Abducted by a Dying Race


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As her body continued to react to the alien hormones, Sarah noticed a dramatic increase in her sensitivity to touch. The extraordinary growth of her breasts, now quite sizable, was paralleled by an escalating sense of arousal. Her erogenous zones, naturally sensitive, became even more reactive, sending waves of intense, though unwanted, pleasure through her.

Zor watched the changes with a clinical, detached interest. His examination involved his four-fingered hands exploring her transformed body with a scientific precision, though his touch, purely meant for assessment, inadvertently heightened Sarah's sensitivity even further. His fingers traced her skin, leaving behind a trail of tingling sensations that were both strange and disconcerting.

"Your anatomy is very intriguing," Zor noted, his voice a mix of detachment and curiosity. He positioned himself between Sarah's legs, which he gently spread to better inspect her reproductive system. His approach was thorough, his alien fingers probing her labia with clinical indifference, focused solely on the scientific aspects of his examination.

Zor's long, dexterous finger traced the contours of her folds, evoking a shudder from Sarah. His touch was alien, yet it stirred something primal within her. The coolness of his finger delicately pressed against her clit, while another ventured slowly into her vaginal canal, exploring with a scientist's curiosity.

"It is intriguing how close your reproductive canal and womb are to your digestive system's output," Zor observed, his voice carrying a hint of fascination. His clinical comment starkly contrasted with the intimate nature of his examination.

Caught in the whirlwind of physical sensations and emotional turmoil, Sarah let out an involuntary moan of pleasure. The sensation of Zor's finger against her most sensitive spot, coupled with the gentle probing within, was overwhelming. It was a confusing blend of clinical procedure and deeply personal experience, leaving her feeling both exposed and vulnerable.

As Zor continued his examination, Sarah's mind was a tumult of conflicting emotions. The physical changes her body was undergoing were like nothing she had ever experienced. The rapid growth of her breasts, the heightened sensitivity, and the strange, almost electrifying sensations coursing through her were unsettling yet undeniably arousing. Sarah felt as if she was being mapped, her body a new territory for Zor's exploration. The sensations, though unwanted, were undeniable.

Sarah couldn't help but let out another deep moan of pleasure, startling Zor.

"Are you alright?" Zor inquired, his attention momentarily shifting from Sarah's body to his tablet, where her vitals were displayed in a format incomprehensible to human eyes.

"Yes," Sarah managed to reply, her voice a mix of surprise and confusion. "Your touch... It's a very sensitive area."

"Sensitive?" Zor echoed, his alien features creasing in what might have been confusion or curiosity. "You should be feeling no discomfort."

Sarah offered a weak smile, a gesture that felt oddly out of place in the clinical sterility of her surroundings. "It's not discomfort," she explained, her cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment. "It's a very pleasurable sensation."

"Pleasure?" Zor seemed genuinely puzzled by the concept as it applied to Sarah's current state. "Is that normal for your species?"

"Yes, very," Sarah said, trying to steady her voice. "Our species reproduces with both the purpose of reproduction and for pleasure."

"Intriguing," Zor murmured, his eyes briefly flicking back to the tablet before returning to Sarah. "Very intriguing. Our species feel no such pleasure."

"They don't?" Sarah queried, her curiosity piqued despite the overwhelming situation.

"No," Zor stated, pausing his examination as he contemplated her question. "As I said, our females, they are unintelligent vessels. It does not cause them discomfort, but it also does not produce pleasure."

"Do males and alphas experience pleasure?" Sarah asked, her educator's instinct surfacing as she sought to understand the alien species' perspective on such a fundamentally human experience.

"No," Zor replied with a definitive tone. "It is a very focused exercise."

"Interesting," Sarah murmured, her mind racing with thoughts.

This exchange highlighted the chasm of understanding between the two species. For Sarah, the notion of reproduction devoid of any sensory pleasure was almost inconceivable, while for Zor, the concept of deriving pleasure from such a process was equally foreign. It was a stark reminder of the vast differences in their biological and cultural constructs.

As Sarah lay there, still processing the alien nature of her situation, a practical concern crossed her mind, something so mundane yet so essential to human experience.

