Affair of the Body 07


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"Me? You're the one with the big boobs and the hourglass figure."

"Please, lets go to bed now." Rain slid her arm around Jerilyn's waist and pulled her in for another kiss. This one as searing as the last. All thoughts of further seduction vanished as Rain's mouth connected with hers. Rain's breasts pressing into her melted Jerilyn's resistance. One of her favorite romantic ballads came on. She gave in to her desire and they stumbled toward the bedroom, kissing the whole way.

When Jerilyn's legs bumped against the bed, she grabbed Rain's shirt and pulled it over her head. Jerilyn pulled Rain against her for another kiss. She wrapped her arms around her, ran her hands up Rain's back until she found the bra clasp and unhooked it. Rain let go long enough to yank the straps down her arms and tossed it aside.

Jerilyn reached for the snaps of Rain's jeans. They never broke their kiss so she fumbled a little.

Rain broke the kiss and grabbed Jerilyn's shoulders and held her at arms length. "Wait." She gulped in a deep breath. "Wait." Rain bowed her head and took a steadying breath.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jerilyn felt Rain's hands tremble on her shoulders.

"No." When Rain looked up her eyes filled with unshed tears. "When you called me, you knew I'd have sex with you tonight, right?"

Jeri didn't know what to say. This felt like saying the wrong thing might hurt Rain's feelings. "I don't want to answer, but I didn't see a reason not to think you'd make love with me."

"You knew I would."

"Yes." Jeri didn't know what else to say besides the truth.

"But you got dinner, you made yourself up like a fifties movie star. You dressed . . . well, I don't have a word for it."


"Yes, formal. You got music ready, you danced for me."

"I'm sorry." Jeri didn't know what she apologized for. She wanted this serious side of Rain to go away. She wanted her fun loving friend back.

"No." Rain put a finger on Jerilyn's lips. "You're misunderstanding me. You knew I'd sleep with you when I came up here."

Jerilyn nodded her head, afraid to speak.

"You knew, but you did all this. You worked for it. You knew you didn't have to but you did it anyway. No one has ever done that for me, not when they knew they didn't have to."

"I did have to. No one should ever feel taken for granted." On the rare occasions when Jerilyn and Antony got together they just did it. He knew she was there and willing yet he didn't make her feel wanted. "No one should feel like they're there for someone's convenience. You're worth the effort. Just because I don't need to do it, doesn't mean you don't deserve it."

A tear slid down Rain's cheek and her lip trembled. Then her smile touched Jerilyn like the first sunny morning after a long winter. "Let me." Rain grabbed the straps to Jerilyn's dress, holding them in place until Jeri nodded her permission.

Rain slid the straps off Jerilyn's shoulders, guiding the straps down Jerilyn's arms. When the neckline caught on Jerilyn's breasts Rain gave it a little tug then pealed it over Jerilyn's hips until it fell to the floor. She knelt, looking up at Jerilyn's nude body. If Jeri didn't know any better she'd have thought she saw awe in Rain's face.

Rain took Jerilyn's hand to steady her as she stepped out of the pool of fabric. Once Jerilyn was free, she expected Rain to stand up. Instead, she put her hands on Jeri's right knee and caressed down her leg until she found Jerilyn's pump. She unbuckled the delicate strap so Jerilyn could step out of it. Then her hands went to Jerilyn's left knee and repeated the process.

When she finished, Rain scooted back and looked at Jerilyn. She started with her feet then moved up Jerilyn's body until she looked straight into Jerilyn's eyes. Now Jerilyn trembled a little and her mouth felt dry. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to memorize everything about you."

"Why?" Jeri felt a blush come on.

Rain shook her head and unbuttoned her pants while she kicked off her flip flops. She never took her eyes off Jerilyn as she wiggled out of her jeans. She pushed her pants and underwear down in one motion to be as naked in front of Jerilyn as Jerilyn was in front of her.

