A White Tiger and The Wolf Ch. 12


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The Isolation ward had been scrubbed and everything had been made ready to accept the new arrivals which would be rescued from Lazlo's lower dungeon soon. No one knew just how bad they would be but, it was surmised that the people rescued would be in a very bad way.

Bradley, Travis, Eric, Riley, Sebastian, Shane, Marcus and Alexandra which were some of Bradley's Beta's and Matthew and Thomas of the Royal guards and about six other wolves from surrounding packs were all standing outside the mansion waiting for Kay and Connie and John to meet them there. They were all dressed in camouflage clothes.

Connie was talking to John and Kay and her body guards in the armoury.

All of them were dressed in camouflage clothes and her mom was adding knives to her sides that were strapped to her legs.

Her dad and Zippy, Bungle, George and Jeffery had their guns in shoulder holsters as well as knives strapped to their legs.

Zippy was adding some tear gas canisters to his utility belt in case of trouble. Everyone just wanted to make sure they had thought of everything that could go wrong.

Kay didn't carry a weapon she had her own weapons within herself and had proven them in the last few hours as her mom and dad had been practicing with her to fine tune some of them as Bradley was still being over protective.

They made their way to the front of the mansion and met everyone else and just then Marmaduke turned up also in camouflage gear carry a rifle strapped to his back.

"Right is everyone ready", asked Bradley.

"Yes", they replied.

Connie turned to Marmaduke.

"Now close your eyes and picture Lazlo's Compound in your mind, got the picture," she asked Marmaduke.

"Yeah, got it"

"Now then picture in your mind the entrance to the lower dungeon".

"Yeah, got that"

"What ever you do don't let go of that image. Everyone hold hands, close your eyes", asked Connie. "Marmaduke still got the image of the entrance in your mind", she asked.

"Yeah", he replied.

Next thing everyone felt the same sensation like their bodies were been squashed up and then released again.

They had now stopped moving and everyone opened their eyes.

They were now at Lazlo's compound and the place looked deserted.

"Right lets get things moving as it is getting late and we don't know how much time we have without been discovered", said Bradley.

He posted some guards near the entrance for back up in case of problems.

Marmaduke stood outside with the guards as he was not going to go inside the dungeon.

"Right honey can you freeze everyone inside to be on the safe side in case there are guards in there", asked Bradley.

Kay stood facing the door and placed her hands near the door and projected the word freeze outwards towards the occupants inside the lower dungeon.

"Done I think", she said.

"Only one way to find out", said Connie and blasted the door away with her hands raised towards the door.

"My god look at that", said Eric.

Connie stepped towards Eric.

"You haven't seen what we can do yet once we put our minds to it", she said chuckling.

The Beta's, Bradley and John entered the dungeon.

The first thing that hit them was the smell like burnt flesh and then they could smell blood and lots of it. The dungeon felt cold and wet and there were rats running all over the place.

They went a bit further in and could see just about from torches lining the walls that just about give out a bit of light.

In front of them were about 4 very large dogs which were all frozen in place.

Kay and Connie followed them in slowly. Kay noticed the dogs and asked if they were dogs or shifters as she couldn't tell the difference yet as good as some of the others.

"These are dogs, honey", replied Bradley.

Kay started to glow a bit and thought of the word cage and all of a sudden the dogs were contained inside a cage.

Just behind the dogs were about twelve cells.

The doors were funny some were barred and some had solid wooden doors with just metal plates in the door supposedly so you could see the captive inside.

Kay and Connie started making blankets appear in their hands.

John and Bradley went to the first door.

It was a solid black wooden door they opened the plate and peered inside there was a man or what was left of him chained to the wall he was covered in whip and bite marks.

"Who has the bolt cutters?" asked John.

"I do" replied Travis.

Travis cut the lock of the cell and they opened the door.

The smell of blood was very strong in here.

The man started to shake very badly and whispered "Please don't whip me anymore".

John entered the cell as well as Travis.

"We are not going to hurt you, we are getting you out of here, please try and be still while we remove the chains", he asked softly.

Travis winced when he walked over to the man and removed his chains. This man had hardly any flesh that wasn't covered in bruises and bites and whip marks. He was extremely thin.

They got him out of the cell and wrapped him in a thick blanket and passed him on to Connie and Kay while they went to the next cell.

Connie and Kay gave the man some water to drink and led him outside. It was decided that Kay would teleport him back to the compound so Nathan could start treating him.

When Kay had left Travis emerged from the dungeon with a small girl wrapped in a blanket she was very thin and hadn't even got the strength to stand let alone walk.

Connie teleported straight to Nathan.

Kay returned and was getting ready outside for the next person when Eric walked out and threw up, he just couldn't understand the damage done to the next victim to be carried outside.

John was carrying a young girl wrapped tightly in a blanket she seemed to be clinging to him for dear life. At a guess she was properly about 19yrs old and was nothing but skin and bone covered in blood and what looked like semen and crap all over her.

"Kay take her straight back and make sure she has a shower before she has any treatment as she is filthy dirty", said John in a sad voice.

Kay teleported her straight back to the compound and when she got to the medical centre her mom was just getting ready to leave.

