Agents and Angels Ch. 03


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"That's what your buddy from Salem, U.S.A. is for, my friend." I said. "How are things with your kids?"

"It's been... awkward." said Jack. "But it's okay. They're still grieving for their mom, and they're skeptical of Tanya, but they love little Pete and he seems to like them. And we took your advice and told them about the Red Brooke danger. They took it pretty well. They'll start school here next Monday."

"Good." I said. "So you have custody of them?"

"Oh yes." said Muscone. "And thanks for recommending Mike Todd to me. He had that stuff laid out for the judge like nobody's business. It was a snap. I'm just surprised that it happened as quickly as it did."

"That's the power of Government." I said. "I suspect you had a few friends within the halls of the FBI pulling some strings for you."

"Yes, I think so." said Muscone. "And you know what's funny? My boss, the EAD, he took care of the issues with the Marshals... mostly by threatening to investigate them and arrest them... but he said he had nothing to do with the custody issues."

"Must've been the Guardians of Justice at work." said Jerome Davis as he polished off his double cheeseburger. I gave a brief smile and said nothing... Jerome might've been far more accurate than he realized.

"Speaking of them," said Jack, "U.S. Senator Russell has not said a word about them lately. I guess he has other things on his mind. And this attack on your Governor... my team came in hard on BigAgraFoods, looking at that. We might be close to a connection, though nothing so far. Crenshaw is digging deep into that."

"Good." I said. Something caught my eye and I looked up at the television mounted along the wall. Priya Ajmani was coming on screen.

"Ladies and gentlemen," said the lovely Indian reporterette, "we're at the scene of a two car collision on Elm Street, which is the road that forms the northern border of Courthouse Square. Two cars collided head-on. Medics and Police are at the scene."

The camera showed the two cars crashed into each other, though not massively. For some reason, my hackles were up at this... and then I remembered: Elm Street was closed off to vehicle traffic, and had been for months. There should've been no cars on Elm Street!

"What is up with this?" I asked as we watched.

Priya's voice could be heard saying "There was only one driver, who was not seriously hurt. The other car was being autonomously driven, and was an experiment by State Tech students..."

As the camera panned back to Priya, with a crowd behind her as she reported, I gasped. "Look!" I all but shouted.

Standing behind Priya in the front of the crowd, where he could be clearly seen... was Red Brooke.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I was running to my Police SUV, Jerome right behind me. I grabbed my Police radio and hit that 'break' button that sent out a loud warning noise.

"Break, break break!" I said into the radio. "'Firestream' is in effect. I say again: 'Firestream' is in effect. All units, report to your chain of command for instructions!"

'Firestream' was the code word for Red Brooke being spotted. For the last week, the TCPD leadership had been working on our plan to stop his plans and to capture him if and when he dared show his red head in my Town & County. We then disseminated our plans to the Police Force, along with strong warnings about how dangerous this man was. Now, the plan was going into effect.

It began being more noticeable that checkpoints were being set up on several major roads coming into and going out of Town, as well as inside Town at important intersections. All street cameras were activated, as well as many other cameras we had access to. All of that was being monitored in the basement command post that once was I.T. and where my office in the corner had been. Myron and Lainie were down there now, as well as other Officers.

Meanwhile, the residents of the Heritage Cloisters noticed a considerable beefing up of security and a very large contingent of Officers in the area. In addition, more patrols were in the neighboring areas, hoping to cut off Brooke before he got near the subdivision. Inside Todd and Teresa's home were all the kids: Jack, Doug, little Michael Todd, Carole, Jim, Ian, Ross, little Pete Feeley, little Daniel Allgood and Patricia, and Marie Steele. Also, Jennifer and Tiffany Muscone were there. The adult supervision was Phyllis Troy, Maggie Ross, Callie Carrington, and Barry Oliver, who was an Auxiliary Police Officer. Maggie was a tough, resilient farm woman; she would shoot to kill to save these children, as would all the others.

Captain Cindy Ross had deployed her Detectives to begin making calls to see if anyone had seen Brooke, and to alert those contacts to begin looking for him. Once that was done, she called Captain Croyle.

"These kids are inside hoops of iron and steel." said Teresa. "If Brooke can get through all of us, then he's just too damn good four our own good."

"I hear you." Cindy said. "Listen, I'm going to go over to Tanya's and pick her up. We'll be at your place shortly." Before Teresa could respond, Cindy had disconnected.

