Against the Wall Ch. 01


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Anna had picked his dress shirt up off the living room floor and put it on to accept delivery of their food, however, she had fastened only the two buttons just below her breasts. The shirt covered her, but still left plenty of visible skin. There was a beautiful gap exposing the inner globes of her breasts and, depending on how she moved, a fleeting glimpse of her swollen pussy was possible.

"Should I ask?" he wondered.

Her grin only widened. Dropping the food next to the bed, she spun, flaring the hem of his shirt and flashing her tempting ass to his view. Again, she skipped from the room.

Wondering what she was doing, Brad stood, grabbed the food and moved to join her in the living room. He met her halfway back to the bedroom with the tray she'd set the wine and glasses on.

"What are you doing out here?" she asked.

"I was about to ask you the same thing."

"Do you not want to eat in bed?"

He slipped his hand under her chin, cupping and raising it so he could gently kiss her. "No, I'd rather eat out here. Thai can get a bit messy, so if we spill any we'd have to sleep in it later." Looking her over, he added, "Besides, I'd like to enjoy the view of you in what just became my favorite shirt a little longer."

"I knew there was a reason I loved you," she laughed, the warm sound filling his head and heart.

Sitting at the small table, they ate their meal, occasionally feeding each other small bites. They talked about the dozens of things that had filled their days over the last several weeks: family, work, hobbies; the small things that come together and form the base of a relationship. With two glasses of wine apiece, the busy day each had had and the pleasant exhaustion that follows good sex, they were soon ready for bed again.

They worked together to clean up after dinner and when they were done, held hands to return to the bedroom.

"I really love how that shirt looks on you, Anna," he whispered. Standing with his back to the bed, he raised his hands to her shoulders and slid them under the fabric, pushing it to the sides. "You look better without it, though."

"Thank you," she replied, leaning in for another kiss.

He slipped the shirt from her shoulders, guiding it down her arms. They laughed at the realization it was still held together by two buttons, yet it fell to the floor when she gave a slight hip shimmy. Wrapping her slender body in his arms, he held and tenderly kissed her before sinking to the bed.

"Do you have much on tap for tomorrow?" he asked between nibbles on her neck.

She worked the fingers of her left hand into his hair while murmuring, "Other than your game, no. I'll be working on some pictures and getting things ready for Friday." Still kissing while they scooted back on the bed, she asked, "What will your day be like?"

Finally laying his head on the pillows, he pulled Anna to his side and nuzzled her ear. "I'll have to work to keep my team on task since most of them will be excited about the game." He moaned at the feel of her fingernail scraping over his left nipple. "I don't want them to leave a bunch of stuff for Friday since we'll already have plenty to do then."

"That makes sense," she whispered, idly running her fingers through the soft hair on his chest. "Brad?"

"What is it, babe?"

"I've missed you like crazy."

Rolling to her, his voice husky, he whispered back, "I've missed you, too."

Minutes later, they were once again making love -- slowly -- wanting to make it last until finally they fell asleep in each other's arms.


The morning alarm seemed less harsh than it had twenty-four hours earlier. They awoke easily, spooned together, his hand cupping her breast.

"I want to wake up like this every morning you're here," he mumbled, sleep still clogging his voice.

"That works for me, as long as you're not going to be late for work."

He looked at the clock and groaned. "Damn, I meant to set that a little earlier."

"We'll have time another day." When she sat up to face him, her smile was warmer than the morning sun.

Climbing out of bed, she made her way to the bathroom. A few minutes later she came back, asking if there was anything she could start for breakfast while he showered.

"I'm pretty sure all I have right now is toast and coffee," he laughed.

"That's easy enough to fix." He could see she was thinking before she continued. "If there's a store nearby, I can pick up a few things during the day."

"Someone at the front desk can tell you how to get there." He kissed her before heading into the bathroom to prepare for work, calling over his shoulder, "I can find my way, but I have yet to figure out how to describe the route."

Her laughter echoed in his ears even after he closed the bathroom door and started the shower. It amazed him that no matter how cold the weather had seemed the previous day, having Anna there suddenly brought all the warmth of home to him.

"Have you ever noticed that there's always a spot on your back that you miss?" She slipped into the shower behind him, an extra washcloth in her hand. "No matter how flexible you think you are, you just can't get everything."

The idea floated through his logical mind that he really didn't have time to shower with her. Then the lathered washcloth was on his back, guided by her firm, gentle hand, and time didn't matter.

