Alice in Chains Pt. 02


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The questions came in rapid fire in the normal hyper way Diana acted when nervous. Ryanna's gaze drifted over to her pausing for a second as the unseen eyes drank in every detail.

For a moment or two nothing was said as Ryanna mentally assessed the pecking order, shuffling around everyone to worked out where they fitted in.

Ryanna stood, the E-Cig clenched between metal studded lips. "I like you three." She announced. "I see why Sami wanted me to meet you. You look fun."

They filed in to the tattoo parlour, Ryanna leading, Alice bringing up the rear, a soft buzz of excitement running through her.

Once they were inside Ryanna dropped the catch on the door and guided them through to the room at the rear. Where as the front room looked like and run of the mill tattoo shop, the rear more resembled a hospital operating theatre. Everything was bright and spotless, and the floor was dominated by a large comfortable looking reclining chair. Artwork covered the walls, and a large range of tattooing and piercing tools occupied glass fronted cupboards. A dark curtain hung over what looked like a doorway set in to the middle of one wall.

While Ryanna placed a surgical sheet on the chair she glanced up at Alice and winked. "Don't worry Alice you're in good hands. I'm very gentle."

Warmed by her reassurance, Alice smiled back. "Miss Janet will be speaking for me today." The second the words left her mouth, she felt a rush of excitement tense her muscles and warmth touch her loins.

"No probs." Ryanna grinned again. "It isn't like I've never met a sub before." She winked again and cast a half glance towards the curtain behind Alice. "So, Miss Janet." Ryanna addressed. "What's on the menu for today?"

"Well, as you know our Alice wants to have a mark of submission." Janet informed, drawing the folded paper from her pocket and laying it out for Ryanna to see. "She has chosen this design."

"Nice design." Ryanna complimented. "Good blend of traditional Celtic and more modern lines." She thought for a second. "May I suggest a few alterations?"

Ryanna glanced up to Janet, who in turn glanced to Alice.

The smallest movement of Alice's head passed on approval, and the glances returned to Ryanna.

Taking a blank sheet of paper from a desk Ryanna quickly sketched a slightly altered design. "A Single circle to the bottom denoting the submissive but done bolder to show the strength of Alice's character. All the circles should be personalised to each individual." She glanced up to Janet. "What is the defining factor in your life?"

"Plants and flowers, I guess." Janet replied, impressed by the detail Ryanna encouraged out of the page. "I'm a professional gardener, so they figure a lot in my life, maybe something with violets as it is the lesbian flower."

"Awesome." Ryanna commented and sketched the first circle edging it with ivy and violets. "And Miss Diana...?" She questioned, a hint of humour in her tone.

"Something to do with coding." Diana supplied her eyes wide as she continued to stare at Ryanna. "Or computers and such."

"Hmm." Ryanna thought for a moment. "Could you write me a line of code or something that is relevant?"

A little touch of red creeped in to Diana's cheeks as she scribbled a line on a bit of paper.

'execute dbms_repcat.suspend_master_activity'

"It's a fairly simple data base code, but it fits nicely." She added as she showed it to Alice who nodded in appreciation.

"We can work with this." Ryanna said, sketching in the second circle. "Now Alice how do we personalize your totem?"

"Would it be possible to incorporate symbol if I show it to you?" Alice asked looking at the preliminary sketch.

"Hell yes." Ryanna affirmed. "By all means show me."

Alice turned her back to Janet. "Would Miss Janet do me the honour of unzipping me?" She asked.

A wry smile cracked Janet's face as she produced a small key. "I thought you'd never ask."

The zip ran its length, and the dress dropped away, leaving Alice nude apart from her boots. Her own skin art looking muted in comparison to Ryanna's

"Can you use this one?" Alice asked indicating a US Marine Corps crest on her back.

"Seriously?" Ryanna asked grinning "You're a jarhead?"

"Oorah." Alice replied proudly.

Ryanna gave a slight nod. "Never would have guessed." She ran a professional eye over Alice's skin, checking out each individual tattoo. "You've got some nice art there." She added. "Like the dragon." She briefly touched the curled sleeping dragon tattoo just under Alice's navel. "Smaller than mine though." She winked as she tugged her vest top off.

