After School Delight Pt. 09


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"Oh no!" she replied. "No. I didn't really know you then. It was the others. You know... the other girls. I had to do it, don't you see? They would have gone for me otherwise."

"I suppose... But..." I paused... "that's all finished now, isn't it," I affirmed.

"Yes. Yes. I promise." She looked so sincere, I had to believe her.

"Well... you can't let Angie know. You do understand that?" She looked disappointed. "You know she's supposed to be my girl. We're a couple," I told her. "She looked sad." But we can still have lots of fun together," I added. "All of us can."

She smiled. "Just cuddle with me," she said softly.

I snuggled back down, resting my head on her shoulder again. We lay there together and she kissed my forehead as she stroked my body.

"You know... you said you'd do anything?" I ventured to ask.

"Yes," she agreed. "Anything."

"I wonder," I breathed softly.

"What do you wonder?" she giggled.

"Would you really do anything?"

"Of course."

"Ok. How about this..."

"Go on."

"Would you let me watch a man fuck you?"

"Why would you want to do that?" She asked, cautiously.

"My dad is always staring at my friends when I bring anyone home," I told her. "I know he wants to fuck Angie, but I don't want him to have her. Would you let him do it with you? Would you do that for me?"

"I'm not sure."

"I just want to see him push his cock inside you," I explained. "I just want to watch while it disappears into you. I want to see the look on his face. Could you do that for me?"

She hesitated for a long time, watching my face. "If that's what you really want," she said at last.

"Would you have a problem with that?"

"Well..." she paused, "I did say I don't like men," she said.

"But, wouldn't you do it for me?" I asked, probing her.

"I suppose Icould try," she told me, "but it does sound a little..." she paused.

"Perverted?" I suggested.

"I was going to say, unusual," she offered.

"You mean, unusually perverse," I suggested, giggling.

"Why do you want to see that?" she asked.

"I've never seen a man's cock moving inside a girl. I thought it might be interesting," I smiled.

She looked at me, quite horrified.

I laughed. "Don't worry," I told her, looking up. "I wouldn'treally ask you to do anything like that."

The relief on her face was such a picture. "Oh my God. Don't you ever do that again," she laughed.

"Sorry," I said, smiling. "There is one thing you could do for me though," I asked, looking more serious.

"What is it? Anything."

"You said that last time," I laughed.

She gave me a pathetic stare.

"Anything?" I asked, giving her an expectant look.

"Don't start again," she warned, smirking.

"Ok. Here's the thing. Can you let Karen Walker here?"

"Skinny Karen? Why? Do you like her?" she replied, looking a little dejected.

"Not exactly." I smiled, reassuringly, adding, "but she's not much bigger than me... up here, I mean" I added, squeezing my tiny breasts, "and I know Angie's mum would fancy her. It just might stop her from chasing me around so much," I smiled.

She looked relieved. "Ok," she nodded, smiling. "I'll see what I can do."

I gave her another hug and snuggled in to her. "Would you like me to soothe you again?" I asked.

"No," she whispered. "I really need to rest," she told me, "but I could do it for you," she added, peering down at me.

"Would you like that?" I asked.

She didn't reply. She just moved me up to rest my head on the pillow, then shuffled down beside me. She lifted my knee and ducked her head under, kissing the top of my thigh as she moved me.

"Ooohh, that feels so nice," I sighed as her tongue began to trace the soft skin at the top of my thigh.

She crouched down on her elbows and knees, and began to lap at the flesh all around the very top of my thighs, tight up into the joint and all around the mound and my tender labia.

"I can't get over how pretty you are down here," she told me. "You look like a little schoolgirl."

"I am a little schoolgirl," I laughed.

"You know what I mean," she said.

"Kiss me," I told her.

She began to move up toward me, but I stopped her. "Not my mouth," I smiled.

She looked at me and giggled as she shuffled back down between my thighs again. Her lips closed over my mound, then slipped down to cover my slit as her tongue began to explore.

"God Macey. You taste so sweet. So rich and salty.Mmmm," came the last sound from her as the tip of her tongue gently moved up and down in the opening, teasing the lips apart and flicking against my engorged clitty.

"And your tongue feels so nice in there," I told her, as she began to reach deep inside me.

I closed my eyes and spread myself wide for her as her hands slid up around my thighs and her mouth pressed down tight against me, thrusting her tongue in again and again.