They stared at each other until Jerilyn reached out, hoping Rain would take her hand. She smiled as Rain laced her fingers with Jerilyn's.

Jerilyn led her to the bed then slid onto the fresh satin sheets and made room for Rain. Rain slid into Jerilyn's arms. They looked into each others eyes for a minor eternity then as if on cue, kissed. As their lips touched then parted they eased down on the bed. They slid their arms around each other, their legs tangled together and they shared each other's heat.

Rain's hand started on Jerilyn's hip then caressed up to her waist then around to the small of her back. She ran her hand down until it cupped Jerilyn's bottom, where it kneaded the smooth, soft flesh. Her hand worked around until her fingers traced the line where thigh met buttocks, and inched toward Jerilyn's heated sex. She stopped short and moved over her ass and along her spine until her fingers cradled Jeri's neck. Rain pushed against Jerilyn, pillowing her breasts against Jerilyn's hardened, super sensitive nipples.

Rain's other hand found its way under Jerilyn, so her fingers cradled Jerilyn's side while her thumb brushed the side of Jerilyn's breast. Shockwaves ran through Jerilyn's body wherever Rain touched. Jerilyn had to turn her head away from Rain's mouth to gulp in air. Now it was her turn to let a tear slip from her eye. Rain touched her everywhere but Jeri felt it mostly in her heart. The last time she felt this connected to anyone was with Antony.

Jerilyn knew Rain hungered for her, but Rain moved slow, sensual, and deliberate. Rain wasn't having sex, she made love. Jeri wondered if Rain knew it. She knew she should stop, emotions like this weren't supposed to happen. But Jerilyn couldn't turn Rain away now and inflict that much pain. If Rain gave herself over to make love to Jerilyn, then Jerilyn had to abandon her own inhibitions and return the gesture, body and soul.

Jerilyn managed to catch her breath, sort of, so she moved to kiss Rain again, but Rain got tired of waiting for another kiss. Instead, she licked across Jerilyn's jaw then nuzzled and kissed her neck. The erotic sensation sent chills down Jeri's spine and goose flesh across her skin. She gasped and clutched Rain tight as the shock of pleasure washed over her.

Rain moved to her throat, lingering there as Jerilyn tilted her head back to give Rain as much access as possible. Jeri wanted to return the pleasure but couldn't concentrate, helpless to do anything but clutch her lover. Rain found her collar bone and nibbled at it. Her thumb moved to her nipple, making little circles. It was a constant source of pleasure almost lost in other pleasures. Rain's other hand roamed all over her body, caressing her back, her bottom, her thigh, her calves. The wondering hand was like a magical artifact giving pleasure everywhere it touched.

Rain's sensuous mouth abandoned Jerilyn's collar bone and searched out Jerilyn's other breast. When she found Jerilyn's nipple, hard and wanting, she traced it with her tongue. Her roaming hand slipped between Jerilyn's legs and found her core, wet and inviting. She slid down a little to expand her intimate caress.

Rain's fingers found Jerilyn's clit, defenseless and bare of womanly hair. She touched it feather light. Jerilyn reflexively clutched her lover, pulling Rain tighter to her body. Her leg, tossed over Rain's hips, bent and hugged Rain's legs even tighter. She held Rain with all her strength, afraid to let go, afraid the pleasure would stop, afraid Rain would disappear.

Rain sucked harder, pulling Jerilyn's breast deep into her mouth, using her teeth and tongue expertly. Jerilyn heard moaning and panting. It was her. Rain pulled so much pleasure from her she lost control of her voice. Then Rain's fingers slid over her clit, slow and light, like a painter applying careful strokes to make a masterpiece. The light strokes got faster, but never harder. Rain extended the pleasure until Jerilyn's body ached with need.

