All Good Things Come in Twos

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Thomas and me are eager to experience again a threesome.
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My husband Thomas and I, Ute, had spoken to each other after the 'accident' with a brother's girlfriend. (Please read "Catalyst"). We agreed that we wanted to experience this again, to try sex as a threesome, and also with a man, instead of another woman. I had always liked it a bit more intense, and doing it with two men at the same time was a fantasy that really got my head spinning. With Thomas around, I didn't have to worry about something happening that I didn't want.

The means of choice to make these dreams come true was, of course, the internet. We knew that finding a woman who wanted to have sex in a threesome, and to have sex with a woman, would probably be difficult. As a confidence-building measure, I was to take over the search, as Thomas was pretty busy anyway; contact from woman to woman was certainly easier. I was also able to choose the men I liked for our two-men-one-woman threesome directly.

I created profiles on various dating sites. Searching for a woman turned out to be difficult. There were requests or replies, but I quickly realized that most of them were fakes, men who had probably read my answers and description and jerked off in the process. Then there were also women who didn't quite match our expectations. Finally, there were a few 'unicorns', as the Anglo-Americans called them, who we liked and who could and wanted to do something with me. But they lived so far away that there were no real opportunities. So the air was thin and the supply scarce.

With the men, it was the other way around. I was drowning in replies and requests. Most of them could be sorted out straight away, as they were all lowbrow erotomaniacs. Many also shied away from the fact that I wouldn't be alone. Then, there was a considerable number of men who wanted to be 'punished' by me and also wanted to have sex with my husband.

I had to admit that the idea of watching two men having sex could have physical consequences for me. In my mind's eye, the men were naturally slim, athletic and good looking. Unfortunately, reality was different. And above all, my husband wasn't bisexual at all, nor was I dominant-- just a bit submissive during sex. So that wasn't an alternative, either.

Some of those in the latter category were also persistent to the point of being pushy, and were very demanding about how quickly and through which channels a woman should communicate with them. I asked myself the almost philosophical question of whether the gentleman was really submissive when he made such demands of his future dominatrix. It made me want to spank these men, albeit non-erotically. Was that the real goal?

Be that as it may, the offers were narrowed down. We then dated a few gentlemen, and realized that they hadn't been very precise with the information in their profiles-- that they they'd missed out ten years of life; that they'd led a life in the fast lane, which was reflected in their faces; or, sometimes, that they had overseen to mention that they were fifteen kilograms overweight. All in all, it was pretty sobering.

But then an interesting contact finally opened up. However, this had the typical internet disadvantage that Kiel and Passau met, as I always say. For Americans it would mean that "Anchorge meets Dallas".


In fact, it was us in the Rhineland, with him in Switzerland. I wondered why Urs-- that was what the gentleman called himself-- had contacted me at all. There was no chance of a long-term arrangement. Thomas and I had no interest in 'flying from flower to flower.' Well, I could think of one reason why Urs got in touch, despite the unfavorable starting position. It was me.

I was in my mid-40s at the time, with dark blonde hair, was slim and athletic, not ugly; I thought my appearance still aroused (and still arouses!) considerable interest in the world of men. It was also obvious that we weren't rednecks-- stupid didn't fuck well, brain was sexy. So Urs might have hoped that, contrary to geography, something could be made possible after all.

I read his email, and yes, I did get the impression that I would like to meet the gentleman if it were somehow possible. Urs stated (and everything on the internet is true, as Abraham Lincoln said) that he was a businessman and regularly traveled to the Rhineland. We could meet, get to know each other, and see if we could imagine more. By his own admission, he was fifty-five, about ten years older than me, and a few years older than my husband. That wasn't a problem, I'd never really been into younger men.

His photo showed a rather handsome man, with a narrow, sharply cut face, black and gray well-groomed hair, a gray, short-cropped beard and a lot of laugh lines on his face. Not bad, I thought, as I found (and still find) laugh lines or a somewhat wrinkled face, quite sexy on a man.

(A note to any mockers: Yes, women also have an impression of who looks better than others. And on most dating portals, a photo is the first thing that catches the eye.)

But Urs also stood out with his writing in his emails. I certainly wouldn't go to bed with a handsome redneck.