"Can I ask an odd question?" she ventured, her voice a mix of curiosity and slight embarrassment.

"There are no odd questions," Zor replied, his tone neutral, almost encouraging.

"Why have I not had to use the restroom? Need to relieve myself?" Sarah asked, her brows furrowing in puzzlement.

"The nanites," Zor explained succinctly. "They are very efficient. They keep you fed and hydrated with very little, to no waste."

"Interesting," Sarah murmured, her mind briefly wandering to the implications of such technology in her world. "That would be a very prized invention on my planet."

"We've lived with them for thousands of years," Zor stated, a hint of pride perhaps creeping into his otherwise flat tone. "Efficiency is key."

Driven by a sudden curiosity about Zor's personal history, Sarah ventured, "How old are you?"

"In your Earth years, I am 845 years old," Zor disclosed, as if stating a simple, mundane fact.

"Fuck!" Sarah exclaimed, uncharacteristically. The enormity of that number was staggering. "No one on our world lives that long. Our life expectancy is maybe 85 years."

"Such a young species," Zor observed, almost reflectively. "And how old are you?"

"I'm 25," Sarah responded, feeling suddenly very insignificant and fleeting in the grand scheme of things.

"So young," Zor echoed, his tone unreadable. "Our females are not ready for reproduction until they are in their 80's."

"Interesting..." Sarah said. "What is your species life expectancy?"

"2500-2800 earth years." Zor responded. "Now, I must continue my work."

"I will try to calm myself," Sarah said, her voice a mix of determination and resignation.

"Do what you need," Zor responded, his hands resuming their exploration of Sarah's nether regions with a clinical detachment.

As Zor's hands moved over her, Sarah's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The revelation of Zor's age, their use of nanites, and the ongoing examination combined to create a surreal experience, her mind a zone of chaos.

As Sarah lay on the examination table the sensations coursing through her body intensified. Overwhelmed by the continued unexpected arousal, she found herself instinctively reaching up to touch her enlarged breasts. The feel of them in her hands was astonishing -- so much larger and more sensitive than she was accustomed to. She marveled at their weight and texture, her fingers gently exploring the newfound sensitivity of her nipples.

The warmth between her legs grew more pronounced, a testament to the profound physical changes she was undergoing. Zor, ever the clinical observer, noted this development with a detached professionalism.

"Interesting, a self-lubrication system," Zor commented, his finger delving deeper into Sarah, exploring with a purely scientific curiosity.

Sarah couldn't suppress another moan, the pleasure building inside her becoming overwhelming. "Yeah..." she managed to say, her focus narrowing to the intense sensations rippling through her body.

Zor, seemingly unaffected by Sarah's vocalizations, continued his examination with an additional finger. The increase in pressure and stimulation sent waves of pleasure through Sarah's body.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed, the sensations bordering on euphoric. "That feels so good..." She continued to caress her breasts, each touch sending sparks of pleasure directly to her core.

As Zor's examination progressed, Sarah found herself climbing towards a peak she had never experienced in such a raw, unfiltered manner. The alien's long fingers moved with a precision that seemed to map every contour of her inner self, touching places she never knew could elicit such reactions.

Then, unexpectedly, Zor's fingers brushed against her cervix, a touch that catapulted Sarah over the edge into a powerful climax. "Oh my god yes!" she screamed, her body convulsing with the intensity of the release. She was panting, her entire frame trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm.

Zor withdrew his fingers abruptly, turning his attention back to his tablet quickly, phased by what just happened. He studied her vitals intently.

Gal and JIX's entrance into the room, marked by their towering presence and alien curiosity, added a new dimension to the already surreal scenario. They stood, observing the scene with an intensity that spoke of both scientific interest and concern for the unknown.

"Zor?" Gal inquired, his voice carrying a commanding tone that resonated with authority.

"It's extraordinary," Zor responded, without diverting his gaze from the tablet displaying Sarah's vitals. "Her oxytocin levels are off the scale. We haven't seen these levels even in our own female vessels for millennia."

Sarah lay on the table, her breathing shallow as she tried to regain her composure after the intense physical experience. The room felt charged with a palpable tension, a mix of scientific discovery and the unknown implications of what had just transpired.

