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"That makes sense," I said. "I assume that's the case for the moment. What about the completely impossible case?"

"It's kind of like taking a break every time you play," she said. "You have to resume and continue the game. Even if you can't possibly complete it, you have to keep trying."

"So if it's forever impossible?" I prompted. I admit it. I wanted the forever impossible rule to require me to have more sex with my son. But would the Universe be that kind? I eagerly awaited her answer.

"Then you play forever," she confirmed my hope, which would have been my fear if I had asked the question before experiencing Blake's magical cock.

I thought for a few moments. If Blake knew about this part of the rules, he had already played the game or at least some game that was impossible to complete. Then I realized at least one other impossible game that he could have played, and that was with Judy.

"Judy, come to my bedroom with me," I ordered.

"Of course, Mom," she agreed. "What's up?"

"Just come along," I told her.

We walked to my bedroom. When we entered, Blake was reclining on the bed, naked, with his cock once again hard in his hands. Damn it, did everything have to be a shock? It was too late to chase Judy out of the room so I didn't say anything. Neither Blake nor Judy acted as though anything were out of the ordinary, which confirmed another of my guesses.

"Blake, did you know the rules of the one more kiss game before I explained them?" I demanded.

Blake nodded.

"Did you know all of the rules?" I asked more specifically.

"Yes, Mom," he admitted.

"Judy, did you and Blake set me up for tonight?" I demanded, expecting, even hoping for denial.

"Oh, yes, Mom," she said happily. "Isn't it wonderful?"

"What?" I reacted to yet another shock. But was the shock because I was upset at my kids or because I had the chance, no the requirement to experience more with my son? "You set me up and you think it's a good thing? We need to talk, all three of us, about taking advantage of people by playing on their good intentions."

"Oh, Mom, we didn't do anything that you haven't done," Judy responded. "Remember how we conspired to trick Dad into taking our Hawaiian vacation? We played on his good intentions and even got his boss to help so we could pry him away from his job. You didn't seem to think that was a bad thing."

"That was different, it was for his own good," I objected. "And he totally enjoyed the vacation once he got over the surprise."

"Didn't you just enjoy yourself?" Blake asked. The concern on his face made me want to cry. How could he think I didn't enjoy our sex together? I saw that I would hurt him if I denied the truth.

Damn it, how could I deny that I had enjoyed myself with Blake? That would be dishonest and honesty was one of the basic rules of our family.

"Yes, I really enjoyed myself," I admitted. "But wait a minute. You both know about this, you set me up. And there have been other hints that I missed, or didn't connect until now. Blake, have you had sex with your sister?"

"Yes, Mom, I have, and she's great," Blake admitted happily.

"Judy, what do you think about this?" I asked.

"I agree, Mom," she confirmed, almost bouncing with her happiness. "Sex with Blake is great."

"When did you start having sex together?" I asked, dreading the answer.

"On Blake's eighteenth birthday," Judy said happily. "I could hardly wait, and he told me how much he wanted it. But we waited until his eighteenth birthday to make sure there was no statutory rape involved."

I couldn't help swelling with pride. Even though my children had been having an incestuous relationship for more than a year, they were careful to be legal about it and careful to honor the official limits intended to prevent abuse of children too young to know the consequences of their actions.

"So all my worries about protecting you, Judy, were wasted," I commented.

"Oh, no, they weren't wasted, Mom," Judy assured me. "I really appreciate that you wanted to protect me and that you care for both of us."

"Well, I suppose done is done," I continued. "I dreaded having to talk about this with you, Judy. Now I don't have to worry about that. I still dread, though, telling your father about it. You know that we have no secrets in our family. We eventually know everything, even if it takes some time in certain cases."

"Oh, don't worry about Dad, Mom," Judy assured me. "He knows all about it."

"What?" I exclaimed. I controlled my mouth before getting really crazy with my kids. Even if I had shock after shock and they seemed unlikely to quit, Blake and Judy were very forthright about what had happened. They weren't hiding anything. In fact, they were even gentle in bringing me along with the scheme, whatever it was. What had their father done? How had he been involved?

Involved: That was the word. I thought about Blake's familiar touches. My husband had to be responsible for Blake knowing about those.

"Blake, did your father coach you on some touches I like?" I asked.

"Of course, Mom, how would I know them otherwise?" he answered. "Did I do them right?"

