big ego about my stories, all that I will say is that better writers than you think they are okay.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeff3 months ago

Wow! Your stories are as poorly written as all the shitty comments you leave on most stories.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc3 months ago

Rushed ending, for sure, but definitely finished. Would have been nice to know what was going through Tom’s head and/or expand what his wife thought about the virtual cheating. 3.9*

nlrchiefnlrchief3 months ago

Plagiarism of Netflix series, Black Mirror episode from 2019

6King6King3 months ago


NudeInMaineNudeInMaine3 months ago

Good read. I always thought VR sex would be hot / fun.

BSreaderBSreader3 months ago

Impressed with it

ReadyOneReadyOne3 months ago

No problem with the ending. Such is life.


Many will just run when there is an unresolable (love) conflict. You occasionally wonder what ever happened to the one who ghosted you.

Sterenn1969Sterenn19693 months ago

The few things Harry had to work out....6 months later, Harry/Helena shows back up in real life, the sex change operation was a success.

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