Alec and Jessica

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One marriage, Two stories.
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Alec's Story

Jessica is a VP at the advertising agency where she has worked since we got married and moved to New York. She was English major in college and I had completed my MBA in finance at the same university at the same time that she graduated. We got married immediately afterwards and moved to New York because I had gotten a job with one of the large Wall Street investment banks. She subsequently got a job as a copy writer with the Parker-Ericson Advertising Agency. Our careers paralleled each others and I eventually became a Vice president in charge of corporate loans and she in charge of Account Acquisitions. We sold our suburban home after our twin sons graduated from college and we bought an apartment on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. We were doing very well until it all began to unravel with the banking collapse in 2008/9. My employer was in imminent danger of bankruptcy and the Federal government forced us into a merger with a large national bank. Suddenly I was redundant. My salary of over a quarter of a million a year was too large for the new bank to swallow.

Jessica on the other hand was doing very well. She had landed a large new client for her firm the year before last, and another one last year. Her bonuses for those two years were larger than my salary. She was now making in the middle six figures and once I lost my job, she was the sole support of both of us and the new expensive condo. Needless to say, the stress of my job loss, and my subsequent dependency on her, did nothing to support my male ego. Add to that, the fact that I was unemployed and not able to find another position, played havoc with my libido.

To top it all off, this was the year of my wife's 25th college reunion. We met our friends there and we were sitting around reminiscing about old times and trading stories about when we were sewing our wild oats in our campus days. We were three couples who had kept close and we never missed a chance to meet at every fifth year reunion. We had all paired off during the last two years of school and we had gotten married within weeks of each other after completing our studies.

Ray started by telling stories of some outrageous sex escapades he had with a campus hottie on the stage at the campus playhouse and Jake tried to top it with a story of how he fucked the dean's secretary on her desk in the dean's office.

Jessica was laughing and turned to me and said,

"Tell them about the time you and I were on top of the Bijou marquee"

"Jess, I never thought you wanted it known. I imagined you would be embarrassed, you know I am." I knew we had been drinking quite a bit and I thought she was 'three sheets to the wind' already. "I don't think you want to tell that one now."

"Oh poo, these are our oldest friends and it's about us."

And in her mellow state she proceeded to tell of one of the most humiliating experience of my young life. It was at the beginning of her senior year and we had gone to what turned out to be a horrible movie, so Jess suggested we go out on the porch and have sex. When she was horny she never had any reluctance about being the instigator of making love. The porch she was referring too was the theater marquee that was easily accessible through the open window of the second floor ladies room. Everybody in the crowd used it at one time or another only this was my first time with Jess. I tried to be fancy and I tried to fuck her through a gap in iron work and my foot slipped and my leg got wedged in. Because of the angle and poor footing we couldn't get me out nor could I get my pants up. The fire department had to be called to rescue me from my semi-naked dilemma. It hurt like hell and the laughter and embarrassment was worse. I still felt the humiliation of that incident and wondered why she had to bring it up. There was laughter and some kidding from our friends and some one said,

"You must have been some stud to try to do it through some ironwork." to which Jess replied,

"He was......then."

The 'then' was said sotto voce and was covered up by the general laughter and repartee' going on around us but I caught it and I gave her a quizzical look. She quickly looked away and I made no further reference to it until we got back to our room.

"What was that 'then' all about?"

"What 'then'? What are you talking about?"

"The 'then' you added after you agreed that I was some stud back in college."

"Well you were then."

"But not now?"

"Come on Alec, you haven't made love to me more than once or twice a month for almost half a year."

"You know the stress I have been under been under since I lost my job. I have been busting my balls trying to get a new position. Besides, if you were not getting enough why didn't you ask, you were never shy about initiating sex or, for that matter, going without it for a long time."

Then the enormity of what I said struck me and it must have shown up on my face because I saw her blanch, she actually went pale. I said,

"Who are you fucking, Jess?"

