A Wife Teaches Her Young Nephew

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Her husband secretly watches.
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Faye woke from her dream with a start. She remembered most dreams but this one shocked her.

In the dream, Faye was engaged in kissing her nephew, a boy age 18, called Rui. (pronounced Roo-ee). The scene was hot and when she woke, Faye let it play out in her mind. She became aroused. After half a minute, she came to her senses and turned over in bed to face her husband. He was awake already.

For a short time they talked about where the smell of freshly baked bread was coming from. Then Faye asked, ''What do you think of Rui?''

''He's a nice kid. Looks young for his age. I notice he always looks at you.''

Faye had noticed as well. He was a good-looking boy, small in height at 5' 6'' and had small hands, Faye realised. She was certain that Rui was either gay or he wished he was a woman. There was a vulnerable side to her nephew. Was it because he'd been adopted by Faye's sister in Hong Kong and then relocated to two further places in Asia as her sister moved jobs? The boy had travelled to England to stay the summer with his aunt, Faye. Rui also had unusual ways of talking sometimes and, having dreamed of him, it made Faye feel uncomfortable.

At breakfast, Faye said she'd take Rui to her club for a swim. He beamed a smile. As Faye turned to take dishes back to the sink she noticed from the window reflection that Rui couldn't take his eyes off Faye's bottom - she wore tight blue jeans. She was proud of her figure. At age 40, Faye was used to having men's eyes lingering on her body. Friends said she looked similar to Gwyneth Paltrow because Faye had the same straight long blonde hair, blue eyes, strong nose and ready smile.

An hour later, both she and Rui were in the pool. They were in the deep end, away from other swimmers. Rui kept jumping off the lowest springboard while holding his nose and it reminded Faye of a child having fun. She couldn't help but notice the shape of his hips - rounder, larger than other boys of 18. And the shape of his penis outlined by the wet fabric of his trunks - the sway of it, heavy, larger than her husband's cock.

Eventually, Rui came to rest by the steps where Faye had been keeping an eye on him. He bounced around in the water in front of Faye who held onto the side of the pool. Rui came to rest with his hands on her shoulders so he could hold himself steady in the water. Faye put her hand on his waist to support her boy. It surprised Faye how she'd come to regard her nephew as 'her boy' and she wondered why?

The water motion from other swimmers had Rui colliding into Faye's chest but he laughed and let his hands clasp behind her neck. To Faye it was a normal family touch except Rui's groin came into contact with her hips. And it happened more than once. Could it be, she thought, that her boy wanted to have his groin bump against her? Butterflies went through her tummy and upwards.

He might have seen her discomfort and said, ''Is it okay for Woowe to come close like this?''

''Woowe?'' she said. ''Your name is Rui.''

''Yes, I know but I can't say the R always.'' He bit his lip which made him look vulnerable.

Faye wanted to reach out to him. ''It's alright, Rui.'' She needed more time to figure out his way of talking (''is it okay for Woowe ...''). He seemed to assume it was okay to have his cock frequently nudge her and Faye felt it best to say nothing although she felt her stomach flutter and tighten.

Rui said, ''You're like a mum to me. Can Woowe call you Mummy?'' His dark espresso eyes lit up with excitement.

''Well, it's complicated but my sister is your mum by law.''

''I know.'' He hugged Faye and the water motion pushed their groins together.

In desperation to say something she said, ''You can call me Mummy while you're staying with us.''

Rui was delighted and flopped back into the water to splash around.

Faye's mind grappled with the signals from her boy, intended or not, but her body liked the physical contact from him. Later they returned to the house.

During the morning, Faye kept a discreet eye on Rui. He spent the time before lunch doing a puzzle on the kitchen table. She noticed Rui had returned to speaking normally and never referred to Faye as his mummy.

During lunch, Rui would spend longer looking at Faye and far less time at his uncle. She reckoned that Spencer was right to say that Rui had eyes for her most of the time. She smiled when Spencer came up behind her later and whispered, ''Rui has smouldering eyes for you.''

Faye made sure Rui was not in the room. ''He's just an 18-year-old boy ... my nephew.''

''But Rui is pretty and has a girlie side to him. He might make a pass at you.''

''Don't worry, Spencer, he won't want to touch me.'' Faye turned to put a pan away and felt guilty for not saying what had happened at the pool. She said, ''If Rui wants to talk or he has a problem, it's only right to listen and help if we can.''

