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"Well, then drop by home? Leave a note?"

"I was...busy."

Shirley laughed.

"You didn't go out at all?"

"Neither of us wanted to get dressed."

"What's his cock like?"


"That's it?"

"Well, come on. After that black guy in France, nothing really does the same, right?"

"I still shudder when I think of that video. I don't think I could have done it."

"Done what?"

"The whole thing. All of it. Where did it all go?"

"That was the last night. He'd sized me by then. The first few nights were tough."

"I can't believe Hugh just watched. Doesn't he get jealous?"

"He wanted me to have a life experience."

"Tick! Unholy massive cock box is well and truly checked off."

"And the lesbian sex box," I teased her.

"I'm so sorry about that," Shirley said genuinely. "I just couldn't stop myself."

"Hey. It was a long time ago."

"So why bring it up now suddenly?" Shirley looked at me suspiciously. "You have interest to do it again?"

"Why? Do you still want to?"

"Of course. Your body is amazing. I'd love to take our time and do it properly."

I went red in embarrassment. In the back of my mind I was thinking of James. I'm sure he'd love to be in bed for a weekend with two girls.

"You still take cock as well, right?" I checked.

"Of course!"

"Well, maybe one day I'll do you a deal. You can sleep with me if you give it to Janes as well."

Shirley grinned.



Kissing madly, I sat up top and guided the cock to my pussy. Insertion was seamless.

"You're so fucking wet."

"That's what happens when I sit on your face for that long."

I smiled and kissed him as both of us thrust up and down.

"Does James know?"

I shook my head.

"Well, he doesn't need to. Will he take you to the Mansion parties anymore?"

"I don't know. I think we'll skip the next one. See what happens after that."

"Probably a good thing. Your cunt is the size of a bucket still. I can hardly feel the sides. Does James mind?"

"Oh, you rotter, you're the second guy that said that recently! I know. It's embarrassing. And it's your fault. You made me do that guy in France."

"That was amazing," Hugh conceded. "I still can't believe all of that got in you. It took a lot of trying, hey."

"Hours. Then three nights after being fucked by it. Then weeks with that massive dildo. Your fault."

"We were resizing you. If we didn't follow up with a dildo the same size, you might have shrunk back down."

"Now I wish I did."

"I still have it if you want."

"Have what? That huge dildo?"


"Here? With you?"

"Yep. You wanna use it?"

"Fuck, Hugh. What made you bring that?"

"Do you wanna use it?" he asked again.

"Do you have gel?"

He nodded.

"Fuck, Hugh," I sighed. "Yes. Can I? Do you mind?"

"After I've finished, though. You'll be too sore after that thing."

"How am I ever going to stop fucking you?"

"Well, you'll have to. This is it. We agreed."

"I know. But everything I am is because of you. You turned my switch on. I'm not sure I'll still be like this if you're not around."

"You worried you'll become a prude again?"

"Maybe. I don't know how you got me to like cock so much, so I won't know how to start again if it goes back."

Hugh laughed.

"Believe me. It's a one-way journey."

"What does that mean?"

"No girl ever learned to love cock then unlove it. Bigger, better, more is the usual path."

"Can't be forever."

"You'll get another twenty years out of it yet."

Twenty years more of fucking guys. It sent a shiver down my back. I'd been doing it five, and only one properly. Twenty years of bigger-better-more sounded daunting.

I sat up and twisted my hips on the erection inside me.

"I'll miss these tits," Hugh nodded. "Best I've had hold of."

"No way!"

"Come on. Look at you, bouncing away on cock and they hardly move."

"That's because they're small."

"Bullshit. And you know it. Biggest tits I've seen on an Asian chic."

"Okay, okay, I'm glad you like them. Okay?"

"Fine. But you've stopped fucking. Come on. Meant to be a memory to last."

I don't know where it came from, but suddenly that comment made me burst into tears. I lay down and let him hug me as I sobbed. I couldn't remember ever crying so much and having a cock up me at the same time. Hugh was great, holding me and keeping himself pushed up inside.

"I don't ever want you out of me," I sobbed, pushing him hard inside and holding.

"I know. I know."