"Intriguing," Gal mused, his eyes narrowing in thought. "What does this mean?"

"It means our success rate is nearly guaranteed," Zor explained, his tone reflecting a measure of excitement. "Gestation with levels like these would be extraordinary. It would result in very strong and healthy offspring. And I wouldn't be surprised if it cut down on the gestation time."

"Very good news," Gal acknowledged, his demeanor reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Were her levels at what they are now when we first examined her? What changed?"

"No," Zor clarified, "It seems to be some type of feedback loop from stimulation of her reproductive system. She mentioned her species actually derives pleasure from reproduction, both genders, male and female."

"Very interesting," Gal noted, his expression one of deep contemplation. "When can we expect to proceed with implantation?"

"The nanites are nearly done completing their work," Zor reported, checking the data on his device. "I would say within the hour."

"Good, I will start my preparations then," Gal stated decisively. "Ping me once you have finalized fertilization. I shall meditate."

"Very well, sir," Zor acknowledged, his attention returning to Sarah and the monitors. Sarah lay there, absorbing the enormity of what was being discussed. The clinical detachment with which the aliens spoke of her role in their species' survival left her with a slight unsettling feeling.

"I take it that's good news then?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

"Yes, very good news. Very good news indeed," Zor responded, his focus still largely on his tablet.

"Just a couple more tests," he added, his alien fingers moving deftly across the device. Sarah watched, but the technology and the data displayed were beyond her comprehension. Time seemed to stretch and contract, with perhaps 30 minutes passing in what felt like both an instant and an eternity.

Jix, standing beside Zor, watched over his shoulder the entire time, equally engrossed in whatever data flickered across the screen. There was a sense of anticipation in the air, a feeling that something pivotal was about to occur.

"We are about ready to begin," Zor finally announced, breaking the silence that had settled in the room.

"Jix and myself must prepare ourselves. We require silence while we do so," he stated, his tone indicating the importance of this next phase.

Sarah nodded in agreement, her gaze following the aliens as they began to disrobe right then and there. Their anatomy, though alien, still bore a striking resemblance to that of humans. They each had penises, which, in their current flaccid state, reminded her somewhat of her ex-boyfriend's, yet quite larger. She couldn't help but notice that their testicles were significantly larger than any she had seen before. And significantly may be an understatement.

She watched Zor and Jix sit down on the floor and adopted a cross-legged, meditative position reminiscent of the way her schoolchildren sat during story time.

Meditation seemed to be their method of preparation, a ritual perhaps necessary for whatever was to come. Sarah watched them, their alien bodies still and focused, the room filled with a palpable sense of purpose and solemnity.

As Sarah watched, time seemed to slow, each passing minute stretching into an almost tangible entity. The meditation of Zor and Jix was a study in stillness, their bodies unmoving except for the subtle rise and fall of their chests with each breath and the slow transformation of their genitalia.

Their cocks, initially similar in size to what Sarah had known in human males, began to grow. With each passing moment, they expanded, becoming thicker, longer and harder, an alien biology at work that defied human norms. They were nearly as thick as soda cans, and yet showed no signs of stopping.

Sarah, her eyes wide with disbelief, could only watch as the alien members continued their expansion as time passed. Now they were pushing past the size of any human, reaching dimensions that reminded her of the stallions back on her family's farm. The realization of their sheer size brought a flutter of anxiety. "What did I sign myself up for?" she thought, her mind racing with a newfound fear.

The cocks grew over a foot long, becoming thicker than a wine bottle. Sarah's initial curiosity turned to a deep-seated concern as she contemplated the practical implications of what she was witnessing. The alien biology was not just different; it was on a scale she never anticipated.

Just as Sarah's concern was peaking, Zor and Jix began to stir from their meditative state. They moved slowly, almost gracefully, as if awakening from a profound trance.

"We are ready to commence with our fertilization," Zor announced, the words cutting through the thick tension in the room.

Sarah, still lying, invisibly strapped on the table, took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. The enormity of the situation was overwhelming. She was about to be fucked by aliens - aliens with massive cocks.

As Zor prepared to proceed, Sarah braced herself, her mind a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts.

