Alena's Game Ch. 18

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Epilogue: in the club, Quinn reveals a dark secret to Cassie.
2.6k words

Part 19 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 09/01/2022
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[Author's note: if you don't like to read about female domination or male chastity, please skip to the next story, or check out my other stories for something that's more to your taste.

Through a series of counselling session with Cassie, his therapist, Quinn is trying to come to terms with how his wife Alena managed to transform him from her assured, overbearing husband into her willing slave.

In the end, they have found a new dynamic, refashioning their marriage as they fulfil each other's deepest needs. Cassie has one last session with Quinn.

Note: the brown envelope and its contents have been discussed previously in What We Say In The Dark]



Cassie smoothed her hands over her hips and descended the stairs, taking each step carefully in her stiletto heels. At the bottom, she paused and settled herself. It was always the same, opening the door and walking out into the club. Like you own it, Syn had advised her. Cassie drew her body straighter and opened the door.

She saw Quinn in the booth where she had left him to get dressed. There was a gratifying moment as he noticed her and his posture changed. No longer slouching over his tonic water, he was giving her his full attention. Cassie placed one foot carefully in front of the other and swayed on her heels across the floor, feeling eyes on her.

Cassie was wearing a full-length figure-hugging dress in turquoise latex. The collar of the dress was snug against her neck, directing the eye down to the rounded orbs of her breasts and then to the flowing sweep of her hips, sculpted tantalisingly by the tight, glossy rubber. The shiny surface complimented and constricted her toned legs, tapering down to the hem just above her ankles.

"Stunning," Quinn said when she reached the table, "I'm honoured by your presence."

"Ah, no," Cassie chided as she slipped into the seat opposite him, across the table, "We're not...."

Quinn held up a hand in defence, laughing. "I wasn't about to call you Mistress Grace and fawn and get on my knees. I meant it objectively, Cassie. You look absolutely superb in that dress, and I'm honoured to be now the most envied man in the club."



Cassie wrinkled her nose. "I wish."

Quinn leaned closer, speaking in low, conspiratorial tones. "You realise that you could have them lining up, right? Men and women. There are people here right now who would part with a week's salary just to be allowed to kiss your feet."

"Present company included?" said a woman's voice.

Cassie turned. Syn had appeared at her side, dressed smartly in a blouse and a black leather hobble skirt. She was amused, facing Quinn with a wry smile.

"Madame Syn. I am honoured," Quinn said.

Syn scrutinised him carefully. "The usual," she replied.

Quinn stood up immediately and hurried off to the bar. Syn slid into his vacant seat.

"Do you think?" Cassie asked.

"Present company? Quinn? I'm sure you could mould him to your ends if you so desired, Cassidy. I'm sure he would give you a lifetime of service," Syn mused, "But you won't, will you? The husband situation."

Cassie grimaced. "Yes," she agreed, "The husband situation."

"Still a situation?"

"More and more so."

"I keep telling you, Cassidy, you're wasted."

Syn's eyes travelled down Cassie's sleekly-enveloped body. "No, I meant the company currently present. Seeing you in that dress is quite arresting."

Syn crossed her legs, continuing to smile at Cassie. Cassie blushed under the other woman's stare and wiggled her bottom on the seat.

Syn laughed. "You're so shy. We really need to work on that."

"I'm just not used to being propositioned by a woman."

"Oh Cassidy, if I were propositioning you, we would already be upstairs, naked. I'm teasing."


"But it's so nice to see that dress put to such good use. I'm afraid it's been languishing in my wardrobe for the last few years."

"Thanks for letting me borrow it. It's lovely. You should wear it more yourself."

Syn laughed again. "Oh no, you have the figure to pull it off, myself not so much these days."

Cassie's eye twinkled playfully. "The great Syn. Such modesty," she said.

"Such vanity, you mean. You should keep it."

"I couldn't," Cassie protested.

"I can't wear it, not now people have seen it on you," Syn said, feigning horror, "I will not be an also-ran."

The expression on her face made Cassie laugh. "When would I have chance to wear it?"

"Oh, you'd find opportunities," Syn drawled, "At school pick-up? Perhaps to hold attention in the parent teacher interviews? It's ideal for just popping down to the shops. You could park pretty much anywhere you wanted looking like that."

"Stop, please," Cassie laughed, "You're going to make me pee."

"It's okay. Latex is waterproof."

"Really. Stop."

Syn was grinning at her now. She reached out and patted Cassie's hand.

"You are a breath of fresh air, Cassidy Hayes," she said, "I love it when you laugh."

They fell into a companionable silence, each watching the crowd, then Syn reached under the table and picked up a bulky brown envelope from her lap.

"Here you go, Cassidy."

Syn pushed the envelope across the table.


"How do you think he's going?"

"Ah, that's doctor-patient privilege."