Spencer snorted and went outside.

For some reason which Faye could not fathom, she went upstairs to her bedroom. She'd had a quick shower at the pool and thought about having a cold shower now. While she made up her mind, Faye looked through her lingerie drawer, a wide top drawer with a neat arrangement of bras and panties. On impulse, she walked into her bathroom, locked the door and had a cold shower.

After she'd dried, Faye strolled into the bedroom with her bath towel tucked under her armpits. There, on top of the bed, was one of her black lace bras and matching panties from Agent Provocateur. The triangle bra lace was delicate with a wide-spaced design which meant her nipples would be clearly visible. And the V-shape Brazilian briefs would show her landing-strip pubic hair with the gusset only just covering her clit. It was one of her sexiest lingerie sets and always made her horny when worn.

Her bedroom door had been left slightly agar but there was no sign of anyone on the landing. Which man, she wondered, had invited her to play?

10 minutes later and Faye was downstairs making tea. She called out, ''Tea is ready.'' Rui appeared and he came to sit outside with her on the padded swing-seat which was in a secluded part of the terrace. He cuddled up next to her, his head against her upper-arm and Faye automatically brought her arm around his shoulders. It allowed Rui to sink into the hollow space under Faye's arm.

''Woowe loves Mummy,'' he said as he tucked his legs up on the seat.

''Oh, thank you, Rui. I love you too.''

''Can I tell you secrets?'' He looked for reassurance from Faye before he continued, ''I need to tell someone because I've been bottling it up.''

She looked down at him tucked into her left underarm. His face looked up. ''Are they naughty secrets?'' she asked. Faye was probing whether it was Rui who put out her lingerie.

''Not naughty. Just embarrassing.'' He paused while they looked at each other. ''I don't know how I fit into society ... sexually ... I have mixed up feelings. Boys back home want to do things to me. I'm still a virgin in all things.'' Rui chewed his lower lip which made it swell.

Faye's heart went out to him. ''These boys at home ... are they nice to you?''

''Yes. But I'm not sure I want to touch them which is what they suggest.''

''Well ... if you prefer adult men it's fine.''

''I like some men. But I also like you ... very much, Mummy.''

''Yes, but what about girls your age? Do you like some of them in a sexual way?''

''I think they don't understand me. I think Mummy understands Woowe. Hope so.'' His worried eyes looked larger.

Faye realised that Rui's head was close to her left breast and each time he spoke his face moved against her side. It concerned Faye that her nipple nearest his mouth had gone hard with desire. ''I'll try to understand all about you, Rui.'' She thought it might be advisable to call Spencer to join them in the conversation but she suspected her husband would just disapprove and go away.

Rui said, ''Can I touch you there, Mummy?'' He held his finger an inch from her left breast.

Although normally Faye would have been shocked had any other adult asked this, her reply came out differently, ''You're not a baby but if you want to pretend to be my baby, then ...'' She shrugged.

''I never took milk from my other mummy and I wish I knew what it was like.'' He used his arm to lever himself away from Faye before Rui tentatively put his hand on the side of her covered breast. She wore a tight black button-shirt.

There was a few seconds of silence while Rui kept his warm hand there and Faye hesitated. It gave her a maternal feeling but she felt it was wrong and said, ''What would Spencer say?'' Faye saw how small Rui's hand was. It sent a pang of longing through her because she felt needed by her boy and she could help him.

Rui said, ''Can I act like I'm your baby? Would that hurt Mummy?''

''No, it wouldn't hurt me but if Spencer were here he might stop me.''

''But uncle Spencer would see there is no harm.'' Rui's words seemed so sure.

Faye nodded. Rui kneaded her breast. As she leaned back and closed her eyes, Faye heard a noise from inside the house. It had to be her husband, the noise had come from the other side of the open window behind her. Had Spencer been listening or watching? she wondered. Perhaps Rui had already detected that Spencer was there, thought Faye.

Rui said, ''Apparently, those people who like touching and like receiving touch live happier lives.'' He adjusted his sitting position to have his head on her shoulder and said, ''I read that. It made me realise I haven't touched anyone properly.''

It made sense to Faye.

''Woowe wants to touch your other breast,'' he said.

Faye was going to say one boob was enough but her words didn't come out. Rui leaned across and glided his small hand over the shirt. In so doing, the top button of her shirt sprang open.

''Oh, Mummy. Look at that.'' He sounded in awe. ''You look fabulous.''