Sarah's voice was tinged with a mix of fear and disbelief as she confronted the reality of the situation. "How do you expect that to fit inside of me?" she asked, her hesitation palpable in the air.

"As we said, the nanites have prepared your body for us. You will feel no discomfort," came the calm, almost reassuring reply from Zor.

Despite the assurances, Sarah's mind raced with doubts. The logistics of the act, given the alien physiology she was witnessing, seemed damn near impossible to her. The thought of shoving a wine bottle up her pussy seemed unreal, almost down right dangerous.

Without warning, the bed she was lying on began to transform. It parted in half, mechanically adjusting itself. Her legs were lifted, spread out wide and held in place high in the air, exposing her in a way that was both extremely vulnerable yet clinical. The cold precision of the bed's movement only heightened her sense of trepidation.

"I don't think I can do this anymore," Sarah said, her voice trembling. The reality of what was about to happen hit her with full force. The idea of being intimate with an alien, something she did not have enough time to contemplate, now seemed like a gross miscalculation.

Coming more and more to the realization of what a mistake she has made, Sarah started to panic. "Getting fucked by an alien? What the fuck was I thinking?" she thought to herself, her mind a whirlwind of regret and panic.

"I am sorry, but there is no going back now," Zor stated, his voice devoid of any emotion that Sarah could discern.

Sarah could see him positioning himself between her suspended legs, his enormous, horse-like member protruding from his body. It was an intimidating sight, one that made her heart race with fear.

She felt the tip of his cock press against her, the sensation both alien and oddly familiar. She was wet, far wetter than she had ever anticipated.

As Zor began to push forward into her moist folds, Sarah felt an intense pressure and a stretch that was unlike anything she had ever experienced. It was overwhelming, teetering between discomfort and undeniable pleasure. It wasn't painful, but it was intense, tinged with a surprising pleasure that caught her off guard.

The moment he slid inside her, Sarah couldn't help but gasp out, "Oh my God! Fuck!" It was an instinctive response to the overwhelming sensation of stretched beyond anything she'd ever felt.

Zor moved slowly at first, delving deeper with each smooth motion, filling her more thoroughly than she thought possible. He found a steady rhythm, and with each thrust, the pleasure inside Sarah built, threatening to overtake her senses.

"Your species does not make the cervical entrance easy to find," Zor noted, his voice cool and clinical.

Sarah was too caught up in the waves of pleasure to fully grasp his words.

As he continued, Zor managed to go deeper with each push, still only entering her with half his length each time. Then, abruptly, he paused, announcing, "There, there it is."

A new, extremely intense pressure hit Sarah deep inside, pushing yet another boundary. Zor had penetrated her cervix, entering her womb. Zor pushed deeper, and as he reached her innermost depths, Sarah felt stretched to her limit.

"Fuuuuck!!!!!" she cried out, the words stuttering through her, "Oh-oh-m-m-my G-God!"

With one strong thrust, Zor plunged fully into Sarah, igniting a surge of pleasure so intense it felt like electricity coursing through her veins. The pressure inside her built rapidly, filling her completely, almost to the point of bursting. She was acutely aware of every inch of him, stretching and filling her in ways she hadn't known were possible. Her body responded instinctively, tightening around him as she tried to accommodate his girth. It was a strange mix of pain and ecstasy - Yes, even though they said she would feel no pain, there was still some - the line between the two blurring until all she could feel was the overwhelming pleasure.

For a brief moment, she managed to open her eyes, her vision hazy and unfocused. Through the haze, she could make out the vivid outline of his cock, visibly protruding from within her.The sight was shocking and intensely arousing. Her breath hitched, and she was swept away by the powerful sensations flooding her body.

"Oh - my - God, yes!" Sarah screamed, her voice raw with pleasure. "Fuuuuuuck!"

Zor stayed perfectly still, buried deep inside her while ignoring Sarah's convulsions. "Releasing fertilization," he declared.

A sudden warmth began to explode within her, radiating from deep within and filling every corner of her being. It was a sensation unlike anything she had ever experienced, a blooming heat that seemed to ignite every nerve ending. Hovering at the edge of her climax, this new warmth pushed her over the precipice, sending her soaring into a realm of pure, unadulterated pleasure.