Alex & Alexa Ch. 14


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"That aunt of your is pretty hot," she mentioned as she straightened her skirt out. "I'd fuck her and I'm not even bi."

"First of all, ew, she's my aunt," I said, making a wry face. "Second, she's a lesbian, so you'll have more luck with her than any guy ever will."

"Oh, c'mon," she said, palming a crease out of my shirt. I had to admit, she liked taking care of whatever guy she was with. "Can't you at least objectively admit that your aunt is stupidly attractive?"

"Yeah, I see it, but there's always the squick factor," I insisted, returning the favour and smoothing out her blouse. "So yes, she's attractive, I just don't know why everyone, my own mother included, insists on asking my opinion."

"Betcha wish she wasn't your aunt, though." Heather said slyly, reaching down and cupping my cock though my trousers and making me shiver. "Y'know, I've been thinking... I'm on birth control, and I know you're a straight-up kinda guy who would always be level and never give me anything. I might break my condom rule for you one day and let you start cumming in me. Because I'll bet that'd feel really good for both of us."

"It usually does," I agreed, trying not to squirm as she fondled me. She was really good at what she did. True, she wasn't Alexa, but she knew how to turn a guy on. Why was I so conflicted by all of this? "And yeah, I would agree. Cumming inside you would feel really good."

"Then that's what we'll do next time, slugger," she whispered in my ear as she leaned forward. "Now let's get back before too many people notice we're missing."

She turned around and led me back by the hand, clearly pleased with how her afternoon turned out.

"What can I say, weddings make me horny!" she said cheerfully.


The reception proper back at the university hall had begun, with a DJ providing the music. People danced and laughed, drinks flowed freely, there were many toasts, and people tapped their forks on their glasses endlessly, simply because people loved watching Freja and Jeanie squash their boobs together when they kissed, something they were only too happy to do.

And because this was Freja's wedding, karaoke was inevitably involved. She sang some Danish love song to her bride, which, frankly, sounded like a cat being strangled. It was probably just Freja, because if that had actually been how Danish love songs sounded, the race would have been extinct. People applauded loudly, my mother because Freja had finally stopped singing.

"Hey," Alexa said, sidling up to me and speaking quietly. "Wanna help me troll your dad?"

"Like you even need to ask?" I replied, grinning. We assumed our place by the microphones and dedicated the song to dad, on behalf of the nation of Denmark. Everyone (except dad) was roaring with laughter as we sand the Aqua song 'Dr. Jones', with me providing the male vocals while Alexa sang the female lead. We concluded the song to much applause, especially from the Kjaer family present. Alexa went back to her place at the head table while I visited mom and dad, sitting down next to him.

"Forræder." he grumbled at me.

More people butchered more songs, the karaoke occasionally punctuated by dancing. I ended up dancing more than I normally would, with mom, Alexa, Heather, the brides, Freja's mother and a few of the younger girls, who blushed and giggled as I asked them to join me. I guess having a few absinthe drinks in me helped.

Speeches were given, some in Danish, with Alexa providing comical and often intentionally inaccurate translations. She was really enjoying herself up on stage. It occured to me that she was a lot like my dad that way, whereas I took after mom, usually avoiding the spotlight unless called upon. It's not that mom was any sort of a shrinking violet, of course, she just found people gawking at her annoying. She could give lectures to intellectuals like nobody's business, but drunk crowds were not her thing.

Freja and Jeanie were both rather inebriated at this point, and had been convinced to read each other's vows out loud. This caused endless laughter, since Freja couldn't read Jeanie's terrible handwriting or atrocious spelling, while Jeanie was trying to read her wife's Danish. She sounded like she was having a stroke with a potato in her mouth.

One of the highlights of the evening was the bride throwing the bouquet tradition. There were two bouquets, so Jeanie and Freja tied them together, giving whomever caught the bouquet extra-good marriage karma, I guess. Dozens of women gathered in the middle of the dance floor while the brides turned the backs. Freja and Jeanie counted to three and tossed the bouquet back over their heads.

Every woman on the floor scattered away, leaving a very confused Alexa by herself in the middle. She'd caught the bouquet before she had fully realized what was happening. Everyone laughed and applauded and cheered for her, while she looked around in initial confusion and then dismay.

I glanced over at mom, who was smiling and winked at her sister. Damn, she'd convinced everyone to not grab for the bouquet so Alexa would get it by default. I'd heard of people doing that before, singling a girl out to get married in the near future. Everyone laughed and called out best wishes and hoping she'd meet the girl of her dreams. If they'd only known.

Our eyes met and locked. I couldn't look away, I had no reason to, I was supposed to be laughing. So I clapped and forced a laugh at the farce.

Dammit, Alexa, look away...

The evening continued with much gaiety and revelry, drunking singing and dancing. Everyone listened reverently while Alexa sang the Edith Piaf song 'Je ne regrette rien', assuming it was dedicated to her best friend Freja. But I knew who the tears in her eyes were for, as they had been that night a few weeks earlier in the karaoke bar.

