Age Difference, The Sequel


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"Ted, even though Cindy is quite a bit older than you we love her to death. The boys are great and we hope that someday you guys might get hitched. You do have a problem though. You aren't lovey dovey enough. A woman wants to know she's loved. If you love Cindy, kiss her like you mean it. Those pecks on the cheek you've been giving her just don't cut it. Show her she's loved."

"Dad, we don't usually kiss like that in front of other people."

"Hog wash! If you love the gal, let her know it. When she comes in the room lay one on her. Isn't that right, Ellen? Shouldn't a man show his true feeling to his sweetheart?"

"Um, ah, well, sure, I guess so. They kissed passionately in front of me many times," replied Ellen.

"If you can kiss her in front of her mother then show her how much you care in front of your mom and me," replied Dad.

Ellen was doing everything she could trying not to laugh. Here I was getting ready to kiss Cindy passionately in front of Ellen and my mom and dad.

I stood up and when Cindy walked into the room I pulled her into my arms and gave her a very passionate kiss. At first she started to stop me and then played along, putting her arms around my neck and pulling me to her.

"There, Dad, is that better?" I asked.

Cindy smiled at Dad and said, "He does that all the time. I'm sorry he did it in front of you. I told him to have manners while you were here. Usually he tries to grab my boobs. Thank God he didn't do that in front of you."

"It's fine, Honey, Harold has been doing that to me for thirty years now," my mom said sarcastically.

My parents were getting ready to leave and everyone was hugging everyone. My dad told Ellen what a fine looking woman she was and if she ever wanted to come down to Kentucky he knew a lot of men who would love to take her out. It brought a blush to Ellen's face.

When Mom hugged Cindy she told her to give me a chance. I was probably not that good in the romance department. It made Cindy laugh. "Just so you know, Mary, Ted's a great kisser and an even better lover. Your son's one wonderful man."

Mom told me, "Hang on to this one, son. She's a doll and very smart too. We don't care that she's six years older than you. When you're in your sixties it won't make any difference."

Dad was even funnier. "If she looks as good as her mom when she's fifty-five, you shouldn't have any problem getting it up. Take care, son, and remember we love you."

My parents were two people who said what they were thinking. I loved them to death, but was glad the charade was over.

We made it through the weekend. Ellen and Cindy both played their parts great. I really hated lying to my parents but at the time it looked like the right decision. I guess we would see what happens as time goes on.


Our life went on and things seemed great, until one day Ellen went to the doctor and said she had to be tested for tumors on her pancreas. Cindy and I were worried sick. Ellen was the center of both of our lives.

I took her to the hospital for them to take their tests. She got a call two days later. It turned up positive for cancer. She would have to have the tumors removed if she were to have any chance at all.

"What are my chances of a normal life if I have the surgery doctor?" asked Ellen.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Ellen. You have maybe a twenty-five percent of making it if you have the surgery," replied the doctor.

"Twenty-five percent? That's hardly worth getting cut open for," replied Ellen. "How long do I have if I just let it go?"

"Maybe four months. Close to the New Year," replied the doctor.

"What about pain, doctor?" asked Ellen.

"We have pain killers that will help you a lot. Maybe the last two weeks you will feel it much worse. We would have you admitted to the hospital and give you morphine. Or whatever else you need so you won't feel the pain."

Cindy and I were both crying. We wanted to tell Ellen to take the chance, even if it was only twenty-five percent, have the surgery. We didn't want her to give up.

She looked at us. "It's not giving up. It's just letting go. I don't want all the pain and suffering when it's almost a sure thing I won't make it. I believe in God and I believe he does have a better place for me. It says he has a mansion already prepared for me. Let's just take these last few months and make the best of them."

She lived her last few months to the fullest. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our little family spent as much time as possible together. We even made love up to the last month. It was because Ellen asked me to make love to her. It was usually a massage or oral. We tried regular sex but because of the pain killers, I didn't think she was feeling anything. I continued to rub her legs and feet for her. She always loved that.

The last two weeks she was in the hospital. She had many guests come to see her. So many students that she taught throughout the years and had grown up came to see her. Even her ex-husband Richard showed up at the hospital.

The last time I talked to her she told me how much she loved me and would miss me. She said the last two years were the best of her life. I was crying when she said, "Teddy, I need you to take care of and watch over my Cindy Marie and my two grand babies. I need to know that you will do that for me."

I was crying now. "I promise you that I will see that they are taken care of."

I kissed her gently and left the hospital. I got a call a couple of hours later from Cindy that my Ellen had passed. It was January the fifteenth; I know I'll never forget it. She made it passed the holidays. She said she wasn't going to ruin Christmas for the boys again. It was the way my Ellen was. Always putting everyone else first.

I left work and told Brad I needed a few days off. He was a great boss and friend and told me to take all the time I needed.

