Agent in Distress Ch. 02

Story Info
A mission is formed, and a fruit with interesting effects.
11.3k words

Part 2 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/16/2017
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The banquet hall was indeed splendid, and Lana caught herself gaping at the elaborate tapestries on the walls, the stained glass windows, and most of all, the enormous spread of food at the table. It was a far cry from the Institute's spartan cafeteria. She took her seat indicated by one of the servants, between the ambassador Max and her guardian/watchdog Warrick. Across from her sat the disapproving Lamare, and to her left at the head of the table, Lord Khan, who was speaking to her.

"Lady Torina, allow me to introduce our other guest, Lady Verona, my daughter," said Lord Khan to her left. Lana followed his pointing hand to see a stunningly beautiful young woman, dressed in a flowing green and gold dress. She looked a few years older than Lana, and taller, with a slim but voluptuous figure. Lana stood up and performed a bow, placing her hands in front of her as was the custom for Dellune women. She noted as she bowed that the woman's apparel was considerably less revealing than her own, and she wasn't thrilled about that.

"Lady Torina," nodded the woman, bowing. Her eyes seemed to flow up and down the young agent, and Lana blinked, feeling a familiar embarrassment at her attire. Her mind registered an unfamiliar sentiment emanating from the young woman . . . jealousy.

"She fills the Calambrian vallana dress as few females can," added Verona, looking at her father.

"Vallana?" said Lana, looking confused as they all took their seats. "I'm not familiar with the term."

It was Lamare who answered her question, and judging by his cruel grin, he took pleasure in bearing the news.

"A Vallana is a female who never been breached by a man," he said, looking intently at her.

Lana's mouth fell open. Why those . . . they'd dressed her as a virgin. She was speechless.

"Did we error in our assumption, Lady Torina?" said Lamare, clearly enjoying her embarrassment.

"I . . . . that is none of your concern!" blurted Lana, wanting to defend her virtue, yet horrified that her sexual experience was the topic of table talk. She tried to calm herself, but her blood was boiling, and she clenched her fists. It was a sore subject, for despite her five years of daily efforts at maintaining a purity of body and mind, Lana wasn't a virgin. She had a certain Elder to thank for that . . .

Lord Khan thankfully brought her back to the present. "Lady Torina, first, I would like to personally extend you my gratitude for your assistance this morning with our diplomatic negotiations. I understand you endured quite a bit of embarrassment while keeping your cool, and provided Warrick with vital intelligence. You have my utmost appreciation."

The warrior bowed his head, and Lana couldn't help beaming a smile back at him. "You are welcome, milord," she responded, bowing back. "I was glad to be of service."

The leader nodded again, then continued speaking. "Returning to the original purpose of your visit, your ambassador has explained your Alliance's desire for our help. I have decided to give you whatever help you need in your mission."

Lana's ears perked up, and her heart lifted, but Lord Khan wasn't finished.

"Naturally, I have some requests of my own."

"Yes, of course, my lord," she answered, trying not to look concerned. They had expected as much.

"I would like to form a lasting relationship with your people. However, we are gravely concerned about a growing threat to the South. Your intelligence from this morning's meeting has confirmed our suspicions. A Lord Nikos has emerged from nowhere to become the strongest power in the region. He and his army have been extending their reach, and while they have not yet attacked us, their growing presence on our Southern border is deeply disturbing. This man possesses weapons no Dellune has ever seen, and armies wither under his attacks. I believe you . . . saw evidence of this in their diplomat's mind? Every village his army encounters is brutally subjugated, in the old way - the males enslaved and sent to work the mines, the prettiest females enchained and sent as tribute to Lord Nikos' castle.

My people look to the future, to put the old barbaric ways behind us. The enslavement of conquered people is a custom whose time has passed. Lord Nikos and the Southmen adhere to the old brutal ways, spreading fear and chaos through our lands. He must be stopped, or any agreement we may reach with your . . . Alliance, will not last through the year."

Lana hadn't wanted to interrupt, but her eyes were wide as saucers. This Lord Nikos had to be her target. "Powerful weapons, Lord Khan?" she asked. "Could you . . . describe them for me?"

Warrick spoke up, for he clearly had more first-hand knowledge. "Several of his closest guards carry long metal objects that shoot bolts of green fire. This fire cuts through the finest armor like an arrow through butter."

