Accidents Can Happen for a Reason Ch. 03


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'You're here about Connie?'

'Yes, I have no idea what's going on, you know?'

'Erm, sort of,' Donna was struggling not to laugh, 'Apparently she tried to beat the snot out of one of the Year 5 boys.'

'She did what?' I was incredulous.

'I know, I shouldn't laugh,' and then she proceeded to.

I was ushered into the classroom to find Connie perched rigidly on a chair. Her shoulders tense and her eyes defiant, she was the image of her mother but in that one moment her attitude reminded me so much of Kate that I almost burst out laughing myself. I listened to the teacher explain that fighting was very frowned upon, shouldn't happen again, but under the circumstances of our loss... I wasn't really listening, I have to admit.

I settled Connie into the car; I was at a loss as to how to handle this so I decided to play it cool.

'He must have really pissed you off then?'


'Well, did he do anything, what did he say?'

'He said gay people were stupid...' I looked at her in the rear view mirror, '...and I don't think they are!' She looked so small and fierce and righteous that I started to laugh. She did too, and soon I had to stop the car while we both giggled hysterically. Back home news of her notoriety had reached Emma and Harry. They were immensely proud of their wild cat of a little sister and made up all kinds of relatively complementary names for her. Suddenly, they were a family again and for them at least the pressure of living without their mum and dad eased a little. Harry (broken leg mended) was back playing football with his friends, Emma started to draw and carry her camera everywhere with her again. And Connie, well, she didn't beat up any more 11 year old boys at least.

I missed Kate so badly. If I had thought it was bad to start with it only got worse. Our phone calls were less frequent now and I was too stupid or stubborn to call her. It felt so selfish to need the woman I had left and so I suffered in silence. Little things would set me off though. Once out shopping with Emma I burst into tears outside L'Occitane, where Kate spent a fortune on shampoo and body products. Another time, both Harry and Emma had decided to impress me with their cooking skills, but the Thai chicken they made was one of Kate's favourites and I struggled to enjoy it without her. The kids knew; they knew I missed her terribly, but they looked at me with sad eyes and very wisely said nothing.

I have Maggie's mum, Cathy, to thank for bringing it all to a conclusion. It was Friday afternoon, and as usual Cathy had met with the kids after school and had taken them swimming. My day had started so badly. The post that morning had contained a letter from Kate. Inside were a large cheque and a short note. She was aware, she wrote, that she had been living rent free in my house for a few months and the cheque ought to cover any expenses. She made my world spin with one little piece of paper. I heard the kids arrive home and the clatter as they ascended the stairs. Cathy joined me in the large kitchen and I offered her a cup of tea.

'Something stronger maybe?' she replied.

I poured us both a glass of wine and sat fiddling with the stem.

'I saw Kate last week,' she said suddenly and my head shot up.

'Oh really?'

'Mmm, I thought she looked thin, like you. When was the last time you saw her?'

'Well, I...'

'How long will you let this go on for?' she asked, setting her glass down. Before I could reply, her hands were on either side of my face and she continued.

'For goodness sake Alex, the children don't need another mother, they had one. You can't be a replacement for Maggie.' Her eyes were bleary, but she carried on. 'What they need is love and care and support, and you give them all of that. But they know what you've given up and it hurts them that you are so miserable.'

'But I can't have them and have her,' I replied, tears spilling.

'Says who?'

'Cathy it's so complicated and my step moth...'

'Your bloody step mother is a stupid arrogant bitch who's only happy when someone else's misery matches her own! She was all very righteous about you looking after the kids but she hasn't exactly helped you out much now you're on your own, has she?'

I stared, eyes wide and open mouthed at her outburst, and she smiled gently at me. 'Well someone has to say it Alex. What you had with Kate was special; fix it love, before it's too late.'

'I don't know how.'

'Yes you do... and I'll help. The kids will spend the weekend with me and Bill, if you need time after that just let me know, but Alex, it's time to do something for yourself.'

With that, she turned and yelled good naturedly up the stairs. Last to leave was Emma. She crossed the kitchen and gave me a quick hug. As she left, she dropped something onto the kitchen counter,

'Oh, found this, thought you might like it.'

She left me with a photo. It had been taken a few years before in the South of France on holiday. I was deeply tanned and engaging in an animated discussion with an old lady in a market while I chose vegetables. Kate was standing next to me, smiling. The colours in the photo were amazing; the red tomatoes, the yellow apron covering the stall owner. What struck me the most were Kate's eyes, so startlingly blue and so very full of love. I grabbed my keys and was out of the door before I could change my mind.

It was dark when I pulled up in front of my house. I saw Kate's car and noticed the hall lights were on. Struggling to overcome my nerves I approached the front door and rang the bell. It wasn't answered. I stood for a long time, summoning up the courage to try again before foolishly remembering that this was my house and I had a key. The kitchen and hall lights were on but the house was silent. Maybe she was out for a run I wondered, but then, she didn't she didn't usually like to run in the dark. Walking upstairs slowly, I was suddenly struck with an awful thought. Maybe she wasn't alone.

