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"You alright?" I asked.

She smiled. "Oh yes. Just looking. I just thought, 'You are naked.' You are the first naked man I've ever seen, for real."

"I'm almost afraid to ask if I live up to expectations."

She blushed a little. "I know that porn pictures are faked up and not real, so, well, I wasn't sure what to expect really."

She moved closer, sitting down by my thigh, looking down at my cock, running her hand along my leg from below the knee up to an inch from my balls. "But I'd have to say, well, for one thing there is a lot more hair."

I snorted a laugh, she glanced up with a smile "Not that it's a bad thing. I just never thought about it. Those guys must shave, or wax. I suppose it is like what you said about girls thinking they ought to shave. But now I think about it the shaved ones look like my little cousin Tim's one on the beach last summer. Hairy does look more grown up. Manly. Scary."

She flashed a smile "Not too scary though." She reached out and very gently stroked the hair on my balls, and up around to my cock. "And then there is this," she said, lifting my cock straight up. "Which is beautiful." She gave me a swift smile before looking back at it, and bending down to more closely observe it. "I wasn't expecting the skin to be so soft. And it isn't as rigid as I expected, it is a little bendy and squidgy. Which us good, because I know what I'm supposed to do with it."

"What do you mean?" I asked, and then gave a little gasp as she stroked up and down on my cock a few times. "Although maybe I shouldn't ask that since you obviously do know what to do with it."

She smiled "Thank you. Although I'm not really sure, you know. Please tell me if you want me to do anything different, I'm just doing what the girls do in the films. But I meant, I know it is supposed to go inside me, and it seems awfully big. Bigger than two fingers. Bigger than my hairbrush handle. If it wasn't flexy I'd be worried it would be too big."

"You know that was a very flattering thing to say." I said, grinning.

She looked up at me, puzzled. "Why?"

"Well, I think every man thinks at some time that he would like his cock to be bigger. I'm pretty confident, I've been with a few women and I think I haven't disappointed anyone, but it is nice to hear that it is big enough. I mean, I know I would never get cast in a porn movie, and from what you have said, you have seen a few of those. It's nice to know you are okay about it."

She laughed. "Those guys in porn films are freaks. Or fakes. I watched one with Mandy once and you could see the join where they stuck the rubber end on."

She was still stroking me gently and it was very pleasant and distracting, but I had to ask "Have you watched a lot of porn films?"

"No. Not much I think. A few. I got curious and looked on the net a few times, but not often. They all seemed much the same really. But they did turn me on. And they did make me wonder about doing this." Kate leaned down and took the head of my cock in her mouth.

It was warm and soft and unexpected, and her tongue smoothed around it and she sucked gently as she moved her head down to take more of the shaft. She looked up at me with smiling eyes as I struggled to control my breathing. It was her first blow job. It was very good.

She sucked me and wanked me, and her free hand cradled my balls, and she moved round to kneel on the bed between my knees. I touched her head lightly, not to control her movement but just to confirm the reality of what was happening. She looked up at me again and pulled my cock out, continuing to wank me, as she said "Is there anything you would like me to do?"

"Carry on. You are doing fine."

She opened her mouth again and plunged me into it, pushing down further than before, soon taking almost all of me inside, her nose touching my stomach. In a series of long strokes of her head she took it deep again and again. The temptation to grab her head, take over on the rhythm, thrust into her, dominate her, was great, but I resisted. To lie back and be pampered in this way, have a beautiful young woman bring me pleasure so unselfconsciously, was wonderful.

Even more so when she licked down my shaft and started licking my balls.

I was torn. I love having my balls licked (who doesn't?) and it makes me come pretty fast. And I didn't want to do anything to make this girl afraid or embarrassed, to rush her or force her, so it would be easy to lie back and just let go, and let her bring me off. But I also wanted more. I wanted to take her, now, to put my aching cock in her soft ginger pussy, to be and to come deep inside her body.

I decided to let her know just how good she was, and let her decide what to do. "Katie, you will make me come if you keep that up."

She brought her head up. "Oh. If you come you'll go soft won't you? And then we won't be able to, you know, do it?"

