All Aboard Andi's Dream Ch. 05


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"No, but she is helping me clear these shelves," called out the storekeeper. As he said that, Elmer and Andi appeared from the back of the shop, her arms loaded with her treasures and a huge smile adorning her pretty face.

"I found so many awesome things," said Andi, as she laid her treasures on the counter. "I found everything we need for our cookies and look!" she held up a rolling pin with deep groves cut into it and what looked like paint stirring sticks with Norse patterns painted on the handles. "lefse!"

"Oh, lefse," said Paul, not comprehending.

"He doesn't get it," she said to Elmer.

The old man smiled. "He doesn't have any Viking blood in him."

"Wait a minute, he's been to North Dakota, he knows lefse!" she pointed at him with the rolling pin.

"All I know about lefse is that if you make a burrito with one, using thanksgiving leftovers at the O club, the waitress gets upset."

She shook her head and held up what looked like a waffle maker and a wooden cone with a handle. "Krumkake!" Then she showed him a stack of tiny, fluted tart pans "Sandbakkels!" Then she held up what looked like very ornate branding irons, "Rosettes!"

He simply shrugged at the mention of each item. She gave him a well humored look of admonishment. "And I thought you could cook."

"I guess not. I suppose it's a good thing that I just hired a cook."

"You have daughters now. You need to learn how to make cookies with them," she stretched up on her toes and gave him a kiss.

"Daughters?" Elmer looked shocked. "Did I miss something here, Doc?"

"I guess so, Elmer. Remember that storm we had early last month?" Paul's gaze never left Andi's beautiful brown eyes.

"Oh, you betcha, me and the missus were stuck in here nearly a week. What about it?"

"The town of Concord police asked if I could go help a traveler stuck in the ditch at Thirty Nine and Trevette, so I chained up the 8N, hooked up the hay wagon and went and rescued them."

When Paul had paused, Andi smiled and said, "Tell Mr. Ingvist the rest."

"And... I kept her. We got married on Christmas Eve, and I picked up a set of twin girls as part of the deal."

Elmer leaned back and shouted through the door into the back room, "Ho-lee smokes! Did you hear that, ma? Doc Jarecki went and got married!"

A silver-haired woman, clearly in her 70s like Elmer, stepped through the curtains into the main store. "That was you? Cindy Lou told me about a couple that got married over at your brother's church on Christmas Eve, said the bride wore red!"

"Well, I couldn't have my 5-year-old daughters as my bridesmaids and still wear white, now could I?" Andi pulled out her phone and brought up a picture of the entire wedding party and showed it to Elmer and his wife.

"Oh, my!" said the lady, "When Cindy Lou told me 'the bride wore red' I couldn't imagine, but this is beautiful! And Pastor Macy matching in green, so Christmassy! I was expecting sequins and a mini skirt like a real hoochie-coochie dancer."

At that Andi laughed so loud she snorted, "I had a white shawl that was covered with rhinestones and sequins. Does that count?"

"There you go. Great minds think alike. I'm Elinore, by the way." She extended her hand to Andi. "I go by Ellie."

"That should be easy for me to remember. My Nana Olson's name is Elinore. I'm Adrianna Rob... ah... Jarecki," she suddenly burst out giggling at having to correct herself.

"It's ok dearie, you're still getting used to your new life," smiled Ellie. She's been Elinore Ingvist for over 50 years but still remembers getting used to her new name.

"Well, professionally I'm still Doctor Adrianna Roberts, but in real life I'm Andi Jarecki."

"Doc Jarecki caught himself a good one. She knows what all this is for," said Elmer, pointing to Andi's purchases.

"Oh my! You make all this? Lefse, and Sandbakkels, and Krumkake, and Rosettes? Uf da!"

"Oh ja, Nana Olson taught me to make all of those, and I even like lutefisk," said Andi.

"Now that's going a little too far," said Elmer as he punched her purchases into their antique cash register.

Ellie sighed, "I haven't made lefsa in years."

"Come on over to the house, we're going to have a lefsa making party a week before Thanksgiving. We have to teach the girl's governess how to make all these goodies," said Andi, as Paul paid for her purchases and the gas.

"I'll be there! And I'll bring some of Emerling's spuds," said Ellie. "It's just not the holidays without lefse and krumkake."

They said their goodbyes, and as Paul stepped out the door, he leaned back in and said, "Fourth of July, you going to make it this year?"