But choices had been made. If I was to have any chance with James, I was going to have to stop having nights in hotels like this with Hugh. I'm sure there would be other guys I could fuck behind James' back, but not Hugh. With Hugh the sex was spiritual. It shook me. It would be difficult to love another if I didn't leave Hugh's bed. It had to stop, we agreed. I'd not carry his sperm again even if we both happened to be at a no-pants party. I wasn't sure James had plans to take me there again, anyway.

"Tell me about your first fuck," Hugh said out of the blue. I sat up with tears in my eyes still. My cunt may be big, but I felt full from the erection in me.

"My first fuck?"

"We never talked about it."

"You never asked."

"Tonight's my last chance, right?"

"We can still talk after this," I frowned.

"Not about that. If we were at a dinner party, I doubt you'd spill the details of how you lost your virginity. That's a conversation for being naked in bed with cock up you."

"Wow, what a coincidence," I smiled through tears, "that's the exact predicament I find myself now."

"Let's take advantage."

"Why you wanna hear about that?"

"I'm curious. Come on. How did you get your first cock?"

"I think I've blocked it."

"No you haven't. Come on, tell me."

"You're completely hard!" I giggled over drying tears, feeling Hugh twitch inside.

"Tell me."

"Oh god. I was in school still."


"Of course. Don't be silly. I wouldn't tell you about it if I wasn't, I would be censored."

"Yes, I forgot, people under eighteen never fuck each other."


"So...come on. Who? What happened?"

"I had a boyfriend for years."

"Really? I didn't think you were the sort to chase boys at high school."

"Boyfriend is a loose term. It's just a status online, right? You have to have one, like a star sign. School dance date. You know? Matt his name was. We literally didn't touch, not properly."

"But you did touch," Hugh grinned. "Obviously."

I sighed.

"It wasn't him. It was his best friend."

Hugh burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! This story must be great!"

"Don't laugh. I'm not telling if you laugh at me. It was a very difficult time for me. I felt completely rotten."

"Okay, Okay. I'll try!"

"You realize that almost every conversation we had this year is with your cock in me? We used to sit around with clothes on and talk for hours. Now it's always naked with your cock in me."

"And that's bad...why? Sounds like a massive upgrade to me. Stop avoiding the topic. Tell me about your fuck."

I sighed.

"We went to a party. His older cousin's 21st. It's his family, they know my family, so I was usually allowed to stay overnight whenever we went out there."

"Out where?"


"Shit. Hicksville."

"You wanna hear this or not?"

"Sorry. Go on."

"They live on a farmhouse. There's old shearing quarters that are now a big party room and guest house."

"You got drunk at the party?"

"Not the party. The night before the party. Four of us went up Friday afternoon. Matt. His buddy Eric and Eric's new girlfriend that I didn't know. Margaret. Her and I sat in the back. She got us started drinking."

"What was she like?" Hugh grinned.

I shook my head.

"You. You just wanna check out the girls, right? Margaret was a complete babe."

"You're making that up."

"I'm not. She was actually a honey. Reminded me of Gigi Hadid. You know her? No? Well, you can look her up after. Sexy as hell. Loved drinking. Made the mood, you know."

"Perfect foil for you being all shy."


"But you fucked her boyfriend?"

"There were two big double beds in one of the shearing shed rooms. Matt and I had spent the night like that before with other couples, his cousins or their friends and stuff. Everyone is dressed. Everyone behaves themselves. It's like camping out. Hugging. Little bit of kissing. Sleep."

"You really were a prude."

"But Margaret was not used to anything so 'juvenile'. She thinks it's weird in a fun way. Said if we're wearing flannel pajamas and not being naughty, then who cares which bed she stays in. She got in with Matt. It was kind of a joke. I got in with that Eric guy, but I didn't expect it to stick like it did. Margaret genuinely passed out drunk and slept. So, Eric and me in one bed and Matt and Sleeping Beauty in the other bed just stayed there."

"And he fucked you?"

I nodded.

"How? Your boyfriend is right there!"

"I know. For a long time those two are talking across us, I was on the inside, on my side facing that other bed. It was all boy stuff. Fishing heroics. Football. I had my eyes closed. Under the covers Eric snuck his hand down the back of my pajama pants onto my ass."

"You didn't do anything?"

"I was scared. Matt would be completely pissed off. I pretended I was asleep."

