Aablar the Neanderthal Ch. 08


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‘Greetings, Raritar,’ he said. ‘I see you have captured the dominess unharmed. What do you plan to do with her? She is your prize. But think of the good of our group and our clan.’

Raritar pondered. ‘I will decide in the morning whether to take her with us to the mountains, my chief,’ he said, finally.

A young girl in her teens came up to them. She linked her arm in Raritar’s affectionately.

‘My fearless one, when will you kill this dominess?’ she asked boldly.

‘Jana, first we will eat and then you will teach her how to pleasure me,’ said Raritar. With this, he drew some chunks of smoked meat from his pouch and ate before passing some to her and feeding Vanessa. Then he slung her over his shoulder and took Jana by the arm and led deeper into the ravine till they were screened from the group by some scrubby bushes. He now set Vanessa down and cut her bonds. She rubbed her wrists and ankles fearfully, not knowing whether she would survive the night.

Raritar unfastened her helmet and cast it aside. She shook her beautiful blonde hair loose, her large guileless eyes gazing at him fearfully. He took his sharp stone dagger and slit her leotard from throat to waist and ripped it off her, grunting as he struggled with the tough field fabric fabric favored by the Amazon. Now he chewed the red berries and spat them on her breasts and began to knead them, rubbing the berry pulp into her skin. He took her nipples between finger and thumb and squeezed, harder and harder, till she began gasp and then cry with pain. Her smooth, pale skin contrasted with his dark, rough and calloused hands. Angry bruises began to surface on her breasts and nipples. Tears streaked her face and she cried with the pain, but she did not attempt to fight him or hurt him. This puzzled Raritar, whose encounters with the Amazon had always involved violence.

He began to knead her crotch now, feeling the soft, blonde down that so contrasted with the rough, curly pubic hair of his women. She did not react immediately, but when he sank first one and then two thick, gnarled fingers into her cunt, she gasped, ‘Please, no!’

He ignored her and continued to probe her tight cunt. Vanessa had been through two impregnation ceremonies, so while she had never been fucked before, she was not a virgin. (Both her pregnancies had been male, so the fetuses were aborted.) Raritar felt her tightness and warmth around his fingers and grunted with satisfaction.

‘What is this mark just above your cunt, dominess?’ he asked, as he continued to finger fuck her. ‘It appears to be a birth-mark, but it is the image of a rose.’

‘It … it … is … body … paint,’ Vanessa gasped. ‘Just … paint. It … fades … in … a few weeks.’

‘You will be a great fuck, dominess,’ Raritar continued, as he felt her begin to become moist. ‘But first my Jana here will teach you what I want before that.’

He beckoned to the young savage girl. Jana was short and squat after the fashion of the savage women, but had the suppleness and tautness of youth. Raritar unfastened his loincloth and she took his cock in both hands. He was only semi-tumescent, but he was already over six inches long! Jana kissed the tip of Raritar’s cock and her tongue flicked up and down the shaft. Then she opened her mouth and her lips clamped around his penis head. She began to alternately suck and blow on him. His fingers sank into her jet-black hair and he began to push more and more of his dick into her mouth. She was willing, but his erection grew and grew. Finally, he released her head and she rocked back on her heels, still gently jerking him with one hand.

Vanessa’s mouth dropped open. She had overseen hundreds of hand job sperm extractions and in her early days as a scholaress had even done a few herself. But she had never seen a cock like this! Raritar was so thick that Jana could not encircle him with one hand. And his prick jutted out at an angle almost ten inches! He crooked his finger at Vanessa.

‘Jana has shown you what to do, dominess,’ he said. ‘Come on, don’t keep me waiting!’

Vanessa was paralyzed with fright and just lay there, clad only in her thigh boots. Raritar did not repeat himself, but dragged her to her knees by her hair. Fingers entwined in her hair, he held her head tightly with one hand while with the other he squeezed her cheeks and forced her mouth open. Jana held his huge rod and guided it to hapless scholaress’ mouth. As soon as his tip gained entry, he pushed the penis head in. Her lips contracted involuntarily, forming a tight seal and she began to gag. He withdrew and she coughed and spluttered. Just as she drew breath, he pushed into her mouth again, this time sinking more of his cock into her mouth.

