Adventures in Nemesisland Ch. 16

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The Egyptian Goddess puts Kim into clingfilm mummification.
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Part 16 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/13/2017
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Vicky had left Kim in the cage whilst he went away to see if her mistress was ready. Kim speculated on what new test the Red Queen would come up with. She was finding it hard to think what it might be. She had already been subjected to torments that exceeded her imagination and couldn't think what new twists the ruler of Nemesisland would come up with. She sat back and ran little movies in her head of all the things she had done in this bizarre place and smiled. When she got back to the real world, back into the parlour she worked in, her clients were going to be in for some surprises.

She heard the rattle of the dungeon door as it opened and two figures emerged from behind it. What now thought Kim as she peered up at a Cleopatra-like presence. The Red Queen was transformed into an Egyptian goddess; this certainly wasn't in Alice in Wonderland, Kim considered. Her face was alabaster white and her hair, brushed impossibly smooth and straight, was as black as the dark winter nights on the Nile. Resting on her forehead was a golden headpiece in the shape of a scorpion, the claws reaching out above her, a symbol of dominance and menace. She was dressed in a flowing white gown embroidered with gold thread and resting on her lily white breasts was a pectoral of gold inlaid with carnelian and cut glass in dark and light blues. Most bizarrely of all was a pair of wings covered in gold leaf on her back, which spread out behind her so she looked like a magnificent winged goddess come to gather Kim up and transport her to another world.

If the Egyptian goddess looked ravishing in her exotic beauty, then Vicky exceeded her in bizarreness. Her chest was shaved smooth and oiled and all she wore was a richly decorated skirt except that on her head was a jackal mask with long snout and pointed ears. Kim's head was reeling with the possibilities. She had seen images from the tomb of Tutankhamun and the golden age of the pharaohs and their strange and exotic deities. Both were dressed for another ritual, but what could it be? Shit, thought Kim, as it suddenly struck her; ancient Egypt, pyramids, mummification. Surely not?

The Egyptian goddess made her stately progress to towards the cage with Vicky behind her, the heavy jackal mask bobbing up and down. Her piercing gaze looked through the bars of the cage.

"So, you have been having some fun with the Duchess have you? There's no point denying it, I see all."

"Yes mistress," Kim replied.

"That's very naughty of you Vicky," she said casting a sharp glance towards her, "there will be some reckoning to pay for that. Did she tempt you Kim, did she make you play with her. I know my maid can be wilful and naughty sometimes and likes to play with my slaves, especially any female ones."

"No mistress, honestly, she didn't. It was me that seduced her. I kind of wanted to do it."

"What, you think you can take my most trusted and loyal servants and play with them for your own amusement."

"Sorry mistress, I couldn't help it. His cock just looked so inviting I had to."

"Hmm. I think I can forgive you a little bit of fun, Kim. I like to see a slave girl with a bit of imagination. But Vicky, you should know better; there's no excuse for you," she reprimanded.

The jackal headed figure nodded forlornly.

"Open the cage and let her out," the Egyptian goddess ordered.

Vicky unlocked the padlocks and opened the door of the cage. Kim pulled herself out, fearful of what was going to follow. She stood in front of this Egyptian goddess. She was only a few inches taller than Kim but the combination of her statuesque figure and the claws of the headdress reaching out over her made it appear as if she towered over her. She held her hand out. Kim took it in hers and planted a kiss on it noticing the falcon shaped gold ring on one of her fingers. Kim pulled her mouth back and pursed her lips about to utter some statement of homage to her mistress in this new guise when a finger was put to her lips in a gesture beckoning her to be silent.

"Do you trust me Kim?"

"Yes, I do."



"With your life?"

Kim gulped and hesitated slightly before nodding in affirmation. How could she say that she wondered? How could she make an expression of such extreme submission? And yet, there was no question she meant it.

"Good Kim, then your devotion will be put to the test. I hope you don't fail me," she added sharply.

Kim nodded. No, she didn't want to fail. She had pledged to surrender to her utterly.

"This is an important test, Kim," she said more kindly now. "You need to pass through a gateway. You need to be sacrificed and re-born as a character in Nemesisland in your own right, as my special slave girl and assistant. Do you understand?"

Kim nodded. Her heart was pounding? What on earth did she mean?

"Take my hand Kim."

She reached out her painted fingernails for Kim to grasp and led her to the middle of the room. She undid the lock on Kim's scarab belt and let it fall to the ground and then she took hold of the simple cotton tunic and pulled it over Kim's head so that she stood before her naked. She stroked her face and breasts gently sending a tingle down to Kim's sex. The she gestured for her to climb up onto a thin black wooden plank mounted on a frame at about waist height.

Kim let out a little squeak of fear or anticipation. The finger was put to her lips again.

"Don't say anything Kim. You must trust and believe. You see that the jackal-god Anubis, the deity of mummification and the after-life attends me. Lie in acceptance and let your goddess weigh your soul out for you and measure that it's worthy to join mine."

Kim laid perfectly still, her arms by her side and her legs straight and stiff feeling vulnerable in her nakedness on the narrow bench. She watched as the jackal-headed Duchess with her black snout and pointed ears approached carrying a long feather. She gently ran it across Kim's shoulders.