The stolen plasma weapons. It is as the GWA had feared, she thought. "This Lord Nikos, he must be the man I am pursuing. This man is a GWA military officer. We had suspected he had brought several plasma weapons with him!"

"I—I would like to meet this Lord Nikos, if I may," she said in a proud voice, her back straight. It felt good to act like an Arbiter again, instead of a scantily dressed vallana.

Lord Khan was nodding. "We were hoping you could bring the power of your armies to . . . at the very least, frighten him into ceasing his expansion."

Max Veers answered for her. "I'm afraid that's simply not possible. Our Alliance is in the midst of a war, which has left both sides with little resources. It . . . took much doing to get even this student from the Institute sent to us . . . and that was only because of the GWA's interest in retrieving their man."

Khan looked frustrated. "Then at least provide us with a handful of the same weapons, so we will not be at a disadvantage."

Lana frowned, shaking her head. "I'm afraid, milord, that our laws strictly forbid such a thing. The GWA cannot bring any advanced weaponry or armies to your world. We must not interfere in your natural development, it is forbidden."

The leader was noticeably disappointed, and anger rose up to the surface. "If what you say it true, this Nikos is one of your men," he accused. "He has brought your weapons with him, and is using them to conquer our people! Your GWA must stop him!"

Lana raised her hands in a placating gesture. "Yes, milord, that is why I am here. If I could speak to him, perhaps I could convince him to return with me . . ."

Across from her, a Max Veers piped up at the thought of a bloodless solution. "Yes, my lord, the Arbiters are renown negotiators . . . perhaps we could . . ."

"Absolutely not!" replied Lord Khan. "You know what will happen if we send Lord Nikos a female negotiator."

Veers nearly cowered, sitting back in his seat, but Lana was confused. "What? What will happen?"

This time Lamare answered. He seemed to always enjoy giving Lana the bad news. "He would be extremely insulted that we sent a female. She would be put to death as an example to the females of his nation."

Lana frowned, "Sir, this man is . . . was . . . a GWA officer. I can't imagine he would be insulted . . ." Lamare interrupted her.

"Unless she were exceptionally beautiful. In that case she would be stripped naked, humiliated and trained as his personal slave." He looked intently at Lana. "I imagine that would be your fate, Lady Torina."

Lana felt her blood boiling yet again. Lamare's backhanded compliment irritated her almost as much as what he'd said about Nikos. But she'd risen to his bait more than enough already. "He would not dare do such a thing to a GWA Arbiter!"

Lord Khan and Warrick both exchanged a glance, and Lana guessed they had already discussed the possibility. Lord Khan spoke, "Milady, you don't know this man. Maybe he was civilized when on your world, but here on Dellune, he has embraced the darkest parts of our culture. We cannot risk sending you in unprotected. He might kidnap you and use you as a bargaining chip. We . . . are concerned that your Alliance might . . ."

Lana nodded. "I understand, but I assure you, the Alliance chose you for the very reason that you are forward thinking. We would not side with Lord Nikos. Besides, I can handle myself, it would not be so easy for him to kidnap me."

Lamare looked like he was going to say something, but he thought better of it.

Lord Khan continued. "I appreciate your assurances, Lady Torina. But others have lost negotiators to Nikos' sword, I will not do the same. Any agreement you reached, he would surely break. There is only one way to stop this man, and that is to kill him. If your GWA is not willing to help us, then I see no reason to join your Alliance."

Lana bit her lip in consternation, then quickly stopped, not wanting to look like a school girl given a tough history question. The GWA had given her quite specific orders to, in their words, do whatever it took to get Nikos. And this rogue officer seemed quite deserving of final justice. But she was not an assassin.

"Milord, I have orders to capture him if possible, and if not . . . If you can get me close to him, I can take care of the rest. "

Khan looked skeptical. "With respect, milady," he said, calmly, "what can you do to stop this man, he is surrounded by guards at all times. Is there something special about that pretty little sword you brought with you?"

"No, it is an ordinary sword, I'm afraid," she said.

Max had been silent through the entire exchange, but he finally spoke up. "Your Lordship, Nikos is a GWA officer, but he is not an Arbiter or a telepath, and he will not be expecting her. If you can get her in the same room as him, she can kill him."

"I hope it won't come to that," said Lana.

"I will try to talk sense into him."

"And when he laughs in your face and puts you in chains?" said Khan. "Then what?"