Syn snorted. "I can just get the details from Quinn himself. Half an hour from now he's going to be begging to be allowed the privilege of telling me everything."

"Then you'll get to know anyway, so there's no point me breaking a professional confidence."

"It's just less effort asking you."

Cassie shook her head, shooting her friend an admonishing look.

"Can I have a few minutes with him first," Cassie asked, "Before you reduce him to a hopeless submissive?"

"I can, but I have another enslavement at ten, and I'll need recovery time."

Syn rolled her eyes theatrically. Cassie played along.

"Then don't whip so hard. Just a suggestion. You're going to give yourself tennis elbow."

Syn reached out and squeezed Cassie's arm. "Thank you for the concern, but I beat people for a living. I'm sure I can look after myself."

Cassie could see Quinn approaching them with Syn's drink in his hand and Syn slid out of the booth. Cassie wrapped her fingers around the older woman's wrist, stopping her.

"He's good, Syn, he's really improved. It might be time for him to meet someone."

The corners of Syn's mouth turned up, but it wasn't a smile. She had a tired, careworn expression on her face.

"Then I shall make this session especially savage, so that he has something to remember me by," she said.

Syn met Quinn halfway, taking the drink he offered to her and heading through the door next to the bar, going upstairs to prepare for Quinn's arrival. Quinn resumed his seat in the booth but then he froze, his expression hardening as he saw the envelope beneath Cassie's hand.

"Am I in for a grilling?" he said.

"No, it's just a check-in."

"Then why do you have the envelope? You know what that means to me."

Cassie stalled for a second and then pushed it across the table to Quinn.

"You could open it," Cassie said.

Quinn recoiled. "Why would I do that?"

"You might choose to. You don't have to be imprisoned by your past anymore."

Quinn looked like he was about to say something, but instead he picked up the envelope and turned it over in his hands. He stopped when he saw the handwriting of his dead wife in thick black ink on the paper.

"I'm not imprisoned by it, Cassie. I know I could open the envelope and see what she wrote. I would hope that my key is in there too."

"That's another thing, Quinn. We can find a way to release you from your cage. We don't even need to open the envelope to do that, we could just get tools. You don't have to...."

"Ah, that's missing the point though," Quinn interjected, "I do have to."

He hefted the envelope in his hands.

"This," he said, tapping the brown paper with his finger, "This is my wife's final blindside. After this, she'll never be able to surprise me ever again. Everything will be known."

Quinn put the envelope down carefully and pushed it back across the table to Cassie.

"So, thanks but no thanks. I know what you're trying to do, Cassie, but I don't need that lifeline. I'm not drowning anymore. I can wait for a few more weeks to finally discover what Alena had planned for me."

Quinn took a swig of his tonic water, lost in contemplation. Cassie kept quiet while he collected his thoughts.

"I owe her that, not to ruin her final plan."

He looked up from his glass at Cassie, forcing a smile. "It would have been her birthday today, did you know?"

"Yes, Syn told me. She has something special set up for you upstairs, just the two of you."

"A very private show. Alena would have disproved of that. She...."

Quinn broke off, struggling suddenly. He took a moment to regain control of his emotions.

"She got such a thrill putting me on display. It made her wild."

Quinn glanced down at his watch. "Madame Syn will be expecting me. I should go."

Cassie reached out, putting a gentle hand on his arm. "I asked her for a few minutes with you first."

"I'm fine, Cassie. It's okay, isn't it, to just feel sad sometimes?"

"Yes, it is."

Quinn laid a warm hand over hers, his eyes on her face.

"I have a question for you," Cassie said, "About Alena, about what you said last time."

"About what, exactly?"

"About her saying she wanted to be free, to not be bound by the marriage."

"Ah, that."

Quinn leaned forward. "Fire away," he said.

"You granted her that freedom, as part of the contract between you."


"Did she ever take it up?"

"Of course not."


Quinn looked surprised, and Cassie found herself fumbling.

"Uh, Cassie, how do I put this?" Quinn began, "It was a theoretical position, being given the freedom to take that final step. But neither of us had any interest in ever going that far."

Quinn laughed to himself.

"We'd finally found Alena's hard limit."

"I don't understand. You said it was her third dark fantasy."


Cassie shook her head. "Sorry, I'm lost."

"It was a fantasy. It had nothing to do with having sex with someone else. It had everything to do with how it would make us feel, how just the idea of it would torment me and stretch her. She needed to know she could make me submit to it. She needed to know she could carry it out, to experience the feeling of having that power over me. I needed to completely trust in her to never take that step, knowing that I didn't have the right to stop her. After going through all of that, the bit at the end, the actually fucking someone else, was unnecessary."

"I see."

Quinn laughed again. "No, Cassie, I can tell that you don't. Maybe you will. It's a lot to get your head around. It took us a long time ourselves."