"An ostrich feather," commented the Egyptian goddess, "used to fan the pharaohs in ancient days, now used to pleasure and torment you, Kim."

It was certainly a sensual torment. The soft feather brushed against the peachy flesh of Kim's breasts and sent waves of pleasure through her body. The giant feather touched gently against Kim's white thighs and its gossamer touch sent the juices running through her sex. It felt so nice, so luxurious to lie there still and silent and soak up the erotic attention of the soft feather. The snout masked figure leant over her and pulled the feather back and forth across her soft skin; her arms, her shoulders, her belly, up her legs, across her aching mound. Kim tried to keep quiet but could not help but expel gasps of sensual pleasure as the feather did its work. Make the most of it, thought Kim, because I bet there's something else on the way. As the jackal headed figure continued its work with the feather the Egyptian goddess stood at her head, leant over her and gently brushed her hair with her hands, arranging her fair wavy locks. Her eyes looked into Kim's as the claws of the golden scorpion towered over her. Her touch was gentle and erotic as she ran a sharp fingernail along her cheek and her lips as the feather brushed over her cunt. Kim couldn't work out if this was meant to be pleasure or torment and had gone beyond caring. The painted red lips parted and quiet breathless words came out.

"Your soul is heavy Kim. There is much you still don't know and a heavy burden you need to be released from."

Kim's head was reeling. What did she mean by that?

"That's enough pleasure for her now Anubis," said the Egyptian goddess to the jackal masked figure, "we must get down to the serious business of the sacrifice now."

Anubis put the ostrich feather down and passed the Egyptian goddess a giant roll of white cling film. She went down to Kim's feet and pulled some the cling film out with a ripping sound. She started at Kim's feet, wrapping the sticky substance around her toes and then around her ankles securing her tightly onto the board on which she laid. The quality of the cling film was unusual. It gripped tightly against Kim so she was afforded hardly any movement. She tried but could only get the slightest wiggle from her toes. The Egyptian goddess worked up the rest of her body, wrapping the stretchy material around her legs and pulling it tight and then passing it under the frame and back around again.

She had reached her thighs now and Kim felt her fingers against her soft flesh and the cold plastic pulling her against the board. It was a sensual sensation being pressed down and immobilised. She felt fingers brush her pubic hair and touch her mound, which sent a wave of ecstasy washing through her. She soon felt the cling film close around her sex. As the Egyptian goddess worked up her body pulling the cling film as tight as she could Kim felt strands of her long hair brush against her flesh and smelt her sweet and exotic scent. She worked especially hard to pull the cling film over Kim's tits and ensure that her soft mounds of flesh and her engorged nipples were wrapped tight.

She had reached Kim's neck. How far would she go?

"You trust me?"

"Mmm," Kim was in a sensual daze and could only mutter her approbation.

"Take this and make sure you hold it tightly between your teeth. Don't let it go."

She inserted a plastic tube into Kim's mouth. Kim's heart jumped a beat. What did this mean?

The cling film was wrapped around her neck and then twisted around the plastic tube to hold it firmly into place. Kim was wetting herself with fear and anticipation. She knew what was going to come next and, although part of her couldn't believe that she had allowed herself to be offered up for this mummification ritual, another part of her desperately wanted to surrender herself to it. It was this latter part that won over as she laid there quietly, submissively, yearning to be enveloped completely and give herself up.

"This is the gateway Kim, the path into another world for you. The jackal-headed god Anubis is here to ease your path through it," she said acknowledging the presence of Vicky in the mask. Kim drank in this moment before she was deprived of sight, perhaps of breath and life itself. Leaning over her was the imperious dark haired figure of the Egyptian goddess arraigned in golden jewellery and precious stones with her piercing blue eyes that penetrated right into her soul. Next to her was the snout headed figure of Anubis beckoning her on, inviting her to take a further step into this strange world she had committed herself to. She had one last chance to look down at herself, a bizarre figure mummified in white cling film. Kim thought she looked fantastic; very exotic and sexy in a bizarre way. She took one deep draft of air through her nose before the cling film wrapped around her face, over her eyes and ears until finally her head was covered. She tried to imagine what she looked like now, a cocoon of white with a plastic tube sticking out of her mouth.

Deprived of sight, sound and smell and with only the taste of the plastic tube in her mouth, she was totally immersed in the sensation of the thick white film clinging to her body. She drew in deep gasps of air through the tube, that very act making her head spin even more. The psychological sensation of surrender and submission was overpowering. She was immersed in her own body, the overwhelming feeling being that of the tight cling film holding her in. She felt herself drifting off and would have loved to have floated in this submissive nether-world for ever but then suddenly something yanked her back to a perverse kind of reality and an awareness there were still other people in the room, even though the sense of them seemed to be some distance away.

Hands touched her. She could feel them pressing against the cling film, rubbing themselves against her. She had no idea whose they were and she did not care; she could only feel the pressure of fingers pressing against her through the cling film. Who knows, perhaps some perverted servant in this place got their pleasure from such a sensation. She did not know. Kim was just one fire-ball of sensation wrapped in her cling film cocoon.