"While I'd like to wash all of you, babe," she murmured, "I know you need to get to work. We can take care of that this weekend."

When she was satisfied his back was thoroughly clean, she hopped out of the shower, dried her legs and swept from the bathroom.

Hot coffee and toast were waiting for him in the kitchen once he was dressed. They sat over their small breakfast, setting a plan for that evening. "I should be able to come back to pick you up for the game," he told her.

"It would be nice to go together. I'm sure I could get there, but finding you in all those people could be hard." She smiled before adding, "Besides, I'd like to be able to meet some of your team while it's still fairly quiet."

Although he'd attempted to put the moment off, he needed to leave for the office. "Call me if you need anything."

"I'll be fine, Brad," she teased. "I'm sure I'll be able to figure out how to get to the store and back." With one last kiss before he left, she whispered, "Although, there might be something else I'll need around lunchtime."

He groaned, pulling her to his chest then suddenly letting go of her in surprise. "Why are you all wet?"

She simply grinned.

Halfway down the hall, it dawned on him that all she was wearing was one of his favorite old t-shirts. He turned back to see her standing in the empty hallway, still waving, and realized that she had neglected to completely dry off after she left the shower. With his shirt sticking to her in all the best ways, he had never wanted so much to call in sick.

Watching him disappear into the elevator, Anna turned back to their suite. She knew she had a lot to do in order to prepare for that night. First thing on her list was a shower of her own. While it had been fun scrubbing Brad's back, she hadn't wanted to stay, knowing that they'd be unable to resist the many temptations offered by the other's slick, soapy body.

"Get to the shower, girl," she moaned.

Hours later, she was dressed in her favorite run-around jeans and a dry shirt. After her shower, she'd run through some pictures that could be used for the Blake Gallery's suggestion she might be able to add extra pictures. Knowing that dinner would be after the game, she'd also made a list of some basic groceries to pick up and a few things she knew he'd probably be hoping for during the week.

Normally, she'd continue to work on the pictures, but with lunch looming it was a better idea for her to eat first. Pulling on some walking shoes, she grabbed a light coat and her purse, making sure she had the extra key Brad had left, before heading to the front desk to ask about the nearest grocery store.

He'd been right; the store wasn't far away, but it was nice to have clear directions from someone who knew the area. Making her selections quickly, she was soon out of the store and returning to the hotel where she put things away, unpacked her bags and prepared a light lunch. Once she'd eaten and cleaned up, she looked through the pictures she planned to present at the Life Gallery the next day then grabbed her camera, as usual, to take a walk.


Showing their tickets to the woman at the door had been the easy part. Even being seated in a company box, they still had to fight the crowd. "Is it always this crazy at the games?" Anna wondered. She'd been jostled so much already, she almost felt as if she was expected to strap on skates for the game herself. In a moment of desperation, she reached out with both hands, taking hold of Brad's coat clinging for dear life.

"Pretty much," he laughed. Taking advantage of his height, he could see what she was missing. "It'll clear out pretty soon and it won't be far then to where we want to be."

In the taxi he'd told her a little about what she'd find inside the arena, but even he was surprised at the level of hockey fanaticism here. It probably made more sense, considering there was a lot more of a history for the game here than there was at home.

He was thankful they'd had an easy ride in. They'd been able to talk about their days so far. She'd been excited about a park she'd found, and he warned her that she'd be meeting some of the guys from the office. He also let her know they'd be meeting another team member after the game for drinks at a nearby bar.

While she was glad he was making an effort with his co-workers, she took the opportunity to tease him about not wanting to return to the hotel right away.

"Oh, that's right, you have your meeting tomorrow," he pondered. "I suppose we don't have to meet up with Tony, if you're too tired after the game."

She knew he was teasing her. Going along with the joke, she laughed, saying, "No, that's fine. It sounds like Tony might be a lot of fun."

By the time they got to the box, Joe and Mark had already arrived. Joe and his wife, Diana, were a few years older than Brad and Anna, while Mark's girlfriend, Tanya, seemed to be a black-haired version of Anna. The two young women hit things off quickly.

"Do you know anything about this game?" Anna whispered furtively.

"Are you kidding me?" was Tanya's response. "I grew up with it, but I'm already preparing to be another hockey widow."

They laughed and walked to the bar where Diana was nursing a beer, the men already talking shop.

"Are they always like this?"

Diana looked over her shoulder before answering. "Pretty much, although I think you can hold out hope for your man there, Anna."