"What....what are you talking about?" She stammered

"You heard me, who are you fucking?"

"Alec, I never wanted you to find out this way."

"How was I supposed to find out, when I walked in on you fucking him on our bed?"

She was crying now, "I would never do that to you Alec."

"So when would it be, for Christmas? On our anniversary? Or maybe Thanksgiving, so I would have something to be thankful for?"

"No I was waiting until I asked you for a divorce."

"Divorce! Jesus Christ, Jess why don't you just pull out a gun and shoot me? Who is the son of a bitch? Do you love him? Why do you want a divorce? Do you want to marry him?"

The crying stopped and through the sniffles and her regaining her composure, I got the story out of her. His name is Josh Andrews and he works on her copy team. He is 31 years old and yes, she does love him, and yes, she wants to marry him.

"Jess, he is fifteen years younger that you are. Are you crazy?"

"I'm crazy in love with him Alec; he makes me feel like a woman. Something you haven't done in years. I didn't want to hurt you Alec, but he makes love to me like you haven't for the longest time. He does things for me that you never did."

She was defiant now. The crying had stopped. She said,

"I am going to see a lawyer about a divorce as soon as we get back to New York."

I went to the closet and got out my suit case and started to pack.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm packing. Do you expect me to stay in this room with you? Maybe sleep in that bed with you? Are you going to give me a goodbye fuck?

It was two o'clock in the morning when I called the front desk and had them send a bellman with a key card for another room, but I couldn't go to sleep. I couldn't believe what had happened to me. I was happily married for 25 years and I thought she was too. I never saw this coming. So now I was jobless and dumped. It did nothing for my self confidence. I checked out at 6am and left the charge for both rooms for her to pay. Then I caught the earliest flight home. I beat her there by half a day, just enough time to move what I needed to a cheap hotel on the West Side. Her lawyer didn't even know where to find me.

But then I caught break, Sam Greenberg found me. Sam had come to the bank about three years ago looking for a loan to expand his small trucking company. He was turned down cold by the loan officer who worked under my supervision. He really was too small a customer for us to bother with. Sam was really pissed off and somehow wrangled an appointment with me. He then unloaded his resentment over the way he had been refused. In order to placate him, I told him I would review his application. It was a mess; he really had no idea how to present his finances or business plan. As I looked it over I saw that he was a good risk and I liked him so I did approve the loan for him. That good deed proved to be my salvation.

Sam needed new financing again, his business had grown as I thought it would and he wanted me to prepare a loan application for him with a commercial bank. He needed a million dollars for a business that was worth at best, two million. I told him that would not work but what would do it for him was if I invested the half million I had in my 401K to bring up his balance sheet.

"What do you want for the half million?"

"Twenty five percent of the business."

"I'll give you twenty percent."


We shook on it and I was now Chief Financial Officer of a going business and I was completely broke. Then Jess's lawyer found me and I was served with the divorce papers.

I contacted a divorce lawyer who, after I described my circumstances, smiled like a shark.

I had virtually no income and my net worth was my equity in the trucking company but my wife, who was divorcing me, had an income of almost half a million for the last two years. I was the one who was going to get alimony and in addition, since I could not afford the million dollar mortgage on the condo, she was going to have to buy me out for half of its net worth..

When we went for the final hearing, she was livid as the judge began to tell her what she owed. She cornered me in the lobby as we left.

"You bastard, how could you do this to me."

"All I got was a fair share of what we accumulated while we were married. It works both ways, did you think you could shed me when I was down and out and walk away scott free."

"And I have to pay you alimony too?"

"I didn't ask for this divorce, you did. I didn't fuck around on my marriage, you did. As the old saying goes, you have to pay to play, and now the bill is due. I hope your fuck toy is worth it because he certainly is costing you enough."

The upshot was that she didn't want to sell the apartment so she had to pay me half of the net value. I was also entitled to half of the furnishings. I really didn't want anything that reminded me of her but I had just leased a tiny one bedroom apartment for myself and I did need some furniture.