"Mom, before you go I think you had better take Mason with you so he can access them as they come out ".

"Are you ok coping with this Kay", asked Connie.

"I will be alright as soon as we get them out of there", Kay replied.

Her mom departed and Kay took the girl into the medical centre and met Sarah.

"Sarah can you give this girl a shower before taking her into the treatment room she is filthy", asked Kay.

Kay left the girl with Sarah and walked outside. Samantha came to her and put her arm around her she could see that Kay was really upset.

"Kay, why don't you take a break for a while", asked Samantha.

"Oh god Sam, it is worse than I thought it would be, but, I must continue to help them, I cannot leave them there any longer".

"Kay, if you want to talk afterward just come find me ok".

"Ok, thanks I will need a shoulder to cry on by then".

Samantha went back into the medical centre and Kay teleported herself back to the dungeon.

While Kay had been back at the compound they had got another three people waiting to go back.

All were in their late teens and like the previous girl they were all filthy. There were two girls and a boy.

Bradley came out and gave Kay a hug he could feel through their bond just how upset she was. He was feeling so angry himself and would feel a lot better when these people were back at the compound getting the medical treatment they needed.

"Kay, all these three were chained in the same cell and they are all snow foxes. They are a very rare breed of were and they have been here for the last ten years".

"Is that why they are so small", Kay asked.

"Yes before the lad passed out he told me they have been here after been captured in Peru and they are all related to each other".

"Oh god Brad how many more cells have you got to open".

"Honey we have got six more to open and then there is one in a very dark corner but we haven't got in there yet because what ever is in there is growling a lot and is in a right state".

"Have you found Zina yet".

Just then Connie came rushing out and in her arms was a young girl and she looked the splitting image as Angelica.

Connie had her wrapped in a blanket and was crying with her in her arms rocking backwards and forwards.

Mason came over and gave the girl a shot of pain killer.

The girl didn't even respond. She was just starring at everyone like she didn't understand.

Zina could feel someone arms around her and for the first time in forever she was outside she could feel the breeze on her face.

She felt save in this woman's arms and she had a familiar smell but she couldn't put her finger on it as to what it was.

"Connie, open the blanket and let me look at her please", asked Mason gently.

He could tell that this was going to be very hard on Connie she was holding her niece in her arms or what was left of her anyway.

Connie looked at Mason as she unwrapped the blanket for him to assess the damage done to her.

Mason was finding this hard to cope with but, it needed to be done, this young girl had nearly all her ribs broken there were welts on her back front and legs. She looked like she had been used over and over again for sex. Both her nipples were pieced with very thick gold rings and by the size of the nipples they were probably used for weights to hang off the nipples making them longer.

"Connie we need to get her back now", Said Mason gently.

Mason wrapped Zina back up and gave Connie a note for Nathan back at the compound and then Connie disappeared.

John came out then carrying another girl wrapped in a blanket.

Nathan had a quick look wrote a few lines on a bit of paper and then John vanished.

Riley and Sebastian came out next each carry a bundle of would like blankets but in actual fact it was a very old man and woman and these were tigers. They were very thin and filthy.

Kay called over Zippy and Bungle and together they teleported them back to the medical centre.

They were met at the medical centre by Arthur and Sally.

"We want to help take care of the people you are rescuing", they said.

"Fine this is an elderly couple we think they are tigers. Firstly give them a shower and then take them to Nathan for treatment".

"One other thing before you go though, thanks for your help".

Meanwhile back at the dungeon. Riley and Shane just came out with four men and these were human or what was left of them anyway. They had all been abused and had welt marks on them nearly all of them had broken ribs. One man had a laceration down his back which had gone septic. There was a very thin guy, you could almost see his bones and he couldn't stop shaking.

Just then Kay reappeared with Zippy and Bungle and John.

John got Matthew and Thomas and Riley to help him get them back and then he disappeared.

Bradley came out right then.

"Marcus did you bring the stun gun", asked Bradley.

"Yeah!" he replied.

"I think we have no option but to sedate this being who or what ever it is as it is in a very agitated condition", said Bradley.

"Right everyone out who doesn't need to be in here", said Bradley.

Everyone came out of the dungeon and Marcus, John and Bradley went back in. They removed the lock from the door.

"Brad instead of sedating him I could freeze him, before you open the door", said Kay.

"Are sure you can, it should have been frozen when froze the others the first time", asked Bradley.

"Well how about this then I will try and freeze him first, if it doesn't work then you can sedate him".

"Ok ".

Kay concentrated really hard and started glowing again as she did before, she held her hand out towards the door and said freeze in her mind to the creature behind the door.

All of a sudden the noise and the growling stopped.

Marcus very carefully opened the door and there on the floor was the biggest white Tiger that they had ever seen.

The tiger was even bigger than Kay and its paws were like dustbin lids.

Kay was wondering who on earth this could be as she was told by her mom and there was only her and her mom and now Angelica left that were full white tigers.

It took eight men to get the big cat outside into the open air.

Kay looked at the tiger its eyes were moving and he was breathing.

"You are going to have to shift for us to be able to help you", she said.

