Alchemists Brew


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He glanced down and noted Elvira smirking up at him. "You like, huh? This why master wants potion to work. C'mon."

Jeff advanced warily. The creature appeared to be sleeping. Its body was voluptuous to an almost inhuman degree. Jeff immediately thought of a playboy centerfold in its perfection, except for the obviously inhuman aspects- the skin, the vivid, blood-red hair, the hooves, and what appeared to be a thin, whip like tail with a spear-point tip.

The eyes snapped open and he leaped backwards. They were vivid green and slit like a cats, on a yellow background. She smiled at him, and her beauty was breath-taking. He felt a stirring in his loins and a buzzing in the back of his head somewhere, and he found himself stepping away and shaking his head.

She laughed merrily, her voice surprisingly light and melodious. "He's stronger than the alchemist by a long shot."

Elvira nodded. "Told you so."

Jeff blinked. "Who- what are you?"

She blinked up at him innocently. "I'm Tvath- a prisoner- cant you see? Imprisoned by an evil scientist, prey to his foul lusts. Won't you release me?" Her voice was as innocent as a schoolgirl's, but still somehow contained a husky seductiveness that almost made his tongue hang out.

He glanced at her bonds- thin straps of what looked like silver thread. They looked a schoolgirl could snap them with ease- there had to be magic involved. His eyes lingered on her feet, following the hooves up to mid-calf, where they suddenly turned from something goat-like to the lightly muscled legs of a dancer. His eyes continued upwards to the shapely thighs, and the shape of her vagina between them. As he looked, the lips of the cunt parted slightly, and he could see the barest hint of bright pink folds between them, glistening wetly. Suddenly, the lips pulsed wide open and shut quickly, several times in rapid succession, a somehow compellingly erotic movement that made his cock twitch in his pants.

His eyes widened and darted to hers, alien and enticing. She smiled. "I could show you a good time. Something you'd never forget." Now her voice was as raunchy as a harlot's, low and throbbing with lust.

He swallowed hard. "Yeah, I think you could." But he also wondered if he would survive the experience. Whatever she was- demon or succubus or something else-she wasn't anything... safe.

"Quit playing around." The goblin said. "Master will be coming home soon."

The creature pouted momentarily, and then smiled again with a slight shrug of her imprisoned shoulders. "Elvira's right. Did she tell you the Alchemist's plan for you?"

"That he was going to slip me a potion- an aphrodisiac. I'm still not exactly sure why."

"Because he knows that you're not from this world. And he thinks you're an outsider, like me, in disguise. Now, I wonder where he could have got that idea!" She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows ingenuously. Everything little gesture she made was somehow intensely erotic. "And he thinks if the potion works on you, it will work on me, and I'll give him the wild, out of this world fuck he was hoping for when he imprisoned me, instead of me just laying here like a corpse. He's a brilliant man in a lot of ways, but he's an idiot in others. Oh, and he's not planning on keeping you around long afterwards, either."

Jeff was silent for several moments, digesting all of this. "And what exactly do you want me to do?" He asked finally.

She laughed again, and again he was struck at how her voice sounded so fresh and innocent. "Well, we don't want you to take the potion, but we want you to act like you did. And we want you to give Elvira here a jolly good swiving, so Fergus will think he can go ahead to the next step."

"So why not just let me go ahead and take the potion?"

"Because I don't think it would work on you. Elvira tried a few tricks I taught her on you, and you seem to have a pretty high natural resistance to compulsions- you didn't even notice. We need it to look like its foolproof- and there's always the chance that it just might do something else to you, have some other effect that we can't foresee. Then Fergus doesn't try it on me."

"OK-so I fake taking the potion, and we do the nasty. Then what?"

She shrugged again. "Then I get free. You two get everything else- the house and everything in it. And anything else you can think of that you might want..." The offer made his stiffened rod throb again.

"And Fergus?"

She smiled. "Oh, I won't kill him or anything, if that's what's bothering that handsome little head of yours. I may take him home with me; show him off to the girls."

He hesitated, and she saw it.

"Elvira, I think our fine young stud here is still confused by a sense of loyalty to Fergus. Give him a nice long look at Fergus' journal- let him see what kind of a man we're talking about."