Her tongue fought to gain purchase and greatly pleasured him as it slid around his invading cock. The choking sensation caused all of her glands to secrete fluids – her eyes watered, her nose ran and her mouth filled with saliva. He now had both hands entwined in her hair and rocked back and forth, each time pushing more of his huge member into her salivating mouth. Saliva dribbled out down her chin, but she did not notice. Her hands grasped his wrists in an involuntary defensive move, but had no effect on his immense strength.

Gradually, she learnt to draw quick breaths as his cock retreated and this caused suction that grew as he pushed in deeper. He now arched her neck so that her throat lined up with her mouth. She felt his cock head at her top of her throat. With his next thrust, he pushed into it. He knew that she would gag and withdrew quickly. His tempo increased, and he was fucking her mouth in rapid thrusts, never in long enough to make her retch.

He kept tutoring her, ‘Suck on me, dominess, use your tongue as I withdraw. Suck hard! Come on, that’s better, that’s better …’

With his huge cock, Raritar was content to push just over half his enormous length in her mouth – till his tip was constricted by her tight throat. He slowed his tempo and now slowly pushed his cock in to her mouth, savoring her tight, sucking lips. He rotated his hips, exploring all parts of her mouth. Finally he withdrew, saying, ‘You learn fast, dominess. Now I’ll teach you how a Bear warrior fucks!’

He pushed her on to her back on to his heavy bearskin cloak. He mounted her and she felt his bulbous tip at her cunt. She was surprised to find that she was quite wet – surely this savage was not arousing her? Before she could think further, she felt his huge cock enter her, stretching her painfully. She cried out. Raritar had two women and one slave, but none compared to this Amazon woman. Her pale, smooth unblemished skin, her full and extremely firm breasts with their hard, pebble-like nipples and her shiny and soft blonde mane all were objects of desire as symbols of the dominant Amazon.

Now the powerful and highly trained muscles of her cunt squeezed his shaft in a warm and wringing grip, the like of which he had never felt before.

‘I knew you would be a great fuck, dominess,’ he breathed. With that he put his enormous weight behind one mighty thrust and sank his length into her with one swift motion. She screamed as he spread her tight cunt, for the impregnating probes she had felt years before were nothing compared to his huge prick. He felt her pliant mount with its soft blonde down, yielding against the base of his cock. His need now overpowered him and he began to fuck her with a hard, driving rhythm. The sharp pain began to recede as his huge pounding piston drew forth a copious flow of lubricating vaginal fluid. She felt a rising warmth in her loins that gradually ascended to her head, driving out all reason. He felt it too, for her arms went around him and she began to rub her fine breasts against his stone hard chest.

The physical sensations were new and highly erotic for Vanessa. She had had orgasms before, but this was building to a higher level that she had ever experienced. So when it came, she was as shocked as with its intensity as he was. Her contractions built from deep inside, seeming to originate in her very womb and gain strength as they radiated out through her vaginal walls. Raritar had never felt such powerful and spasmodic contractions. Vanessa was bucking, her thighs were threshing and her passionate cries reverberated within the ravine.

Kendar spoke to the chief with a leer in his voice, ‘This dominess is a great fuck! She’s giving Raritar a great ride!’

‘She is Raritar’s property, Kendar, to do with as he will,’ said the chief gruffly. ‘You cowered behind rocks while he captured her. Don’t grudge him his spoils.’

Raritar fucked her three more times that night. He could not get enough of this beautiful blonde Amazon. Vanessa’s good nature allayed Jana’s jealousy, for she sought to involve her. While she did not find her physically attractive, she made an effort to draw her into the bearskin with Raritar, giving her pride of place between the two of them.

It was the chill of the early morning that she drew her out of deep slumber, for she felt her legs out from the under the warm bearskin. Then she felt a hand at her crotch, kneading and manipulating. Two fingers were inserted into her. Her cunt that was still wet with a copious admixture of Raritar’s jism and her vaginal fluids. The thick, musky treacle began to seep out of her as the fingers probed her, roughly and insistently. This brought her fully awake, for Raritar had grown increasingly gentle in response to her obvious attempts to please him.