I called Cindy and asked her if she needed any help with the arrangements?

"Oh, Ted, I miss her already. I want her back so much."

I was crying too, "Do you need me to help with anything?"

"No, my dad said he was going to take care of all the arrangements. Where was he when she was alive. I guess I'm just bitter about the way he treated Mom. Maybe he's getting some kind of remorse."

"Do you need me to come by so you can have a shoulder to cry on? I feel I need to do something."

"Leonard, my ex, is coming by and will be here till after the funeral. I can't very well make him stay at a motel since his sons are here. He can sleep in Mom's bed for a few nights. I wish he wouldn't have even come at all. You're more of a father to the boys than he ever was."

"Okay, Cindy, I'm here for you if you need anything, anything at all. Tell the boys I miss them and will see them at the funeral home. Unless you call me, I'll see you at the funeral home also."

I called my folks to tell them that Ellen died. I had called them when the tumors were discovered and she was given four months to live.

"Son, take care of Cindy. She really needs you now. We could tell that she and her mom were close and now she will need you even more to have you to lean on. The boys lost their grandmother too. Watch over them also."

It sounded like my parents gave me the same lecture as Ellen. Only problem is how do I take care of Cindy? The best I could do is be there for her and I already made that offer.


I didn't hear from Cindy so I waited and went to the funeral home. I didn't expect what I saw. Hundreds of cars in the parking lot. I ended up parking in an overflow lot at the funeral home. I went inside and there was a long ... make that an extremely long ... line of people waiting to pay their respects to Ellen. I never knew Ellen had so many friends. It shouldn't have been a surprise since she was a school teacher for over thirty years. Plus her ex-husband being in politics brought out a lot of people.

Instead of getting in line, I walked over to another side door of the room where Ellen was laid out. It was full of people standing or sitting talking to one another. I spotted the casket and tears welled up in my eyes. To the right of the casket stood Richard, her ex, and Cindy. They were greeting all the guests.

Cindy glanced up and saw me. She said something to her dad and made her way to the door to see me. She must have been crying a lot since her eyes were so red. She came up to me and put her arms around me and gave me a long hug. I didn't need to say anything but I did cry along with her.

"Mom's gone. Ted, I miss her so much," she cried.

Cindy then took me by the hand and took me up to meet her dad. The people in line were surprised but no one said anything.

"Dad, this is a very good friend of mine and a good friend of Mom's also. Ted Lewis, this is my dad, Richard."

"Glad to meet you, Ted. Sorry it has to be on such a sad occasion."

"She was a wonderful woman, sir, and will be sadly missed," I said.

Cindy held onto my arm as we walked the few steps to view the casket where my Ellen laid.

I did my best not to cry any more than I already had. The majority of people there had no idea who I was.

Right then I felt two little boys come up to me. "Ted, Grandma died. Mommy said she was going to go live with God," cried little Bart.

"Your mom is right and I know we'll all miss her but she will always be with you in your heart. Just think of all the nice things about her and you will feel better."

Cindy had to get back to the guests and Brian and Bart came over to one of the couches to sit with me. I got a really ugly stare from Leonard when the boys chose to sit with me. He was never a father for them; he was too busy with his other family out west somewhere.

I went home a very lonely person. I went back the next day to go to the funeral. Cindy had me listed as family so I could be near the front of the procession. The boys asked if they could ride with me; Cindy glared at Leonard and said that they could. It was a real slap in the face to Leonard. It was in a small way Cindy getting back at Leonard.

I drove the boys home after the service and they went into the house. There were a number of people there and I decided not to go in. I was about to get back into my car when Leonard approached me.

"Who the hell are you anyway?" asked Leonard.

"Not that it's any of your business but I was good friends with Ellen and Cindy." I didn't like this guy. He was arrogant and pushy.

"So are you Cindy's latest boyfriend? Trying to take over all the duties of a father and husband? Cindy let you in her pants yet?" he snickered.

I couldn't help myself when I gave him a hard right to the stomach. I leaned him up against the car and had my hand around his throat.

"You arrogant son of a bitch. Cindy has just lost her mother and you're here wondering who she's fucking instead of giving her the support she needs. You are one poor excuse for a man and useless as a father. If I ever hear of you bad-mouthing Cindy again, I'll hunt you down and kill you. Do we understand each other?"

A crowd had gathered looking at us. Cindy came out and told me I'd better leave. I pushed Leonard to the side and got in my car.

"Remember what I said, you useless bastard. I'm sorry, Cindy, I'm really sorry," I said as I drove off.

I didn't call Cindy after that. What could I say or do? I should have had a lot more composure at the time but I was vulnerable too. I had no one but Cindy to really share my loss with.

About a week went by and I got a call from Cindy.

