Actual Sorority Sisters Pt. 02


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"I decided that bathing wasn't really what we were doing anymore. I felt so...let's be honest...horny. I just wanted to touch her for the sake of touching her. So I slipped my other hand over into the water. Now I had two hands that were exploring Natalie's breasts and other parts of her body. My arms were in up to the elbows. For a long time we were just quiet, while I played with Natalie's breasts and she laid with her eyes closed.

"After a long time, Natalie told me to lean in. So I and she whispered to me that her pussy was dirty and asked that I clean it too. I almost told her that I didn't have any soap. Then I realized what she meant. She wanted me to touch her. If you had told me when I first went upstairs that I was going to have to touch her pussy, I probably would have told you I would refuse. But now I was sort of in the middle of it and the idea wasn't bad. I was kind of excited.

"So I kept my left hand up at Natalie's breast and my right hand sort of snaked down between her breasts, over her belly and down between her legs. I was leaning in now, my chin was only like a foot over the water. My hair was dipping in it, so that is probably why it is messed up. Anyway, I had never felt another girl's pussy before. I mean it was strange to say that if felt like mine, because it both did and didn't. Natalie had bigger pussy lips that me. Also, under the water, she felt magical. I felt my fingers slip through her slit and she sort of moaned while I did it.

"I could feel the water on her pussy, but I could also feel her juices. They were a slightly different texture and felt different in the water. She was so lubricated from the water and her arousal that as I turned my wrist upward, my fingers slipped right into her body. She sort of whimpered but she seemed to like it. I started to move my fingers in like a slow hooking movement inside of her pussy, rubbing up against the ridges inside of her.

"Natalie was breathing heavy now, I didn't know what to expect from her. I didn't know if I was doing anything right. I just knew that the clitoris was really sensitive, so while two of my fingers were inside of her, I put my thumb up on her clit and started to circle around it.

"The next thing happened so fast, I could barely believe it. It was like pressing onto Natalie's clit was pressing a button. Her hands instantly came up out of the water and sort of cradled mine. She sort of pulled me so I was facing her. In an instant, Natalie's tongue was buried in my mouth. I was sort of shocked and at first I didn't kiss back, I just let her tongue move around mine. Then I sort of figured out what was going on, I closed my eyes and started to kiss back. I moved my tongue around inside of her mouth and at the same time, kept moving my fingers around both inside her pussy and on her clit.

"Now that we were kissing, my left arm was sort of pinched. I couldn't really play with her tits anymore. And, more importantly I guess, I was so horny. I mean, like I've never been in my life. Touching Natalie was like...overwhelming. And I felt almost a puddle forming underneath me on the wooden stool. My whole body ached. So I slipped the one hand out of the water and put it between my legs.

"My pussy felt like it was in the bottom of the bathtub. It felt like it had a bucket of sticky liquid poured on top of it. I quickly found my clitoris with my fingers and started to rub myself as well. I kept my tongue inside of Natalie's mouth while I did it. And soon I was moving my fingers around on her pussy just the way I was moving my other hand around on my own. And we were like that for a long time, just me playing with our pussies while we made out. It was somehow even hotter than my 'dinner' with Laura.

"Finally, I felt Natalie nibble a little bit on my lip while we were kissing. For some reason, this sort of put me over the edge. I started to cum. I just started moaning into Natalie's mouth and I was sort of grinding my pussy on the wooden stool. I couldn't even think about anything else. My mind went blank. I think that hearing me or seeing me cum had totally had an effect on Natalie as well. I kept my finger on her pussy, and when I was almost done cumming, I felt her doing it too. When I came down from my orgasm, I watched Natalie's body go completely relaxed. I felt her pussy squeeze on my fingers inside of her. It was so beautiful to watch her cum.

"So anyway, after we finished cumming I felt like it might be awkward. But after we caught our breath she just asked me to help her dry off and get dressed. So I did (playing with her boobs again, I have to admit). And once we were dressed she took me down here and told me to get dressed. So I did. Then we went for a walk around campus and talked a little bit. It was so strange but also really amazing. I can't believe how much it feels natural to me now. I've changed so much."

"Okay, before I get into explaining how that sounded," I started as soon as she finished. And I was telling the truth. I couldn't believe how much her story had turned me on. It almost felt like I hadn't just cum a few hours earlier, like I was still incredibly horny. But there was something I had to ask about, "On your walk, did you guys talk about sex or anything?"

"You know I didn't really think of it at the time," she said, sounding confused by my question. But I had an idea.

"Just think," I said. She paused for a minute and I watched her cutely tap her finger against her lips as she thought.

"Actually," she said finally, "you know what? We didn't talk about anything at the house. One time I started to mention something about what I'd done with Laura and she sort of cut me off and got me talking about something else." So she confirmed my suspicions, this was a lesson.