She sat up, but a hand was placed on her mouth and she was violently pushed back into the deep and soft bearskin. It was Kendar! Vanessa began to struggle and Jana was instantly awake. She cried out, ‘Raritar!’ but the huge hunter was already awake and on his feet. He grasped Kendar by the neck and tore him off Vanessa. He lifted him off the ground and threw him down hard. Then he picked up his heavy bone club. The smaller man cowered on the ground.

‘Kendar, you are my kinsman, however distantly we are related,’ intoned Raritar. ‘But know this. The Amazon is now one of my women. If you so much as touch her again, I will beat you to a pulp and feed you to the wolves.’

‘Raritar! You allow a Amazon bitch to come between brothers of the bear!’ Kendar’s voice was high and hysterical. ‘She is a demon, I tell you! She has bewitched you! We must all fuck her in the ass and cut her head off! Ask Agnes, our medicine woman. She will tell you what we must do to the Amazon.’

‘I spoke to Agnes last night,’ said Raritar quietly. ‘She divines that this Amazon will bring us no harm.’

Kendar began to whimper, rocking himself back and forth. ‘Just one fuck, Raritar! Just one! She is so beautiful, like a goddess and she wants it! Please, let me fuck her just once!’

‘Go away, Kendar,’ said Raritar, his tone becoming dangerous.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Later that morning, Agnes conferred at length with Vanessa. Finally, she announced to the group that there was no danger, and that they need not hasten to the mountains. They stayed by the lake and four weeks passed very quickly. Jana made crude repairs to Vanessa’s field fabric leotard with deerskin cord. Vanessa used her helmet communicator to make voluminous notes in her voice vault. Never had any Amazon observed the savages so closely. Indeed Vanessa was now a member of the group and as one of Raritar’s women, she had high status. Raritar had two other women, the young Jana and an older crone (though she was only in her early thirties) who had been the woman of his older brother who ‘had been taken into Amazon slavery.’ Vanessa did not have the heart to tell them that he had certainly perished in Amazon custody.

She taught them many things about diets, about cleanliness and about simple medical treatments like the splinting of broken bones and the dressing of wounds. Agnes was a quick learner and Vanessa’s stock in the group rose. Only Kendar and few disgruntled woman-less males remained her enemies.

She awoke one morning feeling nauseous. All day she kept vomiting. She wondered if she had food poisoning. Agnes took her aside in the evening.

‘You are feeling miserable, Vanessa,’ she said, kindly.

‘Yes, I think it may have been something I ate,’ she replied, weakly.

‘I don’t think so, my dear. I think it is something you took in through another orifice.’ The medicine woman leaned forward and rubbed the gentle curve of Vanessa’s belly. ‘You are carrying Raritar’s child.’

Vanessa was thunderstruck. The connection between sex and reproduction was so remote to her that it had never occurred to her. A conflicting mix of emotions coursed through her. In the end, all she felt was a powerful protective instinct towards the developing life in her womb – much stronger and clearer than she had felt during her previous two aborted pregnancies. This is our child, she thought, Raritar’s and mine. I will do whatever it takes to protect it. She sought out Raritar and explained the plan that had formed in her mind.

‘You must take me back to the Exile City,’ she said earnestly. ‘I am not due back in Paradise City for another month. But if I do not return before then, the regiments will begin searching for me and they will quickly find us. I will return to you in seven months to bear this child. Jana and you must bring it up, for if my sisters learn of it, they will kill it. Tell me where I can find you then.’

‘It will early Spring then,’ said Raritar, gravely. ‘We always go to the Vale of the Ice Bear south of the Claw Peak that marks the boundary with the northern ice. How will you find us?’

‘I will find you, my love,’ she assured him tenderly.

Raritar and Kendar took her back on the long trek to Exile. They left her within sight of the walls. Raritar stayed to see the gates opened and her safe entry. He sighed, heavily.

‘Dominesses will descend upon us and slaughter us within days,’ said Kendar, darkly. ‘You, Agnes, the chief and all the others are bewitched by this Amazon witch. As we watch, she is telling the dominesses all she knows.’

Raritar did not bother to reply.

The guards at the Exile City quickly bore her to the visitors’ wing and to the Suite of Honor that she was entitled to by her high rank. Her mother, Margrethe, joined her as she was relaxing in a deep whirlpool tub filled with aromatic herbs.