"I'm so sorry, Cindy. God, I'm a real ass... and at Ellen's funeral. Please forgive me. I don't know what got into me."

"You don't need to apologize. Some of my friends told me they overheard the conversation and how Leonard baited you. He's such an asshole and got what he deserved. I'm sorry I asked you to leave but I knew it was the only way to defuse the situation. Thank you so much for sticking up for me and the boys."

"Cindy, I promised your mother that I would always be here for you and the boys. All you have to do is ask and I'll be there. Your dad didn't seem to be such a bad guy except for his sexual preference."

"Let's not go there right now, Ted. It's still a pretty touchy situation with me. I called to let you know that I'll be busy the next couple of weeks. I have to settle mom's accounts and all. Thank God she had everything set-up and in order before her death."

"She was that kind of woman. Good at everything, kind, gracious, not to mention beautiful. She's lucky to have a daughter following in her footsteps."

"Thanks again for everything, Ted. I'll call you when things get settled down."

I wasn't sure if this was a brush off or if Cindy was serious. As I had mentioned earlier, she was a young Ellen. If ever a daughter and mother were alike, it was these two.

Almost two more weeks went by and it was Valentine's Day again and my Ellen was gone. She and Cindy were my new family. I loved Cindy's two boys too. Now it would all change. With Ellen now gone I was afraid to go see Cindy. I would just have to wait and see if she would contact me. I loved her almost as much as I loved her mother. Funny how they were so much alike. I had to get out of the apartment; I couldn't be here alone on Valentine's Day.

I decided to go to The Hidden Hideaway. It was where I went the last two years with Ellen. The first year there was the fiasco with Cindy, Shala and of course Ellen. The second year was when Ellen and I tried again. That time we made it to our room and made love all night. The memories made me smile.

As I walked in I saw Shala sitting at one of the tables. "What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Oh, I have a lot of friends that come here and it's kind of an interesting place to hang out. I know one of my friends will show up sooner or later," she laughed.

She was right about that. You never know what you might see. She asked me if I was ready to try a woman of color.

"Maybe another time. I actually came here to reminisce. I lost Ellen last month and this was kind of our Valentine's Day place."

As we were talking I looked up at the entrance and in came Cindy. She was dressed a little slutty, but looked as sexy as hell and was looking at me and Shala sitting there talking. I couldn't believe that only a month after her mom's death that she was there again to see Shala.

Shala smiled until Cindy came up to me and handed me a box of candy, a bouquet of flowers and a note.

Cindy spoke to me almost crying. "Please read the note. Mom gave it to me just before she died."

"Dearest Cindy Marie:

I know my time is almost up. I need a special favor from you. Please take care of my Teddy. I know he loves you as much as he loves me. Even though he's younger than you, you'll find he is the best, most considerate lover on this earth. He would also make a terrific husband and father for the right woman. (Do you get my drift here?)

I know he will be alone on Valentine's Day. He'll probably be at The Hidden Hideaway reminiscing about old times. If you love him like I think you do, go to him. He always buys a box of chocolates in a heart shape box and a small bouquet of flowers.

Don't go if you don't love him. I don't want to see him hurt. If you decide to go see him, consider shaving your bush. Believe me, you won't regret it.

Again take care of Teddy and my two grand babies. If you ever have a girl, name her Ellen.

I love you so much.



When I finished reading the note I was crying. I looked up at Cindy and she handed me a room key and gave me a big smile, but had tears in her eyes.


Cindy and I got married a month later and our daughter Ellen will be born sometime in November. Even my parents made the trip to Ohio again. They said they wouldn't miss our wedding for anything in the world. Besides they wanted to see their grandchildren. I suspect they will be traveling back in November to see the birth of little Ellen.

You gotta love Valentine's Day. It's one special day I'll never forget.


Thank you for reading my story

Comments are always welcome

DG Hear

I know the sequel could have gone a number of ways. Lesbian sex, group or interracial. If anyone wants to write their own sequel, feel free to do so. I'm sure the readers would love to read alternate endings.

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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Your last statement; anyone reading the comment section knows that not all agree. I felt that the second part was perfect and followed part 1 seamlessly. Thanks DG.

somewhere east of Omaha

sg1010sg10102 months ago

Regarding your open letter to ask for alternate endings, as appropriate according to your readers BUT I don't see an alternate ending & certainly Nothing that would improve what you created.

I do have one suggestion, at the beginning of your second chapter, you might have included a, Note: tissues may be required.


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Dont want any alternate endings! This one was right on! Thank you, Mike

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Some write out fantasies and some write really good love stories, the kind that tug at one's heart and has you smiling like a fool. You writing falls into the latter. Amazing how this lovely story can touch a not so soft heart...!

joesijoesi7 months ago

One of my favorite stories, 5⭐️

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