"So are you two off on some grand honeymoon?" my mom asked Freja and Jeanie as they made the rounds and came to sit with us.

"Nothing grand," Jeanie answered, shaking her head and then wobbling and nearly falling over because she was drunk. "We're just gonna visit our little cottage in Muskoka for a few days. We might do something a little more special over Christmas break, like visit Europe, see her family and so on."

"Just a few days alone will be nice for you," mom said cheerfully. "A little quiet serenity is never a bad thing for a couple. Even newlyweds."

"And we can be as loud and nude as we like," Jeanie continued, offering too much information. "My family owns the land for almost a kilometer in each direction, and most of the shoreline our cottage sits on."

"Just watch out for mosquitoes and try not to get molested by bears," mom reminded them. "That means no honey on naked bodies while you're outside."

Jeanie nodded dutifully and pulled out a notepad out from between her boobs to write that nugget of wisdom down. They then hurried off to the next table. Music started up again and I found myself dancing with mom.

"So, you got a little from Heather, hm?" she asked, smirking as I blushed. "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure only half the attendees heard her."

"She was insistent," I said somewhat lamlely, like I was not allowed to say no to sex. "Pretty sure it was the main reason she agreed to attend. She said weddings make her horny."

"I'm not blaming you one bit, after all, your dad and I found some time to get freaky earlier," she said, to my surprise. "Pity you didn't know ahead of time you'd need to gag her."

"Yeah, that girl is full of surprises." I muttered.

"She's not entirely a bad fit for you, you know," mom said in a pensive tone. "I'm not trying to matchmake, I'm just saying there might be something there to explore."

"I've considered it," I admitted. "But something dad told me the other day sorta makes me discount the notion."

"And what's that?" she asked.

"Always make sure you marry your intellectual equal."

"Smart cookie, your father..." she said cheerfully.


Freja and Jeanie had clambered into a car and headed out for their mini-honeymoon, with everybody calling and waving after them. The Kjaer clan was heading out the following morning, so Alexa stayed with Freja's parents overnight, since we weren't certain when she'd see them again. I laid awake in bed, hoping she would Skype-call me or at least text me, but she didn't. I guess she was really involved in talking with them and I couldn't say as I blamed her.

We met them all for breakfast and saw them off at the terminal, waiting around until their various flights had departed. We all piled into dad's vehicle and headed home. It had certainly been an eventful two weeks.

Alexa and I returned to our duties at the university, taking every opportunity we could to make love. We had just finished a round of intense fucking and were laying side-by-side on a gym mat when I reached over and stroked her cheek.

"I'm sorry." I said gently.

"What for?" she asked.

"Because I fucked Heather at the wedding." I replied.

She smiled and turned in to face me, caressing my hair. "Alex, you had to. I know that. Not fucking her would have been awkward, to say the least, with everyone asking why you didn't do it. What purpose can that possibly serve?"

"I know," I sighed. "That doesn't mean that I didn't feel like I was cheating on you."

"Oh, you," she purred, leaning in to kiss me. "Really, Alex, it doesn't upset me. Not one bit. You need to believe that."

"I do, it's just my own demons I'm wrestling with." I admitted. "She's still interested in fucking. And she's upped the ante, she says she wants me to start cumming in her."

She was silent for a moment as she considered. "That's still okay, Alex. I'm assuming she's not psycho and trying to get pregnant."

"No, I don't think that's it," I agreed, shaking my head. "I just don't like the level of intimacy she's trying to take us to. Sounds stupid, I know, since any guy would love to nut in a girl with no condom or consequences. But it feels like cheating."

"I understand how you feel." Alexa said gently.

"But, there can't be anything between us." I stated.


"She's nowhere near my intellectual equal."

"God, I love you..." my aunt said as she pressed herself to me and kissed me hungrily.


"So, I was thinking that if you're going to continue with Heather as a cover, maybe we can use that for some fun." Alexa said as we talked over Skype. She was up in her room and I was down in the basement, but both my parents were home so it wasn't really a conversation we could have face-to-face.

"Oh? Go on."

"Well, it would involve some risk, certainly, because we'd have to tell her about us." Alexa explained. "But if she was cool with that, maybe we could share her. I saw her looking at me, I know she wants to try me on for size."

"Everyone wants you," I chuckled. "She's straight and she said she'd fuck you."

"Oh, the curses of being a daughter of Aphrodite," she said dramatically, putting her the back of her hand to her forehead. "Perhaps I'll-"

She paused in what she was saying and put her finger over her lips, indicating that I should be quiet. I listened and could hear footsteps in the hallway arouside her door.

Then there was a knock.

"You awake, Alli?" I heard mom asked from the hall.

"Sure am!" Alexa said, winking at me and then touching a button on her laptop to make the screen go black. I couldn't see anything, but I could still hear everything. I heard her pad over to her door and open it, letting mom into her room. "Hey, Kar, what's up?"