"Is everything okay?" Phyllis asked as Teresa came back into the playroom where all the kids were.

"I guess so." said Teresa, who was feeling perplexed. "Cindy said she was going to go get Tanya instead of coming straight over here. I don't know why that's bothering me..."

"Doesn't Tanya have that van to transport her?" asked Phyllis. "And several SBI or State Troopers to go along with that van?"

Teresa's eyes widened as it hit her. "Yes." she all but shouted. "Yes she does. Excuse me a moment."

Oh no she doesn't! Teresa thought to herself. She was realizing that Cindy was also seeing what Red Brooke would see... that there were too many people guarding the kids here, and that Red Brooke would strike in another direction. And Cindy was going to cut him off, and try to capture that most dangerous of criminals herself. Trying to play alpha-dog games like men do, dammit!

Teresa went into her so-called 'sitting room', which was her private study room. She was wearing her 'black' uniform, as were all the SWAT/SpecOps personnel today, and over it she put on a Japanese-style sash belt, in order to carry the two swords she was arming herself with.

"I'll be back in a minute!" she called out to everyone. Going out, she got into her Police SUV (yes, she has one too!) and pulled out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Detectives Jerome Davis and Teddy Parker were with me in my Police SUV. After driving around the Courthouse Square area in search of Red Brooke, and not seeing any sign of him, we headed towards the Heritage Cloisters subdivision.

"Hard to believe Red Brooke allowed himself to be on camera like that." said Teddy Parker.

"Oh, he did that on purpose." said Jerome, very astutely. "He wanted the Commander to see him."

"You're absolutely right." I said. "And now I'll bet he's watching what we do in response. Not that I mind... I want the bastard to know we're aware of him and are looking for him. Maybe he'll fuck up, do something stupid."

"You're not worried he'll go back into hiding, sir?" asked Jerome.

"No." I replied. "He's committed. He's here, and he showed himself. In order to lay low, he either has to hide here... and risk being seen if he comes out for groceries or anything... or he has to get out of the County, and risk his movements being seen, and he's nowhere near his targets. No..." I said, my voice becoming contemplative, "we're in the endgame now..."

The well-known Police Commander in his well-known Police SUV easily got into Heritage Cloisters. As I was driving up the road, a Police SUV passed by us, going the other way. I briefly saw that it was Captain Croyle. Now where is she going? I thought to myself...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Tanya Perlman had her Police radio and her old service weapon in their special-made attached places on her wheelchair. Her son was safe at Teresa's... if Red Brooke got through all those people to get to Pete and to Jack's girls, then it was just meant to be, she thought to herself... and she was not expecting any trouble.

She went out the back door. The yard was small, with the back of other houses abutting her property, and houses to either side fairly close. This subdivision was modest and fairly crowded. Her own house was built like a fortress, courtesy of a certain Iron Crowbar and friends, so she did not worry about Red Brooke crashing in.

She drove along the paved sidewalk that went around the edge of the backyard, paved so that she could drive her wheelchair along it as Pete played on the grass. She checked the gate of the solid wooden fence door that led to the driveway and around front; the door was latched.

She was driving back to the back door and was nearly there when she heard a noise behind her. She stopped and turned. Standing along the path was a tall, slender man with flaming red hair, an ugly look on his face, and a black crowbar in his right hand.

"A crowbar, Mr. Brooke? Really?" Tanya said sardonically, refusing to let him see any fear in her. "What, imitation being the sincerest form of flattery? Or just your way of showing penis envy?"

"Not a bad try, Captain Perlman." said Red Brooke. "One thing I have learned is that a billy stick is no match for the Iron Crowbar and his red stick. With this," he said, holding up the black crowbar, "I will regain the advantage. And I must commend you for not showing fear, though we both know I am here to leave a calling card for Jack Muscone and Commander Troy... you, raped and murdered in your own home."

Tanya drew her gun. "I'd rather not be the calling card. How about I leave you dead as a little note for them." She aimed and pulled the trigger.


The gun did not fire. Red Brooke smiled, an evil smile. He said "You didn't think I was going to let you have a loaded gun in the house with me around, did you?"

"Aw, shit." Tanya said. "How'd you do it? Unload the gun?"

"The Iron Crowbar has his Angels, I have my Demons." said Red Brooke. He began advancing on Tanya.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Whaa?" I gasped. "Teresa left?"