"Well, for a while, but you can get me hard again in ten minutes, or half an hour, by doing what you are doing again."

"Oh. Not long then. But. If you come now can you come again later?"

I almost laughed – she looked so serious – it was the most intimate and innocent and ridiculous discussion to have, with her worried frown and her pretty face an inch from my cock. "With you? Yes. You are too gorgeous. You'll make me come again."

"Oh." she said, and looked hesitant "I want to try sucking you when you come. I want to taste it. Mandy says it's nice. But, I want to try other things, and I want you to come in me. I want you to make love to me properly. Could we do that first?"

I would have laughed for the sheer absurdity of the anxious, pleading look on her face. This virgin teenage angel was practically begging me to have sex with her, and looking worried that I might not want to!

"Come up here and kiss me, Katie" I said, and guided her lips to mine by holding her face in both my hands.

Just as our lips were about to touch I said softly "I want you Kate. I want to make love to you. I want to put my cock in you and come in you."

She shivered with emotion as I kissed her, and her arms gripped me. Her body was against mine, and she straddled me. I felt her press her crotch down onto my hard shaft, and she rubbed herself back and forth. My cock was opening up her lips, her clitoris pressing against my flesh, and another shiver went through her.

I knew she might easily wriggle until I penetrated her. And she had said she wanted me to come in her. But I was not so overborne by lust that I had no thought of consequence.

"Have you any condoms?" I asked. "I have some in my room."

She raised her face and looked at me as she slowly ground her hips, and said "Don't worry, Sean, I've been on the pill for a year now. You can come in me. Come into me. Now. Make love to me."

She rolled over, pulling me with her, spreading her legs and reaching for my cock. I glanced down to see her wriggling into position, bringing her pussy to touch my tip. She pushed it down and then up, rubbing it against herself, covering it with her own wetness, spreading her lips around it. A momentary image of her golden red curls and pale pink flesh surrounding my dark purple cock head, and the feeling of that soft enveloping embrace was burned forever into my mind.

I let my eyes travel up her body, memorising every detail of her perfect form. Her bulging mound with its russet hair, the smooth pale skin of her stomach, the delicate navel, the rise of her ribcage and the swell of her breasts, nipples hard and dark and pointed, the slight flush of her neck and the beauty of her face, lips open and flushed, eyes sparkling, hair awry in a crimson halo. Her long slim legs were spread wide, her arms reaching up to pull me down onto her so willing body.

I pressed a little with my hips and she arched her back and drew in air, her eyes never leaving mine, as I penetrated her. An inch, into tight warm smoothness. I held position and whispered "Okay?"

She nodded wordlessly, and I pulled back a fraction, then pushed again, and she moaned and raised her legs, and I was three inches deep, and could feel her body clenching me, ripples of tension and softness. "You are beautiful, Katie." I murmured, and drew back a couple of inches, then pressed again.

Four deep now, I could lower myself to my elbows, chest touching her naked breasts, her arms coming round my back. I kissed her softly, and she sighed, and I rocked back and forward, and she sighed again. "Oh, Sean, oh that is lovely."

I began to rock a little more, pulling out a couple of inches and slowly pressing in again, as I replied "Yes, Katie love, it is lovely, you are lovely, oh, my lovely girl that is good, that feels good."

My hips sped up of their own accord, and hers began to move in counter sync, and suddenly as she lifted her legs up and I pressed down I was all the way inside her, my balls against her ass, the root of my cock against her clit, stomach to stomach, as deep as I could go.

She gasped, I groaned, she clutched my shoulders and I pressed into her firmly, holding her there. "That's it Katie, that's all the way in, all of me inside you."

"Oh God. Oh it feels good. Oh yes." She was rigid, with her eyes wide, but after a moment she relaxed, and moved her legs. She lowered them, making me withdraw an inch, then raised them again and pulled me into her. "Oh, yes. Oh, Sean, oh do that again."