"Okay, that makes sense," I said, "Ok, now let me say it. That story was incredibly hot!" I said. I was just about to start getting into it when another freshman girl barged into our room.

"Hey guys," the girl, her name was Jenna said, "Sorry to bother you, but we are supposed to go down to the dining room for another meeting."

"Another meeting?" I asked confused, "but we already had our meeting for the day." Jenna put her hands on her bare hips and shrugged.

"I don't know what gave you the impression that I know what is going on, but let me fill you in: I don't know what is going on. I do what I am told. My senior sister told me to round everyone up, so I am." She said and then she backed out through the door.

"She is always so pissy," Lori said, sticking out her tongue. I laughed.

"She is okay," I replied, though I generally agreed, "I wonder what they want us for?" I said but Lori didn't respond. Instead we both headed back downstairs.

But Jenna's words had gotten me thinking. I had just learned from Lori that we had had very similar experiences with our sorority sisters. I couldn't help but think that all the other girls were doing the same stuff. Here we were naked and just taking orders. I can't imagine that anyone had come into this experience feeling much different than me. We were all nervous, wanted to stay in the sorority, and we were rapidly getting acclimated to the way this place worked. If someone told Lori a week ago that she had to fuck some girl in a bathtub, she would've said no without hesitation. But now we expected it, and we knew that everyone else was doing it so that made it feel somewhat normal. I knew at this point whatever they asked me to do next I would do it because all of the other girls were going to do it and...I might like it.

I didn't spend too much time thinking about it though; I had a meeting to attend. In a few minutes Lori, the other freshmen, and I were all once again standing in the dining room. As was rapidly becoming familiar, all of the upper class girls were standing around us. Heather was sort of standing out closer to us. Once we were all settled, Heather spoke.

"Pledges, welcome back to the group, I hope your evening was...educational," she said and the girls around the outside of the circle laughed. Perhaps we were starting to get used to it, but fewer of the freshman girls blushed or stared at their feet. We all knew what this sorority was about now.

"I know this seems unusual, a second meeting today, but let me assure you that I won't keep you long," Heather said, giving us her sexy, acid smile, "Tomorrow night there will be another group meeting, just like there was last night. However, unlike most of our meeting, you all will need to do a little preparation on your own. That is the reason for this second meeting. To give you some homework. Yes, you girls will need to do a little bit of leg work." Heather stuck her leg out towards the middle as if to emphasis her words. She was wearing a skirt and her leg looked pretty on display.

"Tomorrow night is a special night for upper class girls. You see, we as a sorority are movie lovers," Heather said and there was large amount of giggling, "And tomorrow marks the annual movie festival. But we aren't going to be watching any cheesy art movies. In fact, the movies we will be watching on the big screen here in the dining room haven't even been produced yet. Carrie?"

"I have the equipment right here," Carrie said, lifting up a large box from the floor. She handed it to Heather.

"Lori come here a moment," Heather said.

"Of course," Lori said, sounding bolder than she used to. She walked up and looked into box.

"Please tell the other freshman girls what's in the box," Heather ordered.

"Digital cameras," Lori said. Heather shooed her back, and Lori came and stood in the middle of the group again.

"Yes, my dear pledges cameras. For tomorrow night's group meeting, we will be viewing movies that you produce either tonight or tomorrow with these cameras. This is a tradition that dates back to a time when filming was a much more difficult endeavor. There is a whole library of sorority movies down in the storage area, under lock and key. They are as varied as the girls who have attended this university. There is even a hall of fame.

"I want you girls to be the one to produce your movies; you are the screenwriters and directors. But, I need to make a couple of points clear as the producer. These are adult movies for a grown-up audience. I think you all know what that means without me having to tell you. Second, these movies cannot be filmed from inside of your room, or any other bedroom in the house. Third, no one, and I mean absolutely no one, outside of this sorority can ever know that your video is being filmed or that it exists. Fourth, this is a group project. Each girl will make their film with their roommate. Finally, like I said, we have a lot of videos in the house. Most of us have seen a lot of them. We don't like to be bored. Give us something new, something we haven't seen before, give us something that will shock us," Heather explained.

This was as explicit as Heather ever seemed to get about the sexual nature of the sorority. It seemed that here they just sort vaguely implied things but then, when it came time for action, it was completely without restraint. No one had any doubt about what kind of move we were going to have to me., "Now, you have less than 24 hours. So go!"

Lori and I had headed back to our room immediately after getting our assignment from Heather. There wasn't any doubt about what Heather wanted from us. Lori and I were going to have to do...something...together. When we first arrived back at our rooms we were a little bit shy. It seemed too embarrassing to even talk about. We had grown more comfortable in the last few days, but this sudden order seemed very strange. So we bitched about the task, complaining that it didn't seem fair and that we didn't want to do it (though, in all honesty, the thought of being "with" Lori made my heart flip).