Jerilyn lost control and cried out Rain's name repeatedly, clutching her warmth to her. She reveled in Rain's touches. Her body moved in a rhythm as old as humanity. Rain's mouth left Jerilyn's breast and she looked up into Jerilyn's face. In the soft candle light Rain's eyes looked luminous. Her hands stopped stroking her clit and pushed against it making little circles, moving faster and faster. It was time, Jeri's body prepared to release the tension, every muscle pulled taut as the wave built and built. Jeri saw her love reflected in Rain's eyes and she bent her head to kiss the woman who brought her back to life. Just as their lips touched the wave crashed over Jerilyn. Her mouth opened wide as her moans escaped on their own volition. Rain kept her mouth against Jerilyn's, sharing their breath.

All too soon the pleasure began to fade but Rain kept her hand on Jerilyn's sex, still rubbing light circles until Jeri felt another orgasm begin to grow. As much as she wanted to come again, she needed to make Rain stop. She wanted to have a turn making love to Rain before she was too tired.

Jerilyn rolled so she had Rain on her back with her on top. She didn't bother with words as she pushed Rain's hand away from her sex. There was no room for words anymore. They communicated with their bodies, their hearts and their souls. Her hands slid under Rain's back to grip her shoulders the way Antony gripped her when he pushed inside. She held Rain closer to her and dipped her head for a kiss. Rain's legs locked around her waist. Still not breaking the kiss, Jerilyn slid her body up and down against Rain, pushing her small breasts tipped with swollen nipples across Rain's skin. Rain moaned when those hard little nubs scrapped across her chest.

She knew Rain was as aroused as Jerilyn had been by the way her pelvis pumped against her own. Her stomach pressed so tight against Rain she felt the muscles quiver in anticipation of the coming pleasure.

Jerilyn stopped moving against Rain, her nipples were sensitive from her orgasm and the rubbing made them even more tender. She released Rain's shoulder with one hand and held her weight off Rain with her other arm. With her fingers trailing long, slow circles around Rain's breast, Jerilyn moved closer to the tender swollen peak. When her fingers reached the tip, swollen and heavy with lust, she moved on. Her breasts were so beautiful men probably went straight for them. Jerilyn wanted her lover to have something different from her. Her hand traveled lower on Rain's body, eliciting a disappointed moan. Just because men went straight there didn't mean she didn't like it. When Jerilyn's hand made it to Rain's waist, she left it there. She moved her mouth off Rain and nuzzled her neck the way Rain did to her. She went from her neck to her throat, over her collarbone and down toward her breast.

When Jerilyn found Rain's breast with her mouth, she pushed it around with her chin and tongue until she came across Rain's puckered nipple. Taking the swollen protrusion between her teeth, she elongated the mound away from Rain's chest. Remembering the way she made Rain come by playing with her breast, she didn't linger there. Instead, she trailed more kisses across Rain's belly and slid further down her lovers body. When she got lower, she forced Rain's legs apart and wiggled around until she had her shoulders under Rain's thighs and her face poised above Rain's sex. She wanted to explore Rain's body the way Rain explored hers but this wasn't the time. Right now she wanted to make love to Rain, make Rain's body and heart surrender the way Rain made her surrender.

Jerilyn looked up to see Rain watching her every move. Her lover looked a little frightened and Jerilyn couldn't figure out why. Rain already went down on her, surely that was the more courageous act. Unless this most intimate of kisses somehow meant more to Rain than Jeri understood.

Jeri hesitated, unsure what Rain's expression meant, unsure if she should continue. "Do you want me to stop?"

"No." The word came out as a dry whisper.

Jerilyn put her mouth over Rain's hot, wet, sex. She didn't know what to do so she sucked a little, dipped her tongue into Rain, kissed her like she kissed Rain's mouth. Rain convulsed against Jerilyn's mouth and she made little mewing noises. Jerilyn's own pussy flooded as her mouth made contact with another woman. Her sex was so different from Antony's. Where he was hard and soft at the same time, Rain was all soft and slick and wet. Jerilyn used her thumbs to open Rain up. Again, she wanted to concentrate on the shape of Rain's sex, the smells, the textures, and the sensations they filled her with. But first, she had to return the gift Rain gave to her, she had to focus all her attention on giving Rain pleasure. She found Rain's clit and ran her tongue over it. Tasting Rain's musk and smelling her arousal made Jerilyn light headed. She couldn't believe she had her head between a woman's legs and her mouth all over Rain's pussy. The next time they did this Jerilyn promised herself she would take her time.