"A toast!" Fergus passed the after dinner aperitifs around the table himself, and Jeff had to stifle a guffaw at how clumsily the alchemist had been in spiking his drink with the potion. "To the possibilities of the night."

Elvira was acting as a server at the meal, and as the small, conical classes were lifted to their lips, she dropped her tray of dishes noisily. As all eyes darted to the distraction, Jeff smoothly dumped the contents of his glass down the overlarge sleeve of his left arm, and then raised the empty glass to his lips as if he had downed it.

"Clumsy Bitch!" Fergus snarled. Jeff ignored the cool liquid on his inner arm as he waited for Fergus to look back his way. When the Alchemist did, Jeff shuddered and shook his head as if he'd been punched. He pushed himself up from the table, still shaking his head and swaying slightly. He had been coached on how the potion had affected the maid when they had tricked her into drinking it, but he felt he might be over-doing it. Still, he squinted and tried to keep his gaze out of focus as he turned his head from Fergus to the goblin.

"Let me teach the bitch a lesson in manners, Fergus." He said roughly, trying to slur his voice drunkenly.

Fergus smiled delightedly and waived him away negligently. "Do as you will with her, my friend."

Jeff circled the table and grabbed up the startled looking goblin by the back of the neck and one scrawny arm. "Let's go, you piece of filth." He snarled as he propelled her out of the room.

Elvira had informed him of the scrying panels Fergus had in nearly every room of the house, which allowed him to spy on events throughout it. Fergus, Elvira and Tvath had watched his initial encounter with the maid through one, and Tvath had laid the groundwork for her plan because of it. There was another in his room, which is where he took the goblin. He knew the Alchemist would be watching from the side of Tvath's bed, waiting to see if he could trust the potion on her. He flung her roughly on his bed and slammed the door behind him.

She cowered in a convincing manner on the bed, and he looked her over for a long moment. She was in her customary garb- not much of anything. She was gangly and scrawny, with hardly any tits to speak of and her features weren't attractive by human standards- the bones of her brow and cheeks were overly prominent and her chin was a sharp point of bone. But not for the first time, he had to acknowledge a certain attraction, and despite her cowering attitude he could see the gleam of lust in her eyes. This was not going to be a hard act to pull off.

"Strip, bitch." He growled.

Her eyes widened almost comically, and then she wriggled out of her meager clothing in seconds. He pointed to a spot on the floor in front of him and she jumped to stand there. She was taller than Lady Maer had been, he noted, her head coming up about to his chest. "Turn around." He ordered. He undressed quickly, taking note of her smallish ass. He normally preferred a little more to grab there, but she did have a cute little thing. He whacked it soundly, the force of the blow pushing her forward on the bed with a yelp.

He grabbed her by the waist and lifted her, turning her around. He thought about that tongue again, and then he thought about those teeth. Better wait a while on that, he thought. He shoved her back on the bed. "Spread your legs wide, bitch." He said. His cock was full and stiff- as it had been much of the time since the visit with Tvath and the hatching of this plan.

He remembered how he had been so fearful of hurting the Lady Maer when he'd first entered the Halfling. He felt no such worry now- whether because Maer had handled him so well or because he just wasn't as worried about hurting a goblin he wasn't sure, but he hoped it wasn't the latter case.

But either way, he grabbed her thighs and pried her open even wider and thrust his rod into her. She moaned loudly, but he didn't think it was from pain- she had been deliciously wet and hot, and her cunt clung to him. He pushed deeper inside her, his feet still on the ground, giving him leverage. The bed was tall enough that he was practically standing, all his weight on the center of his body as he began pumping her.

"Harder! Harder!" She hissed, and swiveled her hips lusciously. He growled himself as he leaned further forward and began bucking into her wildly, his cock pulling all the way out till only the width of the knob kept him inside her, then basically falling forward on top of her with a pistoning of his hips. He felt his pubic bone bang against hers as he went all the way inside her, and his balls slapped against her ass on the down stroke, before he pulled out with a wicked speed to poise back on the verge of pulling out of her, then plunging down again.