"Yes, son." said Phyllis. She told me of the conversation she and Teresa had had.

"Goddammit!" I spat. "Oh, sorry Mom. I gotta go." I fished out my cellphone and called Jack Muscone as I hurried out to my Police SUV...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" called out a voice. Red Brooke turned to see Cindy Ross standing there, in all black, the green crowbar in her hands.

"Oh." Brooke said sourly. "A woman. A little woman. Hardly my size... physically or mentally." Cindy's ice blue eyes lit up with cold fire, and Brooke began taking advantage: "At least Captain Perlman has the excuse of being in a wheelchair. You... just a little woman with a crowbar too big for her to handle."

"We'll see about that." Cindy replied. "You're under arrest, Brooke. It's over."

"I daresay." said Brooke. "And speaking of penis envy, do you really think you can even stand up to me? At least Commander Troy is a man. You? Ha! Just a little... weak... woman."

He did not advance on Cindy, but turned and acted as if he were going to hit Tanya with the black crowbar. Cindy rushed to stop him and he turned and parried her crowbar blow.


Brooke did not relent; he was on the attack and was pressing it. Cindy was parrying his blows, looking for any opening in which to attack. But she was realizing that Brooke was very fast, very agile, very well-versed in martial arts, and was able to use his skills to impart tremendous power into his crowbar blows.

What she was not realizing as quickly was that Brooke's skills in psychology were superior to hers as well as to their physical skills. And that was giving him the advantage.

"Come on, little woman!" Brooke taunted. "At least Commander Troy could hit me like a man. You'll never get cuffs on me with puny shit like that!"

Cindy attempted to go on the offensive with a series of blows. Brooke parried them easily, then suddenly backed off as she thrust. She stumbled, and Brooke let her have it.


The crowbar was in his left hand as Brooke's right hand shot straight out, and caught Cindy right on the nose, smashing it. Tanya cringed and Cindy gasped as she staggered. Blood began seeping out of her nose. Brooke then dropped the black crowbar as he swung his left arm with a powerful, closed-fist punch that caught Cindy right on the front edge of her jaw.


Cindy was all but unconscious and was falling to the ground. Brooke planted his left leg on the ground and kicked out hard with his right leg, catching Cindy full on the right side of her head.


The blow drove Cindy sideways onto the ground. She actually was lucky; Brooke had been going for her cheekbone, and the kick would've crushed it and her eyeball. He missed, catching her more on the side of her head. But she was still out like a light, and helpless.

"Like I said... a worthless woman." Brooke snarled. He pulled his 9mmP pistol out of his pocket, to blow Cindy's head off.

*whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr* *WHAM!*

Tanya had driven her wheelchair forward and rammed Brooke in the back of his legs. He went sprawling and his gun went flying.

The problem was that Tanya also went sprawling out of her wheelchair, past Brooke and next to Cindy's prostrate form, and was now on the ground on her belly, unable to move her legs, and helpless.

"Not bad." said Brooke, picking himself up. "I must admit, Captain Perlman, I admire your courage and tenacity." He bent down and took a revolver that was strapped to his ankle out of its holster, and raised back to his full height, towering over her.

"But you are an annoyance, woman." Red said as he raised the gun to aim it. "And I have one method of dealing with an annoyance..."

*** To be continued. ***

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chytownchytown8 months ago

*****Wow this is good .. Thanks for sharing.

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Another cliffhanger. Teresa to the rescue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Next Sheriff?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

please resummit chapter 4

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 6 years agoAuthor

I resubmitted it. That'll reset the clock and it might be two more days. Perhaps an email campaign with (nice) comments asking them to publish it would help. I can do no more than i've done.

weatherman70weatherman70over 6 years ago
Lost Chapter 4?

Looks like they have lost your Chapter 4 and everyone is hanging on wondering who will survive or die. The suspense is killing me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Time to resubmit

Looks they have lost it, probably need to resubmit the next installment

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Ch 4 MIA ?

Lost Again! Check 4!!

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 6 years agoAuthor
In the hopper

Weekends can be tricky, and Monday was a holiday in the USA. I'll give it a little more time before resubmitting...

madmaniacmadmaniacover 6 years ago
Literotica hopper.

Two days after you submitted part 4 and it hasn't shown up. Are they trying to screw you over?

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