I did. I was deeply shafting her. My cock was stroking into her pussy, which was firm and slick, gripping me and pulling at me. It was a long time since I had a teenage body in my arms, and round my cock, but it was as good as I remembered. Smooth thighs, soft breasts bouncing, the smell of her sweat and sweet pussy juices, the taste of her throat and mouth, the feel of her muscles, her skin, her arms and back and bottom and shoulders. Her lips on my neck and shoulders and sucking my nipple when I raised myself on my arms again to get a deeper swing of my hips. I watched her breasts rocking back and forth in time as I slammed my cock into her, and heard her gasp with each stroke. She was writhing beneath me, her body forcing itself into my cock, and she started moaning, almost chanting "Oh, yes, yes, oh, oh, yes, yes, oh."

It was intoxicating. It was almost surreal. I had a flicker of disbelief, an 'am I dreaming?' moment. Beneath me was a fantasy girl, the stuff of middle aged crisis, a girl I had quietly burned for, imagined doing this, but never believed she would. Indeed my imagination had never been so wild. She was a lustful virgin with no limits, abandoned to the pleasure of her body, and every move I made, every trick and technique, every new caress or change in pace was welcomed, absorbed, added to her building orgasm.

I could almost have come right then, just watching her lithe form spread out for me to penetrate, to come into. But I held the urge in check, and went for the greater pleasure. I drove her to come. I drove her to orgasm with my cock in her pussy, to let me feel her body clasp and pulse on my cock, for the first time, and then to do it again. I licked and sucked her nipples and her earlobes, her throat and shoulders and her armpits, the inner elbow, her wrists and fingers. I pulled her leg upright and held her thigh in one hand, pulling back on her as I sank my cock as deep as it could go and sucked her toes. That made her scream, and gasp and run out of air, and almost faint. She was brought round when I shifted position so she was on her side and I was straddling her lower leg, and penetrated her again, but now I could massage her clitoris and her breasts with my left hand while the right stroked her back and legs and buttocks, and into the cleft between them to find the soft and sensitive flesh that was concealed there.

I rubbed a finger around the lower part of her pussy lips, feeling my shaft sliding in and out. I caressed her perineum, and round her ass, slick with her juices and found the soft opening that had never been touched and gently circled it and gently pressed against it and gently vibrated it and gently spread it and gently put my finger tip into it and gently pulsed and shook and pushed in deeper and gently held still as her body clamped down on my finger and my cock as she shrieked another orgasm.

I slipped my finger from her, and rolled her on her back and took possession of her body again. Now I would come. Now I would let myself follow what my cock and balls demanded. Now I would pour myself into her, drive myself inside her, empty my heart and soul in this lovely, loving and loved young woman.

It was wild and mad.

I let go of myself, and she realised that this was different. I wasn't holding back, and it was my pleasure that drove me. I was an animal, ravishing her, but she wasn't scared, because she knew now what it meant to be that free, that instinct driven. She had been there, and knew that this was a moment of vulnerability and trust. That I was at her mercy. And she wanted that.

She urged me on. She place her hands on my bottom and threw her kegs wide and she pulled me into her, thrust back against me, followed my increasingly ragged breathing, and demanded more. "Come in me Sean, come on, that's it, of Sean that's it, oh take me Sean, oh come in me, come on, yes Sean oh yes, come darling, come in me lover, oh come in me, Yes!"

I drove deep and hard and crushed the breath from her as I felt my balls contract and my cock twitch and the come rushing out of me and the wave of dark and light that rolled over my body and emptied my mind.

Then I gasped for breath, and my body gave way, and I slumped on top of her, and we rolled together, kissing and snatching air and hugging and laughing and eventually lying naked aide by side on our backs, holding hands and taking a silent moment to relax.

She broke the silence with a small voice. "Is it always like that?"

"Well, in my experience, no. I'd have to say, for me, that was pretty exceptional. I mean, that was really great. And I think you seemed to be having a good time too. Yes?"

In the same little voice she said "Oh, yes. I had a good time.". Then she took a deep breath, and shivered, and said in a louder voice "Whoah," and rolled over to cuddle me for a second and then raised her head and looked onto my eyes, and I saw stars in hers.

