After the Reunion Ch. 11


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They've visited the Honey Bunzz several times but never had any experience like last night. We all assured them that we hadn't either.

We exchanged business cards and personal phone numbers, along with a promise to get in touch in the next few weeks.

We had finished breakfast and were ready to go when Jocelyn asked, "Adriana," then corrected herself, "I guess it's Addie?" then got to what she was intending to say, "Last night... I don't understand..."

Addie's face turned a little red and she looked down, embarrassed. "It's okay, you don't need to explain," Jocelyn was quick to interject.

Addie looked back up, recovered from her brief embarrassment, "No, it's okay. It's just that it's kind of a long story." She looked around the room at people sitting at tables all around us, "Let's go somewhere else and I'll try to explain," she suggested. I didn't blame her; it wasn't something for public dissemination, which it would have been in that crowded room. I could just imagine the wide eyes when she explained how far that cock reached inside her.

We went outside looking for someplace more private. Tanner suggested to his wife, "Hon, why don't we head home. I think we're pretty up to date on this story so let's let Addie and Matt explain what they want to Jocelyn and Cameron."

She agreed and we all hugged them goodbye, Jocelyn and Cameron telling how much they enjoyed the night. Yeah, they sure as hell did! A night neither of them will soon forget.

T&T walked across the parking lot to their Tesla. When they got in, Cameron commented, "Nice car."

I laughed at that and said, "You have no idea!"

Addie suggested, "Let's sit in our Jeep."

Addie and I sat in the front, our guests in the back seat. Once we were comfortable, Addie took a deep breath. She does that when she's trying to settle her nerves. "It's kind of a long story," she said, "I'll try to keep it short."

The rest of us stayed quiet waiting for Addie to go on.

"There's this guy we sort of inadvertently met in Reno a couple months ago." She looked over at me to be sure I was okay with what she was about to say. I nodded for her to go ahead. "Matt and I sort of started this lifestyle thing last June... with other men. It started out just with Tanner and Tanya, which is a whole other story, but anyway..." A little pause, "Tanya and I met these guys and our two loving husbands convinced us that we should sleep with them."

She started rubbing her tummy. "Turns out my guy was pretty... well endowed..." She pointed to the spot inches above her belly button, "This is about where he reached inside me..." Jocelyn's eyes got kind of large at that, "And turns out, he's a pretty dominant guy, too."

She took another deep breath to calm her nerves again, "A couple of weeks later, I went and spent the weekend with him... that's where I found out how much stripping in front of a crowd turns me on." She went on, "After I got home from that trip, a few weeks later, he asked me to come down again... two weeks from now... but one of his conditions was no sex first. And that was over a month ago."

"So you haven't had any sex for that long now?" Jocelyn asked.

She nodded, "It's been thirty-two days now," she grinned, "but who's counting... it's been that long for Matt, too, until tonight, that is... and we love our sex."

The other couple looked my way. I guess that explained to them why I was practically a three-second wonder. "Anyway," Addie went on, "that's why no sex last night... and yeah, it about killed me."

Jocelyn surprised all of us I think. "This guy," pointing to the same spot on her stomach, "what's it like? Are there any more like him?"

We all laughed, not so sure that Cameron thought the question was funny, though. "Wellll," Addie answered, "you honestly can't even imagine what it's like. And yes, he does have a brother... Tanya seemed to enjoy him." I think Jocelyn was only joking. She must have been, she didn't ask Addie to elaborate on the brother.

"Oh, one more little thing," Addie added, like an after-thought, "Tanner and I... we were lovers all through college, and unfortunately, I was never brave enough to tell my husband about it... until our tenth reunion in June. Since then, we've kind of taken up where we left off in college, but..." she smiled toward me, "at least my husband and Tanya seemed to have hit it off pretty well, too."

"I need to say something, other than the obvious, the fact that we haven't had sex in a month, our love-life and our relationship has been better than ever," I said.

"But if I can offer some advice," Addie added, "you guys need to be honest and open with each other. Last night was pretty incredible, but traumatic, too. Be honest and don't hold back about your feelings; tell each other what it was like for you... and don't spare the details." She smiled, probably at some of our own memories, "It'll be fun. Do it while you're making love."