A dragon's head crested over her right shoulder, its flame filled muzzle in the act of breathing fire over a small breast tipped with a very proud brown nipple. The dragon's neck ran down her back, its half-furled wings spread across her shoulders, whilst its body curled around her waist until its tail vanished in to the gap between her belly and the low-cut black jeans that hung off her skinny hips. The artwork was so detailed, when she moved the dragon's scales seemed to ripple in response to her movement and its eyes tracked who ever was looking at it.

Diana stepped closer her fingers reaching out tentatively to touch the mythical beast etched on to the skin of Ryanna. The combination of the two women looked like an odd work of art in itself. A petite fairy princess reaching out to touch a dark tattooed demoness.

A wide grin opened up across Ryanna's face, showing an emerald studded gold tooth mixed in with the pearly white ones. "Do you like the studs?" She asked pushing her breasts out a little to emphasis the barbed pins that held her nipples permanently proud. "You can tweak them if you like."

With eyes like dinner plates, Diana touched one of the pins with a forefinger making the black metal tremble as she tapped it.

"Mmmm. Sexy." Ryanna teased as she ran her studded tongue across her lips.

"I can hear you flirting." A familiar voice said from behind the curtain. "If your going to do that, at least let me watch."

"Excuse me a moment." Ryanna said with a sigh, then crossed to the black curtain and drew it back. "Sorry honey I forgot you were back there."

Behind the curtain was, as suspected a door. Only it wasn't a door to another room, but an alcove around three feet square, and the door was actually a bared gate, giving the recess the look of a small prison cell.

The waitress, Sami was the source of the voice, and the occupant of the cell. She was also nude apart from wrist and ankle cuffs that were attached to the floor and ceiling, holding her small body in a spread-eagled position showing clearly the additional body decoration that she had.

In comparison to Ryanna, it was very muted. Just one tattoo that resembled an ink stamp just above her pelvic mound. Bold letters on the stamp proclaimed that she belonged to Ryanna.

It was her piercings that caught Alice's attention. Silvery steel rings looped through her nipples and bobbed with every breath, and six smaller rings looped through the folds of her labia, three to each side. These rings themselves were not what drew Alice's attention, but the three small padlocks that were holding the rings together. Her mind ceased to think about anything other than how it felt to have those locks between her legs and she licked her lips ravenously.

With the gate opened and her shackles removed, Sami stepped out of the small space, beaming at the trio.

"Glad you found it okay." She welcomed each of them, oblivious to her nakedness as she hugged each girl in turn, lingering slightly longer with Diana, who turned scarlet as Sami nibbled on her ear.

"What do you think?" Ryanna asked of Sami, showing her the finished design.

"Oh beautiful." Sami answered, then glanced over to Alice, letting her eyes rest on her muscled form. "Deeper purple on the violets, it will show nicely with her skin tone."

To Janet, the sudden change of roles was interesting to see, one second Ryanna was unlocking Sami from a cage, the next she was almost submissive to Sami, asking her opinion and listening respectfully, all trace of the butch bitch vanishing. Janet smiled in the knowledge that her relationship with Alice would stay just as respectful and she didn't need to be butch to prove a point.

"Where are you having it?" Sami asked Alice, drawing the taller woman back from the private world she had slipped in to.

"Erm... at the base of my spine?" Alice supplied vaguely.

"Can I suggest here." Sami suggested drawing a circle with her finger on Alice's front right hip, enticing a little tremor. "It would look far sexier and so much more personal."

"Yes, I guess." Alice agreed.

"Sorry to ask, but are you alright?" Sami asked placing one hand on her hip nonchalantly.

Alice blinked. "Sorry but I need to ask if they are painful." She indicated the piercings.

"Oh, do you like them?" Sami beamed. "I read a story where a woman had it done and I talked Ry in to doing me. They do sting a little to begin, but the feeling is worth it." Sami glanced back or Ryanna grinning. "When I ask her to lock me up I feel so owned by her. Almost like she is the only one allowed to touch my insides. Makes me feel very sexy."

To Alice, the others in the room vanished, her mind was fully occupied by Sami's frankness over her submission to Ryanna. "What does it feel like?" She managed to ask when she remember how to speak.

"Incredible." Sami answered. "With the padlocks on, underwear is out of the question, as are any form of trouser. But the sensation is worth it. Every step sends tiny vibrations through me. I try and go for a walk in a short skirt when I have then in. When I get back I am so horny I usually do Ry over the desk."