Damn his honesty! How could I berate him for trying so hard? "You did them wonderfully," I assured him. "But some of those touches were quite intimate. It would be difficult to learn them unless . . . Judy, did you help with the coaching?"

"Of course, Mom, and I was happy to do it," she bubbled. "It's so neat knowing just how sexy and responsive you are when you and Dad have sex."

"So your dad showed you the touches and you helped Blake to get them right?" I prompted.

"That's exactly what we did," she affirmed. "It was so much fun."

"Judy, I want you to answer my next question honestly," I warned her.

"Of course, Mom, I don't keep any secrets from you, at least not for long," she assured me. "What's your question?"

"Have you had sex with your father?" I asked. I knew the answer but I had to ask anyway. My real question was the follow-up.

"Absolutely," she answered happily. "He's so great, I could just eat him up. In fact, I have eaten him up. He's delicious."

"How long have you been having sex with your father?" I asked. This was the important question, or so I thought.

"Since my eighteenth birthday," she answered. From the open and honest look on her face, I knew her answer was true.

"I noticed that he seemed a little tired right after your birthday," I mused. "But since then it seemed like he had even more sexual energy than ever. Have you had lots of sex with him or just a little?"

"Oh, I have sex with him every chance I get," she bragged. "But we're careful. I drained him a couple of times, right after my birthday. That was such fun! The rest of the time, I had sex with him after you were done, so I didn't take anything away from you. And when I got him first, I made sure I left him excited and with energy to spare. So when he left me to join you, he was as fired up as I could make him."

"Are you telling me that you made my husband even more eager to have sex with me?" I prompted.

"Of course, Mom," she confirmed. "You always taught us to treat people with respect and to do everything we could to make their lives better. I did make your life better, didn't I?"

"You definitely did," I agreed. How could I do otherwise? Judy's description fit the facts that I knew so perfectly that I couldn't doubt her story. And my husband had definitely shown more excitement in our bed since Judy's eighteenth birthday.

"OK, all of this is interesting, but it doesn't answer my basic questions," I complained.

"I can help with that, Mom," Judy explained. "Blake and I set you up to have sex with Blake. He has wanted that for years. Even when he started to have sex with me, his favorite fantasy was to pretend that I was you. We got together with Dad for advice and, between the three of us, came up with our scheme. You've only experienced the first part of it. The rest goes like this. You have a week, alone with Blake. By the rules of the game, the ones you agreed to, you have to have sex with him and enjoy it. Since you already had sex with him, you know that it will be lots of fun. So you get to fuck his brains out for the next week."

So I knew the full story. I felt numb with the culmination of all the shocks I had experienced. But this shock was different. Where the others had tied me in knots, this shock freed me. Finally, what I needed to do was exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to have more sex with my son. My commitment to the bet between my daughter and my son was such that I had to have more sex with my son. All I needed to do was figure out when we could fulfill our desires.

"But your father will be back in a day or two," I objected. I couldn't believe my own ears. I was eager to have sex with my son but I was throwing up objections.

"That's already taken care of," Judy continued. "Dad was on a business trip last week but not this coming week. In fact, he's at a hotel waiting for me. My suitcase is packed and I'm going to be with him as soon as we're done talking here. I'm going to go fuck his brains out for the next week, while you do the same for Blake. Then, when we all get together again, things should get really interesting. I can promise you, Mom, having sex with Blake and Dad together is out of this world!"

"And your father knows all about this?" I asked, unable to believe my ears.

"Definitely," Judy answered. "I peeked in while you and Blake were fucking. You were both having such an intensely good time that I knew it would work out just fine. I called Dad to give him the good news. Then I waited for you to ask your questions. Fifteen minutes after we're done talking, I'm going to be knocking on the door to Dad's room. Five minutes later, I'm going to be fucking him. I can hardly wait. May I go now?"

Judy's eagerness with her last question was the final straw that convinced me that everything would work out just fine. "Just fine" wasn't a good enough expression, though. My pride in my kids swelled and joined with my excitement, my eagerness to immerse myself in a full week of all-consuming sex with my son. My kids had made it all possible! Through all the shocks, my wonderfully brilliant kids set me up to align my desires with my duty, my mind's conclusions with my body's cravings.

"You may go," I told her. "Just remember that we're still going to have to talk about how we treat people. This kind of trickery has to be handled responsibly."

"Yes, Mother," Judy said over her shoulder as she ran out of the room.