Jocelyn spoke, "I... think... I... want to do it again."

Cameron asked, "What?"

"The club. Taking my clothes off. I want to do it again sometime." She looked over at her husband, "Did you like it?"

His answer was pretty obvious from the smile on his face. "Yeah," he said, "I did. It was... I don't even know how to describe it... watching you in front of all those people. I was so proud... am proud that you're my wife."

Jocelyn leaned across the seat; there's a center divider so she couldn't scoot close; and kissed him. "I love you," she said.

"Hey, you guys better go home and have that little discussion... naked," Addie told them.

"I think we better," Cameron agreed, grinning and eyeing his wife.

They got out of the Jeep, we all hugged and promised to keep in touch, I think hoping that we actually would.

We got back in our car and started home. It had definitely been a surprising, exciting night, one I sure as hell didn't expect when we left home. After we got on the freeway about five minutes later, Addie said, "After all that talk about honesty, there's something I need to tell you."

I glanced sharply at her, surprised. What the hell?

"Samuel... I've been obsessed with him." That's her 'honesty'? I pretty much already knew that. She went on, "I dream about him, I think about him during the day. I can't even explain how bad I want to fuck him. He's... " Her voice trailed off and she sat quietly.

"He's what?" I asked her. So help me, my cock was getting hard again!

"I know you know about him. We've talked. But I don't think you understand how obsessed I've been. I don't even understand it. I only saw him that one time, half an hour, thirty minutes. But he's been like a God to me... I think about him... practically constantly." Her hands were between her legs, pressing into herself, and her next words were barely a whisper, "God, I want him so bad!" Then she added, "He probably doesn't even remember that I exist."

She closed her eyes and a few minutes later was asleep. I was driving, but that didn't keep my own mind from wandering... picturing my wife in bed with the guy. Was I worried that she'd leave me for him, leave our family? I won't say the thought doesn't scare me a little, but I still can't help it, I've been obsessed with the thought, too. Maybe not as bad as Addie but it's there, wanting him to fuck her, afraid that he will.

And then I thought about that wake-up call from Tanya. Damn, I thought, it was so good! By then, my cock was rock-hard all over again.

Addie had to be dreaming, probably about Samuel again. She was groaning and pressing her fingers against her pelvis over her shorts. She would probably look like she had wet her pants when she woke up. The thought made me giggle.

"I had the ben-wa balls in my pussy the whole time, you know." I thought she was still asleep, had been for the last two hours; but when I glanced at her, her eyes were wide open, looking at me. "Four of them, three-ounces each. Felt so damn sexy, naked in front of all those people and nobody knew."

Then she was asleep again. I wondered how much she'd been awake during the night, lying in bed tormented. She woke up again just after we left the Snake River past Farewell Bend, where the freeway starts roller-coastering over hills about fifteen minutes west of Ontario.

We stopped at her parents' to pick up our little people and doggies. I can't even imagine her parents having any clue where we were the night before. One thing Addie forgot, though, was to put on a bra before we got there. She always wears one around them, but as warm as the day was, hopefully, they didn't give it too much thought.

Like always when we're away from Katie and Kevin for a night, they were wound up and excited to see us. But they wanted to spend another night with Grandma and Grandpa. That is until we told them we were going swimming the next day, though. Even the dogs were excited. They know when we're talking about taking them on a trip.

The next morning, we got up early. Well, eight o'clock is early on Sunday; packed the ice chest, barbecue grill, chairs, and dry clothes, had a quick bite to eat and by 9:30 we were on our way east to the Sawtooth Mountains. There's a lake we love, Lower Hanson Lake, that's perfect for swimming on a hot day.

It may be 'Lower' Hanson Lake, but there's nothing low about it. The elevation is 7,900 feet. It's small and isolated. The only road is a little-used Jeep road winding through the mountains and almost straight up a steep, rocky hill. Our kids love the trip almost as much as being there. Somehow, climbing that steep trail in 4WD, low-range gets their adrenaline running and they can hardly control their excitement. Well, to be honest, mine, too. I love it almost as much as they do. To Addie, it's just a means that she'd rather avoid, to an end - getting there. What a spoil-sport!