Several pairs of eyes rotated to look at the desk in the corner of the room, then over to Sami before stopping on the now blushing Ryanna.

Diana covered her mouth with a hand as she giggled at the tattooed woman's discomfort and wondering who was really the submissive and who was the dominant. The image of the two tattooed women bound over the desk while Diana tormented them, flickered through her mind and she giggled once more, only this time more with excitement than embarrassment.

Alice switched her gaze from Sami to Janet, her expression wistful.

To Janet she looked like a child in a sweet shop, wanting a particular honeyed treat, but too afraid to ask outright. Janet sighed, looking from childlike Alice, to the giggly, lustful Diana, to the nude Sami who was wiggling to show Alice how the padlocks jiggled back and forth, then finally to rest on Ryanna, topless and making doe eyes at Diana. She sighed once more, wondering how she managed to land the role of responsible adult.


Alice relaxed in to the leather upholstery of the car Madam Natasha had arranged to take her to Janet's house. It had been a few weeks since her tattoo had been done and she had been looking forward to spending some 'fun' time with Miss Janet and Miss Diana. Even though the evening had begun disappointingly when Diana had apologised as she had arranged to go out on a date with Ryanna and Sami, Miss Janet had told her not to worry, as she had planned a very special time.

It had begun when a very swish Bentley had arrived, driven by a rather fetching lady in a chauffeur's uniform. Dark grey jacket and tight skirt, stockings, shiny black knee boots, white blouse and black tie, all topped with a peaked cap. The driver had introduced herself as Sophie and informed Alice that she worked for Madam Natasha, as part of a new venture supplying safe and discreet transport for discerning customers. She had then passed Alice a Black Boutique bag and informed her that her outfit had been especially chosen and she should change whilst Sophie waited.

Alice had taken the bag inside and opened it, there had been a quiver in her stomach as she carefully withdrew the items. Which weren't numerous. Lastly was a card in an embossed envelope.

It read:

Alice. As I have you to myself tonight, I thought I would spoil you a little. So please find the outfit you should wear. I will let you choose footwear and a coat, but all the items in the bag are mandatory. Miss Janet. xxx

With her heart in her mouth, Alice worked out the best way to dress, beginning with selecting a pair of mid-thigh boots, soft and comfortable, and a long lightweight coat that would feel very sexy against her skin.

With the boots on and her coat readied, Alice began to dress, if that was the correct choice of word. Firstly, the cylindrical toy was slipped inside her, she had no idea at all of its function, but she trusted Miss Janet implicitly that it would be enjoyable. The next part was trickier, mainly as her hands shook like crazy as she threaded two of the small padlocks through her new piercings and felt them click. It hadn't escaped her notice that there were no keys supplied with the locks, she just had to assume Miss Janet had the keys. She had surveyed the remaining items. A 'Y' shaped length of chain, another three locks and a pair of interesting looking gloves. The chain she locked the fist link of each of the top two lengths to the rings in her nipples, and the bottom link was locked to the remaining two rings between her legs. When she stood there was a very gentle tug on her nipples and labia that sent shivers of delight through her body.

She spent a moment surveying what could only loosely be referred to as an outfit in the mirror and she felt herself clench around the toy that was now locked inside her. If she had been able to touch herself, she would no doubt have dropped to the floor and masturbated herself to climax in seconds. As it was she slipped her arms through the sleeves of her coat and hide the locks and chains from view.

Alice slipped one of the gloves on to her hand. It was immediately obvious they were designed to be locked in place, and once on she would be unable to use her hands. She would be effectively helpless to do anything. The idea of being so powerless, but at the same time not restrained physically was intoxicating and her body began to react predictably as she contemplated what Miss Janet had in store for her. Not wanting to waste any more time, she grabbed the second glove and headed downstairs and out to the waiting Sophie.

Alice shifted slightly in the back seat of the car. Sophie was speeding her to Miss Janet's house and she was getting more aroused by the minute. Before they had left, Sophie had fastened the second glove on, getting her to bunch her fingers in to a fist before locking them in place. Again, Alice saw no keys to go with the locks, and she had to fight not to moan in pleasure. Sophie had grinned and winked, obviously not a stranger to the business that Madam Natasha ran alongside her clothing boutique.

