Abused and Used

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I get used and abused at a hotel by a man I barely remember.
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It was getting late on a Sunday night. I was bored, very horny and I didn't know what to do. It was almost nine, and I was considering just pleasuring myself and calling it a night. I knew that wouldn't do. I had desires that ran much deeper than that and would never be satisfied with that. I definitely needed a man for the level of lust I was feeling. I could go to one of my cruising spots. It was not guaranteed, but likely to result in something. I really wasn't much in the mood for that tonight, though. I had a dilemma and was unsure how I should solve it.

As I was deep in thought, contemplating my options, my phone began to ring. Things were never that easy. But, I could hope, couldn't I? It was likely one of my friends calling about something that would only distract me from the issue of major importance at hand. But, maybe...In any case, I would never know unless I answered the phone, so I did.

"Hi." I said.

" Hello. Is this Chris?" the caller asked.

"It is."

"Hey it's Leon. You remember me?"

"Yes, I sure do." I said. I didn't. I had given my number out to innumerable guys over the past few years and this could be virtually any one of them. At least I had a pretty good idea what the purpose of this call was. The solution to my dilemma may just be on the opposite end of this phone.

"It's been a while. That last time in the hotel was awesome. I had a great time with you."

That narrowed it down some. But I still wasn't sure exactly who I was talking to. "Yeah. I had a great time." I replied.

" You took some good abuse that night. It's been making me hot thinking about it. I'd love to abuse you some more, treat you like a piece of shit, the way you like it. Are you free tonight?"

Finally, it clicked. Now I remembered who Leon is. It all came back to me and my cock started to stiffen thinking about our previous encounter. I met him one night while I was walking home from a friends house. He pulled up to me in his car and asked me if I wanted to hang out, which, naturally, I did. He took me to a hotel, telling me what he was into on the way. It was a hell of a night, to put it mildly. He was into verbal abuse, spitting and rough stuff. I could certainly do with a night like that tonight.

"I sure am," I said, "When do you want to meet up?"

"How's an hour from now sound?"

"Sounds just about right." I said.

"Good," he said "We can go to the same hotel. I've been thinking about this for a while. Wear some panties, if you have them. I'll bring everything else." He told me to meet him at an intersection that was near where I live. We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I immediately started getting ready, the way a bottom always should, and the anticipation was growing by the minute. I put on a pair of black, lacy panties and some black thigh high stockings for good measure. I threw on a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I'm sure I wouldn't be in anything I wore for very long. As I put my shoes on, I noticed I had little time to spare and rushed out the door.

I arrived at the agreed meeting place a few minutes early. I was seriously looking forward to being used and abused. It was almost ten thirty at night and I was wide awake, daydreaming about how tonight may turn out. I didn't remember what kind of car he drove but that point was rendered moot when he pulled up and honked his horn. I looked in and that was definitely the Leon I had in mind. He was a handsome, well built man who was well equipped to handle the likes of me. I stiffened again at the thought of what tonight might bring.

"Hey, Chris, how ya been?" he asked as I got in the passenger side of his car.

"Good, Leon. It's great to see you. How have you been?" I replied.

"I've been good. I'm much better now that I have a hold of you. I hope you're in the mood to be abused, because I'm in the mood to abuse the shit out of you."

"I am," I responded, "I could use some really good abuse right now. Don't hold back on me. I want you to use me any way you want."

"You're still okay with the same stuff as last time?" he asked.

I replied "Yeah, absolutely. I'm looking forward to it. Make me your sex toy for the night."

"Oh, I will. Let's get going, I'm horny as fuck." he said as he pulled away from the curb, starting off toward the hotel. It was only a fifteen minute drive from where he picked me up and I was already very anxious to get started.

Leon said "I have some goodies for you tonight. I know you're a dirty bitch and I'm going to make sure you don't forget that. Last time was just an introduction. You're really gonna get it tonight."

I said "I was hoping you would say something like that. I need to be reminded what my place is."

"I'm gonna put you in your place, for sure, don't you worry about that."