"Oh baby, that is so good. Don't stop. Please don't ever stop," I moaned, pushing up to meet her. She reached up to squeeze my pert little breasts, pinching the nipples between her fingers as her tongue continued to work on my clitty.

I couldn't control my body as it began to jerk, and I cried out, twitching uncontrollably. That was the point at which Angie returned to the room with Ges.

"Well!" she exclaimed angrily. "So this is what you get up to as soon as my back is turned."

I stupidly tried to cover myself as Suzie turned in surprise. "Well, you can't be surprised, surely?" I told her. "You left us alone like this. What did you expect?"

She huffed, replying with, "Are you in love with her?" in an aggravated tone.

I gave her a pathetic look. "No, you silly girl," I told her, looking sympathetic. "She's in love with you. Why do you think she agreed to come here with us?"

It was only a tiny lie - just a slight deviation from what she had told me, and I did it with the best of intentions.

Angie stared at us for a moment, unsure of what to say. She began to flounder, looking lost.

"You do realise it wasn't Suzie who started all of this, don't you?" I told her.

"Wasn't it?" she asked, sounding confused.

"No," I told her. "Think back. It was her friends who began all of your torment. Don't you remember?"

"No. Not weally," she told me, looking unsure.

Now I knew I could convince her. "Suzie always liked you." I told her. "She wanted the others to stop baiting you. She told them as much, but they turned on her."

Suzie stared at me, uncertain about whether to say anything, so she simply let me go on.

"The only reason Suzie went along with them was because she was scared of being victimised too. You do know what that is like, don't you?"

"Only too well," Angie replied, sorrowfully.

"Look Angie..." I paused. "We have a chance to make good here," I told her. "Come on. Let's get this together. Let's see what we can do to make the real culprits suffer for everything that went on. What do you say?"

Angie smiled. "So. What do you suggest?" she asked, cautiously.

"We'll simply do what you suggested. What Suzie has already agreed to," I told her. "We'll get the others here, one by one, and have our way with them," I smiled. It was a wicked sort of smile. "We can build ourselves our own little harem of girls; have our fun with them. It will be on our terms," I told her.

"Sex slaves," Ges quietly echoed my thoughts.

"Exactly," I smiled.

"And we can do anything we like?" she ventured to ask.

"Anything!" I affirmed.

"He hehehe," she giggled. It was a dirty giggle - even for her.

"You'd better not disappoint me," Angie warned Suzie.

"Oh, I won't," she responded, launching herself at my beautiful lover and flinging her arms around Angie's neck as she thrust a long, lingering kiss on those full, moist lips.

Angie stood there for a moment, her arms poised uncertainly as she took in the passion in Suzie's embrace, then slowly her arms enfolded the naked girl, returning her kiss with interest. It looked so intense I began to feel quite jealous, but I knew I shouldn't show it. Instead I tried to encourage them.

"Why don't you show Angie how much you care about her?" I suggested. "Show her how you'd really like to please her."

Suzie looked back at me and smiled, then took Angie by the hand and led her toward the bed. It surprised me how passive and innocently Angie allowed herself to be guided down to sit on the edge, to be laid back, and to be made to open herself, as Suzie knelt before her.

"What are you doing?" Angie asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"You know what I'm doing," she replied, a slight laugh in her voice as she pushed my girl's knees wide and lowered her head to the waiting vulva.

She turned her head to one side, kissing the top of the thigh gently as she inhaled. "My God Angie. You smell divine."

"Didn't I tell you?" I asked.

She looked at me and shook her head. "I never imagined it could be like this," she whispered.

She kissed the mound, then extended her tongue to lick it gently. "God Angie. You taste so sweet. It's like honey."

"How do you think she got her nickname?" I joked. "It's even better when you dig deep," I told her.

"My nickname?" Angie queried.

"Honey pot Bolton," I giggled.

"Is that what you call me behind my back?" she snapped, accusingly. Suzie stopped in her tracks.

"Notme my love," I smiled. "I heard it from a friend of someone you used to know."

Angie went red with embarrassment. "Who?" she asked.

"I'll tell you later," I told her. "Just relax and enjoy yourself," I smiled, laying beside her and fondling her wonderful breasts as I kissed her.

Angie smiled, pressing her head back into the bed as Suzie pressed her lips tightly over Angie's open crotch and Angie let out a cry - no, more a whimpering moan. Her hands moved up to grip those beautiful solid cone shaped breasts, and she squeezed them, pushing her hips up to meet the tongue, wriggling around in the opening.