"We'll be there!" assured Elmer, which got a thumbs up from Paul.

As they got into the Ranger, Andi asked, "What are Emerling spuds?"

"Emerling's is a potato farm on the north end of Trevette road, and their potatoes are incredible. The problem is that their entire crop goes to Wise for potato chips and Ruth's Chris steak house for baking. They're just that good. Ellie's sister married an Emerling years ago, so she has a way to get a few sacks of 'taters come autumn."

"I thought the best potatoes came from Idaho."

"No, Idaho just has the best advertising budget."

"And what was that about the fourth of July?"

"John and I throw a party. We have a potluck picnic, a big bonfire, and we have some fireworks."

When they got back to the farm, Andi hopped out of the truck and climbed back on the tractor. A Ford 8N tractor isn't so big that someone actually has to climb up on it, unless the operator is as short as Andi. As she went back to scraping ice, Paul headed back to the barn and unloaded the jerry cans, locking them up in a secure, grounded locker that was a safe 100 feet from the barn.

By the time he had finished that up, Andi arrived on the tractor. Paul gestured for her to stop, and when she did, he clambered up on the tractor and, bracing his feet on the transmission, he sat back against the main wheel fender. "Plow where you see the tire tracks from my truck," he instructed her, and she did, following those tracks behind the barn, then up the earthen ramp and into the hayloft, where he had her shut it down.

Once the engine shut down and the chickens in the henhouse stopped their outraged clucking, Andi dropped the plow, then hopped down. "I love this tractor," she said as she patted the left fender. "I see what you mean about it. It just feels more powerful than the Kubota. Probably because it's so much bigger."

"Actually, the Kubota has 10 more horsepower and a much more complex hydraulic system. I got the Kubota for the hydraulics, for the front-end loader and the backhoe. But I just love the old Ford for mowing and pulling the hay wagon."

Andi looked around. "I don't think I've ever been up here before," she said finally.

"Probably not," agreed Paul. "The stairs from the workshop come up in what is now the henhouse, you have to come out through the door to get out here. It's the door with the sign 'No chickens Beyond This Point' in big red letters. I haven't brought the girls out here for one exceptionally good reason," and he led her around a wooden wall that divided the loft almost completely in half. Behind that wall was an enormous stack of hay bales, a perfect soft mountain stretching up into the darkness, a cliff of bailed hay just waiting for a child to climb and leap from into an inviting pile of split open bales at the base.

Andi looked at it and pictured the twins swarming over the mountain of hay, climbing and leaping over and over until they were exhausted, or injured, or both. "Very wise decision," she agreed. "Maybe we should check out that haystack, to see if it's safe to roll in." She snuggled up to her husband and cupped his crotch, giving him a playful squeeze, but to her surprise, he winced in pain. "What's the matter?"

"Testicular vasocongestion," he gasped.


"Last night, we did a lot of teasing and touching, but we went to sleep. Then again, this morning in the steam room we were almost there, but... blue balls happens."

Andi smiled. She didn't think 50 year old men got blue balls, then again, as a middle-aged mom, she thought she no longer could cause such a painful reaction in men. She unbuckled his belt as she stared into his deep blue eyes. "Let me fix that for you, daddy" and she sank to her knees. His cock sprang out hard and throbbing and she gobbled his cock the moment she saw it.

Her mouth closed over the big swollen head, and she ran her tongue round and around, which elicited a few rumbles of delight from him. But they were nothing compared to the groaning that came from Paul as her mouth rose and fell over his cock, sucking, swallowing. He felt the head of his cock entering her throat as she plunged her mouth over his cock, over and over.

It didn't take him long. She could feel him get rock hard in her mouth. He finally grabbed her head and groaned as her hand stroked up and down the shaft of his cock, urging the cum out of him. His orgasm was on the both of them before they realized what happened. Her fist slid up and down his length as she held his cock head in her mouth and her tongue slathered around on the sensitive underside of his cock.

It wasn't enough. Paul felt caught on a precipice he couldn't escape from. "I'm sorry honey, but I just have to..." and he pulled Andi to her feet, pushed her into the hay pile and pulled down her jeans and panties. He pressed her knees apart and desperately line his cock up with her pussy. With a firm push, he slid full length into her and began fucking like a madman. Andi shrieked with delight and wrapped her arms around his neck. With her feet still tangled in her jeans and panties, she was completely helpless as he fucked her with savage need.