According to Urs, he was a businessman who regularly travelled around the Rhineland. It would make sense to meet up, talk and find out whether the chemistry was good enough to imagine more. However, I was a little put off by the sexual preferences listed in his profile. It was clear that he belonged to the latex-and-leather faction, and that he was a dominant BDSM lover. That wasn't a bad thing, in principle, as my husband and I had experimented a bit. I had always liked being touched harder and I also liked a good slap on the bottom during sex in the right mood. But pain beyond that wasn't my thing at all. That had to be clarified because I wouldn't, for example, let myself be whipped, to have my breasts tied off, or to have a gag put on, and I didn't want to be maltreated with needles.

Then another really important question arose. Would I, maybe, like him too much? Would it disrupt my relationship with my husband? Urs was really interesting. Only then, did I truly understand that my husband and I were playing with fire.

In the evening, I told my husband about this contact; I said openly that I really liked Urs.

My husband grinned. "Ute, it seems to me that I have more trust in myself and you, than you have in yourself. We had children together and ate many a sack of salt together. Do you really think that it can be lost so quickly?"

That gave me something to think about. Was I afraid because I didn't see myself in my marriage? I was no longer cranky, like I was when I was younger. But right then, with our shared 'second spring' and the exciting new experiences and desires in the area of sexuality, the relationship was truly revitalized and more exciting than ever.

Thomas is right, I thought, a life together can only be quickly pushed aside if something was already wrong. But right now, it was just great with Thomas.

I smiled at Thomas. "You're right. I love you and it will stay that way!" Then I kissed him on the mouth.

That was how it was sealed. We would throw ourselves into this adventure.

Urs was very pleased to read about us, and suggested meeting in Düsseldorf in a month's time. That wasn't far away. We agreed and arranged a date at his hotel; (no, dear readers,) not to XXX directly, but to make small talk at the hotel bar. Whether we would do it together later... was another question. It was one thing to fantasize about, but when it came to deciding, it was a lot harder in reality.

Thomas and I were both very excited about Urs. I dressed up a bit and dressed femininely, but not overly erotic. I chose a black cocktail dress, the famous 'little black dress' which had an asymmetrical neckline and one strap, a 'socially inconspicuous' neckline, with a tight pearl necklace; complete with dark tights and pumps, which were already feminine, but not slutty. I was happy with my outfit, and so was Thomas.

Thomas smiled, and said, "If he doesn't respond to that, he's not a man!"

We disguised the trip to Düsseldorf as an invitation from friends to Grandma, who had to look after the children. There was a crackling atmosphere between my husband and me. The background of the date excited me, and I wanted to undress myself and my husband straight away and... But unfortunately there was no time for that.

We drove to the hotel in Düsseldorf; it belonged to one of the big chains. We entered and looked around. On the left, there was a restaurant which also seemed to have a bar attached. The spacious room opened up with an elongated bar on the right side, gleaming with chrome, black surfaces, and mirrors. On the opposite side, there were small tables and chairs. Urs was sitting at one of them in a dark suit. I smiled. He obviously wanted to present a serious and well-groomed impression.

The hotel bar was not very busy in the late afternoon, which was fine with us. This way, no one would hear the content of our conversation. Urs saw us, smiled, and stood up to shake hands with Thomas and me. That was a very pleasant start. Urs looked a little better in person than in his photos.

"I am very happy that it worked out today. Very nice, and I think I should mention that..." Urs smiled a little mischievously. "Thomas, you should consider yourself lucky, I think, you have a very beautiful wife!"

Urs was quite the gentleman. He spoke German with a Swiss accent. However, judging by his Mediterranean appearance, he could have had ancestors from Italian or French-speaking Switzerland. A really interesting man.

Thomas smiled. "I know!" was all he said.

Yes, I admit it, his words were like music to my ears; I thought this kind of indirect compliment to my husband from Urs was quite clever. It was a compliment to me, but directed at my husband and, from my point of view, showed he didn't want to force himself into the marriage. Perhaps, some emancipated women would find that stupid because I appeared to be an appendage to my husband, but I didn't see it that way.

Then we made the usual small talk at first. What we did, or what he did, what you would do in your free time. But Urs then took the initiative, and went a little more 'in medias res'.