"Don't stop there," I encouraged. "She wants it all."

Angie turned her head to look at me, half smiled, then frowned as she let out another cry. This time Suzie was gripping her tightly around the waist as she hoisted my girl's bottom up into the air, forcing her mouth down tightly against the open slit. Angie's legs began to kick out sideways as Suzie's tongue reached deep inside her.

"Come on Ges," I said softly. "Let's go to your room and play. We don't need to watch this, do we."

Ges didn't need any second bidding. I took her hand and led her to her own room where we sat side by side on her bed.

"Well, my love?" I asked her. "Would you like to do me, or shall I do you?"

"Both," she smiled.

"Hmmm. Good idea," I agreed, lying back on her bed. She climbed up above me, her knees to either side of my head, with her head between my parted thighs. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her down to meet me, and there we stayed like that, occasionally rolling from side to side. Sometimes it was Ges on top, sometimes it was me, but always our lips remained pressed tightly over the other, enjoying the flavour of each other's bodies.

"Well girls!" came the expressive voice from across the room. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Jenny standing in the doorway. She stood there with one hand on her hip as she studied the pair of us. We had fallen asleep with our heads between each others' parted thighs. "It's nice to see you can manage to be so relaxed with your love-making, she teased."

"Oh. Sorry," I apologised.

"Don't be sorry," she laughed softly. "It's quite refreshing to see two girls enjoying somedown time together."

"Where is Angela?" I asked, remembering to use her proper name.

"Angela and Suzanne seem to have come to an..." she paused, "an agreement," she added, with a wry smile, "and it looks like next weekend could be a very...interesting time for us all," she concluded, looking very smug indeed.

We learned later, that the pair of them had been doing in her room, much the same as Ges and I had been doing in Ges'.

"Now," she chirped, "it's high time we fed you all, then it's off home with you and Suzanne. My girls and I have some serious plans to be making."

Lunch went very quietly, all things considered, and it wasn't long before we were on the doorstep, kissing and hugging our last goodbyes.

"Now Suzanne. Don't forget your promise now, will you?" Jenny prompted her.

"No Mama," came the conditioned reply. "I'll definitely bring a friend with me next weekend."

"Good girl," Jenny smiled. We could all tell from the look on her face, the lusty thoughts that were already forming in her mind.

She took Suzie in her arms and gave her a long, slow, passionate kiss as the rest of us watched.

"Hey!" I complained. "Where's mine?"

Jenny smiled at me, and was about to take me in her arms when Ges did precisely that.

"Hey," Angie complained. "My girl," she cried, pulling at her sister's arm.

"Alright ladies, settle down now. Let's not have a scuffle on the doorstep," Jenny teased. "Now. Nice goodbye kisses and off you both go," she told us.

Suzie and I gave Angie and Ges a gentle kiss each, then as we turned to go, Angie handed Suzie a small paper bag.

"What's this?" Suzie asked.

"Just a few lollipops," Angie grinned. "Tell your mum you're going to be late home fwom school on Tuesday."


Angie smiled. "Sometime on Monday I want you to go and find Miss Stacey. Tell her to wait for you after school on Tuesday."

"What for?" Suzie asked.

"She's going to take you to her house, where you'll show her what to do with the lollipops," Angie smiled. "Have fun."

Suzie looked at the bag of lollipops and smiled, then looked back at me. "I don't think I can walk properly. You'll have to help me," she complained as she stepped gingerly along.

I put an arm around her waist and helped her to the front gate, where we turned and waved to two smiling faces - Jenny and Ges. Angie was giving us a poe faced glare.

"I'm just helping her along," I reasoned.

"You be sure that's all you do," she called back.

"You want me to stay?" I asked.

"Of course," she replied.

"Off you go girls," Jenny reminded us.

I waved again and this time Angie smiled, but I could tell she was going to watch us all the way down the road.

I waited until we were far enough away to be out of sight of the house, then I gave Suzie's bum a squeeze.

She turned to me and asked. "Will you come home with me?"

"What do you mean,come home?"

She stopped and turned to smile invitingly. "It's not far, she grinned."

"I'll help you get home, but then I have to go home myself."

She looked disappointed. "You realise I'm with Angie, don't you. I can't deceive her."

"I suppose not," came the quietly sullen reply.

"Look. Why don't I bring Angie to visit you after school one day?"

"Ok," she smiled.