Khan didn't look convinced she could get the job done. It was time for a demonstration. She pushed back her heavy chair and stood, then looked around the table, noting that Warrick was armed, with his heavy long sword, and a dagger on his hip. "Warrick, would you please stand for me? Yes, please just stand there, thank you." Then she looked about the room, spying what she was looking for. Along the far wall were several paintings of proud men in battle armor, posing in victorious stances before painted battlefields. She turned to Lord Khan.

"Who is that man, dressed in red, depicted in that painting?" she asked, innocently.

Lord Khan looked slightly impatient, but he answered. "That is my uncle, Milos Khan, after the battle of Silar. I was only a child at the time."

"I see," said Lana. "I apologize in advance."

Before he could ask her meaning, there was a snapping sound, and then a loud thud, as Warrick's danger embedded itself deep in the chest of the painted warrior.

"What?" said Warrick, grasping for the empty scabbard on his hip. Then he looked at Lana, who couldn't help flashing a bit of a smile in pride. "Incredible," he murmured.

She turned to Lord Khan, and saw a curious mixture of annoyance and respect as he returned her gaze. Finally he spoke. "Next time, young lady, I would appreciate it if you make your point without perforating my paintings." When she looked horrified and opened her mouth to apologize, he smiled and raised his hand. "No matter, I am convinced, I have never seen anything like that. How do you do that?"

Lana blushed, unused to such praise. Students at the Institute were rarely praised, for the Elders believed it led to pride. "I can move things with my mind," she explained. "Small objects like a dagger are easy, a . . . grown man . . . much more difficult. I cannot explain how it works, and only one in a million among my people have this ability, and only one in a hundred of those can learn to control it."

"Can you move yourself?" asked Warrick gesturing in the air. "Make yourself fly about the room."

"No," said Lana, shaking her head. "I wish it were that easy. I train in gymnastics and martial arts several hours a day. I mean . . . weaponless combat."

Lamare broke up the fun. "Your circus tricks are impressive, Lana, but piercing paintings is a far thing from killing a powerful Lord in his own castle. How do you propose to accomplish that?"

Lana turned serious as well. "I don't know. I am trained in infiltration. I could sneak into his castle . . . perhaps you have tried this?"

Warrick spoke up. "You are indeed correct, Lana," he said. The way he pronounced her name was quite pleasing to her ear, and she smiled without thinking. Warrick paused, confused to see the girl smiling at him. Lana's smile quickly disappeared, replaced by a slight blush.

"Err, yes, as I was saying, we have lost three of my best men in the attempt. Lord Nikos is as paranoid as he is cruel, and he is most difficult to reach."

Before Lana could offer the obvious question, he continued. "On one occasion, we had the idea of sending a female agent, for if Nikos has one weakness, it is females. Disguised as a slave girl, she was able to infiltrate his inner chambers. Unfortunately . . ."

"Unfortunately, what?" Lana demanded, sitting up and leaning forward. Warrick's eyes flicked downward to her breasts, pressing prominently into the white top she wore. Lana flushed and leaned back in her chair.

"Free women find it exceedingly difficult to pose as slaves. She was called upon to . . . act in character, and she panicked, drawing attention to herself."

Lana felt sorry for the brave woman. "What happened?"

"Well," answered Lord Khan. "Men accustomed to slaves can easily spot the reactions of an imposter. Together with the presence of the dagger on her person, they correctly deduced that she was an assassin. She was . . . we lost contact with her. If she is alive she's likely in his pleasure slave harem. She was a good friend of my daughter here, and a brave soul."

Lana stiffened. This world was a cruel place. "I'm terribly sorry," she said, looking at Verona. She meant it. Verona nodded. "But with utmost respect to your men," she continued, looking at Warrick, "I believe I could sneak in, unarmed, to avoid suspicion. As you can see, if one of his guards is armed, that will be all I need."

Lamare was shaking his head. "You could never sneak into Nikos' castle, the man is obsessed with security. Nor does being female mean you could just walk in; there are no free women walking around his castle."

Lana was getting frustrated with all the negativity. "Well then, how do you expect me to get near him?"

Lord Khan answered her. "You will go in disguised as a slave."

Lana frowned. "But you just said that method failed on your previous attempt."

"Because we failed to prepare our operative," said Khan. There was a long silence. Finally, Warrick cleared his throat.