"As for you, Blake, we have something do deal with right now," I said as sternly as I could, trying with difficulty to keep from licking my lips. Blake's mesmerizing cock was still hard and I found that I wanted it even more now that I could have it without distracting thoughts and worries.

"I'm sorry, Mom," he blurted, ready to apologize even though I knew he didn't regret any part of his scheme.

"Don't tell me you're sorry," I ordered. "You tricked me into the game and I'll carry through on my commitment. Before we start, I want you to know exactly what to expect. First, I'm going to ride your cock while you suck my nipples. Is that clear?" I tried to act as sternly as I could but it was difficult. I knew he would be delighted with my demand. However, I doubted that he knew how eager I was for us to act on that same demand.

After a couple of moments while he sorted out the discrepancy between my tone and my demand, he understood what I wanted and beamed from ear to ear. He struggled to put a compliant, apologetic tone in his voice as he replied. "That's clear, Mother," he answered. "I'll try to do it just right."

"Be sure that you do," I ordered. "When we're done with that, and I expect it to take quite some time, I want you to show me all the touches you were coached on, the touches that turn me on and the touches that remind me of special circumstances. Can you do that for me?"

"I'll be happy to, Mother," he answered happily. All pretense of being disciplined was gone. My two requests were like Christmas presents for my son.

"Good," I confirmed. "Now lay back and let's get started."

I was so horny from my discussion with my two kids and my anticipation of the sex to follow that I knew my pussy was totally lubricated and ready.

I crawled across the bed and straddled Blake's stomach. Lifting myself up, I positioned his hard-on at the entrance to my pussy.

I lowered myself, slowly, taking his big cock inside. It was definitely bigger than his father's. Teasing myself and Blake as I slowly pressed his hardness into my pussy, I felt his wonderful shaft stretch me and fill me, a tantalizing bit at a time.

Looking at Blake's face as I continued to slowly lower myself onto his shaft, I saw an expression of delighted wonder on his face. That look thrilled me. He wanted to fuck me as much as I wanted to fuck him, if not more. I was about to fuck my son, my only, wonderfully hard son, again. I wanted to do it. I would do it, without hesitation, without distraction, without coercion, eagerly and often. I sighed with pleasure as I took the last bit of his cock into my body, filling myself with his big, hard love muscle. That felt so good that I wondered why I hadn't made it happen long before.

I leaned forward, lowering my breasts toward his open mouth, his tongue already flicking with anticipation. An incredibly thrilling shock of pleasure shot through my body when his lips finally captured one of my nipples. He sucked it into his mouth and delivered such a lovingly intense, pulsing suction that I sighed again with anticipation and pleasure. This would be a week I would never forget and would often repeat.

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ToughSailorToughSailor6 months ago

Silly, childish, and predictable . . . .

involvavulvainvolvavulvaalmost 9 years ago
assured assured assured assured assured assured assured assured assured assured

You must've used the word "assured" a thousand goddamn times.

Get a thesaurus.

OleguyOleguyover 9 years ago
Beats me.

I too read your bio and you won hands down. Sometimes you were female, other times male which of course raises the need of 5 * as due payout for an excellent story.

YamiBoyYamiBoyover 9 years ago

Quite original and fun to read, not to mention very hot! Thanks a lot for your effort and keep up the great work.

rodavrodavalmost 10 years ago
Great story

So exciting. I hope you continue the chapter with some humor and teasing about sniffing worn panties and musky pussy and they laugh about it. Also they go on vacation on a nudist beach.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Why stop now

Enjoyed this story very much! I hope you continue with the backstory on how Judy, Dad and Bro got to fucking each other! I also think that the ladies should go off the pill and get themselves knocked up.

Bambi_DoeBambi_Doeabout 11 years ago

I like this get the whole family involved. Not just the mom & he loser son mad at the dad or out to cuckold him for no reason. Great job I enjoyed this story.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowabout 11 years ago
Interesting premise ...

I loved the story....

risler1987risler1987almost 14 years ago
Loved It!

Great story, hope you add to it. Read your bio; gonna take a shot. I think you're a woman 37-45 yrs of age. Highly educated with a masters, maybe even a PHD. Your perspective from the Mother is spot on, makes me think you have to be a mother yourself: also you only said the word "cunt" once in the story. A man would'nt do that. Then again, I've been wrong 3 or 9 times.,so I know that my opinion and six dollars will get me a pack of

A_SatoriA_Satorialmost 14 years ago
Entertaining and...

fun read! Thanks for posting it!

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