She ran her tongue up and down Rain's lips, made circles around her clit and occasionally lapped up the juices spilling from Rain's womanhood. It didn't take long before Rain cried out Jerilyn's name between moans. When Rain rubbed her feet over Jerilyn's ass, she knew Rain was close. Jeri knew she had her on the edge when Rain's thighs clamped around her head. Rain's body arched off the bed. Her hands tangled in Jerilyn's hair and held her tighter. Then Rain's pelvis bucked against her face. It felt like Jerilyn's teeth sank into the other woman's soft flesh. It should have hurt but Rain didn't seem to notice.

Jerilyn tried to keep her mouth on Rain's pussy but her lover moved so much Jeri couldn't keep up with her.

By the time Rain came down from her orgasm, Jerilyn thought she must be dying of thirst. She slid up Rain's body, pulling the blankets with her. As she snuggled next to Rain she thought her lover wanted to say something but the confusion on her face told Jerilyn she didn't know what. Which was fine, she was happy to have someone she cared about in her bed with her.

"Are you thirsty?" Jerilyn put her hand on Rain's lower belly between her navel and her mons. "You should be. I know I am."

"I'm ok." Rain sounded a little distant.

"You may think you are but pretty soon you'll need to be hydrated."


"Because." Jeri giggled. "There is so much more I want to do. I'm not nearly done with you."

"Then I guess we better get some water."

"You stay here, get your strength back. I'll get it for you." Jerilyn bounced out of bed, giddy with excitement. She had broken a barrier and discovered she loved going down on Rain.

When Jerilyn got back, Rain was propped up on some pillows with the sheet pulled to her waist leaving her breasts exposed. She had her hands laced behind her head.

"What took you so long?" Rain reached for the glass Jerilyn held out to her.

"I was thirsty too." Jerilyn slid into bed next to her. "And I had to get this." She held up an ice cube.

Rain eyed the ice cube suspiciously as she gulped down half the glass of water. "What's that for?"

"I'm going to make you come with it."

"You're not getting that anywhere near my pussy."

"I don't have to." Jerilyn took the ice cube and touched it to her throat then slowly slid it to her breast where she rubbed it around her nipple. When the little bud swelled, Jerilyn traveled to the other breast, never taking her eyes off Rain.

When Rain finished her water Jeri took the glass from her and dropped it on the floor. "If you're still thirsty, I've got a little water here." She pointed to her chest where little beads of water collected from the ice. Rain didn't need any encouragement. She rolled over Jerilyn and took a cold hardened nipple in her hot mouth and sucked until the pleasure built in Jerilyn again. Then Rain traveled her tongue along the same path the ice cube made to her other breast. The sensation of cold to hot fueled Jerilyn's passion beyond belief. By the time Rain followed the path to her throat Jerilyn was ready to come. Instead, she pushed Rain off her. "My turn, I'm thirsty too."

Jerilyn made little circles with the ice cube at the base of Rain's throat until a little pool formed in the hallow. She looked in Rain's eyes then smiled and bent to suck up the little pool of water. Then she licked across Rain's throat getting every drop. She made a path down to her breast. The circles she drew grew smaller and smaller until the vanishing shard of ice made little circles around Rain's hard, crinkled nipple. When the ice melted, she used her tongue to make short little strokes across Rain's wet skin, lapping up all the water until she closed her mouth over Rain's nipple. Rain moaned and clutched at Jeri's shoulders. When Jerilyn closed her mouth over Rain's nipple and sucked hard, Rain grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. Jerilyn trailed kisses down Rain's belly. The way her stomach fluttered showed she was close to coming. She wanted to taste her again, feel her climax against her mouth.