The women talked about family and work for a few minutes before Anna took her leave, walking back to Brad.

"Hey," he wrapped an arm around her waist, accepting the beer she brought him. "Did you want to put your coat somewhere?"

"That would be nice," she agreed.

Finding the small closet, he set their drinks on a nearby table before taking her coat. Once he saw what had been under it, he nearly dropped it to the floor.

"I take it this means you approve of my wardrobe for the evening?"

"Very much. You look fantastic." He was striving for normal while he went about hanging up the coats. He mostly succeeded.

While packing for the trip, once Brad had told her they'd be going to the hockey game, she'd taken the time to learn who the visiting team would be. When she saw it was going to be his team, she rummaged through his closet to find the replica jersey of his favorite player and tucked it into her luggage.

Wearing it to the game hadn't even been a question. Of course, she was practically swimming in it, but that was half the fun. She was also wearing a pair of worn and faded Levis that he loved seeing her in, since they hugged her hips and ass casually and had a slight gap in the waist. Leaning forward, she whispered in his ear, "I'm not wearing anything under it."

The look on his face was priceless.

Half-listening to the pre-game announcements, they made their way back to the rest of the group where there was some good-natured ribbing about wearing the wrong jersey. It wasn't long before Brad found a way to wrap his left arm around her willowy waist during the conversation with their new acquaintances. Just before the call for the national anthem came, he slipped his hand through the gap at the back of her jeans, letting his fingers play with the top of her ass.

"Well, that's one way to show your patriotism," she teased him under her breath while the others were singing along.

Finally, the game was underway. She and Brad joked quietly about making their usual, goofy bets on the game, starting when she turned to him and whispered, "I bet your team can't score in the first period."

"You're on."

Although she'd watched televised games with him before, it was amazing how quickly it moved when it was live. Being in the arena was an incredible experience; hearing the fans, smelling the ice and still having no clue who was doing what to whom made the game completely different. She knew she'd never be a true hockey fan, yet she still appreciated the skill these men needed in order to perform at such an intense level.

Even more fun was sitting back to watch the halfway joking arguments between the fans in their box. It was accepted that she and Brad would be cheering for the visiting team, so when they scored with seven minutes left in the first period, there were some jibes thrown their way about a, "Lucky shot there."

"Hey, Anna, you sure you want to be wearing that Thomas jersey now? The man is obviously blind." Mark laughed at his own joke.

"Well, he's not currently on my team, is he?" she teased right back.

Once things quieted down in the box, Brad leaned to whisper in her ear, "I guess I won that one."

"Which means that I owe you a blow job," she murmured evenly, "unless you want to see if they'll tie it up before the end of the period."

"I might like the idea of going with a bet per period," he replied.

"Well then, the only question is when do you want to collect?" She smiled with a disarming innocence.

Just then, shouts from the stands drew their attention back to the ice where a fight had broken out. "Ugh, I hate this part," muttered Diana. She rose from her seat, looking at the other women. "Anyone care to join me in beating the rest of the crowd during intermission?"

After a hastily whispered, "Think about it," to Brad, Anna agreed to go with the other women in the hopes they could get in and out of the ladies' room without too much fuss.

The rest of the game passed too quickly. Things evened up, briefly, in the second period, but when the final horn sounded, Brad's team had won. He accepted high fives from his coworkers while Anna received some teasing sympathy from the ladies, who had figured out they had some bets going on the side.

"I hope you didn't lose too much," whispered Tanya.

"Nothing I wasn't ready to lose anyway. Really, we try to keep it light and fun," Anna giggled. "Our serious bets are during baseball season."

While the ladies were gathering coats, the men continued talking, and Brad's phone rang. "Hang on guys," he paused to check the caller ID. "It's Tony."

Five minutes later, plans confirmed and coats on, the group left the comfort of the company box. Joe and Diana said their good-byes, leaving in order to send their babysitter home. Tony had put his name in for a table at a nearby bar, so the rest of the group were heading over for a quick bite and a chance for Brad to tease them all about having lost to his home team.

Once out into the crisp night air, he wrapped his arm around Anna's shoulders, pulling her warm body close to his. "What did you think of the game?"

"It was fun," she decided. "I still couldn't figure out what was going on, but you're right, seeing the game live really does change it. I can't believe how fast it is."

"You'd never seen a live game before, Anna?" Mark was somewhat surprised by that revelation.