"Fuck me! Cum in me!" Andi nearly screamed. "Fucking knock me up! Use my cunt! Give it to me!"

They both came in savage fury, trying to fuck each other senseless and eventually, as he pumped the last remains of his semen into her pussy, they slumped into the hay and relaxed. Finally, Paul kissed Andi and when their lips parted she whispered, "I can't believe it took me over a month to get that out of you."


Andi leaned over her husband and said, "You're a perfect gentleman, always sweet and concerned and gentle. But sometimes a girl needs a wild man... like today."

Hand in hand, Andi and Paul entered the cabin, huge smiles on their sated faces, and they were greeted by the twins peeking over the back of the couch singing the new song that Yi just taught them:

Momma and Poppa sitting in a tree

K - I - S - S - I - N - G

First comes love, then comes marriage

Then comes brother in a baby carriage

"Who taught you that song?" Andi asked the giggling twins.

"Miss Yi did," said Sandy, smiling so much she could barely get the words out.

"They came up with their own last line," insisted Yi, "I tried to teach them the way I learned 'Then comes momma with a baby carriage' but they insisted on changing 'momma with' to 'brother in' that carriage."

"They're pretty insistent on having a brother," said Paul as he sat down at the table and pulled Andi into his lap. "Did they have a conference you couldn't understand when they changed the words you taught them?"

"Yep, what do you call it, Twinbabble™?" Yi had seen their conversations with their private language a few times on Andi's Dream. "By the way, did Macy ever get through to you?"

"Macy?" Andi's face went blank. Then realization dawned on her. She pulled her phone out of her pocket with a sheepish grin and noticed several missed calls. "Sorry, we were... preoccupied."

Yi placed three cups of coffee on the table, then sat next to the newlyweds and pulled several pieces of hay out of Andi's hair. "Christening the hayloft? No apology necessary."

Andi looked at her phone and smiled. She hit the speed dial and soon she heard her sister-in-law's beautiful lilting French Canadian accent, "Bonjour chère belle-soeur. Have you christened the entire barn?"

"I take it your niece's governess gave you that idea?" Andi glared at Yi, who didn't even try to look ashamed. She just smiled and sipped her coffee.

"In Canada Français we would say Si cette grange bascule, ne viens pas frapper."

"Which means...?"

"If this barn's a rockin', don't come a knockin'," she said it in the worst excuse for a southern accent Andi had ever heard.

"Well, just the hayloft so far, ummm... twice," said Andi, still looking at Yi, who raised her coffee cup in a toast to her friend/employer. "What do you need, dear?"

"John and I were wondering if you were planning to stay up there for the storm next week and if you were, could we join you?"

Andi was torn. She saw the cabin as her and John's private retreat, their love nest, and she didn't want to share it. It was where they met, where their love blossomed, where they consummated their marriage. But it was probably more John and Macy's cabin than it was hers. They helped Paul build it and spent many, many nights in the cabin since. She must have struggled with her answer for a while because Macy whispered, "It is ok ma chère soeur, it is your..."

"No!" interrupted Andi. "of course we love to have you, but we have dibs on the couch."

"Incroyable. It's so much warmer upstairs."

"It's going to be crowded up there with Yi, the twins, and Wonka."

Macy laughed, "we will put two cots together and use curtains for intimité. John and I have a faire un pari, a wager on when the girls will drive Yi out of her nice soft bed into a tiny cot."

Andi had the speaker phone on so Yi heard the details of Macy and John's bet and called out "It ain't gonna happen!"

"Let's do coffee after church tomorrow," said Andi, "and we can get our shopping list set up."

<><><><><> ֎ <><><><><>

Yi didn't make it to church with her employers, and they never made church attendance a requirement. However, even if Yi had wanted to attend church, she was not in condition to go. At some point early in the evening, Paul had mentioned a combination of coffee, hot chocolate, and Peppermint Schnapps, which Yi tried and enjoyed a lot. Yi rolled out of bed about an hour after the Jarecki family left. Yi tried to steam the alcohol out of her system in the basement, and she baked cinnamon rolls, which would be ready in time for everyone when they arrived home from church. She was in the garage taking inventory of the huge upright freezer when they returned from church. She was fully dressed, but rather than put on a coat to go out into the garage, she pulled on her heavy bathrobe, which turned out to be warmer than any of the jackets she brought from Florida.