"Thought we could talk for a minute," mom said.

"Sure," my aunt said, easing herself onto the bed. "Anything you like!"

"I'm glad to hear that," my mom said quietly. "Because I'd like to know how long you've been in love with my son..."


Author's Notes: Dun dun DUUUUUNNNNNNNN!!

Well, that's not good.

For people who were bitching about the pace lagging and the plot development, that should shut their cake holes quickly. And thank God, I'm a little tired of the endless PM's on the subject and Anonymous reviews whining.

Not to vent, but I'm glad Lit has a button where you could turn off Anonymous reviews, since they tend to be of little or no use when it comes to constructive criticism and are usually the domains of trolls in any event. I like it when people have the kishkas to sign in and critique, they're a lot easier to take seriously. Usually.

I'll never quite understand people going into rage mode and giving a story (any story, not just mine) a low rating because they hate something that happened and their rating has nothing to do with the technical side of the submission. Someone was recently raging on this story because they were angry that Alex and Alexa were sleeping with other people to cover their tracks.

Okay, so what if they were? The question is, was it believable? People have squawked and given low ratings for My Naughty Neighbour because they don't like watersports. Why are you reading it, then? People have (I kid you not), complained about the pregnancy fetish in Expecting & Expectations because it turned them off. Once again, why on Earth are you reading it then, you nitwit?

Tantrum ratings are very strange to me. I almost never rate or critique stories unless I actually like them. Let's face it, there are more than enough people browsing this site who obviously have PHD's in erotic literature who are willing to crap on authors, so they don't need me doing it.

Okay, enough about my issues.

Up next is Like A Daughter To Me, which I am quite looking forward to. There'll also be a submission in the Humour/Satire category in the near future, a little somethin'-somethin' I've been working on and quite enjoying.

Keep your stick on the ice!


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PrinceLukePrinceLukeover 2 years ago

This chapter was rather fun and really enjoayable. At this point I just skipped the opening sex scene and the heather scene. Though knowing it happened kinda sucks still.

Anyway I just wanted to comment and say that Alexa wanting to join in with Heather and stuff just seems kinda sus. I just mean it in that if she and Alex are so truly in love with one another the two of them should be trying to have less sexual escapades with other people rather then more, if that makes any sense.

Anyhow, that ending was marvelous and now that Alex and Alexa don’t need to hide their relationship from Karen and Mike anymore please, please, please, please, please tell me they won’t be fucking any more Cori’s Jeanie’s, Heather’s etc. I just want them together with one another only, otherwise they come across more as swingers or having an open relationship… which just wouldn’t fit fell with the star crossed, soul mate lovers that they’re portrayed as.

Great chapter, 5 stars from me especially loved the Puny God Hulk line lol.

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

Could get very interesting now.

Great story,

That last line reminds me of when I and my Cousin were caught. And, yes, it was horrific!!

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

Alex is still an idiot to let his wife play around. She cuckolds him nearly every day and he stupidly rationalises it. Just how stupid is he?

Great story.

c4vetteman94c4vetteman94over 6 years ago
That last line

That last line crushed me, i felt so bad for her and Alex at that moment

buzman0112buzman0112over 6 years ago
What an awesome story!!!

I have been following this story since the beginning and it has be riveting!!! It makes me so sad that it is coming to its conclusion; however, you have woven together an excellent piece of storytelling. Bravo!!!

SteelCase550SteelCase550over 6 years ago
Hooked, Hooked, Hooked!!!

Have been searching for a long-run story to rival Callicious' Justin Thyme and you sir, have exceeded the expectations!! I have looked up more words, more characters, more music, and translated more languages than ever. Then top it off with great sex. Next chapter please, and fast!!

I would be derelict if I didn't echo my perv GrantLeeStone, let their freak flags fly!!! You know Mike and Karen have talked about it: especially Karen. She's craving some father/son DP and really wants to taste her sister's deliciousness. All for "research purposes", of course. She is an academic - and, maybe not so secretly, the freakiest character in the whole story.

Again, a wonderful series my friend. Looking forward to the next chapter eagerly.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
bloody great writing!

fuck me mate. thats great stuff. I will literally pay you to upload the next however many chapters remain in one go

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Great story

Seriously great writing, can wait to see where you take it.

Darkone57Darkone57over 6 years ago
Outstanding once again !

Great story, I agree with you about the "ANON's" . Like my MOM used to always say, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" ! Or at the very least have the balls to let the author know who you are. Can't wait for the next installment to see what Alexa has to say to her sister..........

Thanks for your time and talent


Ranma29Ranma29over 6 years ago
Take all the time you need

These stories are about the best I have ever read. It keeps me on the edge and blends sex and love in a vary nice way. Keep up the great work all of us will still be here. The pacing is great in your stories and too many stories are so good but rush to the end. This is the first story that I will really be sad once we get to the end.

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