"If I've understood correctly, would this be your first time with a second man?" asked Urs.

Thomas confirmed, "Yes, that's the case. We really would be newcomers. It would mainly be about Ute. I'm not bi. It's just a fantasy shared by the two of us."

Urs looked at Thomas. "You're sure you won't get jealous if I get involved with Ute? Have you actually imagined that? Please do that. Imagine it as concretely as possible. I'm lying between her legs, thrusting and she's obviously aroused, let's say she's moaning loudly. How does this idea make you feel?"

Phew, I thought, Urs is really going for it. His description automatically made my head spin and I had to admit, the idea made me wet. I was a bit embarrassed and I was afraid I was going to blush. Urs, the philanderer, then looked at me with a smile and, as it seemed to me at the time, a knowing look. He knows exactly what's going on between your legs, I thought.

Then Thomas replied, "I think it's good, Urs, that you're warning me. You're right. We need to know exactly what we're doing. We've been through this before in a different constellation with a woman. I think I see it the way Ute saw it back then. It just turns me on that my wife is so horny that one man isn't enough. It's just sex and... sorry... You are then something like a means to an end for us. We use you to maximize our pleasure, so to speak!"

I was curious to see how Urs would react. Urs grinned, and said with a laugh, "That's okay. I told you that I like BDSM as the dominant partner. As a Dom, I also see myself as a tool for my sub to give her pleasure. If that's the case, it's okay. And I notice that you have thought about it. That's good, you're not naïve. To be completely honest, I would love to try it with you!" And then he looked at me, in particular.

Whoa... that is a look. I got even wetter. I then got involved. It was actually mainly about me because I would be going to bed with Urs, not Thomas.

"I think I would like to dare. Thomas, what do you think?" I said quite quietly.

I was afraid you could hear quite clearly that I was aroused. I could feel the heat rising in my cleavage, neck and cheeks. I must have turned quite red from pleasure and some shame at the pleasure I was feeling.

Thomas looked at me, smiling, and also looking, somehow, knowingly; he probably sensed how I was feeling. I was a little annoyed that I seemed to be such an open book. But I found the situation really quite exciting.

Then my husband said, "I'm in!" Thomas then brought up the subject of BDSM and that we were also beginners. I intervened, and made it clear that I wasn't into pain beyond a slap, and that my breasts, in particular, shouldn't be maltreated. Urs just said that he hadn't even thought about BDSM elements in the game for a first time. That reassured me a lot.

We then discussed when and how we could see each other. All sides had to organize something. Thomas made it clear, again, that he wasn't a cuckold, but Urs had already understood that beforehand. I found it all incredibly exciting. We finally said goodbye.

On the way back, I asked my husband, "What do you think of him?"

Thomas smiled. "After almost twenty years of marriage and three children, I find him nice and interesting. If you were my girlfriend and not my wife, I would probably be less relaxed!"

I laughed and put my hand on his thigh, reassuringly. "Yes, he looks good, he knows how to behave, he tells interesting stories, but you don't have to be afraid, really!"

Thomas' reply reassured me that the two gentlemen had clearly recognized my condition. "Ute, I know you. You were totally horny. You were almost glowing, weren't you, or am I right?"

Shit, I thought, everyone saw it. Hopefully, not the hotel staff, too. Then, I answered Thomas' question, "I found the situation pretty exciting. I mean, when do you talk to a stranger about your sexual preferences in a hotel? It doesn't go unnoticed!"

One of the reasons I married Thomas was because he's not stupid, and I can't fool him. He proved that again, and I loved (and love) him for that, among other things.

"Ute, be honest... when he described how he fucks you, you got totally wet!"

But, I had to argue a little, "A little bit excited, yes, fine." I lied.

Thomas, the carrion, reached between my legs during the ride and triumphantly showed me his finger. "My darling, you're still wet!"

"Stupid," I said, half angry that he had caught me and half excited that he had touched me. I remembered the situation in the hotel just then, and Shit, I thought, I'm getting even wetter.

Thomas laughed out loud, and just said: "At home, you'll get 'stupid'!"