She was grunting like an animal every time he filled her, and hissing like a snake as he withdrew. Her yellow eyes were glazing over, and when he saw she was trying to say something again he increased his tempo to a frenetic pace, cutting off her breath before she could get it out.

Her legs came up to wrap around him like a well-worn tire, and she gasped and began a low moaning sound that sounded almost like a chant. The grip of her legs kept him from withdrawing quite as far as before, but if anything it pulled him even deeper inside her on the down stroke. He felt the rising heat of his orgasm as it started to build, and the goblin's pussy was spasming suddenly in non-rhythmic pulses as she came with a shriek.

Suddenly he felt her claws ripping down his back. He shouted in pain as he arched his back away from her, but the grip of her legs kept her cunt locked onto his dick. He grabbed both of her arms and pinned them over her head with savage force, but she began to ululate and writhe on his pole with what seemed like inhumanly fast movements.

He gasped at the sensation, and stared down at her in a mixture of anger and lust. Her face was overtaken with pure animal sensation, and he realized just in time that she was about to lean up and bite into his shoulder. Frantically, he trapped both her wrists in one hand and clamped his other against her throat.

She moaned and screamed and came again, this time in shuddering jerks of her hips that threw him over the edge. He tried to release his grip on her throat to keep from strangling her as the grip of her legs made him pump fire into her- what felt like buckets of cum were filling her tight box.

"Oh, Master!" She breathed. "Let me clean you."

He eyed her warily. The feral glint in her eyes was gone, replaced by an almost adoring look. He pushed off and her and stepped back a couple of steps.

She fell to her knees on the floor and crawled forward to rise before his cock, still swollen and glistening with their mingled juices. He felt a definite sense of nervousness as he approached, and he was poised to kick or punch this crazy bitch into the wall if he felt like his Johnson was in danger.

But she reached up to stroke it lovingly, and he noted the nails on her long fingers were in fact very nearly claws- yet they had in fact barely broken the skin on his back as she had raked him in her passion. Maybe she had been in more control of herself than he'd thought.

Her amazingly long tongue snaked out to wrap fully around his cock like a snake climbing a tree. She whipped it back into her mouth and smacked her lips appreciatively as he shuddered in delight.

She tenderly licked him clean in seconds, that marvelous tongue reaching every nook and cranny of his cock and balls, then opened her mouth wide and the tongue actually spiraled itself down fully half length of his shaft. He moaned softly as she slowly withdrew it, dragging its surprisingly rough surface along the tender flesh of his prick. As the tongue returned to its home, she suddenly nipped the plum shaped knob of his cock playfully before pulling away totally.

She knew what he was afraid of and was teasing him with it, he realized with a sudden scowl, and she grinned mischievously up at him.

"Elvira been very bad, yes? You must spank her now, no?"

He reached out and grabbed her long, green hair, pulling her forward again. "First you suck me off again, bitch." He said roughly, and she moaned in pleasure as she did so.

She bobbed and licked, cupping his nut sack a she worked his tool over. With the ministrations of that marvelous tongue, he was feeling close to cumming again in a surprisingly short time. He reached down and grabbed her hair roughly again. "Open wide." He warned, and shoved his cock deep into her throat.

He thought for a moment she was choking, and then realized she was working her tongue against him even while he was fully down her gullet. She began to moan around the length of his shaft, and he was amazed to realize she seemed to be coming again, this time just from sucking him off!

He threw back his head and spurted again- not so much cum this time, but he felt her milking his tool until his knees started to go weak. He pulled out of her and found the edge of the bed, sitting down heavily.

"You spank now, Master?" She asked, crawling to his feet.

"In a minute." He said, trying to catch his breath.

She rolled onto her back in a neat little ball and he watched in amazement as she began to lick his cum out of her own cunt. Even without unnatural length of her tongue, she was fully agile enough to reach her own pussy, but with it she could give herself a thorough cleansing.

He watched, entranced as she worked herself towards yet another orgasm. In the ball-shaped position she was in, the bud of her asshole poked straight up at him, and his eyes suddenly shifted to hers. She was watching him, gauging his interest as her tongue slowly worked its way down her perineum towards the tight little hole.