Andi pulled her car up to the garage and emerged, then ducked into the back seat of her Taurus and released the twins from their child seats. But Paul was nowhere to be seen. At the sound of the twins being released from the car, Wonka burst out of the doggie-door and scampered down the steps like a young pup eager to spend time with his girls. The twins immediately started making snowballs and tossing them as high into the air as they could for Wonka to catch, then the three of them ran off into the backyard, the girls following Wonka's tracks through the snow.

As Andi collected hats, mittens, sippy cups, and coloring projects from Sunday School, out of the back seat of her car, Yi asked, "Where's Doctor Paul?"

"Oh, he bought a new truck, one he said was more appropriate for the farm. He'll be home with it shortly."

"What is he going to do with the Ranger?" Yi loved the four door, coffee brown, small pickup.

Andi tossed Yi a set of keys. "We're going to trade it for something appropriate for a larger family. Here, you drive it until then," and she walked into the house with her arms loaded with the twins' possessions. Yi was nearly in shock as she stared at the key fob in her hand, and as soon as the spell allowed her to do so, she sprinted back to the garage to inspect her new toy.

The features were incredible, four-wheel drive, 10 speed transmission, Waze navigation, Alexa interface, the list of features went on and on, and when she loaded up the Ford app on her cell phone, she found she could remotely lock, unlock, and start it. She could spend all day playing in this truck and never have to leave the driveway. The keyless ignition was just too cool for words, and the features went spiraling upward from there.

When she exited the garage, still dressed in her bathrobe and boots, she found a 1978 Ford F-150 half-ton pickup truck in the driveway. It was in great shape for its age, but everything about it just screamed "antique" to Yi. From the five amber clearance lights on the cab roof, to the camper/cap on the back, to the 102 inch whip CB antenna, it was a relic of a bygone era. She even bet that it had a standard transmission. The twins were upset that there was a seat in the covered bed and from their complaining attitudes, Yi guessed that someone had just told them they can't ride in the camper. Andi was looking at it with a look of disapproval on her face, too. As Yi got closer, she heard their discussion.

"I know I have to learn, but I really don't know if I can reach the pedals," said Andi.

"If you want to drive my car when I put it back on the road, you will have to drive this first," insisted Paul. "Let's take it around the block and I'll show you some advantages in this old girl has over the Ranger."

"Ok," said Andi with a big sigh, and she turned to Yi. "Can you watch the munchkins for a couple of minutes while Paul shows me his new toy?"

"Sure, I didn't know you guys were into antiques."

Turning her back to Paul, Andi gestured toward him and mouthed the words "I married one," then she stepped up to the passenger door and tried to get in, but she couldn't, her legs were too short for the step up into the cab. "I can't get in," she said sadly.

As Paul walked over to the passenger side, he said, "Maybe this old antique can help you."

"I can't believe you heard that."

"Heard what?" He grinned and gave Yi a wink, then helped Andi in the cab of his new acquisition. Then, patting the fender and hood, he walked back to the driver's side and swung in with ease. He fired it up and eased it out onto the street.

"Poppa's so mean," whined Sandy. "He got a neat truck and won't let us ride in it."

"It doesn't have a back seat, so he can't put your b... safety seats in it." Yi almost said, 'baby seats,' which would have set Sandy off.

"It has a seat in the back," insisted Madeline. "Mister Ernie showed us."

"There's no heater back there, you'll get awful cold."

"We got our coats on," pouted Sandy.

"There's no radio back there either, no Baby Shark songs."

For a moment Yi thought the girls were going to agree with her, but after a long pause Madeline said, "We know the words, we can sing it."

Before Yi could respond to that statement, the big white pickup truck pulled into the driveway, and Yi saw Andi was almost sitting on Paul's lap with his arm around her. It's been a long time since Yi had seen a vehicle with a front bench seat, and she was far too young to have ever taken advantage of that design. The blissful smile on Andi's cute face showed Yi that her boss approved of the arrangement, and the twins didn't miss the kiss their momma gave their poppa after he shut down the truck. They walked back to the house, singing the song that Yi taught them at the cabin.

John and Macy arrived not long after, and the family gathered in the kitchen for fresh coffee and the cinnamon rolls that Yi baked earlier in the morning. "Where's Mister Ernie?" asked John as he looked around, expecting to see Ernie and Mary Kraft. "we saw his truck in the driveway."