Cassie regarded the man opposite her, digesting the revelation. She felt suddenly like an imposter, sitting primped in the booth in her tight latex dress, with the name that Syn had bestowed on her, in the presence of someone who had really lived it, had loved it, and finally had been forced to watch it slip away.

She thought about her husband, Damian, about her own crumbling marriage, how different it all was to what Quinn and Alena had made for themselves. There were similarities though, and Cassie suspected that was why she'd been drawn to Quinn's story, wanting to help him even as she failed to help herself.

Cassie knew all about power imbalances, knew the way it could twist people up inside. Even now, poised elegantly in the booth in her latex dress, with all eyes on her as Mistress Grace in the Lost and Found, there was still a part of her who was Cassie, the subjugated mother-of-two and housewife, on her knees in front of her husband's cruel lover, made to do shameful things. The difference was stark: Quinn wanted Alena to take full control, whereas Cassie wanted desperately to free herself from Lily's grip. But, Cassie had found herself powerless to stop the beautiful, willowy younger woman from taking control of her life. Even now, in the safety of the club, she could picture Lily's long blonde hair, those emerald-hard eyes looking down at her with distain as Cassie was made to obey.

"I never told you how it ended, did I?" Quinn said, "The neat little epilogue to your clinical notes."

Cassie roused herself from her own thoughts, suppressing a shudder. "No. But I'd like to hear," she replied.

Quinn seemed to be wrestling with himself, conflicted.

"Ah, Cassie. It was hard, at the end. She was riddled with it, and it was giving her such agony."

Quinn grimaced and she felt his hand squeezing hers powerfully as the memories unleashed deeply buried emotions within him.

"I've never told anyone this," he gasped, "How much pain she was in. If I could have swapped places with her and taken that on, I would. I'm the one into pain, never her. She just wasn't built for it."

"What did you do?"

"Ah Cassie, that's the million-dollar question, isn't it? What do you think I did?"

Gently, he withdrew his hands from hers and folded them in his lap.

"Do you imagine that I let her suffer? Do you imagine I watched her lovely, pretty face twisted with such hurt?"

Quinn shrugged, but he was looking straight through her now, like she was a ghost.

"Or do you think that I took the pillow from beneath her head? Do you imagine I looked into her beautiful eyes until she was ready?"

He paused; Cassie felt a chill pass through her as she saw the look in his eyes.

"Then, do you think that I held the pillow down over her face until she was finally at peace?"

Quinn rose smoothly from his seat and slipped out of the booth. Cassie watched him go and she retreated into the silent darkness at the back of the booth. A bitter, furious emotion overwhelmed her, all at once. Life was fucked, she thought to herself. It made people bear terrible things.

But here was a man who scraped and fawned, pathetic and subservient, who allowed himself to be reduced to a plaything at someone else's whim, who had followed all the demeaning rules his own wife had burdened him with, who had trusted so deeply and completely in one other person.

At the end of it all, here was a man who had borne the terrible cost of delivering her one final mercy, and in doing so had destroyed what he cherished most in all the world.

She watched Quinn striding across the floor of the club, towards the cruellest devices that a merciless dominatrix could devise for him. But his head was held high. At the door, he paused and turned back to her, giving her a nod across the floor. Quinn was unafraid, all at once the most pathetic fool she had ever seen and also the strongest person Cassie had ever met.


[Quinn and Cassie continue in When One Day We Are Gone, but Alena's path has ended. However, she did have the last word in To Whom It May Concern.

Follow me for updates to this and my other stories. If you like what you read, please leave a comment or a star rating. Constructive feedback is always welcome. If you want further adventures, or to check out my other stories, my story page is here]

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laniva80laniva80about 2 months ago

Mit Tränen in den Augen, danke....

AmbulAmbul5 months ago

Incredible, but sad too. Reader ToranAllaires wrote a brilliant analysis. That in itself speaks to the quality of the writing and story-telling.

DawnovanDawnovan5 months ago

The writing is good, maybe too good, very graphic, painful and balls-shrinking. Figure that's why I can't finish it.

I believe I'm too vanilla for this whole humiliation submission relationship. Not kink-shaming to anyone into this.

4 for the story and writing, cheers.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

It was brilliant, but I couldn't handle the sad undertone. It played too much on my darkest fears. The bereavement element I just felt wasn't needed in my honest opinion. I'd loved to have read a version with that edited out.

HeartfeltmanHeartfeltman8 months ago

@oneagainst, this has been a pleasure.