And I guess we knew we were just pretending like we were philosophically opposed to the task. There was no denying, and as we were both noticing, the sorority was changing us. Or, if not changing, revealing things about ourselves until then. What we never would have considered just a few days ago seemed natural now. And we had come through that experience together. There was no hiding that. Besides, we both thought the other was cute.

Eventually, as the night wore on, we inevitably started to talk about what we were going to do. We couldn't back out now. There was never any real discussion of backing out. We had to produce some kind of movie. In a short period of time, the outlines of plan for the next day started to come into focus. And while we didn't "rehearse" anything that night, we both knew that something strange and different was going to be happening the next day.

End Part 2

To Be Continued


So that is the end of the second section. As I promised, thing ratcheted up quickly. But we are only halfway done. Look for Part 3 very, very soon.

Anyway, I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for the free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories. Thanks!


P.S. - I do one edit on my work and try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free pornography you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. Especially on a project as massive as this. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Just try to enjoy the porn.


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JSA69JSA69about 1 year ago

I love amateur lesbian movies. I can't wait....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Warning this is a Lesbo story............. gross...........

DeepestDesire81DeepestDesire81almost 4 years ago
The story so far...

I found the second chapter flowed easily from the first. A lot more character development and sex. I’m enjoying it!

bountyman69bountyman69over 5 years ago

Great continuation of the story, can't wait to read more

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Thank you so much this is a great story & well worth reading. Can’t wait to read more 💋

ptebadenptebadenover 6 years ago

Extremly hot, I love it. I love your style, I love how you explain their feelings, thier doubts, their enthusiasm. I love every girl joining this sorority. Oh, how much I want to eat pussy of each of them.

mazzmemazzmeabout 9 years ago
Deliscously creative!

Chapter two has surpassed chapter one on the creative front. Another enjoyable read that reals the reader in enticing them to crave more. Still a very well and intriguing told story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Thank you

Glad I came across Sorority Sisters,

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Loving this Story

I enjoy a good story one where you keep reading but too soon it ends. I have read many a good story/series that has a long beginning 6-8 pages or more. Unfortunitely many times the following parts of the story were/are signifigantly shorter thus making the first chapter the most enjoyable.

I say WELL DONE this is just as long and as enticingly enjoyable a read as part one. I am jumping to part 3 as I speak.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Love it

Please upload part 3 I'm very intrigued with lily and Lizzie.

superquad1968superquad1968over 10 years ago
This Is Weird...

For someone that doesn't really enjoy lesbian stories, this has got me hard (in so many ways... :-)

Halfway through and looking forward to the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Crap this is dumb

It's like watching a bunch of braindead retards share the same brain--OH noes, I don't want to get thrown out of the sorority, guess I better do as they say! Tee hee! This isn't wrong at all! Gosh, I never knew I was secretly a lesbian, or brainless submissive! I'm repulsed by this, but I'll show my sister! Grrr!

And little girls like Justin Beiber, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised people like this tripe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Very Hot

Amazing story, anxiously awaiting the next part(s)!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Love the story keep it going

tormentedquadtormentedquadover 10 years ago
Well Done

Love it so far cant wait for next update.

saintdicksaintdickover 10 years ago

Being a huge fan of the lesbian stories here on literotica. This is an awesome read!

Thank you for taking your time making it and for publishing it here.

Because you yourself pointed out that it would have some errors, I will leave it at that. :)

Looking forward to the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Seriously, where's the next installment? If it's already been written, why does it take so long to post? As you said, this is quite an investment. It's starting to feel like a waste, especially for someone that doesn't usually read a story if it's more than 3 pages long. Please post soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This is the first time I've ever commented, but I love this series! Please release the rest soon, I'm on pins and needles!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Can't Wait

Wow. After cunnilingus,analingus and, veggie insertions I am wondering what the pledges can do with their films to keep the upper classmen from getting bored. I have some of my own ideas but will patiently wait for your next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Never commented on a story, but this is exquisite. The build up. The little teases of what's to come. Outstanding. Please continue writing more after this series!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
proof read

Love the story but be careful " she wore a black bra and matchi.g panties" "when I removed her shorts she wasn't wearing panties" still great job

Sophie87Sophie87over 10 years ago

Already one of my favorite stories.

Keep up the excellent work!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
the next part can't come soon enough

Tomorrow? Pretty please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

the story is incredibly erotic and I find the inter-action between the sorority sisters more exciting then the possible sex between the sisters.

teddybearclubteddybearclubover 10 years ago

Get some, It's going along good. I Like.

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