Josh was there when I came to pick out what I wanted. He is a good looking guy, I guess some women would call him a hunk, about six foot and one seventy five. Pretty much what I looked like when Jess and I got married. Now, compared to him I looked like a slob. I was paunchy, balding, close to fifty years old and I had ballooned to 230 pounds. Maybe she was trying to regain the youth that had passed us by.

He was an insolent son of a bitch and he kept rubbing his possession of her in my face. He kept his hands on her the whole time I was there, on her waist, her ass and even her tit.

He was demonstrating his ownership. But when, as I was leaving, he said,

"I want to thank you for neglecting her; she really is a great fuck." It was then that I lost it.

I hit him, as hard as I could, but it was not hard enough. I was almost 20 years his senior and when he came back at me I really took a drubbing. Jess was screaming as we fought and got hit herself as she tried to separate us. Finally I gave up from exhaustion and he got in the last licks.

Jess had been cool to me when I got there and now she was positively furious.

"Are you crazy, look at what you have done? Look at the broken furniture and you are bleeding all over the carpeting. I'm calling the police and have you arrested for assaulting Josh and me."

Meanwhile, she was tending to her lover while I, who had been her husband, kept on bleeding.

"You don't want to that Jess."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you are his boss and his lover. I am sure there are some company rules about your kind of relationship with a subordinate and there may even be some sexual harassment issues involved here."

There was no cop call and I left listening to hear her screaming,

"Get out, get out you loser. I never want to see you again."

I got out and I never did get any of the furniture I wanted. But what I couldn't get my mind around was how did it happen? How did a good marriage go from happiness to the hate that was now between us?

The only thing I had left was my work and I threw myself into it. Like the bosses in every small business, Sam and I did everything. We had four drivers for our three big rigs and two more for the local deliveries. Sam and I were everything else. We were the warehousemen, loaders, mechanics and substitute drivers. When you have a million dollars worth of equipment you have to keep it moving to make money. None of our trucks stood still for a minute. The business grew..... and I shrunk.

Between the hard work and my lousy cooking I dropped forty pounds. My waist shrunk from a 38 to a 34 and whatever was left became muscle. I couldn't do much about my bald spot, which had taken over the whole top of my head, When I complained to my barber about why he charged me full price for a haircut. His answer was,

"Why not shave it all off?' to which I answered,

"What the hell, why not? Do it."

When I walked into the office, Marge our bookkeeper/secretary, gave me a wolf whistle and said,

"Wow Alec, to bad I am married, I could really go for you, you really look good."

"Forget it Marge, I am almost twice your age and Harry would will kill you for even having thoughts like that."

"Harry is beginning to look like what you used to look like, besides you must have a hundred women lusting after you."

She got me to thinking. No woman was lusting after me because I was never anywhere where I could meet one. It has been two years since my divorce had become final and I had been so buried in the business and work that I had no social life at all. I didn't even know where to begin. I hadn't looked for a date since my first one with Jess. Sam again came to my rescue.

"I want you to go over to Consolidated Trucking and talk to Maria DiNapoli. Tony, her husband, died of a heart attack six months ago and she is trying to keep the business going but not succeeding very well. I hear that she is looking to sell."

"Sam, we haven't paid off all our other notes yet. We are not in a position to buy another company."

"Go over anyway and look at their books and their operations and see if you can come up with an idea. They could be a good combination with us."

So I went over to see Consolidated and talked to Mrs. DiNapoli and the man she had hired to run the business for her. I didn't like him at all and after I looked at the books I liked him even less. I didn't want to talk to her about what I had concluded while we were in her office so I asked if we could talk over dinner, somewhere privately. She caught my drift and invited me to her home, insisting that she make dinner for us. As we ate we did not talk business. I was impressed by her intelligence and good looks and I have to admit, her culinary skills. Our conversation got a bit personal as we told of our histories, my divorce and his philandering, and how he died in his mistress's bed. Why anyone would want to cheat on Maria was beyond my imagination. She was a real Mediterranean beauty, and I told her so.