The smile just sprang across Faye's lips. ''Have you seen my bra before?''

''No. Can I see it now, Mummy?'' He had big pleading eyes.

Would it do any harm for Rui to see her bra? She thought not. Her fingers undid her shirt and Rui helped her take it off.

''You're so beautiful,'' he said as he lay on the padded seat. He put his head onto her lap and turned his body to face up at her. His fingers traced along the outside edge of each triangle of lace.

The turmoil in her head overtook what Rui was doing. Was it her husband who had put out her lingerie set which she now wore? And was he looking from behind the window? Meanwhile, without realising it, her nipples were protruding through the lace and the physical pleasure it was giving her felt wrong.

''Can we pretend,'' asked Rui who rested his head on her lap, his big eyes looking up at her.


''Show me how a baby would take milk ... mummy's milk ... make-believe, so Uncle doesn't get upset.''

A low squeak behind her sounded like a window being opened wider. ''I guess,'' she raised her voice, ''if Spencer thought this was a bad idea he'd stop me.'' Faye unclasped her bra and took it off to let her breasts fall free. They were shaped like teardrops with her nipples in a slight upward projection. They were inches away from Rui's face.

''What does Woowe do now, Mummy?''

Her heart rate had slowed to a thump. ''Your lips are swollen ... my little boy.'' The idea of playing for time, to get control, to think, evaporated as her body took over. Her fingers ran along the length of Rui's lips and over his teeth. ''Try not to bit me ... your lips need to cover my nipple ... like this.'' Faye leant forward and down so that her right nipple touched his lips. He opened. She manoeuvred her teat between his lips.

''Open wider,'' she cooed, not caring if her voice could be heard at the window. It was necessary to adjust Rui's position and her right arm gave support to his head. The top part of his body rested on her knees and the remaining part of his torso was flat on his back across the seat. She wore a loose skirt which had creased up under Rui's weight. ''We can pretend ... which means no milk will come out. Your lips should come around my whole nipple. A baby would squeeze with its lips and suck.''

As Rui took in as much breast as he could, he then sucked to draw milk. The feel of his tongue across her swollen nipple, the constant lick, the intake of her breast further into his throat, in and out caused Faye's body to goosebump. ''Slowly, my little boy.'' His eyes looked up and never left her face. In seconds her pussy felt damp and she edged her legs apart to make it more comfortable. ''We must stop in a minute, Rui.''

As Faye watched him suckling, her mind grappled with the facts. ''You're my nephew and I'm just letting you see what it might have been like if you had had your mummy like this.'' It didn't sound to Faye that her words carried conviction. She felt slightly faint. ''You mustn't tell my sister.'' He gave a nod and increased his suction. ''It's taboo.''

Faye's legs helped to support Rui and she found her left hand now caressing her inside thighs. She pushed her hips further to the edge of the seat so that her hand could touch her panties more easily. Faye said, ''My panties match the lace of my bra. Did you know that, Rui darling?''

He shook his head and stopped sucking. His blink was slow, languid and sent a message to her pussy because he seemed to understand where her hand was. The desperation to frig herself was strong, her fingers worked her pussy which flowed love juice. The erotic feeling was increased by the near-certainty that it was her husband who had selected her lingerie. Pushing her panties to one side she stroked her pussy.

''As a treat, Rui, I'm going to show you what it would be like to have milk from Mummy.'' His lips widened to reveal his tongue gliding over her nipple. Her fingers were covered in liquid. ''I'm going to give my baby my pussy juice ... so open a little, darling.'' Faye pushed two fingers, soaked in her precum, between her breast and his lips and spread it around her nipple. He drew her breast in and sucked with a gurgling sound.

Without thinking she put her hand back to her pussy. Rui lifted his bottom to help her. Faye dipped her fingers deep into her pussy and fed the wet fingers back to her breast. ''There ... take Mummy's milk.'' She smiled with love. Several times she did this for Rui and then Faye changed breasts. The process started again. This time, Rui had his small hand on her breast to help squeeze it. She continued to stroke herself and feed her boy with her pungent juice.

She gently said, ''I think you have an erection. Shall I see?'' It struck her that she hadn't meant to say these words but they just came out. Rui nodded but Faye tried to backtrack with, ''I think maybe Spencer would disapprove so we better not.''