That didn't help, either. I was then longing to go home, so that Thomas could spend time with me. Yes, we weren't able to rush home straight away because we still had to pick up the children, but I would remember it to be a long and exciting night.

In the days that followed, the plans for a date with Urs took shape. There was intensive email contact. He would be back in the Rhineland and in Düsseldorf in a month's time. He suggested meeting up on a weekend. We then had to organize childcare. We told Grandma about a concert at the Tonhalle in Düsseldorf, followed by a meal and an overnight stay. We also rented a room in his hotel, where we would sleep 'afterwards' because if everything went well, the night would be long and we would probably be drinking. I found it quite exciting as it slowly took shape.

Shortly before the date, we exchanged HIV tests. It was certainly not very romantic, but our health came first. Even when Urs had made a very well-groomed impression, he could have had bad luck during his previous adventures. And he had no way of knowing what we were up to. "Trust is good, control is better", as Lenin once said.

And then the time had come. It was a Saturday in spring. I was faced with the question of what was a woman supposed to wear for such an occasion. I had to laugh inside. I was then choosing clothes to look attractive in, and then quickly taking them off again. This was a classic paradox, it seemed to me. I solved the problem by thinking about our cover story for Grandma, who was supposed to be looking after the children. So, I dressed as if I was going to a classical concert-- an elegant dress, pumps, and subtle makeup.

However, I made a change for the event. Instead of tights, I wore thigh-high stockings. I would never normally wear them because I don't like the pressure on my thighs. I usually wore tights, knee-highs, socks, or no stockings at all. But since I knew that men liked them, I made an exception for this event. Thomas was wearing a suit. Hmmmmm, that got me in the mood again, because I like men in suits, or even tuxedos.

Thomas was also wide-eyed when he saw me in black underwear and thigh-highs. "Oh... the lady is wearing sexy lingerie for the Swiss?" Thomas remarked, somewhat sarcastically.

"No," I countered, "For the special event and you're there, too, and get something out of it. So, for both of you! Okay?"

Thomas grinned. "You bet I have, and will get something out of it!" He gave me a pat on the bottom. He was already in his suit and looked great. I would have loved to fall all over him.

The children were then picked up by their grandparents, and my husband and I set off. We didn't talk much in the car. The upcoming event made my stomach turn a little and I was afraid that I may have bitten off too much. But Thomas is with me, I thought, and that calmed me down again. We parked in the hotel's underground garage, took the elevator up, and went to the bar.

Urs was already sitting there at a small table, a little secluded from the rest of the bar. He was also wearing a dark suit. I thought Urs looked very smart; he had something of Omar Sharif about him. I was already starting to get wet between my legs again. We greeted each other, he gave me a kiss on the cheek... woah... with the background of our meeting in my head, I was already aroused by the touch of his lips.

"What would you like to drink?" Urs asked us. We decided on champagne. Urs was completely uninhibited; the situation was obviously not new to him. I wondered how often he had experienced something like this before. The conversation rippled on about trivialities.

Then Urs took the floor, and asked, "Shall we go to my room?"

Things got serious. I was nervous and excited. My nerves were on edge.

My husband said, "We have a double room here. That should probably be bigger!" Thomas grinned. "Especially the bed, I think!"

Urs winked with one eye. "Feel invited. I've rented a suite especially for you! So to me, not to you!" We all had to laugh.

Yes, the world is coming to an end. His suite, then. We made our way across the stone slabs of the shiny, dark brown floor to the hotel elevator. My legs were shaking a little with excitement. Somehow, it was like the first time. The elevator hummed. It went 'ping', the doors opened, and a few people got out. We got in with other guests. I tried to take an unobtrusive look at one of the mirror walls in the elevator to see myself. I had red marks on my neckline.

Oh God, I thought, everyone can see that I want to get it on with two men.

I tried to look as calm as possible. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. The three of us stepped out. My heart was pounding in my throat.

"This way, please!" said Urs, and went ahead. A moment later, he stopped in front of a door, put down the code card and the door popped open. We stepped inside. There were two rooms. One room was furnished like a small living room, with a gray upholstered couch and a glass coffee table in front of it; a little further back, in a corner, there was another armchair in red. Modern and functional, I thought. Next to it was another room with a closet and a wide, relatively high double bed.