‘You are back safely and I am glad to see you,’ she said, simply, her eyes warming at the sight of her beloved daughter. ‘You look well for one that has been out in the wilderness.’

‘I have much to tell you, my mother, but it can wait till we dine out on the balcony,’ said Vanessa, mindful of possible recording devices that were often placed in transient apartments like these.

FLASHBACK (Continued)

3. Seven months later, Vanessa took another month’s leave to visit her mother. It had been a hard seven months. She had had to wear opaque robes to conceal her growing belly and distance herself from her personal maidservant. The Amazon, who delighted in exhibiting their beautiful bodies, considered this very odd behavior. The ‘Helena’ bore her to the Exile City and this time she borrowed a small single-seat airboat from it.

A few hours after he ‘Helena’ disappeared from view, she packed minimal provisions and took leave from Exile on a ‘research trip.’ She had had a precise low-flying route stored in her personal data vault and she downloaded it to the airboat’s autopilot through her personal communication The airboat moved swiftly, but not swiftly enough for Vanessa, who was now in a fever of anticipation. The Claw Peak came into a view and then the Vale to the south of it. The airboat touched down softly near a large clump of trees. She emerged from the vehicle and surveyed the land around her. Surely they were here!

She waited half an hour before Raritar appeared – alone. He approached cautiously, but when he discerned her alone, he broke into a run. He caught her and picked her up in his arms and they kissed passionately.

Three weeks later, Agnes delivered their son. He was paler than most savage babies and had brown down on his head. Vanessa thought she could never love anything more. They named him Bradogun the Young after his grandfather, who had been a great chief. Vanessa could only tarry a few days after the birth and with many tears and a heavy heart, she returned to Exile and on to Paradise City.

Two years later she repeated her adventure and bore Raritar a second son, whom they named Tuval. Two years after Tuval was born, Margrethe had a bad fall and before Vanessa could leave Paradise City, news came that she had died. It was considered very inauspicious for active Amazon to attend funerals. In her exalted position, it was particularly inappropriate for Vanessa, who grieved in private. In addition to her grief, her avenue of seeing her lover was now cut off.

Two more years passed. They were full of activity for Vanessa, who threw herself into her career. Her findings about the savage society remained buried in her personal data vaults, for how could she divulge it without revealing the existence of her sons? The dominesses would quickly find and destroy these threats to the racial purity of the Amazon.

That year Queen Sarah retired. Years earlier, Vanessa had been her maidservant and they were close. Sarah nominated Vanessa for the throne and the regiments supported her. Her personal popularity along with this powerful support discouraged anyone from standing against her and she was elected unopposed. She was Queen of the Amazon! If only her mother could have lived to see it. If only Raritar could share her triumph!

As queen, her movements were much more circumscribed. She could not take a ‘leave’ – she was always on duty. Every day was planned. She had so much to do. Eight more years passed. While she was still young and beautiful, she knew that time passed far more quickly in the wilderness. She had to see Raritar soon, or it would be too late. She just had to!

She made a desperate plan. It was early Spring and she knew where to find them. She would visit the Exile City. As queen, she wanted to be sure that facilities there were maintained at the highest standard. Retired sisters deserved no less. She would make the visit incognito so that she could see everything in its normal state – nothing primped for a royal visit. The Council of Peeresses reluctantly accepted a week’s secret visit – she would arrive with a normal group of retirees, with no escort. At the end of a week, Quinta Lady Fiona Norhill would come and formally escort her back to Paradise City.

As she debarked, she asked the aircraft captain for the use of an airboat – a request from the Queen was not easily denied! Again she flew to the Vale of the Ice Bear, sick with worry and anticipation. How would she find them? The autopilot gently landed the airboat and she waited with it. Surely they would have seen it in the sky? Perhaps Raritar was no longer alive. Perhaps new savages, mere boys when she last visited, would find her. Perhaps they would kill her in front of her own sons! A day passed.

She ate sparingly, worrying also that the airboat would attract the attention of a patrolling aircraft and bring down dominesses. Finally, she saw a group of savages emerge from the tree cover. They hung back, so that they could easily melt away into the woods if danger threatened. She advanced towards them eagerly. Faster and faster she walked until she was almost running. One of the savages detached himself from the group and advanced towards her. He was so tall, so uncommonly erect that it could only be the man she sought – and it was!