Rain stopped her erotic journey and pulled her up to share a kiss. Rain tried to roll Jerilyn onto her back but Jerilyn didn't want to give up control so they ended up on their sides. Rain's hand slid down Jeri's front until her fingers slid across Jeri's hot, slick, opening. She began to rub Jeri's sex and Jeri knew she wouldn't last long. She slid her own hand between Rain's legs and made quick little circles on Rain's sopping pussy. The way Rain ground against Jeri's hand showed how close Rain's release was.

Their mouths met in wide, gapping kisses. As their pleasure built, they forgot to kiss. Their mouths pressed together. They breathed into each others mouths, moaned with each others breath. Rain hugged Jerilyn with bruising force.

Naked skin pressed against Jerilyn's naked body. Jeri's pleasure increased, speeding her toward her climax. She held Rain as tight as possible as her climax took her. Rain's body stiffened in her arms as her own climax crashed through her. They climaxed and held each other through the waves of pleasure, crying out each other's names. Neither stopped rubbing the others pussy even after they came. Neither relaxed their embrace, they didn't pull their lips apart. As great as her pleasure was, Jerilyn didn't want to stop pleasuring Rain. She wanted her lover to be lost in ecstasy. Rain must have wanted the same because she didn't stop either. They rubbed each other to another shared climax.

This climax left them both spent and, as if they shared a single thought, they pulled their hands from between their legs. They moved their mouths apart and kissed each other's cheeks and necks. But they didn't relax their hold on each other.

As Jerilyn drifted toward sleep, she realized she had changed. Somehow in their passion tonight their love making became less about sex and more about giving pleasure. Half the reason she came so hard was because it was Rain who brought her to orgasm. With a smile on her lips, Jeri fell asleep knowing she was in love.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Definitely one of the best stories I've read on Literotica. You are a very talented writer. Unfortunately, the story doesn't seem complete. I was expecting Antony to arrive and catch them in bed. It's been a few years since this was posted so I assume you won't be adding more chapters?

AnyMooseAnyMoosealmost 7 years ago
More, please!

It's been a long summer without more Jerilyn & Rain...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Still waiting

I am waiting on chapter 8 this story is amazing!! Ps.all the way from Africa

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I had read the previous chapters and waited with such anticipation for the next, this one.

I saw it was up and waiting... begging to be read yet i just had to reread all the previous chapters first.

Doing so only cemented my love for this story and the joy for having the next chapter waiting.

Can't hardly wait for the continuation of Jerilyn and Rains' Affair of the body... and now souls.


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

5 stars... Check

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jenorma2012jenorma2012over 7 years ago
Very good

I also enjoyed this series as well I knew she would fall for Rain, and another Truth yes no one should feel that they are being taken advantage of can't wait to read what her husband has to say

Trace_WatersTrace_Watersover 7 years ago

I have enjoyed this series. I was hoping that #6 would not be the end of it. So, this morning when I saw this new chapter, I couldn't do anything else before reading it. It was worth the wait. LOVED IT! The shift in Jeri and in Rain, and their relationship builds even more anticipation for the next installment. I'm of the same opinion regarding Antony as the previous can't be he's all work and no fooling around while away from Jeri. I almost think he has another wif....awh shut my mouth! I'll leave the story telling to you Robin Maxwell. You do it so well. Thank anticipation to the next chapter(s)!!!

gjames17gjames17over 7 years ago

I still say that Antony is not the self-sacrificing, slaving husband that Jeri thinks he is. I'm glad that the ladies seem to have moved into the next, deeper level of their relationship. Before, I didn't think they could possibly end up together. Now, I'm not so sure it won't happen, but I do remain hopeful. Thank you for adding to this wonderful story and I am very much looking forward to the next chapter. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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