Down below, the big valley where Boise and the Snake River run is totally dry and brown that time of year. But the higher we got, the greener the grass was. By the time we were climbing that steep hill, it was deep green grass, tall trees and absolutely beautiful. The best thing was, that it was still eighty degrees, just right for swimming in the cold mountain lake.

Kevin and Katie wanted to get in the water as soon as the doors opened. The lake itself has a grassy shore that extends into the lake so it's relatively shallow quite a ways out and easy to walk in. We had to temper their enthusiasm just a little while we fitted them with life jackets and blew up their floaties. Once that was done, we let them go in just a little way until mom and dad were ready. Rascal and Zusie were bouncing all over, swimming and chasing sticks that the kids were throwing out in the lake.

When Addie started taking her clothes off, I expected to see the one-piece suit she had had for years, certainly not the skimpy, thong bikini she was wearing. Way back when, the day before the fateful reunion, I'd bought her a pretty tiny bikini, the first one she'd owned since we were married. That wasn't the one she was wearing, though. I don't know when she bought this one, but it made the other look like an old maid's swimsuit by comparison. It was solid white, nothing but strings and little triangles, and it didn't even make an effort to hide the contours of her nipples. It was no more than skimpy, thin underwear. The kids didn't notice a thing different about their mom, but I sure as hell did!

Then she turned and stepped out into the water. If I'd thought the front was skimpy, crap! From the back, she was completely naked. Nothing but a thin string holding the top and another string around her hips. The string down her butt wasn't even visible.

It was a damn good thing I'd had those three incredible orgasms two nights earlier or I wouldn't have been able to control myself. I couldn't make my hard-on go away as it was. The only thing that did help was the water was C O L D! It must have just melted off a glacier or something, not that there were any glaciers, but it sure as hell felt like it.

Kids and dogs loved the cold water. It took Addie several minutes to get acclimated and me enough so that I could get deeper than my toes. While kids were frolicking under our watchful eyes, splashing each other and floating on their floaties, Addie was down on her knees getting her swimsuit nice and wet. The first thing I noticed was that when it got wet, it became almost totally transparent and disappeared, clinging tight to the skin underneath it. Her pink nipples showed right through it, as did her bald pussy lips. At that point, even the coldness of the water couldn't dampen down my hard-on.

She splashed back toward shore and took my hand, dragging me deeper. Amidst my shivering, I asked her, "Where did you get that swimsuit?"

She grinned, telling me, "Jonah bought it for me. He thought you might like it." Then she added with a giggle, "He did!"

By then I was in to my knees. Addie turned abruptly, pushed me and I fell backward, completely submerging myself in the ice crystals. Then she pounced on me so that I couldn't get back up. Addie's warm, nearly naked body sprawled over me almost made up for the ice water. But by the time my head popped back up out of the ice, even the sight and feel of her body wasn't helping my shriveled little man.

Actually, after just a little of her not letting me up, it started to feel kind of good. As I said, it was a warm day, supposed to be up to eighty-five even this high in the mountains. Kids were a few feet away, squealing and laughing bobbing around, floating on their life jackets totally oblivious to the water temperature and I decided if they and Addie could do it, so could I.

We all played in the lake for the next hour when someone said they were getting hungry. I hated to get out because I knew it would be hard to get acclimated to the cold all over again after lunch, but duty calls. So I trudged back ashore and set up the portable barbecue for some hamburgers.

Even as green as it was, there had been fires all around the Pacific Northwest, so bonfires or any flame except a propane grill were prohibited. We'd have loved to have marshmallows on a bonfire, but it wasn't to be.

After lunch, we were back in the lake. It wasn't nearly as difficult getting in that time. It's amazing how much a body can acclimate to different temperatures. Even my shriveled up dick had recovered from the cold and was taking notice of Addie's thong.

Around four, we were tired and decided it was time to go. Everyone dried off and changed, but I convinced Addie to just put on her cover-up over her bikini. It didn't hide much, which was kind of the plan. Then we followed the 'road' around the lake and about two miles up to Middle Hanson Lake, gaining another five-hundred feet in elevation.