He scowled, and reached down to grab her nearest ankle. Pulling her close, he got a grip on her body. She couldn't weigh more than 70-80 pounds, so he was able to manhandle her from the ground to his lap without rising from his sitting position. Her ass was poking up at him, and without another word he began whaling on it. He paused every so often to rub the muscular mounds lovingly, then began slapping them again. He could tell she was fingering her cunt furiously and part of his mind wondered that she didn't rip herself open with those claws while she did.

She started the tell-tale moaning again, and he kept up the spanking until it began to subside, the he jerked her up by her hips so that she was facing him, her cunt poised again against the once engorged head of his cock. He really wasn't sure if it had stayed hard throughout or if it had just recovered, but either way it was steady as a rock as he jerked her down over it. He trapped both her arms roughly behind her back and captured them in one hand, and with the other began mauling her tiny, pointed tits.

"Start bouncing." He ordered, and she obediently began to do so as he thrust her body back down so it was resting against his knees. He lost is grip on her arms, but she had grabbed both of his legs for support- from this angle she wasn't bouncing as much as thrusting with her arms. The angle caused by her position bent his cock forward almost painfully, but the feelings were intense. He massaged her tits with alternating tenderness and roughness. He waited until the moaning was starting again, then he bent forward and pulled her upright before lifting her fully in the air off his cock.

She looked down into his eyes as he moved her slightly forward, and for the first time he saw a glint of real fear as he poised his rod against her anus.

"You started it." He said as he pulled her down roughly by both arms. His cock was forced several inches inside her asshole, and she made a curious barking sound. He moved his hips lightly to ease it slightly further, then planted his hands on top of her shoulders and pushed downwards.

She nearly collapsed against him, her claws scratching ever so gently at his chest.

"You're not bouncing." He reminded her, and she obediently began pushing herself up and down.

He thought it was odd that her vagina could handle him so comfortably, but her ass seemed to be suffering so much. He wondered if his cock was up into her intestines.

"If it hurts too much..." He whispered lightly, and she glanced up at him with one eye, still leaning against his chest. The animal look was coming back, and he realized she was moaning again, but so lowly that he was just now hearing it as it built.

He quickly trapped her hands again, this time over her head, and brought his other forearm against her upper chest and throat, keeping her a good safe distance away. Her tits bounced ever so lightly in this position, the nipples pointing out like daggers.

She began grinding firmly against him, and the moan built to a steady throbbing sound. It kept up for the several moments it took him to build to yet another orgasm, and when he poured his seed into the goblin one more time, they both collapsed backwards onto the bed, gasping for air.

Suddenly, there was a flash in the air, and Tvath stood before them, unchained.

"Bravo! That was quite a show you put on there. Fergus finally couldn't take it anymore, and hopped on." She said. She cocked her head, looking critically at Jeff's deflating prick. "Hmm. I bet I could get that sucker back in working order..." She said with a smile.

Jeff waived a hand. "Not tonight, thanks. So you're taking Fergus with you?"

She held out a hand and a small glass bottle appeared in it. Inside the bottle was a tiny, naked Fergus was banging his fists against the wall, shouting something unintelligible at Jeff and Elvira. "Yup. Be seeing you, stud. If you need anything, just jack off onto my pillow and call my name. I wouldn't let that little cum-guzzler come with you though, or she might not leave any for the summoning."

With another flash, she was gone.

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dude4realdude4realover 1 year ago

Perfect! Little feral Goblet, feisty but eager. dangerous but primal. You even managed to make it consensual too! Exactly the vibe I hoped to find when seeking "Goblin Girl". I hope you write more about Elvira!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

A little clumsy at times but very imaginitive~!

Jorel1455Jorel1455almost 18 years ago
Keep it Going

Great story - do keep this one going. Besides the good sex, the characters are a lot of laughs.

GesangbaerGesangbaerover 18 years ago

It's nice to see some roleplaying based porn, and even better to see such a unique angle on the story. I was begining to wonder if I was the only gamer interested in the "Monsterous" races. ^.^ I hope you keep these characters around for awhile.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Great Story

Would like to see more chapters

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