"No. Heck, I'd never been a fan before getting together with Brad, so why would I watch a game I don't understand?" she replied. "On the other hand, I suppose I should have expected it. I'm a big tennis fan, and I once got to see Roger Federer in a live match. It was incredible how quickly each point was played."

"Ooh," Tanya squealed, "I'll bet that was great."

"It was a blast. Brad's been after me for a few months to go to a game with him, and I have to now agree, it is better when you see it in person."

"Unlike baseball," Mark groused.

Brad laughed, saying, "It all depends on how your team is doing."

They found the bar and met Tony inside. He and his younger brother were both fairly happy-go-lucky sorts. The bar was one of their favorites, so they had suggestions for everyone on food and beverage orders. They were also well-known by half the wait staff and orders were met quickly.

Anna found Tony to be a good complement to Brad and was sure they worked well together. She remembered his name from a few phone conversations, so she made sure to spend some time talking with him, wanting to know what Brad was like at the office.

It was Tanya who finally noticed the time and reminded Mark that they both needed to get up early the following morning. Slowly, the party broke up, although there were a few last jokes about the game. Upon exiting the bar, they found a trio of taxis waiting for them.

"Who called for the cabs?" Mark wondered.

"We did." Tony explained, "It's something I like to do when I'm out with friends."

With a final round of thanks, jokes and hugs for Anna and Tanya, everyone grabbed their taxi to return home.

"That was fun, babe," Anna murmured, snuggling into Brad's side. "I'm glad we were able to go."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he teased, breathing in the still-fresh scent of her hair.

"How long before we're back at the hotel?"

"Should be about fifteen minutes, Miss," stated the driver. "There's still a lot of traffic about."

She looked up into Brad's eyes with an impish gleam that he had learned to be wary of. "It seems to me that I lost at least one bet tonight." Reaching across her lap and placing her palm flat on the front of his jeans, she wondered, "Do you suppose I'll be able to honor that in fifteen minutes?"

Before he could respond, she had the buttons open, his cock in her hand and was bending down to take it into her eager mouth.

To be continued.

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tango0919tango0919about 13 years ago
Nicely done

I find dialogue so difficult to write so that it sounds natural. You have the gift, though. Looking forward to reading more.

annanovaannanovaabout 13 years agoAuthor
Thank you all.

I appreciate all the kind comments. This was a lot of fun to write, and I'm already having fun with the next chapter. I know the ending is abrupt, yet it will pick up in chapter two, I promise.

A hat trick, Maineman? Thank you.

stevieraygovan, no, I'll leave the writing of hockey romances to the real fans of the game, like PennLady and MugsyB. I only had my characters go to the game, so it doesn't qualify as a "hockey romance," although I'll accept romance.

northlandernorthlanderabout 13 years ago
A Good Story

A good story, entertaining, sexy without overdoing it, good characters, Keep it up.

PennLadyPennLadyabout 13 years ago
Great job!

Lots of fun, and lots of heat between Brad and Anna. :) Keep it coming (so to speak).

maineman4umaineman4uabout 13 years ago
You scored a hat trick plus 2

Your story deserves 5 stars for its clarity of purpose.

Your story deserves 5 stars for its dialogues.

Your story deserves 5 stars for its characters.

Your story deserves 5 stars for its tempo (sexual and story-line).

Your story deserves 5 stars for its eroticism.

In hockey, as you may know, a "hat trick" is the pinnacle of individual scoring in a single game. Male spectators used to throw their hats onto the ice rink. Hence, the name Hat Trick.

To score a Hat Trick the player needs to score 3 goals. However, the maximum here is "5". Thus you score the Hat Trick plus 2.

Well done--5 STARS

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanabout 13 years ago
Ah, and here she is again, the '57 Les Paul of erotica!

Sweetie, you do realize that editing your stuff is getting to be about as difficult as maintaining an ant farm, right?

Hey, I just realized what happened here with this one. Like all those women at PennLady's one site that recently went belly up, you went the Romantic Hockey Story route!

"I know! For whatever reason, women seem to love romantic smut stories centering around guys with stubby legs in short pants who whack each other with sticks while saying, 'It's aboot time you learned a lesson, eh? Now get the fuck oot of here!' Yeah, that'll be my next story!"

Well, what the hell, you know what? It worked. You deeked the poor guy before going top-shelf on 'im. As always, this is Wes Montgomery going without a pick...pure class...pure Anna.

Now get your dancing ass back to Montreal, where it belongs!


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