"You just let him do it?"

"I did," I sighed. "But I didn't expect he'd go any further. For a while it was just that. Just held and rubbed my ass, me praying Matt couldn't tell. When he stopped, I thought maybe it was over? But it wasn't. He moved himself. Got his hand over me. Super slow opened my buttons on my top. It was such a mess. I was afraid to move. If Matt knew what was happening it would be a disaster, the whole weekend would have been messed up. I didn't want to move. I tried to actually sleep not just pretend. Couldn't do it. He got my top open then touched. He was trying not to get caught, moving super slow. It was a weird moment. His hand started on my waist and took five minutes to creep upward without Matt noticing under the covers. We both knew where his hand was going but it took so long, it was like having an accident in slow motion. When his finger touched my breasts, I almost lost it. My head was spinning. For the first few minutes he was all light touch, circling, getting my nipple hard. But then he gripped and squeezed. I could feel his cock pushed at the back."

"So what were you thinking? Thrilling? Awful?"

"Terrified. I had no idea what to do. I felt trapped. With my top undone it was past getting out of his bed, I should have done that already. Then that Margaret wakes up and bitches about the bright light. Matt leaned over and turned it off. There's just a tiny light left from the verandah out the windows. Eric pushed me to my back, put his head under the covers and sucked my breasts. Matt would have heard any sort of noise; I was afraid to even breathe. I tried for ages to stop him from pulling my pajama pants down and off but the rustling was too much. One he got my bottoms off, I was shaking. Matt was just there. It was madness. If we got caught, I couldn't imagine what would happen. It was so, so bad. He tried to get me wet with his finger but I was too stressed. He got his own pants off and tried to get me to grip and tug his cock. I wouldn't do it, not for as long as he wanted. When I look back, that was a big mistake. If I'd got him to cum by pulling him off, I could have finished earlier. Then Matt starts snoring and so Eric got bold. Sucked my breast and fingering me at the same time. I was whispering for him to stop but he didn't care. He got me wet. I could hear the noise from my cunt. I begged him to do it quietly."

"Quietly? You'd given up trying to stop?"

"I thought that was it. He seemed happy enough. My breast was in his mouth. I opened my legs up to let him finger me properly. He did it like that for so long I thought it was enough."

"But it wasn't."

"No. He pushed me onto my side again, facing away. He pulled my pajama top off one arm so I could feel his skin on me from behind. His boner was burning hot. Then he lifted my leg and started fingering me again from behind. He was kissing my neck and ear and fingering me for so long it took me by surprise when he moved his cock there instead. He was holding himself, pushing it through my slit to get wet. Then he whispers he'd always wanted to fuck me. Said he'd wished he'd known earlier how easy it was to get into my pants. That if he'd known I was such a cheating slut he would have had his cock in me ten times already. Oh god, it took so long to get it all in there. I didn't want to tell him it was my first and he was too naive to know, just thought I was tight. Because we had to be quiet, he couldn't really fuck normally, just slowly pull in and out. That was good, made it not so painful. But it also made it long. I feel like he was up there an hour. It's hard to tell in the dark. The whole time he was behind me. I think he thought I was so tight that if he pulled out, he may not get back in again."

"He came in you?"

"He took my hand, pulled out then came in my palm."

"Wow. That must have been interesting."

"Then he got me to rub it all over my breasts."


"I know. It was a weird end to a weird night. Eric turned me over toward him. He took the pajama top completely off and I half lay on him, naked, kissing. He held my ass and thanked me for being an easy lay."

"Well, he would think that, right?"

"I guess."

"So what happened?"

"When I woke up the covers are half off and I'm in bed still with Eric, completely naked. I look around and those other two were gone. I prayed the bedsheets were still up and on me when they woke up. Me moving woke Eric. Being alone he took the chance to use his morning wood on me, face to face this time. I thought it would hurt like hell but it was surprisingly easy the second time. It was weird being kissed on the mouth by him for so long, let alone being fucked in the cunt. I didn't really know what sex was meant to be like, but I guessed he must be good at it. He could do it for a really long time before cumming. On my breasts directly that time."

"Did you get caught?"