The Bentley eased in to Miss Janet's home town, it was early evening and the traffic wasn't light, but even so Sophie guided the large car with effortless grace to the carpark in the center of the town.

With the car at a standstill, the pretty brunette half turned in her seat. "My instructions were to bring you here first. Now, it's up to you. If you want to, you can walk the rest of the way, or I can drop you directly outside."

Steadying her breathing, Alice glanced around. It was a very short walk to Miss Janet's house, but she knew she would be doing it alone, helpless and practically naked.

"I'll walk thanks Sophie." She grinned in a good impression of the Joker. "You may have to get the door though."

Giving a short laugh as she got out of the driver's seat, Sophie opened the rear door for Alice to get out and helped her adjust her coat for decencies sake.

"I hope you have a good time." Sophie wished winking again. "And if you're ever lonely, give me a call." She suggested, slipping a card in to Alice's inside pocket and placed a light peck on her cheek whilst patting her bottom, causing Alice to flush a deep crimson.

With her face still burning with excitement, arousal and a little embarrassment, Alice set out to walk to Miss Janet's, her gloved hands hidden in her pockets. The first thing she noticed was how the lining of her coat slipped across her skin, almost caressing her body with every step. Following on from that was the delightful tugging on her nipples and labia from the chain that joined them, and the toy that bobbed up and down teasing her madly. The most enticing sensation however was, as Sami had said, the feeling of the padlocks jingling around as they hung off her sensitive body parts and touched her inner thighs every time she took a stride.

The adrenaline in her body began to get to work, feeding her brain and muscles in preparation for a flight or fight situation. She started to think of what could possibly go wrong, the buttons coming undone on her coat revealing her nudity and extreme piercings. Tripping and exposing her body to anyone nearby. Climaxing in the middle of the road while passersby stopped to watch...

The last thought triggered a wave of arousal that crawled up her back and sides, flooding her body with the need to climax. Alice stopped dead, breathing slowly and trying to stay in control of her emotions.

Slowly the feeling subsided, and her body cooled a little as the blood flow returned to normal. She took another breath then continued her walk, although at a slightly slower speed than she had been walking at.

A few moments later she stopped at the familiar door of Miss Janet's house, then had a disturbing thought.

How was she going to let Miss Janet know she was there?

First instinct was to knock on the door, but that would require her removing one of her gloved hands from a pocket, and therefore risk someone seeing what she was wearing and risk pulling open her coat and risk showing much more.

With a sly grin Alice lent her forehead on the door bell.

In the space of a few seconds a soft tingle started inside Alice, bringing out a little gasp of pleasure, then the door opened, and Miss Janet smiled happily, beckoning her in.

As Alice stepped in to the house a car horn sounded, and Sophie waved as she drove past, ensured her package had been delivered safely.

"Nice touch." Alice complimented to Miss Janet as she placed a kiss on the waiting lips. "Is that my robe you're wearing?"

"Is that my robe you're wearing Miss Janet?" Miss Janet reminded smiling. "And yes, it is. You left it here, so I thought it would be enticing for you to know that the only item of clothing you have here is now mine."

"Sorry Miss Janet." Alice replied demurely. "That is nice to know. Thank you."

"Do you have your gloves on?" Miss Janet asked, her eyes running all over Alice's covered body.

With a little effort, Alice withdrew her hands, showing that they were indeed locked in to the bondage mittens.

"Oh sexy." Miss Janet commented rubbing a hand over the thick covering. "How does it feel?"

"Very awkward Miss Janet." Alice replied. "I want to do things but can't use my fingers, it makes me feel very helpless, but without being tied up."

"Excellent." Miss Janet said, her breath a little short. "Now, I need to get dressed, and you need a little punishment for forgetting the Miss Janet. So, if you would follow me Alice."

The toy throbbed harder and Alice moaned a little as she dutifully followed Miss Janet through her house.

They stepped out in to Miss Janet's garden, there was a small patio with three metal chairs and a small round table. Beyond that the area of garden where Miss Janet grew her seedlings and a small greenhouse stocked with various vegetable plants.

Miss Janet reached out and slowly undid each button of Alice's coat, pausing after each one to admire what was being revealed. "Turn around please Alice." Miss Janet instructed when the coat was fully open.