This is my first experience with your writing, and I recognize there's a particular universe in which these lives collide. I will most certainly continue. I have become emotionally invested in the lives of these people, and there were hints of other dynamics that I was not aware of (Cassie/Lilly). There was even a particular plot point that completely had me fooled, and you clearly understand how wonderful that is for the reader.

oneagainstoneagainst8 months agoAuthor

@heartfeltman I'll leave this comment waiting for you as you work your way through to the end. Thank you for the kind words. I hope the ending was fitting for the build-up.

oneagainstoneagainst11 months agoAuthor

@ToranAllaires thank you for taking the time to comment so extensively. I'm glad that you found the characters to be believable even though their activities are extreme. The intention was to explore the power exchange and the trust between the two of them, even to the end, as you say: the subtle dance where each takes the lead from time to time as they go further into the unknown. I've enjoyed writing this book - it was a challenge at times - and I hope it shows in the writing. As for publishing, that seems a big step, so for now it's just going to stay here.

ToranAllairesToranAllaires11 months ago

I owe you an apology. I’ve not given you the 5 stars you deserve for each chapter of this brilliant piece of work because so many times I simply forgot it in my haste to click the link to the next chapter. Every chapter in this story is worth all 5 stars. This is magnificent on so many levels and should be a published novella (novel – not sure how long it taps out at). You should be getting paid handsomely for the craftmanship of this piece. Haunting, chilling, intimate, intensely erotic. It certainly pushed a lot of my buttons and went even further, deeper on others. Many times, I had to put my tablet down and then carried your last chapter in my thoughts until I could pick my tablet back up again and continue.

Where to begin? The characters are wonderful, hateful, interesting and charming – that perfect slice of humanity that you’ve tapped into to light up both protagonists like a rainbow. I hated Alena for being so cruel and then was gut punched when she dropped the veil and showed such tenderness towards Quinn. And she was everyman’s fantasy of the unrelenting strict dominant. Quinn was me in so many ways and like him, I struggle with the masculine stereotype vs. the submissive worm. He’s conflicted for the entire story arc but it – she – just pulls him deeper, pulls him along while he pulls her along in a dance where the lead changes subtly from one moment to the next. I loved these two and will miss them both dearly.

The constant realization that Alena has passed on hangs like a dark cloud over what could be her obituary, as told through their actions by Quinn. His love for her is never questioned, especially by his actions, even as he’s questioning himself. As cruel and nasty as she is to him, she’s a tragic figure that tugs at your heart in her moments of vulnerability.

You capture, albeit the power of consensual non-consensual power play. The most powerful realization is when your partner, the one you love like no other, wants to do terrible nasty things to you and you know that you want her to. I despise “topping from the bottom”, when the submissive ultimately has control of the dynamic and the dominant is merely acting out the submissives. All of my experience has come from a CNC perspective – once the gift of submission is given, the submissive truly is incapable of altering the dynamic, unless the safeword is used. Of course, this is my particular kink and not everyone’s, as witness to some of the disparaging comments you’ve received from those who are offended at a piece of fantasy literature. The intensity of Alena’s dominance and Quinn’s submission is one of the most erotic relationships I’ve read, definitely up in the top three pieces I’ve read on the subject of CNC.

To conclude: just a brilliant piece of work, truly a masterpiece. I’ve read the Wonderland series out of sequence and now I’ve got to go back and do it the right way. Please, if you ever take the (well earned) plunge and publish, post your link in your bibliography. I’ll gladly support your writing. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow - A truly amazing piece of work.

I've read all of the Alena series and what an incredible journey you've taken us on. Whilst I appreciate that it's only a work of fiction, the plot was very feasible and realistic. This all could happen, which made the story even more compelling. I found myself totally captivated by the emotions that Quinn was experiencing, leaving me to replay the scenes in my mind long after I'd finished reading each chapter - the mark of a first class work. It's been 5 stars all the way for every chapter.

There were a few minor errors, but the detail, pace and grammar were excellent. My only reservation was that eventually he would have realised that Alena was only ever bluffing with the torturous scenarios that were played out, and the powerful mind games would eventually diminish and have have less impact if the series was to go any further. Just once Alena needed to carry out her ultimate threat, to demonstrate that she was truly free and no longer needed Quinn for her pleasure. Quinn would have been genuinely broken by this, and the journey of rebuilding a new relationship under Alena's control would have been both emotional and interesting. Maybe Quinn with his time in his car 'safe space' which was mentioned in a latter chapter of Alena's Games, made an impulsive emotional decision and moved out of the family home? Alena would have had to work hard to prove her love for him, even if again it was only another buff, but not confessed until after their relationship had broken down? ...Just a thought, but it's difficult to improve on perfection.

Thank you for making the effort and produce such an incredible read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Read to the end, sort of appeals that in the end Karma brought this borderline sociopath the pain she deserved in the end. I’ve been is a DS relationship and this was more a take of coercion, manipulation and abuse. Where a supposedly loving partner set out to break her partner, using his love of her and conditioning together her kicks.

Great read but harrowing at times, the husbands now so broken there’s no escape from his conditioning. The therapist did t do much to help him really.

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