"Half. After Eric crawled off me, that Margaret girl came in. She said she woke earlier and saw my tits out, pajama on the floor so she covered me and hid my top away. Then she pulled my Matt out of the room. Apparently, he didn't wanna go without me so she said she would let him watch her take a shower if he'd get her breakfast and coffee ready."

"That would have worked!"

"It did. Guys are hopeless. I had a T-shirt and skirt in the room so she stood guard til I got dressed."

"She didn't care you fucked her man?"

"Not the type."

"So you walked back to your boyfriend like nothing happened."

"I did."

"You little minx."

"Hey. It wasn't my fault. It was just bad circumstance."

"He had no idea."

I shook my head. "No. Poor guy got me alone before I showered, pulled my top up and sucked my breasts."

"Oh no."

"I know. I'm covered in dry sperm from his buddy and he's sucking it off."

"Oh shit."

"I felt really bad."

"Did he ever find out?"

"Not that I know of."

"But you fucked him?"

"No never. He got drunk at the party that night and passed out. Eric took me to bed again."

"Shit, girl. What about that Margaret?"

"Sigh. We took turns."

"You had lesbian sex!"

"I did not! I am not lesbian. We took turns. We didn't touch each other once."

"Holy shit. She do a good job?"

"She was much more experienced than me. And on the pill. Every time he came, it was in her."

"So why never do Matt? He was your boyfriend."

"I don't know. I was never that interested in sex. Even at that party, it wasn't me that did it. So, he moved on. Bored."

"Little did he know how you'd turn out."

"Either did I. Not his fault. I don't think I would have been ready back then. You got me at the right time."

"Now James has."

"Yes, how lucky he is," I said sarcastically. "Me sitting in a hotel room fucking you."

"Speaking of which...fuck properly. Make me cum. Then we'll butcher you with that massive dildo."

"Do me one favor?" I asked.

"Sure. What?"

"If you're pushing that thing in me and I scream out to stop - don't. Get it in me. Once it's all in... I go to heaven. Make me do it. Even if I ask you to stop, don't stop. Promise?"

"Don't worry Wendy. When you go home tomorrow, your cunt will be the size of a laundry bucket."

"Thank you Hugh. You know I'll always love you."

"I know. I love you too. Now, fuck!"


"James. I want you to know it's officially done. Hugh. We've promised we'll never fuck each other again. Even at a no-pants party."

"You had a goodbye one?"

"We did. That's why I was 'away' Thursday night."

"And it also explains why your cunt is a gaping hole tonight," he smiled.

"I know. I'm sorry. Hugh was pretty brutal. Some big things went in there."

"It's okay. I don't mind. I'm glad you are comfortable telling me."

"I have something that make it up to you though."

"Oh yeah?"

"My friend Shirley. She said she'd do a threesome with us."

"Oh really," he smiled. "How you planning to do that?"

"Here," I shrugged. "She has agreed to come over, undress and fuck us."


"Well, she already made me do it with her once. If she spends a weekend here with us, I'm sure she'll find a moment to make me do it again."

"You're okay being lesbian?"

"I'm not lesbian. But she's a friend. I know she likes it."

"Your pussy?"

"The whole thing. My entire participation."

"I'd like to see that."

"Which is why I said I have something to make it up to you. Shirley and I have never shared a guy before."

"Okay. You are forgiven."


That weekend was the start of a long and fascinating three-way relationship, mouth-deep in sex. Virtually a de facto triple marriage. Controversial, too. Shirley and I became school teachers. Even in these progressive times alternate lifestyles are accepted among the families of students - but not teachers. We had to stay as anonymous as we could. The biggest impact is not making friends with colleagues. If they got too close, if they knew about the three-some we lived our life by, there would be outrage and concern over our influence on the children. It's senseless and unfounded; people fear what they don't understand.

And...it's a whole other chapter in my life. I'd love to tell you about it, if you're interested?

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ukhidingukhiding7 months ago

Wow, all these stories are great. keep up the fantastic work.

HighBrowHighBrow7 months ago

Great writing has momentum, like this Femdom agitprop.

brickman4brickman4over 1 year ago

This is the second time I have read this story

Yup better the second time .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
A fan

I hope you keep writing. Ive been a fan of yours since the bonfire story. I always come back to it. I wish there had been a 3rd chapter but I love all your new stuff too!

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