Middle and Upper lakes are pretty, but not nearly as nice for swimming. They're mostly rocky bottoms and deeper, not good for kids at all. The middle lake has a rocky outcropping that's really good for diving or jumping off of about twenty feet down into the lake, if you're brave enough to do that sort of thing, which I am NOT!

As a matter of fact, there was a couple there doing exactly that, probably late teens, early twenties. They'd ridden in on a 4-wheeler ATV. I pulled in beside their 4-wheeler and got out to go talk to them, see if they wanted us to take videos of them jumping or anything. The kids got out and I told them they had to stay way back from the edge, then coaxed Addie to get out with me, too.

Yeah, you might have guessed the real reason I stopped. My gorgeous wife was a sight to behold. I think the sheer 'cover-up' only made her sexier. We walked over to the other couple and I complimented them both on being able to make that jump. I crawled up to the edge and peeked over the rock down into the water and no way in hell would a sane person actually jump. It scared the hell out of me to just look down. Not only was it twenty feet down to the surface, but the water was so crystal clear that what you saw was the bottom, another ten or fifteen feet down.

The guy's eyes went exactly where I anticipated they would, straight to my sexy wife. Just to cover for myself and hide the fact that that was the real reason I'd stopped, I suggested that if they wanted to jump together, I'd get a video on their phone for them. The guy said his name was Bruce and they'd love to. She, "Dorothy," she said, got her phone out of her backpack and showed me how to take a video. Then they both stood back about ten feet from the edge, held hands and ran for the edge, jumping far out and screaming on the way down.

Coming back out of the water, scrambling back up the bank looked like it was probably the hardest part if you had the courage to jump in the first place. We all looked at the video after they were back on the outcropping and they were both thrilled with how it had turned out.

Then, I got the surprise of my life; well, if you don't count all the other 'surprises' of my life over the last three months. Addie said she was going to jump. My mouth must have dropped open in shock. She'd never done anything like that before and we'd been at this lake several other times. I guess what she'd been doing sexually had opened her up to all sorts of new things, including trying to kill herself.

Anyway, she pulled the cover-up off over her head and I was sure Bruce was going to break his neck looking. His girlfriend (she wasn't wearing a ring) was just wearing a fairly modest one-piece and he likely wasn't quite used to seeing a woman dressed like Addie was.

I went and retrieved my Fuji out of the Jeep and started videoing with Addie just walking up to the edge and peeking over. "I don't know if I can do it," she said.

Bruce suggested, "Just get back and run like we did. It's easier that way." I know he wanted to see her make the jump because he wanted to see that swimsuit wet. So did I... want him to see her wet swimsuit.

She walked back from the drop-off and glanced up to where Kevin and Katie were building a little fort back on the bank, I guess so she would have one last memory before she died. Then she turned and ran, still picking up speed when she went flying out into the air.

God, she looked good, that body slicing into the water feet first like she'd done this a thousand times before. I would have expected it of Tanya, who was nearly a world-class swimmer, but my wife? She'd never done anything like this, since we got married anyway.

She came back to the surface and swam to the bank and climbed out. Yeah, that suit! As close to naked as you can get and still be legal. I guess it'd be legal, anyway, not so sure in a public pool. Parts of me, one in particular, swelled in pride that she was married to me! Both Bruce and Dorothy watched intently as my wife climbed up the bank showing every crevice of her body. And I mean EVERY crevice! I wondered if that might be why she took the plunge in the first place. She has definitely turned into an exhibitionist. I loved it!

She was excited and bubbly when she climbed those last couple feet onto the outcropping where the rest of us were. I kept the video going. I wanted to get that climb up the bank to show her later what it had looked like when she'd spread her legs apart to get footing for that next step... all the way up the bank. After she was on top with the rest of us, I moved around behind so I could get the good shot of Bruce and Dorothy's reaction to Addie's bathing suit. It was worth the extra megapixels! I'm sure I caught the drool down Bruce's chin.

"Wow, that was fun!" she babbled. Then she turned to me, "You need to do it, hon, just like I did. Just don't look down first."

"I already looked down and it ain't gonna happen!" I told her.

She got a pouty look on her face, "But you did the swing for Tanya," she said.