I was extremely excited to get to the hotel. I glanced at Leon quickly. Both arms were covered in tattoos, and, remembering our previous experience, he also had tattoos on his chest, legs, back and I also remember a large tattoo on his belly that extended down to his crotch. I was picturing him naked from our last time together and I was getting harder than I thought possible. He was a fine example of a man and I felt lucky to be having him for a second time. I was one hundred percent ready to give myself over to him.

He was now pulling into the hotel parking lot. He looked over and said "Here we are. I hope you're ready. I have a full night planned for you."

I answered "You don't know how ready I am." He turned his car off and grabbed a large gym bag from the back seat. We exited the vehicle and started walking to the hotel office.

Once inside, he walked straight to the counter. I followed behind him. He said to the desk clerk "I need a room for six hours." he glanced back at me and said "That good for you?"

"Yes," I replied, "six hours sounds great." This was working out beautifully. He was obviously in the mood for a long session. I was, too. The clerk looked at us with a knowing smirk and handed Leon the key to what would be our room for the next six hours.

We went up the stairs to the second floor and down the hall to our room. Leon opened the door and we entered. It was a medium sized room, with a queen size bed that had a night table on either side, two smallish dressers and a television mounted on the wall. It had a closet that ran parallel to the bed and was entirely paneled with large mirrors. There was also a small bathroom. On the far side of the room there was a small table and two wooden chairs and large windows that started about three feet above the floor and ran up to just under the ceiling. They were now covered by dark drapes. The room was carpeted and had plenty of space for our needs.

Leon put his bag on the table and turned on the television. He played with the remote for a bit and finally came across a channel playing gay porn. He put the remote down on the table and unzipped his gym bag. "Be a good slut and get undressed," he said, "I'm feeling abusive. Got some things in store for you." I took off my shirt, shoes and pants and put them in the closet. I was now standing in the middle of the room with nothing but a pair of black panties and black stockings on.

He looked me up and down and said "Nice. I like it. Now sit the fuck down on the edge of the bed." I complied. He took off his shirt, kicking his shoes aside as he did so, then took his pants off. His body was shaved clean from his face down, giving his tall, muscular build a smooth, silky appearance. His tattoos glistened in the light and were very enticing. His cock, already hard, was a seven and a half inch thing of beauty. Being entirely shaven, it looked magnificent. It was quite thick and had a nice road map of veins covering the entire surface and a large, bulbous head that looked ready for action. He had ample balls that hung pretty well and were very substantial, hopefully needing to be drained several times.

"First things first," Leon said, "You're a piece of shit. Nothing more.You are here to please me, and that's all. You're going to do what I want, when I want it, the way I want it. You are nothing but a skanky piece of trash for me to use. That's why you're going to wear this." He held up a stainless steel chastity cage, open and unlocked, ready to be affixed.

Leon came over and pushed me back onto the bed, pulled my panties down and put the cage around my balls and over my cock, closed and locked it, pulled my panties back up and pulled me back up into a sitting position. It was a larger size cage and wasn't all that restrictive, but still it turned me on. I had never worn one before, but I think I could grow to like this.

He lifted the bag off the table after dropping the key inside and carried it over to the end of the bed and dropped it on the floor. He pulled out a leather collar with a metal ring on the front, strapped it around my neck and said "This is for me to control you. If you get out of line, or if I feel like it." He grabbed the metal ring and gave it a sharp tug to emphasize the point. He reached in again and this time it was a pair of leather wrist restraints, followed by a matching pair of ankle restraints, each with a metal ring similar to the collar, so they could be attached to just about anything he wanted, or to each other. He put this equipment on me and stepped back to have a look at his work.

"You're good for now." he said. "You look like a fag who's ready to be used and that's making me very horny. That could be bad news for you, bitch."

He now pulled a cock ring out of the bag and put in on himself. It was a rubbery silicone type with two sections that separated the testicles from the rest and it made his cock and balls look even more enticing than they did before. Leon said "This is to give you enough cock between loads. You want cock?"

I responded "I want what ever you want to give me. Especially cock."

"That's a good slut. That's what I like to hear. Move over to the side of the bed." I slid around and was now sitting on the side of the bed. He was standing directly in front of me.