Reaching the bedroom door and opening it slowly I realised where she was and what she was doing. The aroma of her bath oil filled the room and the air was warm. The bathroom door was shut and I looked around the bedroom while I found the courage to go in. Some of my perfume was on the dresser and my sweater still lay over the chair; it didn't look like she had moved a thing. Finally I opened the bathroom door, quietly calling out her name.

'Kate, it's me.'

She looked up as I entered, her eyes widening but otherwise showing no emotion. The bath was full, topped with foamy white bubbles and she was reading a book, a glass of wine to hand. She looked beautiful.

'I rang the bell,' I stuttered, 'used my keys...' I trailed off feeling foolish as my prepared speech suddenly faded from view. I had a chance I thought, to make things better but felt incapable of finding the right words. Looking down at my feet, I nervously started to chew my lip. I was startled by the noise of her book hitting the bathroom floor and looked up to see her slowly sinking under the soapy water. She was submerged for a few long seconds before sitting up suddenly, water cascading from her blond hair. Wordlessly, she picked up a bottle of shampoo and offered it to me. I took it and kneeling at the side of the bath I proceeded to work the shampoo into lather through her hair. Her eyes closed and her head fell back as I carefully washed her blond curls; a wonderful intimate moment that offered me hope. She rinsed off a second time and this time as she surfaced she immediately stood. I reached out for a towel, but her hand stopped mine and held on to my arm for support as she stepped, streaming, from the bath. She was thinner, her wet body rosy from the water but toned and hard from exercise, almost shining in the bathroom's soft light. We looked at each other for a long time before she spoke, her voice very soft.

'I waited for you Alex, I waited such a long time.'

'I know, Katie I'm sorry. I was foolish and self absorbed and I...'

'You weren't those things; you were hurting and pressured and anyway, it doesn't matter.'

'It doesn't?' 'Is it too late, am I too late?' Suddenly I felt as though I was on the edge of a cliff.

Her wet hand was suddenly on my face, her thumb tracing along my cheekbone.

'It's not too late Alex,' she said simply, 'I would have waited for ever. Do you know why?'

I dumbly shook my head.

'Because you're the one Alex.'

With a sob I was pressing against her, my hands hugging tightly around her naked back while the water from her body quickly soaked through my thin shirt. She hugged me back just as fiercely, her hands slipping into my hair to hold me securely against her. Her warm, damp cheek was against mine and at the same moment our heads turned seeking each other's lips. Gentle, soft, tentative; I had missed kissing her so badly my knees wobbled from the sheer delight of her closeness. Kate had always been able to kiss me into a state of ecstasy and proceeded to do so now. Her lips became firmer and I felt myself being pushed backwards towards the door. I was conscious of the water cooling on my face contrasting with the burning heat of her lips. Her tongue parted my lips and slid to the corner of my mouth, caressing and driving me wild. Our tongues met, touching and remembering and hers won out, searching deep into my mouth with her teeth lightly clashing with mine. The sexual tension between us rose palpably, I could hear my own little moans mix with hers and I was incredibly turned on. She left my mouth and her lips trailed down my neck, softly nipping at the sensitive skin while her hands lightly brushed the sides of my breasts. I felt like I was going to explode and was writhing under her touch. Kate broke the tension,

'Oh Alex, you're all wet.'

'I know, you used me as a towel.'

'Well I think we had better get you out of these wet clothes then.'

I was virtually speechless as her amazing blue eyes locked with mine and her fingers slowly unbuttoned my shirt and dragged it out of my jeans. My belt was tugged open, the button and zip loosened and she was on her knees in front of me. Quickly losing my sneakers and socks I supported my hands on her shoulders as she pulled down my jeans and panties in one swift movement. She stood and turned me, standing behind me. I felt her warm breath on my neck and strong hands unclasp my bra as I leaned back against her. Her nipples were hard, pushing against me as she pressed her body to mine. I couldn't suppress a moan as her hands gently cupped my breasts; soft, smooth palms grazing across my hard, super sensitive nipples. Glorious sensations coursed through me; she was holding me, touching me, loving me again. Kate was kissing me shoulder, biting lightly while one hand circled down, across my trembling stomach. My eyes were closed and I lost myself to sensations. Her nails scraped lower, swirling through my dark curls making my knees weak with desire. I wanted her touch so badly.

'Open your eyes Alex. Watch!'

I did. We were standing in front of the bathroom mirror. I saw myself. I saw a tall slim woman, with flushed cheeks, hard nipples and a paler hand disappearing between her legs. Oh god, it was so sensual to see it and feel it at the same time.

'I want you to see what I see,' Kate whispered, as her fingers spread me and lightly rubbed over my clit.

'Oh god Kate,' my head slumped back against her; the feelings she was invoking were overwhelming.