Rui let his lips go free for a moment. They were covered in the milky mix of her pussy fluid and his saliva. He said with a slushiness to his voice, ''Uncle would be okay. Please undo me ... otherwise, I will burst. Please, Mummy.''

Faye knew Spencer was at the window behind her because of the occasion rustle and a whiff of his aftershave. She expected him to intervene. 10 seconds later and nobody was stopping her. She bit her lower lip and caressed down Rui's leg. Her fingers unzipped his shorts. Rui raised his bum and Faye pulled the shorts down enough for him to kick them away. She admired the sight of Rui. ''Your underpants are so wet, Rui. I can see your erection needs to be released.'' But she hesitated. It wasn't meant to go this far, she decided. The sight reminded her of the pool in which she had noticed the size of him stuck to his wet bathing shorts.

He stopped sucking and pleaded, ''Please bring me out, Mummy and feed me some of my wetness alongside your breast. Woowe wants this. Woowe wants Mummy.'' His little tongue had emerged next to her breast and he looked adorable, thought Faye.

''So, if I pull aside your briefs to see what's underneath and ... oh my gosh ... you are big. Let me push these underpants down to see everything.'' He moved his bum and legs to help. It appeared his cock was over-sized for Rui's slight body, his 5'6'' frame, his small hands and feet. The temptation to touch it was overwhelming. ''I'm sure my husband wouldn't want me to touch your cock, Rui my darling.'' She stroked his inside legs as Rui widened them. Where was Spencer? her brain demanded. Her inner voice whispered, ''He's right behind you, watching, observing, listening. He wants you to finger Rui. Your husband is allowing you to take your pleasure so do it. Do it.''

Faye felt light-headed and said, ''I can hold your balls but I must not do anything further.'' They were heavy. ''Has anyone else touched these, Rui, apart from you?'' She wondered if Rui had given in to other boys.

He spoke while holding onto her breast with both hands, his fingers pressing a rhythm around her enlarged nipple in the same way a baby would squeeze out milk, ''Another boy has masturbated Woowe a few times and I liked it. But I'm still a virgin because I haven't made love to anybody. Mummy help me?''

''Yes.'' She caressed his balls with her hand, weighed them and realised there was a lot of pent-up spunk ready to gush out. She said, ''I'm going to teach you how to make love to a woman and afterwards you won't be a virgin anymore.'' Her words sounded breathless. ''But I need to do something to you first. If we jump into bed straight away, you'll come very quickly ... my boy will ejaculate too soon. So I'm going to release your tension now so that when we make love shortly you will last longer and our pleasure will be together, at the same time. Understand?'' She smiled down at him.

''Thank you, Mummy,'' He resumed his sucking and drew in her nipple further than before.

She glided her hand over his damp cock head. Precum leaked out in a continuous line. It wouldn't take long, Faye reckoned and then she could teach Rui properly when he recovered enough to come again. She put her thumb and forefinger around his thick cock and slowly drew it up and down his length.

As she did this, Faye maintained eye contact with her boy. ''Is this what the other boy does to you?''

Rui's small tongue protruded. ''Yes,'' he sloshed through his swollen lips.

They gazed at each other as she moved her fingers up and down his cock. Her thumb ran across his engorged tip each time her hand came to the top. On impulse, Faye leant over, Rui withdrew her breast and they kissed. His tongue stayed at the edge of his teeth while she pushed hers in and swirled around his mouth.

Rui started to shake, his legs stretched apart and he called into her mouth, ''I'm coming, Mummy.'' The following 15 seconds felt like an avalanche of cum shoot out of him as he kept calling for his mummy.

His cum had splashed her hand but most of it was splattered across Rui's T-shirt. ''Oh. my ... oh my gosh. Was that nice ... your orgasm?''

He had released her breast and blinked several times. ''That was the best, Mummy. Do you think I will come again soon when I lose my virginity with you?''

''We'll take our time to make sure. First, we must go upstairs.''

Rui rested before Fay took his hand to lead the way from the terrace into the sitting room. There was no sign of Spencer but she could tell he'd been by the window - the half-drunk cup of tea and his mobile on the window sill. It occurred to Faye that her husband might have filmed their entanglement.

Still holding hands, they walked up the stairs. Rui wore his soiled top, below which hung his penis. Faye's bare breasts swung from side to side as she moved. In the bedroom, Faye grabbed extra towels and went into the bathroom with Rui. At her instruction, Rui took off his top and stepped into the shower cubicle.