In any event, we did get down to business and reluctantly I had to tell her that the books looked fishy to me. Either he didn't know his ass from his elbow or he was 'cooking the books'. She didn't know what to do.

"Look," I said, "I think your company and ours could become trucking powerhouse. We can't afford to buy you out so I think we should merge but I don't want to take advantage of you. First of all I want you to get an independent audit of your books, not the firm your manager hired. Then get at least two independent appraisals as to the value of your company and then I think we can make a deal.

So we did make a deal and we did become a trucking powerhouse. We were now three partners, two active and one passive and we were making money hand over fist. The partnership structure was too cumbersome for the size business we had become so it was time for us to go public. We did an IPO and the market valued our company at nearly 100 million dollars. We were now three multi-millionaires.

All through the negotiations and the subsequent stock offering Maria and I had a lot of contact and I became very attracted to her. While I would not call her beautiful, she was a striking woman. She had the mature figure of a woman who had two children, both now in college. Her breasts were ample as were her hips but it was her small waist that set it all off. It gave her an hourglass look that I could not resist. It was at her home when I kissed her to celebrate the news of our sudden wealth, it was then a spark was lit.

Our kiss became more passionate and her breathing became ragged. My hand cupped her ass and I pulled her tight against me, my hard cock was against her belly. She moaned and opened her mouth to my tongue. I pulled down the zipper on the back of her dress and slipped the dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. I kissed my way down to the slope of her breasts and then her bra joined the dress at her feet. Her tits were a handful and the nipples a mouthful. They were long and stiff and must have been extremely sensitive because she came as I sucked them and I had to hold her tight to keep her from falling.

"Please," she pleaded with me as she led me to here bedroom, "be gentle with me."

And I was. I kissed and licked my way all over her body. I had her writhing and cumming multiple times. There were moments when she came that she bucked so hard I almost fell off of her and when I finally slid my cock into her, she came again and screamed and fainted.

"My god," she said when she came to, "where did you ever learn to make love like that?"

"Just my usual gentle style."

"You can be gentle like that to me whenever you want."

I was and we were married within six months. She is a delightful woman, intelligent, compassionate and oh so sexually submissive. Tony had done me a great favor; he had treated her so roughly and dominated her so completely sexually, that she was more than willing to comply with my every request. We were very happy together.

The business continued to thrive and grow and we now had a VP for Sales. He came to me with an idea that we should be advertising at trade shows and in trade magazines. I was not opposed to the idea and told him to see what he could develop. He was back in three weeks with a whole presentation. I said,

"That was a pretty fast result, how many agencies did you work with?"

He looked a little sheepish when he relied, "Just one."

"Which one?"

"Parker Ericson." It was Jessica's agency.

"Who is the account manager? Who made the pitch?"

"Jessica Denton."

So she had taken her maiden name, I had a sudden thought.

"Did she fuck you Brian?"


"Now listen to me, I'm not even going look at this proposal until you have at least two more and then if you think it's the best one, bring it back to me. You're a young man with young children and a very pretty wife, don't throw your marriage and possibly your job away for a roll in the hay with a woman who is willing to whore herself out to get your business."

A thoroughly chastened young man left my office. Two days Marge buzzed me in my office.

"There's a Jessica Denton here who wants to see you. She doesn't have an appointment but she is sure that you will welcome her."

"She is not very welcome but send her in anyway."

As she entered I rose to greet her, she was even better looking than I remembered. The first words out of her mouth were,

"Is that really you Alec, I don't think I would have recognized you on the street. Why weren't you so good looking when we were married?"

"Only the packaging is better, the contents are still the same. You are looking very good yourself. Josh must be very good for you."

"Josh? He is long gone; we split over two years ago."