He spit on my face and said "Alright, bitch, you belong to me now. Are you ready to take care of me properly?"

I replied "Of course, that's all I want to do. I'm here for your pleasure."

He slapped me hard across the side of the face and said. "Good, just sit there and let me use your mouth. A lousy piece of trash like you is good for something, at least." He grabbed the ring on my collar and pulled my head roughly toward his cock. With the ring in his left hand, he grabbed his cock with his right hand and slapped me hard in the face with it. Then again, and again.

"You like that, skank?" he asked.

Of course I did, and I told him so. "Yes, I love it. That cock is so thick. Hit me again."

Leon slapped me a few more times with his cock and then on the other side of my face with his hand, and spit in my face again. He then grabbed the back of my head with both hands and forced it down into his crotch. He was rubbing my face into his balls, and his balls into my face, making sure the scent of his scrotum covered it entirely. I loved the smell of his balls and the feel of them wiping across my entire face. My nostrils were full of his manly musk and I was delighted.

"Open your mouth." he said. I did as he demanded and his cock found the opening like a guided missile. With his hands still on the back of my head, he pulled it down onto his mouth filling thickness and began fucking my face, the head of his cock slamming my throat with every inward thrust. It was activating my gag reflex, but he was relentlessly ravaging my throat with no let-up. It was a wet and sloppy affair. Saliva was running out of my mouth, dripping down his balls as well as my chin, and onto my chest with every outward stroke. Mucus was starting to drip from my nose, my eyes were watering and the barrage continued.

Finally, he pulled out of my mouth and stepped back to have a look at me. I was covered in saliva and gasping for air, mucus running out of my nose, fluid from my eyes running down my cheeks and he looked at me as if he were looking at some work of art he had created, with pride and approval. He seemed pleased with his work. I know I was.

"You're a mess," Leon said with a big smile, "It's too early for that." He pulled a roll of paper towels out of his bag, pulled off a few, threw them at me and put the roll down on the night stand and said "Clean yourself up, bitch, you got work to do." After I wiped myself off, Leon looked at me and said "I'm gonna fuckin' mess you up some more."

He pushed me back onto the bed and took my panties off and threw them on the night stand, landing on top of the roll of paper towels. He then lifted me and positioned me across the bed with my head hanging off the side. He straddled my head and looked down at me. With both hands, he grabbed me by the throat and squeezed lightly, then spit right in my face. "Open your mouth." He demanded. I complied and he spit directly into my mouth, twice. Then, releasing his hold, he slapped me on the side of the face. When he saw that the sting of his slap had set in, he slapped me on the other side.

"I want to be sure you understand that you're nothing but a dirty homo for me to use. That's all you are. A thing for me to use." Leon exclaimed.

"I understand. Use me any way you want to. It's what I deserve for being such a whore. It's all I'm good for." was my reply.

As he stood over me, facing the mirrored closet, he squatted a bit and let his cock and balls land on my face. He grabbed hold of his manhood and proceeded to rub his cock all around my face and then began incessantly rubbing and slapping it on my lips. I opened my mouth and he gave my tongue the same treatment. He dipped his balls into my mouth and I licked and sucked his scrotum and his balls as if they were an oversized candy. Eventually, his ample head found it's way into my mouth and I began to explore it vigorously with my tongue. He leaned forward and grabbed my chest as if it was a pair of women's breasts. He gripped tightly and let the rest of his cock enter my mouth and find it's way down my throat. He drove it in as far as it could go. So deep I could taste the silicone of his cock ring. Then he began to fuck my face.

It may be a peculiarity of my anatomy, but sucking dick in this position never triggers my gag reflex. Leon seemed to have noticed this and decided to go all out. He arched up and supported himself with his hands on the bed near my armpits and fucked my face harder. I could feel the moisture of his sweat every time his balls crashed into my nose on the downward stroke, his face dripping sweat onto my stomach as his hardness mercilessly pummeled my mouth and throat. I was so excited, I felt I could almost burst the chastity cage I was locked into.