I helped her to limp along with one arm around her, but I got the distinct impression that she was putting it on just a bit more than absolutely necessary. She kept turning and smiling, as if she was expecting me to do something.

At last she stopped and turned to face me. "I need to know you like me, at least," she said.

"I do like you Suzie," I told her. "Of course I like you." I gave her a little squeeze.

"Enough to give me a little kiss?" she asked. She looked so sad and needy, I just couldn't push her away any longer.

We slipped into a nearby alley and she just melted in my arms. It reminded me of my first evening at Angie's, when Ges had coaxed me into the alley at the side of their house.

It was almost thirty minutes later before we emerged and were on our way again. I took a few minutes to brush all the dirt off my knees, but Suzie was smiling all over her face, so I guess it was worth it. Even so, I felt I had betrayed my love - not Angie, you understand, but Wendy. I don't think Suzie knew anything about Wendy.

"Don't you dare tell another living soul about that," I warned her, "or I'll never speak to you again," I told her, with a smirk.

"It's our secret," she whispered, squeezing my hand.

When we got to the end of her street, I stopped. "I can't go any further," I told her.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm not even supposed to be with you. I'll stay here and watch until you get in, then I'm off."

"Couldn't you just help me to the door?"

"Look," I said, holding her face between my hands. "If I were to do that your mum would probably ask me in. Then you'd want me to help you up to your bedroom." She was smiling at me, expectantly. "Then I'd sit beside you while your mum got you some tea." She was grinning. "Then before we knew it, you'd have your top off..." I paused, "or mine," I smiled, "and we'd be at it again."

"Yeah," she giggled.

"So, off you go," I told her. I wanted to go with her, but I knew I shouldn't. I didn't think I could juggle three schoolgirl lovers who all knew each other. Not yet, anyway.

She gave me a sulky look, feigned a pout, and turned to walk away, turning back a few times to wave. I watched her walk up her front garden path a way in the distance, then one last wave before she disappeared from view.

Her house was only a little out of my way, so I was home again in about fifteen minutes.

"Had a good time?" My mum asked.

"The best," I smiled.


The following Thursday in the showers after gym, was a real eye opener.

"Suzie!" One girl exclaimed. "What on earth have you done?"

"Nothing," Suzie grinned. "They did it for me," she revealed, nodding toward Angie and I.

"What?" came a chorus of disbelief.

"I went home with Angela last weekend," she revealed, happily. "We had the most amazing time."

"I thought you didn't like her," another asked.

"Are you kidding? Look at her. She's beautiful. I was always jealous of her, but now I know she's... just amazing. All four of them."

"Four?" another girl gasped.

"Yeah," Suzie confirmed, excitedly. "Angie and her sister, and their mum, and Macey."

"My God! You had a group bang with their mum?"

There was a huddle of them, all quizzing Suzie, and in the changing room while we were getting dressed they all came over to crowd around Angie.

"Can we come with you tomorrow?" one asked.

"Please?" another begged.

"I can't take you all home, can I," Angie reasoned, laughing. "Not all at once. We won't all fit in the be... I mean... awound the tea table," she smirked, giving me a knowing look.

"Just me then," a third girl asked, excitedly.

"I'll tell you what," Angie told them. "Why don't you put all your names in a hat and Macey can pick one out."

They huddled together again.

"Don't wowy," Angie smiled. "You'll all get a turn... but we have to go one at a time."

After they had all gone, I turned to her, "So... How does it feel to be the most popular girl in school?" I asked, smiling.

She smiled back at me. "We are going to have so much fun!"

... To be continued...

Once again, thank you for reading my story. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it.

In recognition for my effort, please be kind enough to give a score. I really do appreciate it. Also, if you have any thoughts that you would like to share, please leave a comment below.

HINT: I always prefer being able to reply to any feedback I receive, but I can't do that if you write to me as Anonymous :-(

Thank you.

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Reading_is4funReading_is4funover 1 year ago

Super overload of sex… no story behind…or very little…it’s a pity your writing is outstanding… Macey constantly being denied to remember is getting tiresome…two days marathon sex is a bit unrealistic…you should invest your amazing talents in a bit more sophisticated story plot and character development… I am skipping trough a lot of the same…

Wkd_MaceyWkd_Maceyalmost 2 years agoAuthor

I try to introduce some alternatives along the way, but the story comes to a dubious climax in Part 11. Stick with it if your sensibility isn't offended :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

a bit repetitive in later chapters. There was a Sudoku like rotation of personnel, but not a lot of character development.

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