"My lord," said Warrick, casting a knowing glance at Lana, "I am guessing the Institute doesn't train its warriors to pose as slaves. Correct me if I'm mistaken, Lana?"

Lana could help breaking a smile. She liked the sharp-tongued warrior.

"Ah," said Lord Khan, "that's why you will go with her, posing as her captor. She will pose as a newly acquired slave, unaccustomed to her bondage." He held up his hands as Lana gasped and Warrick made a face, like he'd just swallowed something funny. "Yes, I know your objections, but hear me out. In Nikos' kingdom, females of her age are either slaves, or free women of high status. If she were to pose as the latter, she'd have no access to her target. She'd never get past the palace gates. A slave however, would be ignored, and you could sneak her into the palace."

Lana waited patiently until he was finished. "There has to be another way. Warrick is right, I would not make a very convincing slave girl. I've been trained to infiltrate—"

For the first time at dinner, Max Veers spoke up, interrupting her. "On the contrary," he said. Clearing his throat nervously, as if unsure whether to continue, Max looked at Lana. "You would be very convincing as a newly enslaved female. You'd need only act as yourself, a free woman from a faraway land who found herself captured. It frees you from having to learn the local dialect and customs . . . . And what other choice do we have? If you try to sneak in and are caught, you'll end up in the same situation, only he'll be on to you."

As little as she wanted to admit it, they had a point. Her skills could help her defeat a handful of men perhaps, but not dozens. They could get her inside the palace in disguise, and she'd take it from there. And she didn't want to be alone on this mission. Lana didn't yet have the confidence of an Arbiter. This wasn't training, it was the real thing, she'd be deep in enemy territory, without plasma weapons. She resisted the urge to shiver.

Lana clamped down her mental shield to calm herself, clearing her mind. It was the only way, and it was the path of least violence, that counted for something. "Very well, I will do it," she said, looking at Warrick across the table. She looked and found an expression of admiration in his eyes, and it chased away the fluttering fear in her belly.

Lamare spoke up, skeptical as always. "Milord, this girl has no idea what we are talking about. Slavery is just a word to her. What assurance do we have that she won't lose her cool and get herself and the hero here killed? Or captured and interrogated? If Nikos finds out we're plotting to kill him . . ."

Warrick was about to speak but his leader held up his hand. "Lamare has a point, Lana. You should not take this lightly. It is . . . challenging for free women to experience slavery. Most would find it extremely difficult. After all, in Nikos' city, you won't just be posing as a slave, you will be one. The chains will be real."

Lana found she was tightly grasping her thighs with her hands, to keep from shaking from the mix of fear and adrenaline. But Lamare continued talking.

"And suppose she gets into his palace, how does she get near Nikos? It's a big palace. We know he has a harem, but she probably won't be able to get in there either. She won't be able to just walk up to him."

Warrick answered him. "Slaves are likely fairly free to walk about his palace. No one will give her a second look."

Lana found her voice. "Once I am in his palace, I will find a way," she said, her confidence returning. "Just get me inside his palace, I will take care of the rest."

Warrick nodded his agreement, and Lamare kept silent, though he looked unconvinced.

"Good," said Lord Khan, looking at each of them. "That settles it then, we have a plan. I'd like you two to leave as soon as possible. Tomorrow if you can."

Warrick nodded. "I'll bring Lana to our friend Darius, spend the night there, and continue on from there." He turned to Lana. "It's a two or three day journey on horseback."

Lana nodded. "I will be ready."

"Then let's enjoy our meal," said Khan. No more word was spoken of serious subjects for the rest of the meal. Instead they talked about the Alliance, and the worlds beyond the Dellune sky. With the delicious local food, and fine wine, Lana eventually forgot about her mission, and began to enjoy herself. After years of Academy food, Lana felt like making up for lost time, and the Dellune cuisine was spicy and exotic. The food made her thirsty, and the wine was wonderful, such that she lost count how many times they refilled her cup.

After the meal, a spread of lovely multi-colored fruit was brought out. Warrick kindly instructed her on the names of each fruit as Lana tried them.

"What is this one?" Lana said, holding up a juicy-looking reddish pink globe the size of her fist. He was looking the other way, so she elbowed him to get his attention. Turning, he smiled and shook his head, marveling at the tipsy young woman who happened to be a lethal warrior. "Would you like some?" she said, looking up, "I noticed they didn't put any on your plate."