He stopped, took himself out of my mouth and turned around. He re-straddled my head, this time facing the windows. The thin sheen of sweat on his body made him gleam. He slapped me on the right cheek with his hand, then the left cheek, then the right again and the left once more. He said "Alright, scumbag, you're doing pretty good considering you're nothing but a filthy faggot skank, but you're still garbage with no purpose in life other than to get me off, so, get me off."

With that, he plunged his cock straight down my throat and commenced fucking. His sweaty balls were now colliding with my chin and I could clearly taste his pre-cum. His penile barrage of my mouth was relentless. The only sounds in the room were the gay porn in the background, Leon's grunting and moaning and the wet, hollow sound of his cock invading my mouth. I grabbed his ass in my hands and was urging him forward with every stroke, enjoying the feeling of his tight cheeks in my hands. While his dick continued to assault my face, he grabbed the sides of my head to hold it steady.

With a good, firm hold on my head, Leon fucked my mouth harder than before. He was giving everything he had. Sweat covered his body, I could see the intense concentration on his face and, through it all, his ability to not miss a beat in his all important mission. His was gradually increasing his pace while also gradually fucking harder until he finally reached a crescendo.

"Holy fuck, here comes your first load." Leon shouted. I was unable to respond but was thoroughly excited at the prospect of his first orgasmic offering to me. "Yeah, here it comes, here it comes."

Leon withdrew from my mouth and erupted almost instantly. With only the first stream I had cum on my forehead, my nose and in my open and eager mouth. The second gush went up my cheek and into my eye and my hair. The next surge went mostly into my mouth, on my chin and across my other cheek. He continued for four more healthy spurts before it started to die down and slowly dribble out. He came hard and heavy. From the neck up, I was a cum soaked mess. I had a very healthy amount of his fluid in my mouth and swallowed it down. He thrust his cock back into my mouth.

"Clean it up, cum rag." he said as I took him back into my mouth, working my tongue over the entirety of what he gave me. He extracted his cock from my mouth, took a deep breath and walked over to the table. He took off his cock ring and sat down. He tapped the empty chair and motioned for me to come over.

I got up and went to the table and sat down, my face still covered in cum, the lovely aftertaste of swallowing his large load lingering in my mouth. Leon said "Man, that was intense. I fucked your face good. That was a hell of a load. I gotta catch my breath. You alright? Is this too much for you?"

"No, no, I'm fine," I answered as I was wiping the cum off my face with my fingers and delivering it to my mouth, enjoying the lovely tang of his seed, "don't worry about me, I can take it. I love this."

"You sure? 'Cause I can ease up a little if you want." he said.

"No way, don't do that. Give me the full deal. Don't hold back on me. Let's have a night we never forget." I responded.

"Cool, you got it," Leon declared, "I'm gonna let you have it, then... Man, I've been holding that load for over two weeks. You want a paper towel to clean up?"

"Yeah, I think so. My eye is actually burning a bit."

Leon handed me a paper towel from a wad he had brought to the table with him. I wiped off the bit remaining on my face, dabbed at my head to get some of the cum that found it's way onto my tightly cut hair and wiped my eye out.

I was anxious to know what else was in store for me. His bag looked far from empty. I had a feeling I was soon to find out as Leon stood up and was putting his cock ring back on.

"You ready for more?" he asked.

"Fuck yes." I replied.

He grabbed me by the upper arm after his cock ring was firmly in place and led me over to the bed. He shoved me onto the bed and positioned me face down length-wise on the bed. He went to his bag and came back with four short straps that had latches on either end. He attached one to each wrist restraint and one to each ankle restraint. He reached in again and pulled out what looked like a series of long canvas like straps. He fidgeted with the mattress a bit, lifting here and there and playing around underneath. When he was finished, he had a strap coming out at each corner of the bed, and each of those straps had a ring on the end of it. He affixed all four restraints to the straps and I was bound to the bed, my arms and legs stretched out to my sides, leaving me spread eagle and at his mercy.

Leon stood at the side of the bed and said "Now, you can't resist at all. You'll have to endure whatever I want you to. What do you think about that?"

"I have no say in the matter." I answered.

"You're damn right," he responded. "That's how it is. I'm gonna use that ass, treat it like a cunt, give it a real good workout."