"I've heard other girls talking about it. And some have said how good it can be. But one night at a party there was a whole gang of us and one of the girls talked about her first time. And then another, and another, and it went round the group. Half of us hadn't done it, but the rest, seven or eight, all had. And half of them had a really bad time. Pain and bleeding, and rough boys. That's why I decided to use the hairbrush on me, so it wouldn't hurt. And the rest all said how it was over in no time. And one girl, only one, said she came. I came Sean. I don't know how many times. It wasn't like anything I had ever heard about. Even when the girls talk about the good sex."

I had to smile. Well, grin widely, to be honest. "I'm glad you had a good time. I wanted it to be good for you. I suspect those girls have only been with boys who don't know much. There are some advantages to being with an old man."

"But you're not old, Sean." she said, and sounded sincere.

"Up until about last Christmas you called me 'Uncle Sean,' and you know I am, as they say, well old enough to be your father, Kate."

"Yes, Sean. And up to this morning you always called me 'Katie' and I am older than my mother was when she got engaged to dad, who was years older than her then."

"Well, yes he was nearly ten years older, and I think that raised some eyebrows. And everyone was sceptical when they got married. They all said she was too young, but I'm twenty years older than you, it is a big difference. Also, I am trustee for your estate. Some people might think I had taken advantage of your vulnerability," I said.

"But Mum wasn't too young. They were happy. She loved him and he loved her." Kate (or Katie) looked at me seriously. "I'm not asking you to marry me Sean. But I don't want you to think that this is just a silly girl thing. Or that you have seduced and taken advantage of a child in your care. I'm not a child. And I have been thinking about this, and about you, for a long time. Since before I stopped calling you 'uncle.'"

I hugged her, because she looked to petulant and a little worried. "Darling Kate. You are a beautiful, wilful and wonderful young woman. But what happens now?"

"We'll see," she said, and smiled. "But first we are going to get dressed and go out for a huge meal, because I am starving. And I want champagne."

"Whatever you want, Kate. Whatever you want." I said, smiling.

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nthusiasticnthusiasticover 2 years ago

What a lucky girl! I wish my first was like that. You write so well, it feels real. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

stilllovinglifestilllovinglifeover 4 years ago
Lovely Story

Believable characters, good pacing, great job on his inner dialogue. I appreciate the fact that you write well and can create a story that warms the heart as well as the loins. Thanks for a very satisfying read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I would love accidents like that in my life. I guess its true what they say, 'Redheads really do have more fun'.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

A beautiful thoughtfully written piece. Good backstory and nice slow appropriate build up. I'd love to read a further instalment of these characters' story. x

oneknightquestoneknightquestover 9 years ago
Brings back a flood of memories !!!

As I read the story, my mind wandered back, filled with

past memories, of Romancing and Loving those wonderful

moments of ultimate bliss !!!! Thank you, Ladies, from the bottom

of my heart !!!! " Oh, what Wonderful Memories, all of you,

have left with me, to Cherish and Care For, all the rest

of my days !!! "


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Wonderful story!

I really enjoyed your story. The characters were very well drawn, and quite realistic. I would like to see more of this tale!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Most natural and well paced story I ever read. Too good- Every man worth his self must be Sensitive , Sensible and be like Sean when it is Sex.

bearsladybearsladyover 9 years ago

So well written. You've written a beautiful story with an actual storyline and well paced young girls first time. Well done

MVPrimetimeMVPrimetimeover 9 years agoAuthor

It is nice to be appreciated. I should perhaps say that I put up another story, on the same day, also about an older man and you woman, called "Curls." I had started this story and wasn't sure about it, then started "Curls" and then came back to this one - so I posted both together to see how they were received.

AverygoodlayAverygoodlayover 9 years ago
Great story

Great story! Not rushed into the sex just building up to the point where he shows Katie what her body wants and needs making her cum a few times first and letting her explore his body so she became comfortable with it and his cock.

Thanks for not having the huge cock and tits, it pisses me off that writer think they have to have 10" cocks and DDD Tits to make a story, when I see that I stop reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I don't know what to say. A beautiful story.

Five stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

More please!

I hope it's true or at least your just for a young woman is real.

I know my lust for a young woman is real.

Please continue with this story. Cum in her mouth as she looks into your eyes.B

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