She felt her tits being rubbed and manipulated through the film. Anonymous hands plucked and tweaked at her nipples making them swell with tension. The sensation made her cunt wet. Then she felt something sharp against the outer layer she was wrapped in and a knife or pair of scissors cut into the cling film. She felt the cold metal against her flesh as it cut around her areola until a hole had been cut around it and it was exposed. Kim felt a shot of pain go through her as fingers squeezed her nipples. Her teeth closed around the plastic and gripped onto it as she breathed heavily through the tube. Her torment had not finished though as she felt a cold metal clamp close around the end of her swollen nipple. It was agonising. It would have been painful at any time but laid out helpless as she was and totally absorbed in the sensations of her own body the pain was amplified by her heightened sense of touch. She wanted to scream out but could only control her reactions by controlling her breath. After the initial shock of the nipple clamps being applied Kim was able to control herself and let the waves of pain spread over her.

She had just adjusted to her new predicament when she felt scissors pressing against her again, this time against her crotch. Somebody was carefully cutting a slit to open up the cling film and expose her cunt. God she was wet. The mixture of pain and pleasure and the combination of sensations had taken a grip on her. She felt an anonymous finger slide into her. She could not tell who it belonged to, whether it was the Egyptian goddess or the Anubis figure or some other character who had entered the dungeon that she was oblivious to. The finger worked its way up into her massaging her cunt walls before being pulled out. Then she felt something else; a dildo being inserted into her. Her cunt was sopping and Kim was ready for this kind of attention. It felt sensational as the hard object slid up her. A hand brushed against the nipple clamps to send a shock of pain and pleasure rippling through her.

Then, faintly, as if she was some dis-embodied spirit and the sound was coming from another place, she heard the buzzing. It was a vibrator and it had started to work its wonderful magic on her cunt. It buzzed for a short while and Kim bucked and twisted as hard as she could but she was held immobile by the tight cling film. She could only focus on the sensation of pleasure buzzing through her. Kim experienced the final twist to her torment. As she breathed heavily trying to control the writhing motions in her confinement and as she drew in one deep breath she sensed a finger closing over the end of the plastic tube. At the same time the speed of the vibrator was turned up a notch. What the fuck screamed Kim in her head. Trust her, was her only thought. Trust her echoed through her head as she desperately fought for breath whilst at the same time feeling waves of ecstasy in her cunt. The finger was lifted off the tube and Kim sucked in deep breath of fresh air. The vibrator buzzed louder and moved faster. The process was repeated a few times Kim had lost any sense of how many. By then Kim was right on the edge, desperate for normal breathes, desperate to come as the vibrator brought her to the point of climax. The finger was released and Kim was allowed to let out a muffled scream of ecstasy through the tube as euphoric waves of orgasm hit her. The physical sensation was extraordinary. It felt like her whole body was writhing in pleasure even though all the time it was restrained by the strict cocoon of cling film. She'd never had an orgasm like it. She was totally spent and her head was spinning with the combination of breath control and climax.

After the waves of orgasm had subsided she laid there quietly breathing heavily and deeply through the tube. The next sensation she felt was the scissor again, but this time they were cutting her free with long snips through the cling film. Kim shivered as she felt a rush of cold air against the sweat that had accumulated on her body underneath the cling film. The film was pulled apart and she wriggled her body to free herself from it. Finally, the cling film mask was removed from her head; her hair damp clinging to her forehead and cheek.

Looking over her was the Egyptian goddess with an enigmatic smile on her lips and the snout of the jackal head next to her. A hand reached out to her face and pulled her sweating and matted hair away gently from her forehead. Kim was euphoric and quite speechless.

"Well done Kim, you have passed through a severe test. How do you feel?"

She didn't know what to say, couldn't express the physical feelings or emotions coursing through her.

"Wow," she said, "I mean fucking wow!"

The serene ritual mask of the Egyptian goddess slipped as she allowed a smile to spread across her lips. She held her hand out to Kim and helped her up from the bench.

"Yes Kim,that was certainly an extreme experience and you handled it with great fortitude. You see, you trusted and when you do that you can drown in the sensations and when you do that the pain and pleasure meld together, don't they?"

"Shit yes," said Kim.

"It was an important test for you. You are my slave girl now Kim. You've demonstrated you can give up control to me."

Kim's head was still spinning with the overload of sensations as she rested her bottom against the wooden plank she had recently been strapped to. She was still unsteady on her feet and felt herself swaying. The Egyptian goddess gathered her up in her arms, holding onto her tightly. Kim felt safe gathered in her warm embrace the softness of her breasts underneath her cotton tunic pressing against her.

"You deserve a rest now. Vicky will look after you and then prepare you for your next trial."

"There's more!" gasped Kim.

"Oh yes, remember you've given yourself up to me now Kim. I can do whatever I want with you, can't I?"

"Yeah," replied Kim dreamily.

The eyebrows raised in a flash.

"Yeah, what?"

"Yes thank you mistress," Kim corrected herself.

"That's better Kim. I will see you again soon," she said ominously.

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