'Keep your eyes open Alex, keep them open and watch me love you.'

'Ok, ok I'm trying, but you feel so good, it's har...ohhhh...hard to keep'

'I'll always love you, I love you so much.'

Her fingers moved slowly over me, I could see my wetness coating them and hear the little noises they made. I watched my hips rocking slightly and saw her hand covering my breast, possessing me. I bit my lip, groaning with frustration, knowing that if I could close my eyes and lose myself to the sensations I would climax quickly.

'You need to promise me something.'

'Yes, yes, anything.'

'You need to talk to me when things bother you. We're a couple, we're stronger together. Together Alex, we can handle anything.'

Her words like her fingers caressed me. Like warm oil they soothed me and excited me, I could almost feel myself melting but the building pressure between my legs was becoming urgent.

'I know...I will...we are, '

I answered her promises as best I could before losing my battle to watch. My legs were beginning to tremble, I could feel the heat growing in my pelvis and I pushed my arms behind me and grabbed Kate's bum for support. I was soaking wet now and her fingers kept the same slow rhythmic pace over and around my clit. It was maddening and exhilarating; I had never wanted or needed to cum so badly.

'Kate,' I wailed,' I think, oh god, I'm gonna...'

I never finished the sentence ...suddenly I was right there. The arching, trembling, sweet ecstasy; held for a long instant before the total loss of control. She kept her fingers moving as I jerked frantically against her and I was dimly aware of the high gasps I made that mirrored my movements. My legs turned to jelly but she supported me and just when I thought I might pass out she slowed and held on to me tightly.

'Oh god Kate, that was...,

'Can you walk?'


'Ok,' she sounded so happy, so pleased with herself, 'then I'll drag you.'

'Where are we going?'

'Bed...I haven't finished with you yet.'

The next morning I woke first and sat quietly watching her sleep. My body was warm and relaxed; languid, the feeling that comes after hours of sensual love making. She was sprawled on her back, arms above her head with the hint of a smile playing on her lips. I think I loved her more at that moment than ever before. What was it about her, I wondered; her strength, her certainty and more than anything her understanding. Beginning to wake, she stretched like a cat and then reached for me.

'Hi,' she said sleepily


'What are you doing?'

'Looking at you, I missed you'

'I know... I missed you too. What happens now?'

I paused, trying to find the right words to ask her, maybe beg her; that I wanted her and the kids. She felt me stiffen as I thought and sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

'Ok, how about I tell you what I would like to happen now,' she volunteered.

I nodded.

'We talk to the kids and if everything is ok with them I pack up here and move in with you guys as soon as possible. After that we tell Cathy and Bill and...' she smiled, '...totally ignore anything your stepmother has to say on the subject.'

'Sounds perfect,' I replied with relief, 'but Kate, are you sure? I mean the kids...they're loud, energetic, disorganised and still very unsettled.'

'I'm sure they'll be thinking the same thing about me,' she quipped. 'Honestly Alex, we'll make it work. It might not be easy but we have to try.'

'I know. I love you.'

Those captivating blue eyes held mine and the corners of her mouth lifted into a smile.

'Anyway, it will be worse for you,' she whispered, her mouth close to my ear and warmth breath sending shivers down my body.

'Why's that?'

'Well you are going to have to learn to be quiet when we're making love', she giggled, 'how about you start practising now?'

Within a month we were settled. The kids delighted to have Kate once again a large part of their lives. Within three months, her influence on our lives was huge. She had Harry accompanying her on morning jogs without complaint. She bought Emma a puppy under the promise that she walked it twice a day; astonishing she did. And Connie? Connie was enrolled in a various self defence classes and quickly found that Judo was to her liking, Kate took her to every class. In truth, she was simply amazing.

One night a few weeks ago as we were getting ready for bed, she handed me a box. Inside was a battered and rusty bell, from a bicycle.

'What is this?' I wondered.

'That,' she said, 'is the only thing I managed to salvage from my bike on the day I met you.'

'You kept it all this time...why?'

' a reminder.'

'Of the accident?'

'Well, sort of. It's a reminder of the fact that I love you and I was lucky to find you. And possibly a reminder that sometimes, maybe, accidents can happen for a reason.'

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AquariusgirlAquariusgirl9 months ago

I can't believe this little series is 13 years old now & I've only just discovered it. What a little gem and it's so close to real life, I love it & feel like I experienced so many emotions reading through the story.

I wish I could rate it more than 5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

NoLongerAnonNoLongerAnon11 months ago

It was a pleasure to find an old series of this quality that I hadn't read before.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What a Wonderful series of stories. Which pulled at my heartstrings. Deserves much more than 5*s.

Pookiebear123Pookiebear123over 2 years ago

In a word…exceptional.

Nerdyqueen94Nerdyqueen94almost 3 years ago

Wow a punch in gut when things grew so dark and tragic but it was so captivating I loved this story. A good story is one you can feel in your pulse or core so this one was wonderful.

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