There was no response from the Tiger.

So Kay decided that the best option would be to get everyone back home and then decide what was to be done.

She held her arms out by the tiger and thought the word cage and the tiger was then surrounded by a cage.

"Everyone we have to leave now", she said.

Everyone held hands and then she teleported them back to the compound it had taken them nearly two hours to get everyone out but at least they had managed to do it without Lazlo coming back.

The tiger in the cage was lying on its side.

Kay was standing looking at it.

Kay started removing her cloths closed eyes thought of the word release and then started glowing and then her skin started shimmering. Then in the place where Kay was there was now a Pure White Tiger like the one in the cage except the one in the cage was slightly bigger.

Kay stretched and then roared the tiger in the cage got to his feet and tried to reach through the bars towards Kay.

Kay's tiger was curious and placed its face near the cage and the other tiger liked Kay's face.

Just then Bradley came over he stripped and changed into his wolf form and went to Kay she sniffed him and then they both turned to the tiger in the cage.

"If we are going to help you, you have to shift back to your human self", said Kay telepathy to the tiger.

"I don't know who you are but you smell familiar to me", it said.

"My name is Princess Kay Angelica Black formally my last name was Potter. This is my mate Prince Bradley Black who is also Alpha of the Black Wolf Pack where you currently are", said Kay.

"Do you know whether you mom is still alive", it asked.

"Yes is in actual fact both my parents are still alive and both of them are here now", Kay replied.

All of a sudden the tiger shifted back to a human and was sobbing his heart out as indeed it was a man a very big man at that.

Kay and Bradley shifted back and Kay made sweats appear for both of them and the man in the cage.

Kay looked at the cage glowed a bit and then the cage disappeared.

Kay made a blanket appear and handed it to the man who was still sobbing.

"Who are you?" asked Bradley.

"I'm Phillip, Connie's brother we were separated fifteen years ago", he replied shakily.

"Come on lets get you into the medical centre", said Kay.

But when Phillip tried to stand it came to light there was something wrong with his right leg as he was limping rather badly.

As they entered the medical centre Connie was just coming through from a side room where Zina was being treated and she looked up spotted her brother and promptly fainted.

----------------------------------------------To be Continued.

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bearmad1963bearmad1963over 8 years agoAuthor
New wattpad name

My new wattpad name is bearmad50kayclarke. Come and join me.

bearmad1963bearmad1963over 8 years agoAuthor
My book will no longer be posted here SORRY

I have been told by a few of my readers that my work is been copied and used in other stories.

I have now transferred all of my story to wattpad. I'm sick of people copying my story and using it.

My watt pad name is bearmad50 this is the link for you.


I have posted chapters 1 - 14 on that sight. Please come and check it out. I will no longer be posing this story here. Bye thanks for all your support over the years. From Kay.

arelativearelativeover 12 years ago

nvm ignore that.... lack of sleep talking

arelativearelativeover 12 years ago

october 2nd and no chapter... is there any chance of it being posted soon?

DarlaJeanneDarlaJeannealmost 13 years ago
Can't wait....

I am enjoying this story very much...please keep it going want to hear all about the different people and what happens to them.....keep up the good work

ladybug71ladybug71almost 13 years ago
It's August 16th....

so, where is chapter 13, Beardmad1963??? You have left us all dangling here and I'm "jonesing" for my next Kay/Bradley chapter. Please post it ASAP!! Thank you!!!

bearmad1963bearmad1963almost 13 years agoAuthor
Chapter 13

Chapter 13 is been written now with any luck it should be on line very soon. I have an editor so hopefully things will flow a little better now.

I'm hoping to get the chapter finished before next week as I have to have another spell in the hospital.

Take care and thanks for your continued support of my story.

From Kay bearmad1963

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Like it,,,,NEXT CHAPTER,,,WHEN???????

I like your stories and plots,but you need to get an editor,or use spell check....example,,.start faze(phase) two of your plan sir,,here,,should have been hear,,,and other errors,but for the story,i guess i can overlook a few mistakes,all else is great,,just need to get the next chapter done,lol,,,thanks...

TorChaTorChaalmost 13 years ago
Oh Man to cut it there

Shame On you cutting the Chapter there, You could have at Lest Let brother and Sister get back together.

I like short of the cut off.

icis2010icis2010almost 13 years ago
love it!

just wanted to let you know that i love the story so far. Please dont make us wait too long for the next chapter.

devilcowgurl6devilcowgurl6almost 13 years ago
More Please!

I can't wait for the next chapter! Please hurry!

mokkelkemokkelkealmost 13 years ago

everything is starting to unfold even more now! curious as to how it all will tie in together

christyw744christyw744almost 13 years ago
Very Good

I am really enjoying this story, I hope the next post doesn't take so long.

mikothebabymikothebabyalmost 13 years ago
I am so loving this chapter

I hope you post again soon. I have been following this from the beginning and can not wait for next chapter

foxy_lady76foxy_lady76almost 13 years ago

another cliffhanger.... great... can't wait until the next installment in this story. hurry up and write need to know all about Connie's family and why Lazio kidnapped her family members

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